HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 07/15/2020 TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR July 15, 2020, 6:00 p.m. Virtual Meeting Via Zoom 7/15 /2020 – MINUTES Page 1 FOR REFERENCE: Chair: Indy Hart Vice Chair: Council Liaison: Nathalie Rachline Kristin Stephens Staff Liaison: Aaron Iverson 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Hart called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 2. ROLL CALL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Indy Hart, Chair Nathalie Rachline, Vice Chair Jerry Gavaldon York Ellen Boeke Matt Liberati Kevin Borchert Cari Brown BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None CITY STAFF PRESENT: Aaron Iverson Nicole Hahn Amanda Mansfield Tracey Lipfert Tessa Greegor PUBLIC PRESENT: None 3. AGENDA REVIEW Iverson stated there were no changes to the published agenda. 4. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION None. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – FEBRUARY 2020 Rachline made a motion, seconded by York, to approve the February 2020 minutes as amended to change the Call to Order to be done by Vice Chair Rachline. The motion was adopted unanimously. TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 7/15 /2020 – MINUTES Page 5 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Timberline Widening Project Update – Nicole Hahn Nicole Hahn, Engineering Department Manager for the Timberline Widening Project, outlined the project area, current conditions, and project goals. She noted there are higher than expected crashes in the area due to existing congestion. Hahn stated the project is currently in the preliminary design phase and initial meetings with property owners have occurred. She noted there has been a need for a great deal of right-of-way acquisition and stated construction is slated for spring of 2021. Hahn outlined the design alternative process and discussed the planned grade - separated crossing and trail connection. Members discussed certain options for signalization. Rachline encouraged the consideration of pedestrian and bicyclist safety. Hahn discussed the proposed design for sidewalks and bike lanes. Hahn discussed the necessary tree removal and mitigation plan and detailed proposed cross section designs. Gavaldon requested information regarding project cost. Hahn replied the project budget is about $5.3 million as is, or $6.2 million including the Hansen Farms portion. She stated she would send more detailed information regarding the budget to Boardmembers. York asked if any of the funding is at risk given COVID. Hahn replied the City's budget has yet to be passed; however, this is a federally funded project so it is likely to continue as is. York asked about the cost of a grade-separated crossing at the Mail Creek Ditch. Hahn replied that cost would be about $900,000. Chair Hart commended the project. b. E-Scooters and Bike Share Program Update – Amanda Mansfield, Tracey Lipfert, Tessa Greegor Amanda Mansfield, FC Moves, discussed the E-scooter program and ridership data, noting the scooters were pulled from March until July 8th due to COVID. She stated the new Bird 2 scooters are slated to be in place at the end of summer. Mansfield discussed the changes that have been made since the July launch, including enhanced cleaning protocols and a change from quarterly payments to per ride payments. TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 7/15 /2020 – MINUTES Page 5 Mansfield discussed the Zagster/Pace bike share program which started in 2016. The contract was expected to expire in August of 2020; however, the company scaled back its operations in March and ultimately terminated the bike share program on May 27th in response to COVID. Mansfield stated the City issued a request for information on June 1st to potential bike share vendors. She noted the City will not be able to sponsor the bike share program due to the COVID-related economic downturn and is therefore considering finding a vendor that can operate at no cost to the City and that could provide multiple modes including bikes, E-bikes, and E- scooters. Rachline noted COVID-related lifestyle changes need to be considered in order to make the program successful in reducing vehicle miles travelled and making people feel safe. Mansfield noted scooters are sanitized multiple times per day and that is considered as part of the request for information. Brown stated the idea of having one app for all modes is positive. Gavaldon thanked Mansfield for providing the Bird ridership data. Mansfield outlined the topics for the October 27th Council worksession, which include Bird 2 functionality, safety, ridership, and community popularity, and a review of the submittals from the request for information. She requested Boardmembers provide input on the Zagster and Bird programs to this point and input on what they would like to see moving forward. Brown discussed her concern that complaints going directly to Bird may not be reported to City staff but stated she has been pleased with not seeing many scooters blocking sidewalks. York stated there was a lack of messaging around the use of bikes for short trips in the southeastern part of town. Brown commended the development of an education curriculum for the use of bikes and scooters. York asked if a survey of station sponsors has been conducted. Tessa Greegor replied there has yet to be a formal survey; however, sponsors have been contacted and asked for input around the next iteration of bike share in Fort Collins. York suggested that information be included in the Council presentation. Rachline asked if a survey of other cities with cancelled programs has occurred and noted economic viability must be considered. Tracey Lipfert, FC Moves Active Modes Specialist, discussed the comprehensive curriculum for E-scooter safety and education and provided a quiz to Boardmembers. Boardmembers had a discussion regarding what constitutes safe signaling for scooter riders. TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 7/15 /2020 – MINUTES Page 5 Brown encouraged the inclusion of information in the education curriculum related to the fact that leaving E-scooters in the middle of a sidewalk can greatly inhibit access for individuals using mobility devices. Liberati asked if there are repercussions for leaving the scooters in unauthorized areas. Lipfert replied riders must take a photo of the scooter showing prop er parking at the end of each ride, and if not properly parked, the user will continue to get charged. Brown asked if riders can be banned from the app if they habitually break parking rules. Lipfert replied in the affirmative. c. Low Stress Bike Network P romotion – Tessa Greegor Tessa Greegor, FC Moves Active Modes Manager, discussed COVID-related issues affecting FC Moves, including program budget impacts and shifting community outreach to a virtual platform; however, there has been a significant demand f or biking and walking opportunities which has created some congestion challenges on trails. Because of this, staff is attempting to enhance the marketing of on -street bikeways through various on-line resources. Greegor discussed the recent receipt of a grant from People for Bikes to support low stress network enhancements. She stated the funding is being primarily focused on wayfinding and bicycle ambassadors to help with the installation of pavement markings. Greegor outlined the progress on projects needed to complete the low stress bikeway. She stated several projects have recently been completed in the northwest part of town. She also discussed the recent improvements to West Elizabeth Street that include buffered bike lanes. Greegor discussed the "Shift Your Ride" promotion for September which aims to encouraged community members to shift one car trip per week to a sustainable mode of transportation. York asked if the usual bike counts will occur in September. Greegor replied staff is still hoping to provide counts but there are questions around its scale at this point. Borchert asked about the William Neal Parkway/Ziegler crossing and the lack of a way to stop cars. He asked how a pedestrian light might be considered at that location. Greegor replied that crossing has been considered many times over the last few years and the latest information is that the crossing is tied to future development in the area. Boardmembers discussed the trail and bikeway improvements to the northeast part of town. TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 7/15 /2020 – MINUTES Page 5 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Gavaldon discussed an email he sent to staff regarding Parks planning and stated he would like to discuss it in August. York reported on the Planning and Zoning Board virtual meetings noting the Board is only dealing with issues of immediate importance. He also reported on a Senate bill that defines a bicycle lane and establishes that bicyclists have the right-of-way in those lanes in all circumstances. He stated he would like to discuss the impact of that bill and its enforcement at a future meeting. York reported on the Our Climate Future workshops and CDOT's request for input on the state's transportation plans. Borchert reported on attending the Colorado Transit 101 course. Brown reported Poudre School District will be drastically limiting the number of students who will be riding buses; therefore, there will be a great deal of additional traffic around schools should they open for in-person learning. Liberati introduced himself and discussed his background. Other Boardmembers and Aaron Iverson, FC Moves acting manager, introduced themselves. Chair Hart made a motion, seconded by Brown, to formally thank Paul Sizemore for his work and efforts with the Board over the years. The motion was adopted unanimously. Chair Hart requested input regarding how the Board would like to manage virtual meetings moving forward. Rachline supported using the 'raise hand' feature. Gavaldon requested Boardmembers receive electronic presentations prior to meeting s. York suggested all votes be done by roll call and discussed how the Planning and Zoning Board handles public participation and suggested the Board do the same. He suggested putting a technical liaison in place for any connectivity issues. 9. OTHER BUSINESS a. Bicycle Advisory Committee Report Gavaldon stated there is a BAC meeting later this month. b. City Council 6-Month Calendar Review Iverson reviewed Council's 6-Month calendar noting Council will be discussing the Parks and Recreation Master Plan at an August worksession and E-scooters will be discussed October 27th, as mentioned. He noted Council will be dealing with various budget meetings over the next few months and stated the public engagement plan for the budget will be released in the next few days. c. Staff Liaison Report Iverson discussed the impact of COVID on the City's budget noting this will only be a TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 7/15 /2020 – MINUTES Page 5 single-year budget rather than the typical two-year budget. He stated 2020 budget cuts are close to being finalized and the Planning, Development, and Transportation section will be losing a variety of programs; however, there will be no personnel impacts. He outlined the 2020 budget impacts for FC Moves noting the Safe Routes to School program will remain fully funded for 2020 and 2021. Iverson recommended the Board discuss the budget more fully at its August meeting. York requested an update on the impact of CSU students returning on Transfort service. Gavaldon requested an update on CSU football and related traffic and transit impacts. Brown requested an update on how bus cleaning is impacting service and on Dial -a- Taxi voucher use. 10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. by unanimous consent.