HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/11/2019 - Landmark Preservation Commission - Agenda - Work SessionMeg Dunn, Chair City Council Chambers Alexandra Wallace, Co-Vice Chair City Hall West Kristin Gensmer, Co-Vice Chair 300 Laporte Avenue Michael Bello Fort Collins, Colorado Mollie Bredehoft Katie Dorn Kevin Murray Anne Nelsen Anna Simpkins Fort Collins is a Certified Local Government (CLG) authorized by the National Park Service and History Colorado based on its compliance with federal and state historic preservation standards. CLG standing requires Fort Collins to maintain a Landmark Preservation Commission composed of members of which a minimum of 40% meet federal standards for professional experience from preservation-related disciplines, including, but not limited to, historic architecture, architectural history, archaeology, and urban planning. For more information, see Article III, Division 19 of the Fort Collins Municipal Code. The City of Fort Collins will make reasonable accommodations for access to City services, programs, and activities and will make special communication arrangements for persons with disabilities. Please call 221-6515 (TDD 224-6001) for assistance. An audio recording of the meeting is available upon request. Work Session SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 5:30 PM • CALL TO ORDER • ROLL CALL • REVIEW OF ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING TO BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 AT 5:30 P.M. IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CONSENT 1. CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 21, 2019 2. STAFF DESIGN REVIEW DECISIONS ON DESIGNATED PROPERTIES SINCE AUGUST 21, 2019 LPC MEETING DISCUSSION 3. 1112 MATHEWS STREET – REVIEW OF PROPOSED DEMOLITION OF DANGEROUS BARN LOCATED IN THE LAUREL SCHOOL NATIONAL REGISTER DISTRICT 4. 629 S HOWES – DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 5. 117 N SHERWOOD STREET – REQUEST FOR NON-HISTORIC ROOF MATERIAL Landmark Preservation Commission AGENDA Packet Pg. 1 • BOARD TOPICS 1. University Acres: Research Report 2. LPC Work Plan – Progress and Priorities • OTHER BUSINESS • ADJOURNMENT Packet Pg. 2 DATE: STAFF: September 11, 2019 Maren Bzdek, Senior Historic Preservation Planner WORK SESSION ITEM Landmark Preservation Commission SUBJECT FOR DISCUSSION University Acres: Research Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Anna Simpkins, a candidate for an M.S. in Construction Management at Colorado State University and member of the Fort Collins Landmark Preservation Commission, will present the findings of her student research project on University Acres, a midcentury Fort Collins residential neighborhood that was developed from the late 1950s to 1972. The research project provides a context summary of the neighborhood’s site history, development history and patterns; its defining characteristics, primary building types and styles, and typical materials and design features; and windshield-level survey results for each property along with an initial assessment of the neighborhood’s historic district potential. ATTACHMENTS 1. University Acres LPC Presentation 2. University Acres Report 3. University Acres Properties Summary Packet Pg. 3 University Acres Anna Simpkins Spring 2019 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 4 Neighborhood Metrics  331 buildings  321 single family residences  1 triplex  3 duplexes  1 multifamily  2 commercial  2 places of worship  1 school BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 5 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 6                                                                        BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 8 Charles Bruce Andrews  1893-1904  Associate of Abner Loomis  “Shadeland Place”  Shetland Pony Farm  Groves of fruit trees  Residence with four agricultural buildings  Apple and cherry orchards BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 9 State Board of Agriculture  1903-1958  Experiment Station  Road surfacing and horse breeding early research efforts  Crop research: beets, alfalfa, apple trees, weeds  Fireproof seed shed  Utilized Andrews’ house and buildings and added more BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 10 Everitt/Tiley Partnership  1957-University Acres, Inc  May & Bill Tiley, Bob Everitt  $2,150/acre  Everitt Lumber supplied early building materials  Sold lots to builders and individuals  Intended to be 100% residential BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 11 Neighborhood  Approximately 10 original owners  No demolitions  Connected to Old Town Neighborhoods with no major arterial crossing  Pitkin Bikeway  Situated between PVH and CSU BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 12 Architecture  Contemporary  Ranch  Styled-Ranch  Tri-Level Split  Bi-Level  Minimal Traditional  Mansard BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 13 Materials BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 14 Builders  John Rostek – 22 houses, primarily ranch style  Harold Miller/Poudre Valley Construction – 30 houses  R.W. Scheller – 10 houses, all styles  Harvey Schultz – 12 houses, ranch and tri-level split  Les Allison – 12 houses, primarily ranch style  Frank Terrel – 17 houses, minimal traditional, tri-level split BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 15 Non-Residential  LifePointe Church (Non-contributing)  First United Methodist Church  Lesher Middle School  1517 S. Lemay  1501 S. Lemay BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 16 Significance  Criterion C – Distinctive characteristics of mid-twentieth century residential architecture and street pattern.  Criterion B – association with developers and builders and their influence on midcentury neighborhoods and commercial properties in Fort Collins.  All aspects of integrity remain intact. BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 17 Residential Properties  Individually Significant  813 Buckeye St  821 Buckeye St.  91 Edwards St.  1101 Ellis St.  1109 Ellis St.  708 Garfield St.  1019 Garfield St.  1209 Green St.  1220 Green St.  800 E. Lake St.  820 E. Lake St.  1313 Lory St.  1212 Morgan St.  1329 Robertson St.  1105 Williams St.  Non-Contributing  1109 Ellis St.  712 Garfield St.  808 E. Lake St.  1213 Lory St.  908 Pitkin St.  1044 E. Prospect Rd. BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 18 Midcentury Suburban Fort Collins: University Acres Anna Simpkins May 2019 Presented to the City of Fort Collins in fulfillment of History 611: US Research Seminar, Colorado State University, Dr . Jared Orsi BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 19 The author would like to thank Maren Bzdek, Karen McWilliams, and Cassandra Bumgarner with the City of Fort Collins for access to historic property files and GIS software; Brad March at March, Olive & Pharris, LLC Attorneys at Law for private University Acres records and city directories, Sharon Rostek Ross for information about John Rostek, and Dale Terrel for information about Frank Terrel. Cover Photos 7RS5RZ%XFNH\H6W*DUÀHOG6W1HZVRP6WUHHW 0LGGOH5RZ/RU\6W(DVW3LWNLQ6WUHHW(DVW/DNH6WUHHW %RWWRP5RZ6WRYHU6W(3LWNLQ6W(OOLV6WUHHW University Acres  BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 20 University Acres  Summary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ÀFDWLRQVRQWKHVWUHHWIDFLQJH[WHULRUIDFDGHV7KHQHLJKERUKRRG·V ORFDWLRQ DQG KLVWRU\ OLQN LW WR &RORUDGR 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ OHVV WKDQ D PLOHWRWKHZHVW8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVLVDJUHDWH[DPSOHRIDPLGFHQWXU\ VXEXUEDQKRXVLQJGHYHORSPHQWWKDWKDVEHFRPHDFHQWUDODUHDZLWKLQDQ H[SDQGLQJFLW\ Neighborhood Context 8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVLVDPHGLXPVL]HGGHYHORSPHQWLQDUHVLGHQWLDO DUHD ZLWKLQ WKH &LW\ RI  )RUW &ROOLQV 7KH QHLJKERUKRRG LV URXJKO\ ERXQGHGRQWKHQRUWKE\(DVW(OL]DEHWK6WUHHWRQWKHHDVWE\6RXWK /HPD\$YHQXHRQWKHVRXWKE\(DVW3URVSHFW5RDGDQGRQWKHZHVWE\ 6WRYHU6WUHHWZLWKDVOLJKWMRJWRWKHZHVWEHWZHHQ(GZDUGVDQG(OL]DEHWK 6WUHHWV7KHQHLJKERUKRRGZDVQHDUWKHHDVWHUQFLW\OLPLWZKHQLWZDV GHYHORSHG EHWZHHQ WKH ODWH V DQG KDV VLQFH EHHQ HQJXOIHG E\ UHVLGHQWLDO DQG FRPPHUFLDO GHYHORSPHQW DV WKH FLW\ KDV FRQWLQXHG $GGLWLRQDOQHLJKERUKRRGVLQFOXGHG,QGLDQ+LOOVDQG6RXWK&ROOHJH+HLJKWVORFDWHGVRXWKRI 6SULQJ&UHHNDQGWKH6KHHO\'ULYHQHLJKERUKRRGORFDWHGVRXWKZHVWRI (DVW 3URVSHFW5RDGDQG6RXWK&ROOHJH$YHQXH6KHHO\'ULYHLVGHVLJQDWHGDVD/RFDO/DQGPDUN'LVWULFW WR H[SDQG HDVW DQG VRXWK 3RXGUH 9DOOH\ +RVSLWDO DQG LWV DVVRFLDWHG EXLOGLQJVDQGVXSSRUWVHUYLFHVDUHORFDWHGQHDUWKHQRUWKHDVWFRUQHURI WKHQHLJKERUKRRG&RORUDGR6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ LV ORFDWHGRQHKDOIPLOH WRWKHZHVWRIWKHQHLJKERUKRRG6SULQJ&UHHNUXQVMXVWDIHZKXQGUHG IHHWIURPWKHQHLJKERUKRRG·VVRXWKHUQERXQGDU\DORQJ(DVW3URVSHFW 5RDGDQGWKH&DFKHOD3RXGUH5LYHUFXWVGLDJRQDOO\DFURVV)RUW&ROOLQV WKUHHTXDUWHUVRIDPLOHWRWKHQRUWK7KHQHLJKERUKRRGLVUHODWLYHO\ÁDW Figure 1: 1HLJKERUKRRGORFDWLRQZLWKLQFXUUHQWFLW\OLPLWVFC Maps. BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 21 University Acres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ÀHOG 6WUHHW DOO SURYLGH SHGHVWULDQDQG YHKLFXODUDFFHVVRXWVLGHRIWKHQHLJKERUKRRG'HGLFDWHGELNHODQHVDUH VWULSHGDORQJ6RXWK/HPD\$YHQXH(DVW3LWNLQ6WUHHWDQG6WRYHU6WUHHW 7KH3LWNLQ%LNHZD\SDVVHVWKURXJKWKHQHLJKERUKRRGIROORZLQJ(DVW 3LWNLQ6WUHHWZLWKDMRJQRUWKDORQJ/RU\6WUHHWWRSURYLGHDVDIHFURVVLQJ DW/HPD\$YHQXH  8QLYHUVLW\ $FUHV LV SUHGRPLQDQWO\ UHVLGHQWLDO 7KHUH DUH WZR SODFHVRI ZRUVKLSRQHVFKRRODQGWZRVPDOOFRPPHUFLDOEXLOGLQJVZLWKLQ WKHQHLJKERUKRRGERXQGDU\7KHPDMRULW\RI WKHQHLJKERUKRRGLVLQWKH 5HVLGHQWLDO/RZ'HQVLW\ 5/ University Acres 5 QHLJKERUKRRG GHYLDWHG IURP WKH JULGSDWWHUQIRXQGWKURXJKRXW  WKH (DVWVLGH DQG :HVWVLGH QHLJKERUKRRGV (OLPLQDWLQJ WKH JULG SDWWHUQ HOLPLQDWHGDOOH\ZD\VDQGEURXJKWWKHJDUDJHWRWKHIURQWRIWKHKRXVH HPSKDVL]LQJWKHHUROHRI WKHDXWRPRELOHLQVKDSLQJWKHQHLJKERUKRRG Development Patterns &LW\RI )RUW&ROOLQV2UGLQDQFH  University Acres  Figure 53URSHUW\SULRUWRDQQH[DWLRQ0D\Fort Collins History Connection VXEGLYLVLRQV IUHTXHQWO\ UHÁHFWHG SULQFLSOHV RI  ODQGVFDSH DUFKLWHFWXUH LQWKHOD\RXWRIVWUHHWVDQGORWVWRIROORZWKHH[LVWLQJWRSRJUDSK\DQG FUHDWHDSDUNOLNHVHWWLQJWKDWIXOÀOOHGWKHLGHDORI GRPHVWLFOLIHLQDVHPL UXUDOHQYLURQPHQWµ57KHXQGXODWLQJVWUHHWSDWWHUQZDVWKHRQHRIWKH ÀUVWLQ)RUW&ROOLQVDQGIROORZHGWKHQDWXUDOWRSRJUDSK\WRKHOSGUDLQDJH WRZDUG 6SULQJ&UHHN7KHQHLJKERUKRRGPDLQWDLQVWKHXQFRPPRQO\ ZLGH VWUHHWV WKDW DUH IRXQG LQ )RUW &ROOLQV· WXUQ RI  WKH  FHQWXU\ QHLJKERUKRRGV 5'DYLG$PHVDQG/LQGD)OLQW0F&OHOODQG´+LVWRULF5HVLGHQWLDO6XEXUEV*XLGHOLQHVIRUWKH(YDOXDWLRQDQG'RFXPHQWDWLRQIRUWKH1DWLRQDO5HJLVWHURI +LVWRULF3ODFHVµ National Register Bulletin  University Acres  UHTXLUH FURVVLQJ DQ\ PDMRU DUWHULDOV WR DFFHVV WKH KLVWRULF (DVWVLGH QHLJKERUKRRG (DVW 3LWNLQ 6WUHHW VHUYHV DV WKH SULPDU\ HDVW ZHVW WKRURXJKIDUHDQG6WRYHU6WUHHWVHUYHVDVDSULPDU\QRUWKVRXWKURDG7KH QHLJKERUKRRGGRHVKDYHVRPHYHKLFXODUDFFHVVLELOLW\OLPLWDWLRQVWKDWDUH QRWXQLTXHIRULWVWLPHWKHUHLVQRGLUHFWDFFHVVIURP8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVWR WKHDGMDFHQW&LUFOH'ULYHQHLJKERUKRRGWRWKHZHVWHYHQWKRXJKWKHVH VHYHQWHHQSURSHUWLHVVKDUHDQDOOH\ZLWKWKHQHLJKERUKRRG$GGLWLRQDOO\ WR H[LW WKH QHLJKERUKRRG WR WKH VRXWK RU WKH HDVW XVHUVPXVWXWLOL]H 6RXWK/HPD\$YHQXHRU(DVW3URVSHFW5RDGERWKPDMRUDUWHULDOVWKDW 7KH$UFKLWHFWXUDO&RQWURO&RPPLWWHHFRQVLVWHGRI WKHRULJLQDOGHYHORSHUV0DH7LOH\%RE(YHULWWDQG%LOO7LOH\ ´8QLYHUVLW\$FUHV6XEGLYLVLRQµ/HJDO5HFRUGVDQG&RUUHVSRQGHQFH%R[80DUFK2OLYH 3KDUULV$WWRUQH\VDW/DZ)RUW&ROOLQV&2 FDUU\KLJKWUDIÀFYROXPHVWKURXJKRXWWKH&LW\  (DFKRI WKHQLQHVXEGLYLVLRQVLVJRYHUQHGE\DVHWRI  SURWHFWLYHFRYHQDQWV7KHFRYHQDQWVDUHHVVHQWLDOO\LGHQWLFDOIRUHDFK RI WKHVXEGLYLVLRQVLQGLFDWLQJODQGXVHVKDOOEHVROHO\UHVLGHQWLDOWKH H[FHSWLRQVIRUWKHWZRSODFHVRI ZRUVKLSDQGFRPPHUFLDOEXLOGLQJV DORQJ/HPD\$YHQXHDUHLQFOXGHG'ZHOOLQJVL]HPLQLPXPVZHUH LQFOXGHGUDQJLQJIURPWRVTXDUHIHHWGHSHQGLQJRQWKH ÀOLQJ*DUDJHVFRXOGQRWH[FHHGWKUHHFDUVLQVL]HDQGEXLOGLQJVFRXOG QRWH[FHHGWKLUW\IHHWLQKHLJKWIURPÀQLVKHGJUDGH7KHFRYHQDQWV SURKLELWUDLVLQJOLYHVWRFNRUSRXOWU\RI DQ\NLQGRQDSURSHUW\DQG UHTXLUHDQ\QHZEXLOGLQJVRUDOWHUDWLRQVWREHDSSURYHGE\WKH $UFKLWHFWXUDO&RQWURO&RPPLWWHH$OOFRYHQDQWVDUHWLHGWRWKHODQG DQGFRQWLQXHLQSHUSHWXLW\ZLWKDQRSWLRQWRDPHQGHYHU\WZHQW\ÀYH \HDUV8  7KHODUJHUKRXVHVDQGORWVLQ8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVDWWUDFWHGPRUH DIÁXHQW IDPLOLHV DV WKH\ JHQHUDOO\ FRVWPRUH,QGLYLGXDOV DQG IDPLOLHV SXUFKDVLQJQHZKRXVHVLQ8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVLQFOXGHGGRFWRUV8QLYHUVLW\ SURIHVVRUVDQGHPSOR\HHVDWWRUQH\VDQGFRPSDQ\PDQDJHUV Community & Commercial Buildings  8QLYHUVLW\ $FUHV ZDV RULJLQDOO\ HQYLVLRQHG DV DQ HQWLUHO\ UHVLGHQWLDOQHLJKERUKRRG2QHVFKRROWZRSODFHVRIZRUVKLSDQGWZR VPDOO FRPPHUFLDO SURSHUWLHV ZHUH LQFOXGHG LQ WKH RULJLQDO SODWVDQG UHPDLQ VXFK WRGD\ /HVKHU -XQLRU +LJK 6FKRRO QRZ /HVKHU 0LGGOH Figure 7: +HDWPDSLQGLFDWLQJQHLJKERUKRRGGHYHORSPHQWSDWWHUQ0DSSHGE\WKH DXWKRUXVLQJArcGIS. BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 25 University Acres 8 6FKRRO University Acres 9 EXLOGLQJVLWVDSSUR[LPDWHO\ZKHUHKLVWRULFIDUPEXLOGLQJVVDWSULRUWRWKH QHLJKERUKRRG·V DQQH[DWLRQ DQG GHYHORSPHQW /RFDO DUFKLWHFW:LOOLDP 5REE GHVLJQHG WKH EXLOGLQJ DQG WKH EULFN EXLOGLQJ LV DUFKLWHFWXUDOO\ VLJQLÀ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´2XU+LVWRU\µ5%%$UFKLWHFWVKWWSVZZZUEEDUFKLWHFWVFRPVWRU\RXUKLVWRU\ 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&ROOHJH7KHUHLVQRUHFRUGHGGHHGFRQYH\LQJWKHSURSHUW\VDOHLQVWHDGDQ DJUHHPHQWWKHFRXQW\UHFRUGHGDQDJUHHPHQWEHWZHHQWKHSDUWLHVQRWLQJ WKHVXP7KHÀUVWWHQ\HDUVEURXJKWÀQDQFLDODQGPDQSRZHU VWUXJJOHVWRWKHDJURQRP\IDUP3UHVLGHQW&KDUOHV$/RU\PDGHWKH ([SHULPHQW6WDWLRQKLVUHVHDUFKIRFXV$PLOOOHY\DQGDJUHHPHQW ZLWKWKH86'HSDUWPHQWRI$JULFXOWXUHSURSHOOHGWKHDJURQRP\IDUP·V UHVHDUFKHIIRUWVIRUZDUG(DUO\UHVHDUFKHIIRUWVLQFOXGHGSRWHQWLDOURDG Figure 21:/RZHUULJKWFRUQHURISODWPDSVKRZLQJWKH$QGUHZVSURSHUW\Fort Colling History Connection. Figure 22: $JURQRP\)DUPORRNLQJ(DVWWRZDUG+RVSLWDO5GArchives & Special Collections- Colorado State University. BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 34 University Acres  VXUIDFLQJPDWHULDOVDQGKRUVHEUHHGLQJ7KHVHHIIRUWVZHUHDEDQGRQHG DIWHUDIHZ\HDUVDQGUHVHDUFKIRFXVHVVKLIWHGLQWRFURSDQGSODQWUHVHDUFK  7KH([SHULPHQW6WDWLRQFRQGXFWHGSRWDWRGLVHDVHUHVHDUFKVHHG UHVHDUFKDQGVRLOUHVHDUFKWKURXJKRXWWKHVLWH·VRSHUDWLRQ$GGLWLRQDO VWDSOH UHVHDUFK WRSLFV LQFOXGHG DOIDOID DSSOH WUHHV ZHHGV WR VWXG\ &RORUDGR SODQW GLVHDVHV EHHWV DQG IHUWLOL]HUV )DUPLQJ RSHUDWLRQV XWLOL]HG WKH $QGUHZV RXWEXLOGLQJV DQG WKH GHDQ RI  DJULFXOWXUH DQG ODWHU $JURQRP\ GHSDUWPHQWKHDGRFFXSLHGWKH$QGUHZV KRXVH IURP 7KH&ROOHJHDOVREXLOWDÀUHSURRIVHHGVWRUDJHVKHGRQWKH SURSHUW\,WLVXQFOHDUH[DFWO\ZKHQWKHVHEXLOGLQJVZHUHGHPROLVKHGEXW WKH\DUHSUHVHQWLQDDHULDOLPDJH  $V HGXFDWLRQDO DQG UHVHDUFK IRFXVHV VKLIWHG &RORUDGR $JULFXOWXUDO DQG 0HFKDQLFDO &ROOHJH WUDQVLWLRQHG WR &RORUDGR 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\DQGGHYHORSPHQWFUHSWVRXWKWKH$JURQRP\)DUPEHFDPH DQGDWWUDFWLYHVZDWKRI ODQGIRUSRWHQWLDOGHYHORSPHQW7KHGHYHORSPHQW JURXSDSSURDFKHGWKH6WDWH%RDUGRI$JULFXOWXUHZKRÀQDOO\VROGWKH SURSHUW\LQPRYLQJDJURQRP\RSHUDWLRQVWRRWKHUORFDOSURSHUWLHV DQGH[SHULPHQWDOSURSHUWLHVDURXQGWKH6WDWH Tiley/Everett Development  )RUW&ROOLQVUHVLGHQWVDQGUHDOHVWDWHGHYHORSHUV0DH7LOH\DQG KHU VRQ %LOO SDUWQHUHGZLWKGHYHORSHU%RE (YHULWW LQ ZKHQWKH 6WDWH%RDUGRI $JULFXOWXUHSXWWKHDJURQRP\IDUPODQGXSIRUVDOH7KH 'HQYHU3RVWUHSRUWHG 7KH6WDWH%RDUGRI$JULFXOWXUHKDVDFFHSWHGDELGRI SHU DFUH IRU &RORUDGR 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\·V DFUH DJURQRP\ IDUPRQHPLOHIURPWKHPDLQFDPSXVLQ6RXWKHDVW)RUW&ROOLQV 0UV 0DH 7LOH\ DQG 5REHUW (YHULWW WKH VXFFHVVIXO ELGGHUV SDLGIRULPPHGLDWHSRVVHVVLRQRI WKHÀUVWDFUHVRI  SURSHUW\7KH\DQQRXQFHGWKH\SODQDKRXVLQJGHYHORSPHQWWR EHNQRZQDV8QLYHUVLW\$FUHV7HQ$FUHVWKH\VROGDWWKHELG SULFHWR6FKRRO'LVWULFWIRUDMXQLRUKLJKVFKRRO0UV7LOH\D ORFDOGHYHORSHUDQG(YHULWWDOXPEHUGHDOHUVDLGWKH\ZLOOWDNH SRVVHVVLRQRI WKHUHPDLQLQJDFUHVRI DJURQRP\IDUPODQG DVWKHXQLYHUVLW\VXUUHQGHUVWKHSURSHUW\7KHXQLYHUVLW\SODQV Figure 23: $JURQRP\)DUPORRNLQJ:WRZDUGDJULFXOWXUDOEXLOGLQJVZLWKDJURQRPLVW 'DYLG5REHUWVRQArchives & Special Collections- Colorado State University. 7KH /VKDSHGEXLOGLQJDSSHDUVLQWKHPDSVKRZLQJWKH$QGUHZVSURSHUW\ BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 35 University Acres  WRHVWDEOLVKLWVDJURQRP\IDUPDWDQHZORFDWLRQ  7KH 7LOH\V RZQHG DQG RSHUDWHG8QLYHUVLW\ 5HDOW\ DQG (YHULWW PDQDJHG(YHULWW/XPEHU&RPSDQ\ZKHUHKHZDVDSDUWRZQHU7RJHWKHU WKHWULRIRUPHG8QLYHUVLW\$FUHV,QFZLWK0DH7LOH\VHUYLQJDVSUHVLGHQW IRU WKHVXEVHTXHQWQLQHVXEGLYLVLRQV3UHVHQWGD\/HPD\$YHQXHWKH HDVWGLVWULFWERXQGDU\ZDVUHQDPHGIURP+RVSLWDO5RDGLQWKHHDUO\ V DIWHU 0DH 7LOH\ DQG %RE (YHULWW·V IDWKHU /HV 7KH LQWHQGHG VSHOOLQJZDV´/HPDHµ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niversity Acres  Developers & Builders  8QLYHUVLW\$FUHV,QFVROGDOORULJLQDOORWVDIWHUWKHVXEGLYLVLRQV ZHUHSODWWHG7KHPDMRULW\RI WKHKRXVHVZHUHEXLOWGXULQJWKHRULJLQDO ODQGRZQHU·VWHQXUHKRZHYHUVHYHUDOSDUFHOVFKDQJHGKDQGVPXOWLSOH WLPHVSULRUWRDKRXVHEHLQJFRQVWUXFWHG6L[EXLOGHUVZHUHUHVSRQVLEOH IRUFRQVWUXFWLQJDFRPELQHGQLQHW\RQHKRXVHVLQ8QLYHUVLW\$FUHV John Rostek  -RKQ(5RVWHNLVDSURPLQHQWÀJXUHLQ)RUW&ROOLQV· KLVWRU\ 5RVWHNLVDQDWLRQDOO\NQRZQUDFHFDUGULYHUZKRFRIRXQGHGWKH,QWHU 6WDWH5DFLQJ$VVRFLDWLRQDQGUDFHGRQWUDFNVDURXQGWKHFRXQWU\ IURP WKH ODWH V LQWR WKH V 6SHHGZD\ 3DUN RSHQHG LQ )RUW &ROOLQVLQDQGZDVRQHRI 5RVWHN·VUHJXODUFLUFXLWV5RVWHNZDVRQH RI WKHÀUVWEXLOGHUVLQ8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVFRPSOHWLQJWZHQW\WZRKRXVHV IURPZKHQKHZDVQRWEXV\UDFLQJ+HEXLOWSULPDULO\UDQFK VW\OHKRXVHVLQ8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVDQGZDVDOVRLQYROYHGLQFRPPHUFLDO FRQVWUXFWLRQ SURMHFWV DURXQG )RUW &ROOLQV LQFOXGLQJ &KDUFR %URLOHU 5HVWDXUDQWWKH/DPSOLJKWHU0RWHORQQRUWK&ROOHJH QRZ$PHULFD·V%HVW 9DOXH,QQ University Acres  3RXGUH &RQVWUXFWLRQZDVWKHPRVWSUROLÀFFRPSOHWLQJWKLUW\ KRXVHV EHWZHHQ  DQG 0LOOHUDQG3RXGUH9DOOH\&RQVWUXFWLRQEXLOW SULPDULO\UDQFKVW\OHKRXVHVWKURXJKRXW8QLYHUVLW\$FUHV+DUROG0LOOHU DQGKLVIDPLO\OLYHGDW*UHHQ6WUHHWZKLOHKHZDVEXV\EXLOGLQJ R.W. Scheller  /LWWOHLVNQRZQDERXW5HLQKDUW:6FKHOOHUDQGKLVZLIH3K\OOLV 7KH IDPLO\ OLYHG LQ WKH 6RXWK &ROOHJH +HLJKWV QHLJKERUKRRG ZKLOH 6FKHOOHUEXLOWWHQKRXVHVWKURXJKRXWWKHQHLJKERUKRRG2IWKHVW\OHV RI  KRXVHV LQ 8QLYHUVLW\ $FUHV 5: 6FKHOOHU EXLOW WKH ZLGHVW YDULHW\ LQFOXGLQJ UDQFK VW\OH KRXVHV VW\OHG UDQFK KRXVHV FRQWHPSRUDU\ DQG PLQLPDOWUDGLWLRQDOKRXVHV Harvey Schultz  +DUYH\6FKXOW]EXLOWWZHOYHKRXVHVVFDWWHUHGWKURXJKRXW 8QLYHUVLW\$FUHV6FKXOW]ZDVDQDFWLYHEXLOGHUWKURXJKRXW)RUW&ROOLQV LQWKHVDQGVDQGEXLOWUDQFKVW\OHDQGWULOHYHOVSOLWKRXVHVLQ 8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVEHWZHHQDQG6FKXOW]ZDVDQDFWLYHXQLRQ PHPEHUDQGOLYHGLQ2OG7RZQZLWKDQRIÀFHRQ:HVW0XOEHUU\5RDG Les Allison $OOLVRQZDVDOVRD8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVUHVLGHQWZKLOHKHZDVEXV\ EXLOGLQJQHZKRXVHV7KH$OOLVRQIDPLO\OLYHGDW(GZDUGV6W RQHRI WKHWZHOYHKRXVHV/HV$OOLVRQFRPSOHWHGLQ8QLYHUVLW\$FUHV $OOLVRQZRUNHGZLWKWKHSURSHUW\RZQHUVWRSHUVRQDOL]HKRXVHGHWDLOV Figure 26: +DUROG0LOOHU / University Acres  EXLOWSULPDULO\UDQFKVW\OHKRXVHVLQ8QLYHUVLW\$FUHV Frank Terrel  )UDQN7HUUHOZDVRQHRIWKHODWHUEXLOGHUVWRFRPHWR8QLYHUVLW\ $FUHV EXLOGLQJ VHYHQWHHQ KRXVHV EHWZHHQ  DQG  7HUUHO EXLOWSULPDULO\ WULOHYHOVSOLWDQGWZRVWRU\PLQLPDOWUDGLWLRQDOKRXVHV /LNH0LOOHUDQG$OOLVRQ )UDQN 7HUUHODOVRPRYHGKLVIDPLO\ LQWR WKH QHLJKERUKRRGGXULQJWKHWLPHKHZDVEXV\EXLOGLQJ7KH7HUUHO+RXVHLV ORFDWHGDW*UHHQ6WUHHW Notable Properties  6L[WHHQSURSHUWLHVZLWKLQ8QLYHUVLW\$FUHV ULVH WR WKH OHYHORI EHLQJ LQGLYLGXDOO\ DUFKLWHFWXUDOO\ VLJQLÀFDQW 7KHVH SURSHUWLHV UHWDLQ WKHLURULJLQDOGHWDLOLQJDQGIRUPDQGDUHKLJKVW\OH H[DPSOHVRIWKHLU PRUHFRPPRQIRUPIRXQGDURXQGWKHQHLJKERUKRRG7KHVHSURSHUWLHV UHDFKDOHYHORI EHLQJHOLJLEOHIRUGHVLJQDWLRQDVORFDOKLVWRULFODQGPDUNV LQGHSHQGHQWRI DQ\LQFOXVLRQLQDIXWXUHGLVWULFWQRPLQDWLRQ3URSHUWLHV LQFOXGH %XFNH\H6W  %XFNH\H6W (GZDUGV6W  (OOLV6W (OOLV6W  *DUÀHOG6W *DUÀHOG6W  *UHHQ6W *UHHQ6W  (/DNH6W (/DNH6W  /RU\6W 0RUJDQ6W  5REHUWVRQ6W :LOOLDPV6W 7KHDJURQRP\IDUPLVDOVRUHIHUHQFHGDVWKHHDVWIDUPDQGH[SHULPHQWVWDWLRQ  -DPHV+DQVHQ*RUGRQ+D]DUGDQG/LQGD0H\HUCSU’s Sense of Place: A Campus History of Colorado’s Land-Grant University )RUW&ROOLQV&2 University Acres  VKLIW DZD\ IURP WUDGLWLRQDO GHYHORSPHQW SDWWHUQVXWLOL]LQJ XQGXODWLQJ VWUHHWV WKDW IROORZHG WKHQDWXUDOWRSRJUDSK\EXU\LQJ XWLOLW\ OLQHV DQG RPLWWLQJ DOOH\ZD\V 7KH QHLJKERUKRRG UHWDLQV LQWHJULW\ RI  ORFDWLRQ GHVLJQVHWWLQJPDWHULDOVZRUNPDQVKLSIHHOLQJDQGDVVRFLDWLRQ  8QLYHUVLW\ $FUHV LV DOVR ORFDOO\ VLJQLÀFDQW XQGHU &ULWHULRQ % IRULWVDVVRFLDWLRQZLWKGHYHORSHUVDQGLQGLYLGXDOEXLOGHUVZKRFUHDWHG WKH SK\VLFDO QHLJKERUKRRG UHVRXUFHV DQG WKHLU LQÁXHQFH LQ FUHDWLQJ WKLV DQG RWKHU PLGFHQWXU\ QHLJKERUKRRGV LQ )RUW&ROOLQV 8QLYHUVLW\ $FUHVZDVWKHÀUVWSDUWQHUVKLSEHWZHHQWKH(YHULWWDQG7LOH\IDPLOLHV ZKRODWHUSDUWQHUHGRQERWKUHVLGHQWLDODQGFRPPHUFLDOSURMHFWVDV)RUW &ROOLQVJUHZVRXWK(YHULWW/XPEHUVXSSOLHGEXLOGLQJPDWHULDOVIRUWKH QHLJKERUKRRG ZKLOH WKH 7LOH\·V PDQDJHG UHDO HVWDWH WUDQVDFWLRQVIRU 8QLYHUVLW\$FUHV,QF Location: 8QLYHUVLW\ $FUHV DQG HDFK FRQWULEXWLQJ SURSHUW\ UHWDLQ LQWHJULW\RIORFDWLRQ%XLOGLQJVUHWDLQWKHLURULJLQDORULHQWDWLRQZLWKWKH 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Recessed entry with off-center chimney and sliding aluminum windows.. Asphalt shingle roof with a boxed-eave and blonde brick veneer. Elongated red stones are set randomly within the veneer. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1961 appearance. Address: 801 Buckeye St. Historic Name: Eugene & Claire Frink House (1) Current Name: Jeffrey & Dana Koenig House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Smith Turner Style: Contemporary Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story contemporary with asphalt shingle cross-gabled and shed roof with a central chimney. Stone veneer and T-111 siding. Side street-facing two car garage with arced corner driveway. Notes: The property appears relatively unchanged from the 1967 appearance; however, original aluminum windows were replaced with vinyl. BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 47 A-2 Address: 804 Buckeye St. Historic Name: Fred & Pauline Feit House Current Name: James L Rogers House Year Built: 1958 Builder: Vic Dienes Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story, cross-hipped roof ranch with street-facing, two-car garage. Recessed entry with a central chimney. Asphalt shingle roof with a boxed-eave and red brick veneer. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. Address: 805 Buckeye St. Historic Name: Current Name: 805 Buckeye St. Year Built: 1958 Builder: Stravall Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story, cross-gabled roof ranch with street-facing, two-car garage. Recessed entry with a central chimney. Asphalt shingle roof with an open-eave and red brick veneer below board and batten siding. Horizontal sliding windows with false shutters on primary facade. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 1959 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 48 A-3 Address: 808 Buckeye St. Historic Name: Current Name: Sere Williams House Year Built: 1958 Builder: Harold Miller Style: Contemporary Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story, ranch with street-facing, single-car garage. Asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof slopes downward over the garage creating an a-symmetrical line. Center entry with an off-venter chimney and integral shed eave over the front door and picture window. Board and batten siding above red brick veneer. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. Address: 809 Buckeye St. Historic Name: Current Name: Kristie & Kevin Feeney House Year Built: 1958 Builder: R.W. Scheller Style: Contemporary Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story, L-shaped, contemporary-style house with a cross-gables asphalt shingle roof with front facing clerestory windows. A large ventral chimney abuts the clerestory. Horizontal lap siding with brick veneer. Notes: The decorative block wall shielding part of the driveway is no longer extant. The primary entry moved from the west facade to the north facade DQGWKHURRI RYHUKDQJDERYHWKHIRUPHUHQWU\ZDVPRGLÀHG*DUDJHGRRUVKDYHEHHQXSGDWHGDQGDZLQGRZZDVDGGHGWRWKHVWUHHWIDFLQJJDEOHHQG 1959 1959 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 49 A-4 Address: 812 Buckeye St. Historic Name: Robert & Betty Hacker House Current Name: Bruce Glaser House Year Built: 1959 Builder: G.H. Hanning Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a two-car street-facing garage. Asphalt shingle gable roof with wide eaves. The primary entry is slightly off center with a large 6-light picture window adjacent. Large, rusticated stone off-center chimney. Board and batten siding with rusticated stone at the garden level. The upper level slightly overhangs the garden level. Notes: False shutters were added to the upper bedroom windows but the house remains relatively unchanged from its 1960 appearance. Address: 813 Buckeye St. Historic Name: Current Name: George Fitzpatrick House Year Built: 1959 Builder: R.L. Miller Style: Contemporary Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Tri-level contemporary house with an asymmetrical sloping roof with a single street facing garage. The primary entry is VOLJKWO\UHFHVVHGZLWKDER[HGÁDWURRI$ODUJHSLFWXUHZLQGRZDEXWVWKHSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKVORSLQJWUDQVRPVWKDWIROORZWKHURRÁLQH7KHERDUGDQGEDWWHQ upper story slightly overhangs the stuccoed garden level. The boxed eave is slightly angled and is supported by plain purlins. Large central stuccoed chimney. Notes: The garage was originally an open carport withe a simple rail fence enclosure. False shutters have also been added to the upper story bedrooms. 'HVSLWHWKHVHPRGLÀFDWLRQWKHKRXVHUHPDLQVUHODWLYHO\XQFKDQJHGIURPLWVDSSHDUDQFH 1960 1959 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 50 A-5 Address: 816 Buckeye St. Historic Name: Faucett House Current Name: Faucett House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Frank Faucett Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story, ranch style house with a side gabled roof and street facing, single car garage. The primary entry is centered on the primary facade with an abutting picture window. Board and batten siding with brick veneer below. Large central brick chimney. The garage has a prominent ER[HGHDYHDQGDÁDWURRI Notes: False shutters were added to the primary facade but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. Address: 817 Buckeye St. Historic Name: Current Name: Rodlan Glebe House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Harold Gomer Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story, gabled roof ranch-style house with street-facing, double one-car garage. The house boasts light brown brick veneer that steps back slightly. The unadorned primary entry abuts the garage with an adjacent 8-light picture window. The gable ends have a plain fascia with pork chop returns. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. The false shutters and window box appear to be original to the house. 1959 1959 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 51 A-6 Address: 820 Buckeye St. Historic Name: Current Name: Chuck Anderson House Year Built: 1959 Builder: A.V. Schattz Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story, cross-gabled roof ranch with street-facing, two-car garage. Horizontal lap siding with decorative blonde brick veneer below, extending beyond the west end of the house. The center of the house projects toward the right of way and the primary entry is shielded by a vertical stick trellis on a boxed brick planter. Central blonde brick chimney,plain fascia, and double hung and hopper wood windows. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1960 construction photograph. Address: 821 Buckeye St. Historic Name: Rex & Elsie Mannon House Current Name: John & Jodi Nash House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Rex Mannon Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing, Individually Eligible Architectural Description: One-story, cross-gabled roof ranch with street-facing, double one-car garage. The roof has double cat slides extending west from the garage and north from the primary facade. The north projection is unusual as it is only roof, and is supported by a low stone wall. Sharpened rafter tails extend beyond the eaves. A framed cupola sits at the garage gable ridge. Board and batten siding with red stone veneer along he garage, extending toward the primary entry and a central stone clad chimney. Wood windows and the primary door have a diamond muntin pattern. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1960 appearance. 1960 1960 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 52 A-7 Address: 824 Buckeye St. Historic Name: E.G. & Marjorie Williams House Current Name: David Whitley House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Harvey Schultz Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story, -hipped roof ranch style house. Two-car street facing garage is located on the east facade. Recessed central entry with a central chimney. Blonde brick veneer with a wood shingle roof and double hung wood windows. Notes: False shutters have been added to the primary facade but house appears relatively unchanged from its 1960 appearance. Address: 825 Buckeye St. Historic Name: Current Name: Erik & Melanie Marin House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story, gabled roof ranch with side-facing, two-car garage. Recessed entry with a large end chimney. Asphalt red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding and aluminum sliding windows. Asphalt shingle roof. Notes: The small windows on the east end of the primary facade were replaced with a large, bay window. False shutters have been added to the primary facade. 1960 1960 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 53 A-8 Address: 900 Edwards St. Historic Name: Current Name: McDonald House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Harvey Schultz Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story, cross-gabled roof ranch-style house with double one-car street-facing garage. Recessed entry with a shed roof overhang supported by a plain square post. Large central entry chimney and central primary entry. The house has blond brick veneer with board and batten siding above and horizontal lap siding in the gable end. Gable ends have pork chop returns. Aluminum sliding bedroom windows with a large picture window on the primary facade. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. Address: 901 Edwards St. Historic Name: Current Name: Elizabeth & Douglas Kirk House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Warburton Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof and a two-bay side-facing garage. Red brick veneer with board and batten above and horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Recessed central entry and off-center red brick chimney. Double hung vinyl windows with wood picket shutters. Extended eaves on the principle gable supported by corbeled posts. Plain fascia on the gable ends and exposed rafter tails. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1968 1965 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 54 A-9 Address: 904 Edwards St. Historic Name: Robert & Jean Downing House Current Name: 904 Edwards St. Year Built: 1965 Builder: Robert Downing Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story hipped roof ranch-style house with street-facing, two-car garage. Off-center entry with a large central chimney. 5HGEULFNYHQHHUZLWK7VLGLQJDERYHDQGDQDVSKDOWVKLQJOHURRI6LGHOLJKWVÁDQNWKHSULPDU\HQWU\DQGDVHFRQGDU\HQWU\IDFHVZHVWDGMDFHQWWRWKH garage. Aluminum sliding windows with false shutters. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. Address: 905 Edwards St. Historic Name: Jack & Edna Williams House Current Name: Neil & Margaret Grigg House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Flores Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story minimal traditional style house with a street facing, 2-bay garage. Gable roof with a shed roof extending from the JDUDJHRYHUWKHSULPDU\HQWU\7KHJURXQGÁRRUKDVUHGEULFNYHQHHUZLWKKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJRQWKHVHFRQGVWRU\DQGERDUGDQGEDWWHQVLGLQJRQWKH large front window. Double hung vinyl windows with false muntins and false shutters. Notes: 1977 1960 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 55 A-10 Address: 908 Edwards St. Historic Name: Matthew & June Henrickson House Current Name: Amy Hartzell House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Lyle Roys Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split style house with gabled roof and two-car, street-facing garage. End chimney and off- center entry. Red brick veneer with T-111 siding on the upper story. Aluminum sliding and double hung windows with false shutters. Asphalt shingle roof with pork chop returns at gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. Address: 909 Edwards St. Historic Name: Current Name: Tami & Charles Tallent House Year Built: 1964 Builder: R.W. Scheller Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story, cross-gabled roof ranch-style with street-facing, two-car garage. Recessed off-center entry with an off-center chimney. Simple square posts support the roof overhang above the primary entry. Red brick veneer with T-111 siding at the recessed entry and horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Asphalt shingle roof and vinyl sliding windows with false shutters. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1965 1965 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 56 A-11 Address: 912 Edwards St. Historic Name: Current Name: McConnell House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Harvey Schultz Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story, cross-gabled roof ranch-style house with street-facing, two-car garage. Central entry with double-hung and hopper wood windows. Board and batten siding with horizontal lap siding in the gable ends and pork chop returns. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. Address: 913 Edwards St. Historic Name: Louis & Shirley Corwin House Current Name: Brielle & William Weldon House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Larry Michaud Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story, gabled-roof minimal traditional style house with street-facing, two-bay garage. Central entry with a shed roof extending from the garage supported by decorative square posts and a large end chimney. Asphalt shingle roof with a boxed-eave and red brick veneer. Notes: The shed roof covering the primary entry was extended to the east to cover the entire ground level on the primary entry. The simple square support SRVWVZHUHUHSODFHVZLWKODUJHUGHFRUDWLYHSRVWV5HGEULFNYHQHHUZDVDOVRDODWHUDGGLWLRQWRWKHJURXQGÁRRUDQGJDUDJH7KHVOLJKWDUFDERYHWKHJDUDJH GRRUVDQGUHSHDWHGRQWKHRULJLQDOFRYHUHGSRUFKZDVUHPRYHG7KHVHPRGLÀFDWLRQVKRZHYHUDUHLQNHHSLQJZLWKPDWHULDOVDQGIHDWXUHVIRXQGHOVHZKHUH LQ8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVDQGGRQRWVLJQLÀFDQWO\GHWUDFWIURPWKHSURSHUW\·VKLVWRULFIHHOLQJ 1965 1965 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 57 A-12 Address: 916 Edwards St. Historic Name: Current Name: Craig Stuart House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Les Allison Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story, hipped-roof ranch-style with side-facing, two-car garage. Recessed off-center entry. Simple square posts support the roof overhang above the primary entry. Red brick veneer with stucco siding above; asphalt shingle roof and vinyl sliding windows. Notes: Upper board and batten siding was replaced with stucco and square posts were added to the roof overhang above the primary entry. The large picture window on the primary facade was also replaced with two smaller windows, but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. Address: 917 Edwards St. Historic Name: Leslie & Clarissa Allison House Current Name: Debroux House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Les Allison Style: Tri-level/Contemporary Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one half story contemporary style house with a side-facing, two-car garage. Cross-gabled asphalt-shingle roof with clerestory windows in the gable ends. Off-center recessed entry and large central chimney. Blonde brick veneer with T-111 siding and sliding vinyl windows. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1965 1965 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 58 A-13 Address: 1100 Ellis St. Historic Name: Wendell & Alice Bragonier House Current Name: Garretson House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Vic Dienes Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one half story tri-level split house with hipped asphalt shingle roof and offset side-facing garage. Paired double- hung windows on the primary facade; light stone cladding with wide lap siding on the upper story. Simple square posts support the roof overhang over the primary entry. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. Address: 1101 Ellis St. Historic Name: Current Name: Charles Welborn House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Merle A. Ball Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story, hip-and-gable roof ranch-style with extended eaves and a street-facing, two-bay garage. Center entry with an off- center chimney. Blonde brick veneer with intermittent elongated red stones. Sliding metal windows with a large picture window adjacent to the primary entry. Notes: The chimney is a later addition but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1964 appearance. 1968 1964 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 59 A-14 Address: 1105 Ellis St. Historic Name: Current Name: Tannis Taylor House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Larry Michaud Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story, cross-gabled roof ranch-style with street-facing, two-bay garage. Recessed off-center entry with an off-center corbeled brick chimney. Red brick veneer with board and batten in the gable ends. Sliding windows and a narrow, plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1964 appearance. Address: 1104 Ellis St. Historic Name: Dick & Dorris Johns House Current Name: Harold & Gale Lackey House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Harvey Schultz Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story try-level split house with an asphalt-shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with wide lap siding on the upper story. Large bay windows on the upper story and main level. Decorative window boxes appear above the lower level sliding vinyl windows. Central entry with a large brick end chimney and a small cupola over the garage. Notes: The bay window on the upper story replaced two smaller windows that had decorative window boxes. These appear to be the same window boxes that are currently above the lower story windows. The bay window at the main level was also a later addition. Overall, the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1965 1964 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 60 A-15 Address: 1108 Ellis St. Historic Name: Current Name: Robert & Nancy Hunt House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Vic Dienes Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with an asphalt-shingle gable roof, plain fascia with pork chop returns. Street-facing two-car garage. Red brick veneer with central primary entry and sliding vinyl windows. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. Address: 1109 Ellis St. Historic Name: Current Name: Rydholm House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Larry Michaud Style: Contemporary Eligibility: Non-Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story house with a cross-gabled roof and two-bay, street-facing garage. Red-orange and white brick veneer with sliding vinyl windows, false shutters, and an off-center entry. Central brick chimney and wide eave with a plain fascia. Notes: The overall form of the house has not changed; however, the original stylings and features that made this house unique were removed. The house no longer retains integrity of design, materials, workmanship, or feeling. 1965 1964 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 61 A-16 Address: 1201 Ellis St. Historic Name: Current Name: Richard Schmidt House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Warburton Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch-style house with a cross-gabled roof. Two-car street-facing garage is offset one half story from the house. Medium brown brick veneer with lap siding in the gable end. Wood hopper and a large bay window on the primary facade. Notes: )DOVHVKXWWHUVKDYHEHHQUHPRYHGWKHJDUDJHGRRUKDVEHHQUHSODFHGDQGWKHSLFWXUHZLQGRZZDVPRGLÀHGWRDFFRPPRGDWHDED\ZLQGRZEXW the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. Address: 1113 Ellis St. Historic Name: Anthony & Aline Kawuloks House Current Name: Michele Van Wechel House Year Built: 1963 Builder: A.J. Kawulok Style: Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story bi-level split house with gabled-roof and two-car street-facing garage. Large red brick chimney on the primary facade. Red brick veneer with board and batten and wide lap siding above. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1964 appearance. 1964 1968 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 62 A-17 Address: 1205 Ellis St. Historic Name: Current Name: Andrew & Denise Rex House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Howard Delozier Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One story ranch-style house with asphalt shingle hipped roof. Two-car street-facing garage. Central entry and a large off- center chimney. Blonde brick veneer with horizontal plank siding above. Double hung wood windows and a single sidelight adjacent to the primary entry. Notes: The front door has been replaced and egress windows were added to the basement on the primary facade, but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. Address: 1209 Ellis St. Historic Name: Current Name: 1209 Ellis St. Year Built: 1963 Builder: Merle A. Ball Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One story ranch style house with an asphalt shingle-hipped roof and two-car street-facing garage. Two unadorned entries on the primary facade. Sliding aluminum windows and wide eaves with a scalloped fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1964 appearance. 1965 1964 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 63 A-18 Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Current Name: Patrick & Crystal Theobald House Year Built: 1969 Builder: Carl Nelson Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story minimal traditional house with an asphalt shingle gabled-roof. Central entry and the upper story projects slightly EH\RQGWKHJURXQGÁRRU7ZRED\VLGHIDFLQJJDUDJH5HGEULFNYHQHHURQWKHPDLQOHYHOZLWKZLGHKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJDERYH+RSSHUZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVH muntins and decorative panels below. Square posts support roof overhang at lower level. Simple pediment at upper story gable end. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1970 appearance. Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Harder House Current Name: Harder House Year Built: 1970 Builder: Harder Construction Style: Contemporary Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: 2QHDQGRQHKDOI VWRU\FRQWHPSRUDU\VW\OHKRXVHZLWKKLSKLSDQGJDEOHDQGVKHGURRÁLQHV5HFHVVHGRIIFHQWHUHQWU\DQG a large central chimney. Two-car street facing garage. Stone veneer and T-111 siding with tall, elongated wood windows. Wide eaves. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1770 appearance. 1970 1970 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 64 A-19 Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Current Name: William & Vivian McBride House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Lyle Roys Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One story ranch style house with an asphalt shingle gable roof and two-car street-facing garage. Off-center entry with large central brick chimney. Red brick veneer with lap siding in the gable ends and pork chop returns. Vinyl hopper windows with false muntins; porthole window adjacent to the primary entry. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: K.L & Shirley McAferty House Current Name: David Frisbie House Year Built: 1961 Builder: K.L McAferty Style: Contemporary Eligibility: &RQWULEXWLQJ,QGLYLGXDOO\6LJQLÀFDQW Architectural Description: 2QHDQGRQHKDOIVWRU\FRQWHPSRUDU\VW\OHKRXVHZLWKDORZVORSHJDEOHURRÁLQHDQGÁDWURRIHGWZRED\VWUHHWIDFLQJ garage. Central double door entry with a large off center chimney. Painted brick and horizontal lap siding with decorative brickwork aligned with roof ridge. Fixed wood windows with heavy mullions and lapped fascia. Notes: The carport was enclosed to a garage but house appears relatively unchanged from its 1964 appearance. 1965 1964 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 65 A-20 Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: William & Elizabeth Derbyshire House Current Name: William & Elizabeth Derbyshire House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Ben Rhodes Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One story ranch-style house with an asphalt shingle gable roof and one-car street-facing garage. Painted brick veneer with SDLQWHGÁDWSDQHOVEHORZDOXPLQXPVOLGLQJZLQGRZV&HQWHUHQWU\ZLWKSODLQVLGHOLJKW Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Current Name: William & Frances Von Eron House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Trostel Lumber Style: Ranch Eligibility: Non-Contributing Architectural Description: One story ranch-style house with a cross-gabled asphalt shingle roof and two-car, street-facing garage. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above brick veneer in the projected portion and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Fixed vinyl windows with clerestory windows in the gable end. Notes: 7KHSULPDU\IDFDGHKDVEHHQVLJQLÀFDQWO\DOWHUHGIURPWKLVKLVWRULFDSSHDUDQFHZLWKWKHDGGLWLRQRI SURMHFWLQJJDEOHIURQW 1968 1964 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 66 A-21 Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Current Name: Charles & Tamia Tallen House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Bedford Spence Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story minimal traditional house with an asphalt shingle cross gabled-roof and singular gabled dormer. Two- bay street facing garage, board and batten siding off-center entry and red brick end chimney. Sliding vinyl windows and red brick stoop. Notes: The house was originally horizontal lap siding, and the windows have been replaced with smaller openings. Overall, house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1962 Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Current Name: Edward & Justine Cleary House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Donald L. Pierce Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch-style house with an asphalt shingle hipped roof and two-car, street-facing garage. Fixed and double hung vinyl windows and blonde brick veneer. Recessed center entry with a central brick chimney. Plain wood post and horizontal plank screen support the stoop roof overhand. Wide eaves with a plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance; however, the decorative garage door has been replaced. 1962 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 67 A-22 Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Phyllis & Wayne Schrader House Current Name: Phyllis & Wayne Schrader House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Willard Holz Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story minimal traditional house with a wood shingle cross-gabled roof and single-gabled dormer. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Two-car street facing garage. Central entry with brick end chimney. Double-hung wood windows with diamond pattern muntins with a small fanlight in the gable end. Plain posts support the roof overhang over the south facade and primary entry. Notes: The original garage was converted to living space and the double hung window with diamond muntins was replaced with a bay window. The new attached garage extends east from the original footprint. Overall, the house is relatively unchanged from the 1968 appearance. Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Current Name: Lois Leonard House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Ben Rhodes Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and wood shingle cross-gabled roof. Blond brick veneer with large, irregular, green stone veneer near the recessed primary entry and picture window. T-111 siding in the gable ends. Glass block sidelight adjacent to the primary entry. Double hung wood windows with aluminum storms. Off-center brick chimney and off-center cupola. Plain posts support the roof overhang above the primary entry. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 1968 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 68 A-23 Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Thomas & Jean Sutherland House Current Name: Sutherland House Year Built: 1970 Builder: Carl Nelson Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story minimal traditional style house with two-bay street facing garage and asphalt shingle gable roof. Painted brick veneer with board and batten on the ground level and horizontal plank siding on the upper story. Vinyl hopper windows with false shutters. Recessed primary entry with sidelights and shed roof above supported by pain posts. Off-center brick chimney and wide eaves. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1970 appearance. 1970 Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Current Name: Eric Norrie House Year Built: 1962 Builder: R.W. Scheller Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: 7ZRVWRU\WULOHYHOVSOLWKRXVHZLWKDVLGHIDFLQJWZRFDUJDUDJHDQGDVSKDOWVKLQJOHKLSJDEOHDQGVKHGURRÁLQHV5HGEULFN YHQHHUZLWKKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJDERYH9LQ\OKRSSHUZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVHVKXWWHUVDQGZRRGÀ[HGZLQGRZV Notes: The original street-facing garage was enclosed to create more living space and the ground level was extended toward the street to create a garage, but the overall house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 69 A-24 Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Current Name: *DUÀHOG6W Year Built: 1963 Builder: R.W. Scheller Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with an asphalt shingle hip-and-gable roof and two-car street-facing garage. Horizontal lap siding with off-center brick chimney. Recessed primary entry, double hung wood windows and wide eaves. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1964 appearance. Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Current Name: Ross Heikes & Jennifer Hand House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Sayler Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with T-111 VLGLQJDERYH&HQWUDOHQWU\ZLWKODUJHFHQWUDOFKLPQH\:LGHHDYHVGRXEOHKXQJDQGÀ[HGZRRGZLQGRZVDQGDVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRS Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1964 1967 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 70 A-25 Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Current Name: Nancy & Michael Maller House Year Built: 1967 Builder: R.W. Scheller Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story minimal traditional house with a two-bay street-facing garage with asphalt shingle gable and shed roofs. Brick veneer with horizontal lap siding on the upper story. Board and batten siding frames the upper story windows. Recessed central entry with a shed roof RYHUKDQJVXSSRUWHGE\SODLQVTXDUHSRVWV9LQ\OKRSSHUDQGÀ[HGZLQGRZV Notes: 1970 Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Harold & Lucy Syas House Current Name: Katrina & Bruce Graydon House Year Built: 1964 Builder: William Ashby Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with an asphalt-shingle cross-gabled roof and two-bay street-facing garage. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Fixed vinyl windows with false shutters. Recessed entry with off-center chimney. Wide eaves with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The picture window has been enlarged and a porthole window added to the primary facade, but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1965 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 71 A-26 Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Alfred & Marilyn Lowrey House Current Name: Jacob & Kathryn Tillit House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Howard Delozier Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with an asphalt-shingle cross-gabled roof and two-bay street-facing garage. Off-center entry with a brick central chimney. Horizontal lap siding with double hung vinyl windows and false shutters. Shallow eaves with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The garage was extended toward the street and the primary entry was moved east, replacing a small window. A porthole window was added where the original primary entry was located. Overall, the house is relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Elmer & Audrey King House Current Name: Michael & Suzanne Lipe House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Rex Anderson Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a three-car street-facing garage and asphalt-shingle cross-gabled roof. Brick veneer with horizontal lap siding on the upper story. Center entry with red brick end chimney. Sliding vinyl windows with paneled false shutters. Wide eaves with a narrow fascia. Notes: A shed roof was extended over the primary entry to create a porch area supported by plain posts and a picket railing. A third way was added to the east of the garage, but overall, the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1965 1967 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 72 A-27 Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Arthur & Ruth Thuelin House Current Name: Harrison/Smith House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Harvey Schultz Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with an asphalt shingle gable roof and two-car side-facing garage. Dark brown brick veneer with horizontal lap siding on the upper story. Double hung vinyl windows with false shutters. Deep eaves with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Wood pergola and deck at the primary entry. Split rail fence. Notes: The pergola structure is an addition to the primary facade; however, the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1965 Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Current Name: Frank & Patricia Stermitz House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Carl Nelson Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal ODSVLGLQJDERYH2IIFHQWHUHQWU\ZLWKRIIFHQWHUEULFNFKLPQH\5RRI RYHUKDQJRYHUSULPDU\HQWU\LVVXSSRUWHGE\SDLQSRVWV6OLGLQJDQGÀ[HGDOXPLQXP windows with false shutters. Plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 73 A-28 Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: Current Name: Amy Black & Dale Daggers House Year Built: 1968 Builder: Frank Terrel Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story minimal traditional house with two-car side-facing garage and asphalt shingle gable roof. Dark brown brick veneer with narrow horizontal lap siding above. Double hung vinyl windows with false shutters. Shed roof overhang over the primary entry supported by turner posts. Shallow eaves with plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The original wide lap siding was replaced with a narrower plank, but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1969 appearance. Address: *DUÀHOG6W Historic Name: George & Lillian Wheatley House Current Name: Brian & Joyce Hahn House Year Built: 1965 Builder: George W. Wheatley Style: Mansard Eligibility: &RQWULEXWLQJ,QGLYLGXDOO\6LJQLÀFDQW Architectural Description: Two-story mansard-style house with a wood-shingle mansard roof and vertical plank siding. Two-bay street-facing garage with adjacent stone veneer cladding. Flat-roof over the primary entry supported by metal lattice posts. Narrow wood windows. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1969 1968 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 74 A-29 Address: 1104 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Laila Dilsi House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Don Real Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with an asphalt shingle gable roof and two-car street-facing garage. Red brick YHQHHUZLWKQDUURZKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJRQWKHXSSHUVWRU\%ULFNHQGFKLPQH\DQGXQDGRUQHGFHQWUDOSULPDU\HQWU\6OLGLQJDQGÀ[HGYLQ\OZLQGRZV3ODLQ wood window boxes at the upper story. Plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: Address: 1101 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Dave Dacus House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Frank Terrel Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: 2QHDQGRQHKDOI VWRU\WULOHYHOVSOLWKRXVHZLWKDVSKDOWVKLQJOHKLSDQGJDEOHURRÁLQHVDQGWZRED\VWUHHWIDFLQJJDUDJH5HG EULFNYHQHHUGRXEOHKXQJDQGVOLGLQJDOXPLQXPZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVHVKXWWHUV&HQWUDOSULPDU\HQWU\DQGVHFRQGDU\HQWU\DGMDFHQWWRWKHJDUDJH5RRÁLQH extend over the primary entry and is supported by square posts. Notes: 1967 1969 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 75 A-30 Address: 1105 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Donald & Joyce Knab House Year Built: 1967 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One story ranch-style house with an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof and two-car garage. Red brick veneer with board and batten siding above. Primary entry is located in the corner of the L-shaped house with a central brick chimney. Double hung wood windows and a plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 Address: 1108 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Joyce & Scot Sedlacek House Year Built: 1965 Builder: T&S Construction Co. Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with an asphalt shingle gable rood and two-car street facing garage. Dark brown EULFNYHQHHUZLWKQDUURZKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJRQWKHXSSHUVWRU\/DUJHEULFNFKLPQH\FHQWHUHGRQWKHRQHDQGRQHKDOIVWRU\IDFDGH6OLGLQJDQGÀ[HG vinyl windows with false shutters. Unadorned primary entry, and shallow eaves with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The original diamond-pattern garage door and wide-plank lap siding were replaced but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1983 appearance. 1983 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 76 A-31 Address: 1112 Green St. Historic Name: Robert & Diana Goehing House Current Name: -RKQ 0DU\2·%ULHQ+RXVH Year Built: 1965 Builder: Robert Goehing Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof and two-car street-facing garage. Painted brick veneer with slumped mortar and board and batten siding above. Shed roof extension along the primary facade over the recessed primary entry supported by plain SRVWV9LQ\OVOLGLQJDQGÀ[HGZRRGZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVHVKXWWHUV3ODLQIDVFLDZLWKSRUNFKRSUHWXUQVLQWKHJDEOHHQGV Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. Address: 1109 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Liv & Brian Longfellow House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Don Real Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with an asphalt shingle gable rood and two-car street-facing garage. Red brick veneer with board and batten siding on the upper story. Central primary entry with central brick chimney. Wood hopper windows and plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1977 1977 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 77 A-32 Address: 1113 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Timothy & Roslyn Stern House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Don Real Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Exposed purlins in the gable ends with a plan fascia. Board and batten siding with irregular stone veneer. Off-center entry and wood hopper windows. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 Address: 1116 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: McKenzie House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Les Allison Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with an asphalt shingle gable roof and two-car street-facing garage. Elongated blonde stone veneer with board and batten siding above. Central entry and aluminum sliding windows. Wide eave overhangs. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 78 A-33 Address: 1201 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Donald & Carolyn Myers House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Painted brick veneer with T-111 siding above. Sliding and hopper wood windows and a central primary entry with horizontal light bars. Notes: The original board and batten siding was replaced with T-111 siding, but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. Striped awnings were also removed and likely not original. Address: 1200 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Bauer House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Les Allison Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with an asphalt shingle gable roof and two-bay street-facing garage. Elongated white stone veneer with T-111 siding above. Central entry with a small concrete stoop, vinyl double hung and hopper windows. Wide eave overhangs. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 79 A-34 Address: 1204 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Ronald Wemple House Year Built: 1969 Builder: Frank Terrel Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story minimal traditional house with an asphalt shingle gable roof and two-bay street-facing garage. Red brick veneer ZLWKERDUGDQGEDWWHQDERYHWKHJDUDJHGRRUVDQGLQWKHJDEOHHQGVDQGKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJRQWKHXSSHUVWRU\2IIFHQWHUSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKÁDQNLQJ sidelights. Fixed and sliding aluminum windows with false shutters. The front of the house is slightly recessed to create a covered area with the roof overhang supported by plain posts. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 Address: 1205 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: John & Georgiana Knezovich House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Larry Michaud Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story tri-level split house with a cross-gabled roof and two-car street-facing garage. Horizontal lap siding with minimal UHGEULFNYHQHHUDQGERDUGDQGEDWWHQVLGLQJ&HQWUDOSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKVHFRQGDU\HQWU\DGMDFHQWWRWKHJDUDJH:RRGGRXEOHKXQJZLQGRZVZLWKÁDQNLQJ decorative shutters with a diamond cut out. Plain fascia and shed-roof overhang over the primary entry. Notes: A historic photograph was not located for 1205 Green St. but the area over the garage appears to be an addition because of the lack of windows and similarly styled houses that do not have any living space above the garage. 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 80 A-35 Address: 1209 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Scott Tucker & Shannon Irey House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Al Hockett Style: Spanish Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story Spanish ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and asphalt shingle gable roof. Painted stone veneer with a large stone chimney built with a decorative arch. Walled front yard creates a courtyard space. Exposed purlins and rafter tails. Decorative corbeled posts and beams at garage openings. Tall narrow vinyl windows. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. Address: 1208 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Armon & Darlene Johannsen House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Frank Terrel Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with an asphalt shingle gable roof and two-car street-facing garage. Unadorned central entry and large brick end chimney. Red brick veneer with board and batten siding on the upper story and horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Sliding and hopper vinyl windows with wood window boxes below. Scalloped fascia in the upper story with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 81 A-36 Address: 1212 Green St. Historic Name: Terrel House Current Name: Clay & Marta Benson House Year Built: 1968 Builder: Frank Terrel Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Painted brick veneer ZLWKERDUGDQGEDWWHQVLGLQJDURXQGWKHJDUDJHDQGLQWKHJDEOHHQGV&HQWUDOSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKÁDQNLQJVLGHOLJKWVDQGH[WHQGHGVKHGURRI VXSSRUWHGE\ VTXDUHSRVWV6OLGLQJDQGÀ[HGYLQ\OZLQGRZVDQGDEULFNHQGFKLPQH\ Notes: The house has undergone recent cosmetic updates but the overall form appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 Address: 1213 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: 1213 Green St. Year Built: 1965 Builder: Lyle Roys Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with an asphalt shingle hip-and-gable roof and two-car street-facing garage. Red brick veneer ZLWKDFHQWUDOEULFNFKLPQH\&HQWUDOSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKDVLGHOLJKWDQGVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRS9LQ\OÀ[HGDQGKRSSHUZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVHPXQWLQVDQGIDOVH shutters. Notes: The windows were replaced but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 82 A-37 Address: 1217 Green St. Historic Name: Dwight & Louise Saunders House Current Name: Elizabeth Hatch House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Roy Borges Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gross-gabled roof. Brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Central entry with a small concrete stoop and an off-center brick chimney. Decorative oval and diamond motifs on the garage door. Fixed and double hung vinyl windows with false muntins. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 Address: 1216 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Barbara Larkin House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Les Allison Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Dark brown brick veneer ZLWKDQRIIFHQWHUUHGEULFNFKLPQH\&HQWUDOSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKDQDFFHVVLEOHZRRGUDPSH[WHQGLQJGRZQWKHZDON6OLGLQJDOXPLQXPDQGÀ[HGZLQGRZV with false shutters. Retractable fabric awning at the garage opening. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 83 A-38 Address: 1220 Green St. Historic Name: Sam & Florence Brunswig House Current Name: Brian Young & Christine Heess House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Sam Brunswig Style: International Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: 2QHVWRU\LQWHUQDWLRQDOVW\OHKRXVHZLWKDÁDWURRI DQGWZRED\VWUHHWIDFLQJJDUDJH(ORQJDWHGUHGDQGEORQGHVWRQHFODGGLQJ ZLWK7VLGLQJDERYH&HQWUDOHQWU\ZLWKVLQJXODUVLGHOLJKW'RXEOHKXQJYLQ\ODQGÀ[HGZLQGRZV%URDGURRI RYHUKDQJZLWKDSODLQIDVFLD Notes: 1977 Address: 1221 Green St. Historic Name: Charles & Anita Basham House Current Name: Charles & Anita Basham House Year Built: 1970 Builder: Frank Terrel Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story minimal traditional house with a two-car side-facing garage and asphalt shingle gable roof. Horizontal lap siding and double hung and hopper vinyl windows with false shutters and false muntins. Bay window on the primary facade and simple portico supported by square posts over the primary entry and porthole window. Brick end chimney and plain fascia with pork chop returns at the gable ends. Notes: 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 84 A-39 Address: 1301 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Kelby Bethards House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof and two-bay side-facing garage. Light brown stone YHQHHUZLWK7VLGLQJDERYH'RXEOHKXQJYLQ\OZLQGRZVÁDQNHGE\IDOVHVKXWWHUVZLWKDGLDPRQGFXWRXW&HQWUDOEULFNFKLPQH\DQGRIIYHQWHU primary entry. Extended roof line covers primary entry and is supported by plain posts. Notes: Former picture window was converted to a transparent garage door, but overall, the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 Address: 1300 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Roger Jennings & Christine Shaw House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with an asphalt shingle cross gabled roof and two-car street-facing garage. Small cupola off- centered above the garage. Board and batten siding above red brick veneer with blonde stones scattered sparsely throughout. Vinyl windows with false shutters and striped fabric awnings. Primary entry located in the corner of the L-shaped house. Shallow eaves with a plain fascia and pork chip returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 85 A-40 Address: 1304 Green St. Historic Name: Alvin & Charlotte Hoerlein House Current Name: Connie Ohlson House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Les Stovall Style: Eligibility: Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with board and batten siding above and horizontal lap siding at the garage. Unadorned recessed primary entry with a large central brick chimney. Sliding aluminum and À[HGYLQ\OZLQGRZV:LGHHDYHRYHUKDQGZLWKDSODLQIDVFLDDQGSRUNFKRSUHWXUQVLQWKHJDEOHHQGV Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 Address: 1305 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Colleen Conway House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Brown brick veneer with horizontal lap and board and batten siding above. Unadorned central entry with a plain wood stoop and double hung and casement vinyl windows. Notes: 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 86 A-41 Address: 1309 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: 1309 Green St. Year Built: 1959 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and asphalt shingle gable roof. Unadorned central entry with DVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRSDQGÁDQNLQJWKUHHVLGHGED\V9LQ\OFDVHPHQWZLQGRZVDQGZLGHKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJ Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1994 appearance. 1994 Address: 1308 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Mary Stonaker House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal ODSVLGLQJLQWKHJDEOHHQGV&HQWUDOHQWU\ZLWKÁDQNLQJIDOVHVKXWWHUV'RXEOHKXQJDQGÀ[HGYLQ\OZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVHVKXWWHUV5RRÁLQHH[WHQGVRYHUWKH primary entry and is supported by plain posts and criss-cross railing. Notes: 1984 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 87 A-42 Address: 1312 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: 1312 Green St. Year Built: 1960 Builder: Wesley Nelson Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Dark brown brick veneer ZLWK7VLGLQJLQWKHJDEOHHQGV2IIFHQWHUSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKDGLDPRQGSDWWHUQGRRU7KHGLDPRQGSDWWHUQLVUHSHDWHGLQWKHVKXWWHUVÁDQNLQJ aluminum sliding windows. Wide eave overhang. Notes: The decorative metal porch support railing has been removed and replaced with a single square post but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 Address: 1313 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Don & Emma Brown House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and asphalt shingle hip roof. Blonde brick veneer with HORQJDWHGVWRQHVVFDWWHUHGWKURXJKRXWDQGERDUGDQGEDWWHQVLGLQJDERYH2IIFHQWHUHQWU\ZLWKÀ[HGDQGGRXEOHKXQJZRRGZLQGRZV6LQJXODUVWRYHSLSH extends through the roof. Overhang at primary entry is supported by a decorative metal post. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 88 A-43 Address: 1317 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Bullock/James House Year Built: 1959 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hip roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Vinyl double hung windows, off-center primary entry with a small concrete stoop. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1994 appearance. 1994 Address: 1316 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Lance Larson & Lili Jacobs House Year Built: 1960 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and asphalt shingle hipped roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Large rd brick chimney on the primary facade and central, unadorned primary entry. Vinyl windows and narrow eave overhangs. Notes: 1984 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 89 A-44 Address: 1320 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Gwendolen & Dennis Gorzelsky House Year Built: 1960 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Fixed wood and sliding vinyl windows. Off venter entry with a roof overhang supported by a metal lattice post. Narrow eave overhangs with a plain fascia and pork chop returns at the gable ends. Notes: 1984 Address: 1321 Green St. Historic Name: John & Katherine Schwindt House Current Name: Wendy & Brent Myers House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Wesley Nelson Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style with a two-bay street facing garage and asphalt shingle hipped roof. Blond brick veneer with a recessed central entry and brick planters integral to the facade. Vinyl sliding windows and wide eaves. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 90 A-45 Address: 1325 Green St. Historic Name: R.D. & Alberta Barmingham House Current Name: Tami Schneck House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Vance Phipps Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Off-center recessed entry and central brick chimney. Red brick veneer with wood double hung windows. Small concrete stoop with decorative metal railing and support column. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1994 appearance. 1994 Address: 1324 Green St. Historic Name: Olen & Lillian Gibson House Current Name: 1324 Green St. Year Built: 1960 Builder: Harvey Schultz Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle side gabled roof. Horizontal lap and T-111 siding; scalloped edge at the gable end. Off-center entry with a small concrete stoop. Aluminum windows withe false shutters. Wide eaves with a pork chop return at the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1994 appearance. 1994 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 91 A-46 Address: 1328 Green St. Historic Name: Current Name: Gerald & Patricia Johnson House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Vic Deines Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car side-facing garage and asphalt shingle gable roof. Painted brick veneer with Wood GRXEOHKXQJDQGÀ[HGZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVHVKXWWHUV&HQWUDOHQWU\DQGZLGHHDYHVRYHUWKHSULPDU\IDFDGHZLWKDVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRS'HFRUDWLYHPHWDO lattices support roof overhangs. Notes: 1984 Address: 1329 Green St. Historic Name: Robert & Florence Dunn House Current Name: Joy Novak House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Vance Phipps Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and asphalt shingle cross gabled roof. Brick veneer with T-111 siding and aluminum sliding windows. Horizontal lap siding with a scalloped edge in the gable ends. Recessed primary entry with a secondary entry adjacent to the garage and a large central brick chimney. Wide eaves with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 92 A-47 Address: 1104 E. Lake Pl. Historic Name: Marvin & Naomi Wilson House Current Name: Marilyn & Timothy Rogers House Year Built: 1961 Builder: Marvin Wilson Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street facing garage and an asphalt shingle roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Central entry with a small uncovered wooden stoop. Sliding vinyl windows. Plain fascia with minimal eave overhangs. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1962 Address: 1100 E. Lake Pl. Historic Name: Current Name: Joann Maxton House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Donald Pierce Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car side-facing garage and asphalt shingle hipped roof. Blonde brick veneer with dark bricks scattered throughout. Central entry with elevated concrete porch and off-center brick chimney. Vinyl sliding and double hung windows. Wide eaves. Notes: The garage was originally accessed from E. Lake Pl. and was converted to living space and a new garage was added to the side off of E. Lake St., but overall the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1963 appearance. 1963 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 93 A-48 Address: 1108 E. Lake Pl. Historic Name: John & Winifred Reuss House Current Name: Jode Duval House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Bedford Spence Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Red brick veneer with T-111 siding above in the recessed portion on the primary facade. Central entry and off-enter brick chimney. Aluminum sliding windows; the roof overhang is supported by decorative metal lattice posts. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1962 Address: 1105 E. Lake Pl. Historic Name: Current Name: Colin & Diane Campbell House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Dick Johnston Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with KRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJDERYHDQGLQWKHJDEOHHQGV8QDGRUQHGFHQWUDOHQWU\ZLWKDQH[WHQGHGURRÁLQHVXSSRUWHGE\PHWDOODWWLFHSRVWVDQGDODUJHFHQWUDO brick chimney. Double hung wood windows with false shutters. Narrow eave overhang with a plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1963 appearance. 1963 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 94 A-49 Address: 1112 E. Lake Pl. Historic Name: Current Name: M. Ivanovich & A. Smith House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Harold Smith Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Painted brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above and T-111 siding in the gable ends. Primary entry centered at the L and casement vinyl windows. Narrow eave overhang with a plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: There is a later addition that extended the house a few feet toward the garage but overall the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1962 Address: 1109 E. Lake Pl. Historic Name: Gerald & Peggy Hexton House Current Name: Rene Larson & Jeremy Skoda House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Curley Jacobson Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a one-car street facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. T-111 siding with horizontal lap siding in the gable end. Large central brick chimney with slumped mortar. Large vinyl picture window on the primary facade. Notes: The house originally had a two bay garage; however, the pay adjacent to the living area was opened to create a breezeway between the driveway and the back yard. Otherwise, appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1962 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 95 A-50 Address: 1113 E. Lake Pl. Historic Name: Current Name: Jeffrey Hill House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Harold Smith Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Off center recessed entry and off-center brick chimney. Horizontal lap siding with shallow eaves. Notes: Mature landscaping blocks the house from the public right-of-way, however it appears relatively unchanged from its 1964 appearance. Address: 1116 E. Lake Pl. Historic Name: Current Name: Barbara Sullivan House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Harold Smith Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. T-111 siding and a FHQWUDOHQWU\SURWHFWHGE\DQH[WHQGHGVKHGURRÁLQHVXSSRUWHGE\PHWDOODWWLFHSRVWV'RXEOHKXQJYLQ\OZLQGRZVQDUURZHDYHRYHUKDQJZLWKDQDUURZ fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The cladding has been changed but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1964 1962 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 96 A-51 Address: 1120 E. Lake Pl. Historic Name: Samuel & Lila Wahlfeldt House Current Name: Hoover House Year Built: 1961 Builder: Perry Knight Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Blonde brick veneer with horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Unadorned central primary entry and an off-center blonde brick chimney. Sliding and couble hung wood windows. Narrow eave overhang with a narrow fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1962 Address: 1117 E. Lake Pl. Historic Name: Current Name: Lana & Raymond Smith House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Harold Smith Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Horizontal lap siding with painted stone veneer at the street end. Center entry with vinyl double hung and casement windows. Shallow eaves with a plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: 7KHSULPDU\HQWU\XVHGWREHUHFHVVHGLQWRWKHKRXVHDQGWKHRSHQLQJKDVEHHQPDGHÁXVKZLWKWKHIDFDGHEXWWKHKRXVHDSSHDUVUHODWLYHO\ unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1962 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 97 A-52 Address: 1121 E. Lake Pl. Historic Name: Current Name: Taylor/Treat House Year Built: 1971 Builder: Northern Colorado Construction Co. Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One- story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Painted brick veneer with wide horizontal lap siding above. Central entry and aluminum sliding windows with false shutters. Small concrete stoop with picket wooden railings. The roof overhang protrudes slightly at the primary entry. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. Address: 1124 E. Lake Pl. Historic Name: Current Name: Samuel & Roberta McGuire House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Jayhawk Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Unadorned off-center entry and sliding vinyl windows. Red brick veneer and wide eave overhangs. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1964 appearance. 1977 1964 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 98 A-53 Address: 800 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Current Name: Forrest & Kay Walters House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Style: Storybook Ranch Eligibility: &RQWULEXWLQJ,QGLYLGXDOO\6LJQLÀFDQW Architectural Description: One-story storybook ranch-styled house with a two-car side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick YHQHHUZLWKERDUGDQGEDWWHQVLGLQJDERYH2IIFHQWHUSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKDFDWVOLGHJDEOH5HGEULFNHQGFKLPQH\DQGÀ[HGDQGFDVHPHQWZRRGZLQGRZV with diamond-pattern muntins. Wide eave overhang with a tapered fascia in the gable ends and exposed rafter tails. Notes: 1962 Address: 1128 E. Lake Pl. Historic Name: Current Name: Troy & Bryan Hoffman House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Jayhawk Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped-roof. Red brick veneer and a central primary entry with a small concrete stoop. Secondary entry adjacent to the garage bay. Vinyl sliding and casement windows, narrow eave overhang. Notes: 1962 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 99 A-54 Address: 804 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Current Name: Joshua Stillahn House Year Built: 1958 Builder: Robert Mills Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car side-facing garage and asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Recessed double-door primary entry with a shed roof overhang. Blonde brick veneer with board and batten siding above. Double hung vinyl windows. Cantilevered square posts support shed roof overhangs at the primary entry and at the garage edge. Wide eave overhangs with exposed purlins. Notes: Address: 808 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Current Name: Broderick/Murphy House Year Built: 1958 Builder: Robert Mills Style: Ranch Eligibility: Non-contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Central entry with a shed roof overhang supported by DSODLQVTXDUHSRVWDQGFHQWUDOEULFNFKLPQH\+RUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJZLWKVOLGLQJDQGÀ[HGYLQ\OZLQGRZV Notes: 7KHKRXVHKDVKDGPRGLÀFDWLRQV JDUDJHHQFORVXUHWROLYLQJVSDFHGLDPRQGSDWWHUQEHWZHHQZLQGRZVUHPRYHGEULFNYHQHHUERDUGDQGEDWWHQ removed) that detract from the design, materials, workmanship, and feeling of the house. 1977 1959 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 100 A-55 Address: 816 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Current Name: Kelly & Matthew Haworth House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Robert Mills Style: Tudor Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story Tudor ranch style house with one-car street facing garage and asphalt shingle gable roof. Central entry with a gable- URRIHGFRYHUDQGFDWVOLGH5HGEULFNYHQHHUZLWKKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJDERYH6PDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRSZLWKLQWHJUDWHGEULFNSODQWHU9LQ\OÀ[HGDQGFDVHPHQW windows with false shutters. Notes: The picture window withe diamond pattern muntins was removed and the board and batten upper siding was replaced with plank but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1959 Address: 812 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Carl & Daisy Benander House Current Name: Nathan Boschmann House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Robert Mills Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Off-center primary entry with secondary entry adjacent to the garage. Large central brick chimney; vinyl sliding windows with false shutters. Wide eaves with a narrow fascia and pork chop returns at the gable ends. Notes: The picture window adjacent to the primary entry was replaced with a bay window but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1960 appearance. 1960 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 101 A-56 Address: 820 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Ted & Christine Kramer House Current Name: Steven & Miriam Schoenig House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Ben Olds Style: Storybook Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story storybook ranch-styled house with a two-car side facing garage and asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Center entry ZLWKRIIFHQWHUEULFNFKLPQH\5HGEULFNYHQHHUZLWKERDUGDQGEDWWHQVLGLQJDERYH9LQ\OZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVHPXQWLQVÁDQNHGE\ZRRGVKXWWHUVZLWKD GLDPRQGFXWRXWDQGZRRGZLQGRZER[HVEHORZ5RRÁLQHH[WHQGVRYHUWKHSULPDU\IDFDGHDQGLVVXSSRUWHGE\VTXDUHSRVWV Notes: The original windows with diamond patterned muntins were replaced but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1960 appearance. Address: 916 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Charles & Josephine Compton House Current Name: Danial Robinson & Sarah Prator House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Smith & Lumner Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Elongated red stone veneer with elongated blonde stones scattered throughout with horizontal lap siding above. Recessed primary entry with a small concrete stoop and off-center elongated stone clad chimney. Double hung wood windows and a wide eave overhang. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1960 appearance. 1960 1960 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 102 A-57 Address: 920 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Current Name: Chakmakjian House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Wesley Nelson Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Blonde brick veneer with KRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJLQWKHJDEOHHQGV8QDGRUQHGRIIFHQWHUSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKDVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRS:RRGFDVHPHQWDQGÀ[HGZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVH shutters. Shallow eaves with a plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 Address: 917 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Ivan & Marian Madsen House Current Name: Rex & Jolene Steffen House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Harold Turner Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a two-car side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Elongated EORQGVWRQHYHQHHUZLWKERDUGDQGEDWWHQDERYHDQGKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJDWWKHXSSHUVWRU\'RXEOHKXQJDQGÀ[HGYLQ\OZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVHVKXWWHUVRQ the upper story. Unadorned central entry and an end elongated stone-clad chimney. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 103 A-58 Address: 924 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Current Name: Steven Schulz House Year Built: 1961 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One story ranch style house with a one-car street facing garage and asphalt shingle gable roof and board and batten siding. Unadorned central entry and central brick chimney. Sliding and double hung vinyl windows. Shallow eaves. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1961 appearance. 1961 Address: 921 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Current Name: William Nauroth House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Lyle Roys Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a two-car street facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Elongated stone veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Aluminum sliding windows with false shutters; false shutters are set into the stone on the lower level. Brick end chimney near the southwest corner of the house. Unadorned off center entry adjacent to the garage door. Shallow eaves with plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1964 appearance. 1964 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 104 A-59 Address: 928 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Fred & Gladys Hulsebus House Current Name: Fred & Gladys Hulsebus House Year Built: 1961 Builder: Curley Jacobsen Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and a wood shingle gable roof. Dark red brick veneer, central entry with a small concrete stoop and roof overhang supported by square posts. Wood casement windows with false shutters and a central brick chimney. Plain fascia with a wide eave. Notes: Address: 925 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Current Name: Christopher Stoltze House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Curley Jacobson Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Blonde brick veneer with an unadorned central entry. Double hung wood windows with wood storms. Shallow eaves with a plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The metal lattice supports at the primary entry were removed but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1962 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 105 A-60 Address: 929 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Current Name: Richard Munn & Diana May House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Donald Pierce Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Painted brick veneer with hewn lap siding in the gable ends. Recessed off-center entry and a brick end chimney. Vinyl casement windows and a stucco courtyard wall. Notes: The courtyard wall at the primary entry is a later addition but overall the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1963 appearance. Address: 931 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Walter & Jean Gilmore House Current Name: 931 E. Lake St. Year Built: 1963 Builder: Walter Gilmore Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Vinyl lap siding, central entry, and off-center elongated stone clad chimney. Double entry door with extended shed roof overhang. Wide eaves with a plain fascia. Notes: The house originally had a elongated stone veneer with board and batten above that was replaced with vinyl siding. Overall, the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1964 appearance. 1963 1964 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 106 A-61 Address: 1005 E. Lake St. Historic Name: P.R. & Verna Bennett House Current Name: Lynda & Steven Benentt House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Roy Wendland Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Decorative concrete block screen between the garage bays and double door primary entry. Primary entry doors each have three central square panels. Elongated blonde stone veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Double hung wood windows with false shutters. Lapped fascia with wide eave overhangs. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 Address: 1001 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Current Name: Mel & Priscilla Stonebraker House Year Built: 1962 Builder: R.W. Scheller Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and cross-gabled asphalt shingle roof. Blonde brick veneer with horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Recessed central entry with diamond-shaped lights in the door and a brick central chimney. Double hung aluminum windows and wide eaves with a plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1963 appearance. 1963 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 107 A-62 Address: 1009 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Current Name: Anita & Gordon Esplin House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Willard Holz Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal ODSVLGLQJDERYH&HQWUDOHQWU\ZLWKDVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRSDQGKLSSHGURRI RYHUKDQJVXSSRUWHGE\ODUJHVTXDUHSRVWV6OLGLQJÀ[HGDQGGRXEOHKXQJYLQ\O windows with false shutters and shallow eaves. Notes: The hipped roof over the primary entry is an addition but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1964 appearance. Address: 1013 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Current Name: Caleb & Anne Ekblad House Year Built: 1963 Builder: T.W. Metcalf Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Horizontal lap siding with a central entry and vinyl sliding windows with false shutters. Shallow eaves and plain fascia. Notes: Square posts and corbels were added to support the roof overhang at the primary entry and the original wide-lap siding was replaced with a narrow plank but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1964 1965 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 108 A-63 Address: 1017 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Current Name: Donald & Josephine Peters House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Donald Pierce Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street facing garage and asphalt shingle hipped roof. Brown brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above and wide eaves. Large central brick chimney and recessed off center entry with a small concrete stoop. Double hung wood ZLQGRZVÁDQNHGE\ZRRGVKXWWHUVZLWKDGLDPRQGFXW Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 Address: 1016 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Current Name: Roger & Christine Gerholt House Year Built: 1968 Builder: Peterson Bros. Construction Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a two-car street-facing garage and asphalt shingle gable roof. Board and batten siding with horizontal plank siding at the upper story. Unadorned central entry with large brick end chimney. Three-sided bay projections at the XSSHUVWRU\$OXPLQXPVOLGLQJDQGÀ[HGZLQGRZV:LGHHDYHRYHUKDQJVZLWKSODLQIDVFLD Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 109 A-64 Address: 1020 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Howard & Mary Greenlee House Current Name: Matthew & Angela Crawford House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Harold Smith Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage daylight garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Red brick veneer with board and batten siding above. Central entry with a small concrete stoop and iron railings leading from the driveway. Brick retaining wall adjacent to the garage bays. Wood sliding and hopper windows withe a small porthole window on the primary facade. Notes: The diamond pattern garage doors have been replaced but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. Address: 1021 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Current Name: Stephen Collins House Year Built: 1970 Builder: Leo C. Noah Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a street-facing two-bay garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Central entry with a small concrete stoop and brick end chimney. Blonde brick veneer with T-111 siding on the upper story and horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Sliding vinyl and aluminum windows with false shutters on the upper story. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1971 appearance. 1968 1971 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 110 A-65 Address: 1028 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Current Name: Christopher & Nicole Aguilar House Year Built: 1967 Builder: Thomas Uzzell Style: Bi-level Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story bi-level split house with a one-car street facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick YHQHHUZLWKDFHQWUDOHQWU\ÁDQNHGE\SODLQVLGHOLJKWV)XOOKHLJKWVTXDUHFROXPQVVXSSRUWWKHURRIRYHUKDQJRQWKHSULPDU\IDFDGH6OLGLQJDOXPLQXP windows with false shutters. Notes: The diamond-pattern sidelights were replaced but house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 Address: 1024 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Current Name: Erin Hughes House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Anthony Kawuloks Style: Bi-level Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story bi-level house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer on the lower level with horizontal lap siding above. Central entry with a wood and metal wire railing. Sliding and casement vinyl windows on the upper story with wood casement windows in the lower story with diamond-pattern muntins. Notes: The diamond pattern windows have been removed from all but the lower level but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1964 appearance. 1964 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 111 A-66 Address: 1032 E. Lake St. Historic Name: Lake & Prospect Multifamily Current Name: 1032 E. Lake St. Year Built: 1964 Builder: Jayhawk Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch-style triplex with an asphalt shingle gable roof and red brick veneer with stucco in the gable ends. Sliding and vinyl casement windows with brick sills. The primary entry to each unit is recessed into the corner of the L-shaped building. Plain fascia with pork shop returns at the gable ends. Notes: The decorative block wall enclosing a courtyard at the primary entries was removed but overall the building retains the 1965 appearance. Address: 1305 S. Lemay Ave. Historic Name: Current Name: Dorothy Kuhn House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Les Allison Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One story ranch style house with a two-bay side facing garage and an asphalt shingle hip-and-gable roof. Red brick veneer with board and batten siding above and horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Central entry with a small concrete stoop, sliding aluminum windows and a glass block window near the garage bays. Plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1964 appearance. 1965 1964 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 112 A-67 Address: 1100 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: Katherine Ballard House Year Built: 1969 Builder: Frank Terrel Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One story ranch style house with an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof and a two-car side-facing garage. Sage green brick YHQHHUZLWK7VLGLQJDERYH&HQWUDOHQWU\ZLWKDVKHGURRI RYHUKDQJVXSSRUWHGE\SODLQVTXDUHSRVWV6OLGLQJDQGÀ[HGDOXPLQXPZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVH shutters. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1971 appearance. 1970 Address: 1409 S. Lemay Ave. Historic Name: Holiday House Apartments Current Name: Holiday House Apartments Year Built: 1963 Builder: Willard Holz Style: Multifamily Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two story multi-family building with dark brick veneer and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Asphalt shingle gable roof with H[SRVHGSXUOLQVDQGDSODLQIDVFLD'HFRUDWLYHKRUL]RQWDOVWRQHFODVVLQJEHWZHHQWKHÁRRUVRQWKHSULPDU\IDFDGHDQGKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJLQWKHJDEOHHQG 6OLGLQJDOXPLQXPZLQGRZV$OOXQLWHQWULHVDUHRIIRIVHFRQGDU\IDFDGHV'HFRUDWLYHEORFNZDOOVHQFORVHWKHHQWULHVDWWKHJURXQGÁRRUZLWKSODLQSLFNHW UDLOLQJVRQWKHXSSHUÁRRUV Notes: The property appears relatively unchanged from its 1964 appearance. 1964 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 113 A-68 Address: 1101 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: Zona & James Matlock House Year Built: 1970 Builder: Carl Nelson Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer ZLWKDFHQWUDOUHGEULFNFKLPQH\5HFHVVHGFHQWUDOSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKDVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRSDQGÁDQNLQJVLGHOLJKWV9LQ\OFDVHPHQWZLQGRZVDQGDSODLQ fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1971 appearance. Address: 1104 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: 1104 Lory St. Year Built: 1967 Builder: Frank Terrel Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a street-facing two-bay garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Painted brick veneer with board and batten siding above. Unadorned central entry with a small concrete stoop and a painted brick end chimney. Sliding and À[HGDOXPLQXPZLQGRZVWKHXSSHUVWRU\RYHUKDQJVWKHORZHUVWRU\ Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1971 1968 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 114 A-69 Address: 1108 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: 1108 Lory St. Year Built: 1967 Builder: Don Real Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: 2QHVWRU\UDQFKVW\OHKRXVHZLWKDWZRFDUVWUHHWIDFLQJJDUDJHDQGDQDVSKDOWVKLQJOHURRI2IIFHQWHUUHFHVVHGHQWU\ÁDQNHG by full height picket screens and an off center blonde brick chimney. Blonde brick veneer with board and batten siding above. Casement vinyl windows. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 Address: 1105 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: Dhakal/Green House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Frank Terrel Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a street-facing two-car garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Large brick chimney centered on the two story facade. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding on the upper story. Unadorned central entry with a small concrete VWRRS6OLGLQJYLQ\OZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVHVKXWWHUVRQWKHJURXQGÁRRU Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 115 A-70 Address: 1109 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: Diane & Robert Haerter House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Frank Terrel Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a street-facing two-car garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Elongated red stone veneer with blonde stones scattered throughout and horizontal lap siding on the upper story. Unadorned central entry and a three- sided bay window on the primary facade. Double hung wood windows with false shutters on the upper story. Plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The bay window is a later addition but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. Address: 1200 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: Jeffrey Baker House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Frank Terrel Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a street-facing two-car garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Brown EULFNYHQHHUZLWKKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJRQWKHXSSHUVWRU\&HQWUDOHQWU\SURWHFWHGE\WKHH[WHQGHGURRÁLQHDQGODUJHEULFNHQGFKLPQH\7KUHHVLGHGED\ ZLQGRZRQWKHJURXQGÁRRUVOLGLQJYLQ\OZLQGRZVRQWKHORZHUOHYHOFDQFDVHPHQWYLQ\OZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVHPXQWLQVRQWKHXSSHUOHYHO3ODLQIDVFLDZLWK pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The bay window was a later addition but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1968 1967 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 116 A-71 Address: 1204 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: Delude/Montgomery House Year Built: 1967 Builder: Frank Terrel Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a street-facing two-bay garage and gable and hipped wood shingle roof lines. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding on the upper story. Unadorned primary entry with a secondary entry adjacent to the garage bays. Sliding and foxed aluminum windows with false shutters. Notes: A small, one-story addition was made adjacent to the garage bays but house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 Address: 1201 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: :LOOLDP &DUORWD6WULIÁHU+RXVH Year Built: 1967 Builder: Frank Terrel Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: 7ZRVWRU\PLQLPDOWUDGLWLRQDOKRXVHZLWKJDEOHDQGKLSSHGURRÁLQHVDQGDWZRED\VWUHHWIDFLQJJDUDJH5HGEULFNYHQHHUZLWK horizontal lap siding on the upper story and board and batten in the gable ends. Unadorned central entry protected by the roof overhang. Three-sided bay ZLQGRZRQWKHJURXQGÁRRUDQGVOLGLQJZLQGRZVRQWKHXSSHUÁRRUZLWKIDOVHVKXWWHUV3ODLQIDVFLDDQGZLGHHDYHRYHUKDQJVRQWKHXSSHUVWRU\ Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 117 A-72 Address: 1205 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: Marilyn Lesh House Year Built: 1967 Builder: Don Real Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a wood shingle cross-gabled roof and a two-car side facing garage. Recessed primary entry with an off-center brick chimney. Red brick veneer with board and batten siding above and horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Fixed, double hung, and casement wood windows with false shutters. Striped fabric awning on the primary facade and a plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. Address: 1209 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: Nicolae & Eugenia Popescu House Year Built: 1968 Builder: Don Real Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch house with an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof and two-bay street-facing garage. Red brick veneer with KRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJLQWKHJDEOHHQGV&HQWUDOSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKDURRIRYHUKDQJVXSSRUWHGE\DQDQJOHGVTXDUHSRVW6OLGLQJDQGÀ[HGZRRGZLQGRZV and a plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 1968 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 118 A-73 Address: 1217 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: Hazlett House Year Built: 1967 Builder: Leo C. Noah Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Unadorned central entry with a small concrete stoop and an accessible ramp leading to the driveway. Red brick veneer with wood panels below the windows. Fixed and double hung wood windows with false shutters. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 Address: 1213 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: 1213 Lory St. Year Built: 1965 Builder: Merle Nelson Style: Ranch Eligibility: Non-Contributing Architectural Description: 2QHVWRU\UDQFKVW\OHKRXVHZLWK6SDQLVKLQÁXHQFHV7ZRED\VWUHHWIDFLQJJDUDJHDQGDFHQWUDOUHFHVVHGHQWU\VXUURXQGHGE\ glass block. Tapered stone clad corners with a heavy timber fascia. Central stucco chimney. Notes: 7KHSULPDU\IDFDGHRI WKHKRXVHKDVEHHQVLJQLÀFDQWO\DOWHUHGDQGWKHKLVWRULFIRUPDQGFKDUDFWHULVXQUHFRJQL]DEOH 1966 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 119 A-74 Address: 1221 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: Gale & Judith Boggs House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Frank Terrel Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a street-facing two-car garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Red brick veneer with board and batten siding on the upper story. Unadorned central entry with a brick end chimney. Fixed and vinyl windows with false shutters. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. Address: 1300 Lory St. Historic Name: Harry & Mildred Crim House Current Name: Benjamin & Stephanie Merrell House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Bedford Spence Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story minimal traditional house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding on the upper story and in the gable ends. Central entry with a small concrete stoop and single sidelight. Double hung, true divided light wood windows with exterior storms. Plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1966 1962 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 120 A-75 Address: 1304 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: Shari Lanning House Year Built: 1960 Builder: John Rostek Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a street-facing two-car street facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross- gabled roof. Painted brick veneer with slumped mortar and board and batten siding in the gable ends. Central entry with a roof overhang supported by a plain square post. Sliding vinyl windows, wide eaves, and a plain fascia. Notes: The original carport was enclosed to create a garage but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 Address: 1301 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: Willene & Reinhold Stoll House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Ben Rhodes Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: 1963 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 121 A-76 Address: 1305 Lory St. Historic Name: Elmer & Betty Schneider House Current Name: $OOLVRQ6FKXOW] '\ODQ&DQÀHOG+RXVH Year Built: 1961 Builder: J. Halonka Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Blonde brick veneer with a recessed central entry with a single sidelight and a central brick chimney. Secondary entry on the primary facade is recessed and framed by decorative metal lattices. Sliding vinyl windows and a plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1961 appearance. Address: 1308 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: James Haynes & Susan Duba House Year Built: 1960 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Blonde brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Unadorned off center entry with a small concrete stoop. Sliding and casement vinyl windows and wide eaves. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1961 appearance. 1961 1961 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 122 A-77 Address: 1312 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: Jennifer Nyborg House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Wesley Nelson Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Blonde brick veneer with horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Unadorned central entry and double hung and sliding vinyl windows with false shutters. Plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 Address: 1309 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: Adrienne Marcus House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Wesley Nelson Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with DQGKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJLQWKHJDEOHHQGVDQXQDGRUQHGRIIFHQWHUHQWU\6OLGLQJDQGÀ[HGYLQ\OZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVHVKXWWHUV3ODLQIDVFLDZLWKSRUNFKRS returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1961 appearance. 1961 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 123 A-78 Address: 1313 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: James & Peggy Ingram House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Maurice Deines Style: Bi-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story bi-level split house with a one-car street facing garage and asphalt shingle gable roof. Central entry with a shed roof extension supported by metal lattice posts. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding surrounding the garage. Sliding aluminum windows and wide eaves. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. Address: 1316 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: Cory Hudson House Year Built: 1960 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Off-center entry and off- center blonde and red brick chimney with a diamond motif. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Sliding and double hung vinyl windows Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1961 appearance. 1962 1961 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 124 A-79 Address: 1320 Lory St. Historic Name: Lynn & Ann Porter House Current Name: Lynn & Ann Porter House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Harvey Schultz Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer with T-111siding in the gable ends. Unadorned central entry with a small concrete stoop. Sliding and casement wood windows with a large metal awning over the picture window on the primary facade. Plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1961 appearance. 1961 Address: 1317 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: Annabelle Simpson House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Harvey Schultz Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a street-facing two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Recessed central entry with an off-center stone chimney. Elongated brown stone veneer with T-111 siding on the upper story. Casement and double hung wood windows with false shutters. Plain fascia and wide eaves. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 125 A-80 Address: 1321 Lory St. Historic Name: Current Name: Erik Cox & Jeneka Force House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Dark brown brick veneer with board and batten above at the end of the L. Sliding and double hung vinyl windows with a three-sided bay window adjacent to the primary entry. Unadorned primary entry located inside the L with a small concrete stoop. Plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The bay window is a later addition but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1961 appearance. Address: 1324 Lory St. Historic Name: Claude & Edith Lane House Current Name: Kenneth & Nancy Barry House Year Built: 1961 Builder: Harold Smith Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Central entry protected by a roof overhang supported by metal lattice posts. Vinyl double hung windows with a three-sided bay window with false muntins adjacent to the primary entry. Notes: The bay window is a later addition but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1961 1962 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 126 A-81 Address: 1005 Morgan St. Historic Name: Will & Mary Jensen House Current Name: Anne Winklemeyer House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Will Jensen Style: Contemporary Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story contemporary house with a street-facing two-car garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Painted brick veneer with slumped mortar and board and batten siding on the upper story. Central entry protected by an extended roof supported by plain square posts. Sliding and casement wood windows and a plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 Address: 1001 Morgan St. Historic Name: Current Name: Charles & Tami Tallent House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Jayhawk Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Blonde brick veneer with a large blonde brick end chimney. Central primary entry is covered by an extended eave supported by a metal lattice post on a concrete stoop. Vinyl casement windows with a six-sided bay adjacent to the primary entry. Notes: The bay window is a later addition but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 127 A-82 Address: 1009 Morgan St. Historic Name: Current Name: Joseph & Lora Manning House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Jayhawk Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Recessed off-center primary entry and a brick end chimney. Red brick veneer with board and batten siding above. Double hung and casement vinyl windows. Wide eave overhangs supported by a plain square post at the primary entry. Notes: 7KHKRXVHRULJLQDOO\KDGDEUHH]HZD\HQWU\DGMDFHQWWRWKHJDUDJHHQFORVHGZLWKDGHFRUDWLYHEORFNZDOO7KLVRSHQLQJZDVÀOOHGLQZLWKZLQGRZV and garage doors were replaced, but overall, the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 Address: 1013 Morgan St. Historic Name: Lamartine & Audrey Winzenreid House Current Name: Frederick & Rebecca Douglas House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Vance Phipps Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story minimal traditional house with a two-bay street facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Elongated white stone veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Central entry with single sidelight protected by a shed roof overhang supported by square posts. Four-sided bay window on the ground level and double hung wood windows with false shutters and a stone end chimney. Notes: 1967 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 128 A-83 Address: 1104 Morgan St. Historic Name: Current Name: Phyllis Farver House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Carl Nelson Style: Mansard Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story mansard house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle mansard roof with a gable roof over the garage. Central primary entry with a small concrete stoop. Secondary recessed entry adjacent to the garage. Brick end chimney and a cupola centered over the garage. Red brick veneer with T-111 siding at the garage and horizontal lap siding at the dormers. Double hung vinyl windows with false muntins and false shutters. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 Address: 1100 Morgan St. Historic Name: Richard & Diane Hecker House Current Name: Hecker House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Merle Nelson Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car side facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Unadorned central entry with a single sidelight and large central brick chimney. Red brick veneer with T-111 siding and a red brick planter enclosing a porch area protected by an H[WHQGHGURRÁLQHVXSSRUWHGE\SODLQSRVWV6OLGLQJYLQ\OZLQGRZV Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 129 A-84 Address: 1108 Morgan St. Historic Name: Current Name: Joyce Eidsness House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Carl Nelson Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Rusticated stone veneer with board and batten siding above. Off-center primary entry with a large gable-roofed overhang supported by plain square posts. Fixed and sliding wood windows. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 Address: 1105 Morgan St. Historic Name: Current Name: Lawrence & Margaret Mason House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Vic Deines Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Off center primary entry with a vinyl front sun room and a central elongated stone chimney. Elongated buff stone veneer with board and batten siding above. Vinyl casement windows. Notes: The recessed entry area was enclosed with a vinyl sun room, but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1990 appearance. 1990 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 130 A-85 Address: 1116 Morgan St. Historic Name: Kenneth & Audrey Knutson House Current Name: Barbara Hardy House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Merle Ball Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-bay street-facing garage and asphalt shingle gable roof. White brick veneer with slumped mortar and horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Central entry with a small concrete stoop and off-center brick chimney. Sliding and casement wood windows with false shutters. Plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1965 Address: 1112 Morgan St. Historic Name: Current Name: Ross & Charlene Loomis House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Sayler Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable rood. Unadorned off-center entry with a small concrete stoop and central brick chimney. Red brick veneer with board and batten siding above. Sliding and casement vinyl windows with false shutters. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 131 A-86 Address: 1204 Morgan St. Historic Name: Current Name: /DUU\ 'HQLVH*ULIÀWK+RXVH Year Built: 1965 Builder: Les Allison Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Red brick veneer with a large brick chimney on the primary facade. Unadorned central entry with a small concrete stoop. Sliding wood windows and a wide eave overhang. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1965 Address: 1200 Morgan St. Historic Name: Don & Elizabeth Enright House Current Name: Bertram & Polly Schwaderlapp House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Lawrence Kechter Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story minimal traditional house with a two-bay street facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Unadorned central entry protected by a shed rood overhang supported by a square post. Large brick end chimney. Double hung and casement wood windows with exterior storms and false shutters. Plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1974 appearance. 1974 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 132 A-87 Address: 1212 Morgan St. Historic Name: Eugene & Claire Frink House (2) Current Name: Diane Adams House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Eugene Frink Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Elongated buff stone veneer with T-111 siding in the gable ends. Primary entry is enclosed by a elongated buff stone courtyard wall. Off-center stone chimney. Sliding wood windows with false shutters. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1965 Address: 1208 Morgan St. Historic Name: Current Name: Jamie Heveron & Neil Swanson House Year Built: 1966 Builder: R.W. Scheller Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story minimal traditional house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding at the dormers. Unadorned central entry with a small concrete stoop and false shutters. Brick end chimney. Double hung windows with exterior storms and false shutters. Plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 133 A-88 Address: 1300 Morgan St. Historic Name: Truman & Betty Harsha House Current Name: Wendy Mosher & John McKay House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Storybook Ranch Eligibility: &RQWULEXWLQJ,QGLYLGXDOO\6LJQLÀFDQW Architectural Description: One-story storybook ranch style house with a two-car side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle roof with intersecting gables. Elongated white stone veneer with board and batten siding above. Central cupola and a large elongated white stone end chimney. Recessed central entry with a shed roof overhang supported by king posts. Double hung vinyl windows with false muntins; plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 Address: 1216 Morgan St. Historic Name: Dr. Donald & Donna Beard House Current Name: Dr. Donald & Donna Beard House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Les Allison Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: 2QHVWRU\UDQFKVW\OHKRXVHZLWKKLSDQGJDEOHURRÁLQHVDQGDWZRFDUVLGHIDFLQJJDUDJH5HGEULFNYHQHHUZLWKERDUGDQG batten siding above. Off-center entry with a small concrete stoop protected by a small roof overhang. Wood casement and hopper windows with exterior storms. Plain fascia. Notes: 1974 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 134 A-89 Address: 1308 Morgan St. Historic Name: Current Name: Edward Obrecht House Year Built: 1959 Builder: R.W. Scheller Style: Tudor Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with Tudor elements, one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof with a cat slide toward the garage. Red brick veneer with board and batten siding above. Unadorned central entry with a small concrete stoop and an off-center chimney. Plain fascia with extended eaves. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 Address: 1304 Morgan St. Historic Name: Current Name: Pamela Timms House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Elongated buff stone veneer with board and batten siding above. Off center stone chimney and central recessed entry protected by an extended roof supported by plain corbeled posts. Fixed and double hung vinyl windows; plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 135 A-90 Address: 1316 Morgan St. Historic Name: Marvin & Doris Jensen House Current Name: 1316 Morgan St. Year Built: 1959 Builder: Harvey Schultz Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Painted brick veneer with an RIIFHQWHUEULFNFKLPQH\2IIFHQWHUSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKDVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRSDQGÁDQNLQJVLGHOLJKWV'RXEOHKXQJZRRGZLQGRZVZLWKGLDPRQGSDWWHUQ muntins and window boxes below. Plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 Address: 1312 Morgan St. Historic Name: Current Name: Tim Sagen House Year Built: 1959 Builder: John Foster (Likely Rostek) Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped-roof. Red brick veneer and an off-center entry protected by a roof overhang supported by a brick clad post. Off-center red brick chimney. Vinyl casement windows. Notes: The window style has changed from the original double hung but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 136 A-91 Address: 1324 Morgan St. Historic Name: Raymond & Edna Kruse House Current Name: Sarah Patterson House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Smith & Lumner Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a side-facing two-car garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Elongated blonde stone veneer with dark stones scattered throughout with horizontal lap siding above. Unadorned primary entry with a small concrete stoop. Sliding and casement vinyl windows; wide eaves. 1984 Address: 1320 Morgan St. Historic Name: Livingston House Current Name: Conway-Sibbald House Year Built: 1959 Builder: George Stovall Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story minimal traditional house with an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof and one-car street-facing garage. Horizontal lap siding with T-111 at the primary entry. Recessed primary entry with an arcaded porch supported by plain posts. Central brick chimney; vinyl double hung windows with false muntins and false shutters. No eave overhang and plain fascia. Notes: 1984 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 137 A-92 Address: 1104 Newsom St. Historic Name: Current Name: Howard & Julie Ong House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Willard Holz Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with KRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJLQWKHJDEOHHQGVDQGERDUGDQGEDWWHQVLGLQJDERYHWKHJDUDJH&HQWUDOHQWU\ZLWKÁDQNLQJVLGHOLJKWVDQGVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRS6OLGLQJ and vinyl casement windows and a plain fascia. Notes: The primary entry was originally a double door but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1963 appearance. 1963 Address: 1100 Newsom St. Historic Name: Current Name: Stephen & Kimberly Keen House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Lyle Roys Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Painted brick veneer with a ODUJHH[WHULRUEULFNFKLPQH\RQWKHSULPDU\IDFDGH&HQWUDOHQWU\IDPHGE\LQWHJUDWHGEULFNSODQWHUV9LQ\OFDVHPHQWZLQGRZVZLWKÁDQNLQJIDOVHVKXWWHUV Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 138 A-93 Address: 1108 Newsom St. Historic Name: William & Shirley Stallings House Current Name: Steven & Amanda Guliani House Year Built: 1963 Builder: William A. Stallings Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Painted brick veneer with horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Off-center primary entry is immediately adjacent to the garage. Vinyl sliding and casement windows with false shutters. Wide eaves and an off center brick chimney. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1964 appearance. 1964 Address: 1105 Newsom St. Historic Name: Current Name: Robert & Laurel Kost House Year Built: 1967 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Pagoda Ranch Eligibility: &RQWULEXWLQJ,QGLYLGXDOO\6LJQLÀFDQW Architectural Description: 2QHVWRU\UDQFKVW\OHKRXVHZLWKDWZRFDUVWUHHWIDFLQJJDUDJHDQGDÁDUHGJDEOHURRIZLWKZRRGVKLQJOHV'DUNEULFNYHQHHU with board and batten siding above. Centered primary entry with a cat slide gable entry and small concrete stoop. Exposed rafter tails. Notes: Many of the details are hidden by foliage from the public right of way but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 139 A-94 Address: 1200 Newsom St. Historic Name: Current Name: Anna Deeming House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Lawrence Kechter Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer with board and batten siding in the gable ends. Unadorned off-center entry and central brick chimney. Three-sided bay window on the primary facade. Scalloped fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The bay window is a later addition but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1965 Address: 1109 Newsom St. Historic Name: Harold & June Paulsen House Current Name: Hart/Steneroden House Year Built: 1961 Builder: Robert Schneider Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Elongated stone YHQHHUZLWKKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJDQGERDUGDQGEDWWHQVLGLQJDERYH5HFHVVHGSULPDU\HQWU\DWWKH/ZLWKÁDQNLQJVLGHOLJKWVDQGDVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRS Off-center brick chimney; Aluminum and wood sliding windows with false shutters. Notes: The previously exposed rafter tails have been removed but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1962 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 140 A-95 Address: 1204 Newsom St. Historic Name: Current Name: Nancy Wagner House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Howard Delozier Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story U-shaped ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Blonde brick veneer with board and batten siding above. Central entry and sliding wood windows. Wide eaves and a plain fascia; decorative garage door with four porthole windows and geometric stripes. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 Address: 1201 Newsom St. Historic Name: Current Name: Elaine Podell & Jeffrey Blume House Year Built: 1961 Builder: Curley Jacobson Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: 2QHDQGRQHKDOI VWRU\WULOHYHOVSOLWKRXVHZLWKDQDGGLWLRQDOÁRRUDGGLWLRQWZRFDUVWUHHWIDFLQJJDUDJHDQGDQDVSKDOW shingle gable roof. Board and batten siding with a large brick chimney on the primary facade. Unadorned central primary entry. Wood sliding windows with wood shutters with a diamond-cut pattern; plain fascia. Notes: The uppermost story is a later addition to the house and the original carport was enclosed as a garage, but the overall form and feeling of the house are relatively unchanged from 1962. 1962 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 141 A-96 Address: 1208 Newsom St. Historic Name: Current Name: June Duran House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Roy Wendland Style: Contemporary Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story contemporary house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with board and batten and a large central corbeled brick chimney. Central entry with a small hipped roof overhang and small concrete stoop. Double hung and hopper wood windows with exterior storms and false shutters. Wide eaves with a plan fascia. Notes: 7KHRULJLQDOGLDPRQGSDWWHUQVKXWWHUVZHUHUHSODFHGDQGWKHJDEOHHQGELUGKRXVHZDVÀOOHGLQEXWWKHKRXVHDSSHDUVUHODWLYHO\XQFKDQJHGIURPLWV 1968 appearance. 1968 Address: 1205 Newsom St. Historic Name: Current Name: Hart/Steneroden House Year Built: 1961 Builder: Robert Schneider Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. T-111 siding with horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Central primary entry covered by the roof overhang that is supported bu square posts with a slight arched fascia. Secondary entry adjacent to the garage bays. Sliding vinyl windows. Notes: The original carport was enclosed as a garage but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 142 A-97 Address: 1212 Newsom St. Historic Name: Current Name: Bruce & Michelle Berens House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Donald W. Acott Style: Bi-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story bi-level split house with a two-bay side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hip-and-gable roof. 5HGEULFNYHQHHUZLWKDODUJHFHQWUDOEULFNFKLPQH\&HQWUDOHQWU\ZLWKÁDQNLQJVLGHOLJKWVDQGDVPDOOKLSSHGURRIFRYHUVXSSRUWHGE\ODUJHVTXDUHSRVWV Casement wood windows; narrow eaves. Notes: The original divided light windows and porch supports were replaced but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 Address: 1209 Newsom St. Historic Name: Current Name: 1209 Newsom St. Year Built: 1960 Builder: Bob Schmick Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Painted brick veneer with slumped mortar and board and batten siding Central double-door primary entry with a loggia supported by a rick wall and plain posts. Fixed and sliding wood windows. Wide eaves. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1961 appearance. 1961 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 143 A-98 Address: 1305 Newsom St. Historic Name: Current Name: Harold Mills House Year Built: 1958 Builder: R.F. Mills Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hip-and-gable roof. Blonde brick YHQHHUZLWKZRRGVKLQJOHVLQWKHJDEOHHQGV3ULPDU\HQWU\LVFHQWHUHGLQWKHFRUQHURIWKH/ZLWKDÁDWURRIRYHUKDQJVXSSRUWHGE\DPHWDOODWWLFHSRVW Central brick chimney and sliding aluminum windows. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1967 Address: 1301 Newsom St. Historic Name: Current Name: 1301 Newsom St. Year Built: 1961 Builder: C. Troudt Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Blonde brick veneer with horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Unadorned central entry with a small concrete stoop and wooden railing. Sliding and double hung wood windows. Wide eaves with a narrow fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1962 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 144 A-99 Address: 1313 Newsom St. Historic Name: Current Name: Michael & Bette Bodak House Year Built: 1958 Builder: /RÀ0LOOHU Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer with board and batten siding in the gable ends and elongated red stone veneer at the garage bays. Off-center blonde brick chimney and central primary entry. Double hung wood windows with diamond pattern muntins and false shutters. Exposed purlins and an elongated plain fascia that extends away from the garage and is supported by a turned post. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 Address: 1309 Newsom St. Historic Name: Current Name: 1309 Newsom St. Year Built: 1958 Builder: Vic Deines Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a street-facing two-car garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Blonde brick veneer with elongated red stones scattered throughout. Off-center entry with a small concrete stoop. Wide eaves and sliding and double hung wood windows. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 145 A-100 Address: 1321 Newsom St. Historic Name: Current Name: Niklaas Allain House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hip-and-gable roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Unadorned off-central entry with a roof overhang supported by a metal lattice post. Off-center brick chimney; three-sided bay window adjacent to the primary entry and sliding vinyl windows. Notes: The bay window is a later addition but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1960 appearance. 1960 Address: 1317 Newsom St. Historic Name: Current Name: Stacy Werner House Year Built: 1958 Builder: Vance Phipps Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Blonde brick veneer with an off-center brick chimney. Recessed central entry with a wide concrete stoop. Sliding and casement wood windows with a 3x4 glass block window adjacent to the primary entry. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 146 A-101 Address: 800 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Kelly & Janet Brown House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above and board and batten in the gable ends. Off-center brick chimney and off-center primary entry protected by a shed roof overhang with metal lattice posts. Double hung wood windows with diamond pattern muntins; plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1960 appearance. 1960 Address: 1325 Newsom St. Historic Name: Current Name: Nicholas & Elizabeth Mills House Year Built: 1959 Builder: F.H. Uthmann Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a none-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with T-111 siding in the gable ends. Exposed purlins and a scalloped fascia. Red brick end chimney and an off-center entry with a small concrete stoop. Fixed and double hung wood windows with exterior storms. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 147 A-102 Address: 809 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: David & Sandra Freeman House Year Built: 1960 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Unadorned primary entry with an adjacent three-sided bay window. Double hung vinyl windows with false shutters; wide eaves. Notes: The bay window is a later addition but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1960 appearance. 1960 Address: 805 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Freida Lombardi House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Cook Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story minimal traditional house with an asphalt shingle gable roof and one-car street-facing garage. Painted brick veneer with four rows of horizontal lap siding above and horizontal lap siding on the garage and dormers. Central brick chimney and central XQDGRUQHGSULPDU\HQWU\ÁDQNLQJSLFWXUHZLQGRZVZLWKRSHUDEOHGRXEOHKXQJZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVHPXQWLQVDQGIDOVHVKXWWHUV1RHDYHRYHUKDQJ Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1960 appearance. 1960 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 148 A-103 Address: 817 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Michelle Glantz House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Paul Deitz Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Horizontal lap siding with a brick end chimney. Unadorned central primary entry enclosed with a painted brick pony wall. Sliding and casement vinyl windows with false shutters. Wide eaves. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 Address: 813 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Edith Brady House Year Built: 1960 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped rood. Unadorned off-center entry; red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Siding and casement vinyl windows; wide eaves. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 149 A-104 Address: 825 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: William & Tracey Emslie House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Harvey Schultz Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Blonde brick veneer with T-111 siding above. Brick veneer extends west beyond the house as a partial fence. Off-center blonde brick chimney and unadorned central primary entry. Three-sided bay window with false muntins and sliding vinyl windows with diamond pattern wood shutters. Narrow fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The bay window is a later addition but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 Address: 821 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Jamed Chance House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Blonde brick veneer with diagonal lap siding in the gable ends. Off-center primary entry protected by a roof overhang extending 2/3 of the facade supported by decorative metal lattices. Fixed and sliding aluminum windows with false shutters. Wide eaves and a plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1960 appearance. 1960 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 150 A-105 Address: 900 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: 900 E. Pitkin St. Year Built: 1964 Builder: Jack Farenbruch Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch-style house with a two-car side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Red brick veneer with irregular buff colored stone veneer on the primary facade. Recessed central entry with a small concrete stoop and a large central stone chimney. Fixed and casement wood windows; plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 Address: 829 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Janet Fritz House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above and board and batten siding in the large gable ends. Unadorned central entry with a small concrete stoop and a brick exterior end chimney. Shallow eave overhangs and a plain fascia. Notes: The bay window is a later addition but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1960 appearance. 1960 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 151 A-106 Address: 908 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Barbara Bernstein House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Merle Ball Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Non-contributing Architectural Description: 7ZRVWRU\WULOHYHOVSOLWKRXVHZLWKDWZRFDUVWUHHWIDFLQJJDUDJHDQGDQDVSKDOWVKLQJOHKLSSHGURRI8QÀQLVKHGVKLSODSVLGLQJ and hopper and double hung vinyl windows. Unadorned central entry with a small concrete stoop. Wide eave overhangs. Notes: 7KHKRXVHKDVEHHQVLJQLÀFDQWO\DOWHUHGIURPWKHDSSHDUDQFHDQGQRORQJHUUHWDLQVLQWHJULW\RI GHVLJQPDWHULDOVZRUNPDQVKLSRUIHHOLQJ 1965 Address: 904 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Robin Hause House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Warburton Style: Storybook Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Irregular dark stone veneer with board and batten above and horizontal lap siding on the secondary facades. Recessed central entry and an off-center brick chimney. Exposed rafter tails and extended eaves supported by a king post on the primary facade. Notes: The decorative diamond motif garage door was replaced but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1965 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 152 A-107 Address: 916 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: James & Dianne Harper House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Les Allison Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Blonde elongated stone veneer with brown elongated stones scattered throughout. Central entry with a surrounding wood pergola. Casement and sliding vinyl windows; wide eve overhang. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1965 Address: 912 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Brandon Dunn House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Les Allison Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Red brick veneer and an unadorned central entry. Aluminum sliding and casement windows with false shutters. Wide eave overhang. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1965 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 153 A-108 Address: 1000 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Zhanna Gurvich & Roger Hanna House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Vic Deines Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Elongated blonde stone veneer with board and batten siding above and horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Central brick chimney and recessed central entry with a roof overhang supported by plain square posts. Sliding casement and vinyl windows; wide eaves. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 Address: 932 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: John & Catherine Burger House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Willard Holz Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story minimal traditional house with a two-car side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof with two dormers on the primary facade. Horizontal lap siding with an off-center painted brick chimney and a secondary painted brick end chimney. Central primary entry with a roof overhang supported by plain square posts. Double hung vinyl windows with false muntins and false shutters; plain fascia. Notes: The one-story living space is a later addition but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 154 A-109 Address: 1104 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Lisa Fay & William Thorp House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Don Real Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Irregular dark stone veneer with board and batten siding above. Irregular stone end chimney. Fixed and sliding vinyl windows with false shutters. Unadorned central entry with a small concrete stoop. Plain fascia with exposed purlins. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1966 appearance. 1966 Address: 1100 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Fixman House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Sam Brunswig Style: Mansard Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story mansard style house with an asphalt shingle mansard roof and a two-bay street-facing garage. Horizontal lap siding ZLWKDQRIIFHQWHUEULFNFKLPQH\8QDGRUQHGFHQWUDOHQWU\ZLWKÁDQNLQJVLGHOLJKWVDQGDVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRS'RXEOHKXQJZRRGZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVH VKXWWHUVRQWKHJURXQGÁRRU0LQLPDOHDYHRYHUKDQJ Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 155 A-110 Address: 1108 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Gerald & Gloria Roop House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer with stucco at the primary entry and board and batten in the gable ends. Recessed off center entry with an adjacent picture window and a roof overhang supported by metal lattice posts. Sliding and casement windows with false shutters. Half bay adjacent to the garage bays supported buy plain square post and enclosed on one side by a wood lattice screen. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 Address: 1105 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Amanda Wisell House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Howard Delozier Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer with board and batten siding in the gable ends and elongated red stone veneer at the garage bays. Off-center blonde brick chimney and central primary entry. Double hung wood windows with diamond pattern muntins and false shutters. Exposed purlins and an elongated plain fascia that extends away from the garage and is supported by a turned post. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1962 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 156 A-111 Address: 1112 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Arthur & Erin Maranjian House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Ralph Harris Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage with an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Dark red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Off-center primary entry with a small concrete stoop. Large central brick chimney and casement vinyl windows with false shutters. Plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1966 appearance. 1966 Address: 1109 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Carol Hayward House Year Built: 1963 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Dark red brick veneer with elongated stone veneer at the primary entry. Off-center primary entry with a small concrete stoop and sliding aluminum windows. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 157 A-112 Address: 1116 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Rafael Ramos House Year Built: 1976 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: 2QHVWRU\UDQFKVW\OHKRXVHZLWKDWZRFDUVWUHHWIDFLQJJDUDJHZLWKDDVSKDOWVKLQJOHKLSSHGDQGJDEOHURRÁLQHV5HGEULFN veneer with stucco above. Extended shed roof overhang supported by square corbeled posts extends over the centered primary entry. Double hung vinyl windows with false shutters. Accessible ramp spans from the primary entry to the driveway. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 Address: 1113 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Quinn Langbauer House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Wayne Legg Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with board and batten siding above and in the gable ends. Unadorned off-center primary entry and casement and sliding vinyl windows with false shutters. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1965 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 158 A-113 Address: 1121 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Benjamin & Nicole Lucas House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Harold Turner Style: Bi-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story bi-level split house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Full-height square posts support the extended roof overhang on the primary facade. Central primary HQWU\ZLWKÁDQNLQJVLGHOLJKWVDQGDVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRS6OLGLQJYLQ\OZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVHVKXWWHUVDQGQRHDYHRYHUKDQJ Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1962 Address: 1117 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: Austin & Robyn Hoxie House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Albert Hockett Style: Bi-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story bi-level split house with an asphalt shingle gable roof and one-car street-facing garage. Red brick YHQHHUDQGRIIFHQWHUSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKÁDQNLQJVLGHOLJKWVDQGODUJHSLFWXUHZLQGRZDERYH6OLGLQJYLQ\OZLQGRZVZLWKSLFNHWVKXWWHUVDQGDODUJHEULFN end chimney. Plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 159 A-114 Address: 1004 E. Prospect Rd. Historic Name: Current Name: Yutong Jiang House Year Built: 1964 Builder: H.H. Zibell Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Red brick veneer in the central third and horizontal lap siding on the outside thirds of the primary facade. Unadorned central primary entry with an adjacent three-sided vinyl bay window. Sliding aluminum windows and a wide eave overhang. Notes: The bay window is a later addition but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1965 Address: 1125 E. Pitkin St. Historic Name: Current Name: 1125 E Pitkin St. Year Built: 1962 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Recessed off-center entry with a small concrete stoop. Blonde brick veneer and sliding wood windows. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1962 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 160 A-115 Address: 1012 E. Prospect St. Historic Name: Current Name: Kathleen Quinn House Year Built: 1971 Builder: Malcolm E. Guthrie Style: Bi-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story bi-level split house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Unadorned FHQWUDOHQWU\ZLWKDVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRS5HGEULFNYHQHHUZLWKKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJDERYH6OLGLQJDQGÀ[HGYLQ\OZLQGRZVZLWKPHWDODZQLQJVRQWKH upper story and a brick end chimney. Narrow eave overhangs. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1972 appearance. 1972 Address: 1008 E. Prospect Rd. Historic Name: Current Name: Peter Dodds House Year Built: 1964 Builder: H.H. Zibell Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a one-car street facing garage and a hipped asphalt shingle roof. Elongated light red stone veneer at the one and one-half story section and the garage bay with white elongated stone veneer at the primary entry. Unadorned off- center primary entry and an off-center elongated white stone chimney. Sliding aluminum windows and a wide eave overhang. Notes: The primary entry was originally partially screened by an elongated stone screen wall with openings. This wall was replaced with a lower stacked elongated stone wall but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 161 A-116 Address: 1020 E. Prospect Rd. Historic Name: Current Name: Gregory & Allysa Howell House Year Built: 1971 Builder: Malcolm E. Guthrie Style: Bi-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story bi-level split house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Painted brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Unadorned central primary entry with a small concrete stoop. Sliding vinyl windows and a narrow eave overhang. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1972 appearance. 1972 Address: 1016 E. Prospect Rd. Historic Name: Current Name: Grace Yocom House Year Built: 1971 Builder: Malcolm E. Guthrie Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story minimal traditional house with an asphalt shingle gable roof and a two-car street-facing garage. Red brick veneer ZLWKKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJDERYH&HQWUDOSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKDVKHGURRIRYHUKDQJ6OLGLQJDQGÀ[HGYLQ\OZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVHPXQWLQV1DUURZHDYH overhang. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1972 appearance. 1972 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 162 A-117 Address: 1028 E. Prospect Rd. Historic Name: Current Name: 1028 E. Prospect Rd. Year Built: 1971 Builder: Red Lion Homes Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story minimal traditional house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Unadorned central primary entry with a shed roof overhang. Sliding aluminum windows with false shutters. Narrow eave overhang with a plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1972 appearance. 1972 Address: 1024 E. Prospect Rd. Historic Name: Current Name: Teresa Filsinger House Year Built: 1971 Builder: Style: Bi-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story bi-level split house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Painted brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Sliding aluminum windows with false shutters. Narrow eave overhang with a plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1972 appearance. 1972 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 163 A-118 Address: 1036 E. Prospect Rd. Historic Name: Current Name: Jordan Paul House Year Built: 1971 Builder: Malcolm E. Guthrie Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story minimal traditional house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Unadorned central primary entry with a shed roof overhang and small concrete stoop. Sliding windows with false shutters; narrow eave overhang. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1972 appearance. 1972 Address: 1032 E. Prospect Rd. Historic Name: Current Name: Jeffrey Gatteau House Year Built: 1971 Builder: Malcolm E. Guthrie Style: Bi-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Unadorned central primary entry with a small concrete stoop. Sliding aluminum and vinyl windows with false shutters. Narrow eave overhang. Notes: Additional living space was built above the garage but house appears relatively unchanged from its 1972 appearance. 1972 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 164 A-119 Address: 1044 E. Prospect Rd. Historic Name: Current Name: Karen McCormick House Year Built: 1971 Builder: Red Lion Homes Style: Ranch Eligibility: Non-contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Horizontal lap siding with T-111 siding in the gable ends. Recessed central entry with a courtyard enclosed by a lap-sided pony wall. Fixed vinyl and sliding aluminum windows with false shutters. Plain narrow fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: 7KHIRUPRIWKHKRXVHKDVEHHQKHDYLO\PRGLÀHGIURPLWVDSSHDUDQFHZLWKWKHDGGLWLRQRI SURMHFWLQJJDEOHZLQJV 1973 Address: 1040 E. Prospect Rd. Historic Name: Current Name: Millani Sabas House Year Built: 1971 Builder: Style: Bi-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story bi-level split house with a to-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Sliding vinyl windows with false shutters. Unadorned primary entry with a small concrete stoop. Narrow eave overhang with a plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1972 appearance. 1972 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 165 A-120 Address: 1100 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Debra Sharane House Year Built: 1972 Builder: Pleasant Valley Development Corp. Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick YHQHHUZLWKERDUGDQGEDWWHQDERYHDQGRQWKHXSSHUVWRU\%ULFNHQGFKLPQH\DQGDFHQWUDOSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKDVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRSDQGÁDWURRIHG pergola. Vinyl French doors adjacent to the garage bays. Secondary entry at the upper level on the primary facade. Sliding vinyl windows with false shutters and a narrow eave overhang with a plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The pergola with French doors adjacent to the original entry is a later addition and a secondary entry was cut into the upper story at the primary facade. Overall, the form of the house appears relatively unchanged from the 1977 appearance. 1977 Address: 1048 E. Prospect Rd. Historic Name: Current Name: Richard Bolles House Year Built: 1971 Builder: Malcolm E. Guthrie Style: Bi-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story bi-level split house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Central primary entry with a wood pergola and picket railing. Sliding aluminum windows with false shutters. Narrow eave overhang with a plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1972 appearance. 1972 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 166 A-121 Address: 1104 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Mandaar Gokhale House Year Built: 1967 Builder: Bartram Homes, Inc. Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with an asphalt shingle gable roof and a two-car street-facing garage. Red brick veneer with board and batten siding on the upper story and horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Unadorned central entry with a small concrete stoop and an off-center brick chimney. Double hung and sliding vinyl windows with false shutters. Narrow eave overhang with a plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 Address: 1101 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Janice Berry House Year Built: 1970 Builder: Frank Terrel Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Recessed unadorned entry with a small concrete stoop. Red brick veneer with T-111 siding above. Double hung and sliding wood windows with exterior storms. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 167 A-122 Address: 1108 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Scott/Escobar House Year Built: 1967 Builder: Leo Noah Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hip-and-gable roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding in the gable ends and board and batten on secondary facades. Casement and double hung vinyl windows with false picket shutters and wood paneling below. Unadorned primary entry with a small concrete stoop. Notes: 7KHIXOOKHLJKWZLQGRZVZHUHUHGXFHGDQGSDUWLDOO\ÀOOHGLQZLWKZRRGSDQHOVEXWWKHKRXVHDSSHDUVUHODWLYHO\XQFKDQJHGIURPLWVDSSHDUDQFH 1977 Address: 1105 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: George Price House Year Built: 1967 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Red brick veneer with HORQJDWHGEORQGVWRQHYHQHHUDWWKHUHFHVVHGHQWU\8QDGRUQHGSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKDVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRS'RXEOHKXQJÀ[HGDQGVOLGLQJZRRGZLQGRZV Wide eave overhang. Notes: 1973 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 168 A-123 Address: 1112 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Doris Emmrich House Year Built: 1967 Builder: Don Real Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Central entry with a small concrete stoop and single sidelight. Red brick veneer with T-111 siding above and horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Off-center brick chimney and bird house built in to the gable end. Casement wood windows and wide eave overhangs with a plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 Address: 1109 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Hureau/Woodbury House Year Built: 1968 Builder: Phil Riddel & Assoc. Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage with an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Shed roof extension over the off-center primary entry supported by plain square posts. Double hung vinyl windows with false shutters; no eave overhang. Notes: The shed roof extension over the primary entry is a later addition but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 169 A-124 Address: 1116 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Brittany & Robert Hapner House Year Built: 1967 Builder: John Atkinson Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer at the street facing facade with T-111 siding on the recessed facades. Primary entry centered in the L with a shed roof overhang supported by a brick clad pillar. Central brick chimney and double hung and sliding vinyl windows. Wide eave overhang with a scalloped fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1994 appearance. 1994 Address: 1113 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Gula/Yeast House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Garner Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Unadorned off-center SULPDU\HQWU\SURWHFWHGE\DQH[WHQGHGURRÁLQHVXSSRUWHGE\DVTXDUHSRVW6OLGLQJDQGFDVHPHQWYLQ\OZLQGRZV Notes: 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 170 A-125 Address: 1117 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Timiry & Jason McCaskell House Year Built: 1967 Builder: Vic Deines Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story minimal traditional house with a one-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above and on the upper story. Central primary entry with shed roof overhang supported by plain square posts. Brick end chimney and double hung and sliding vinyl windows with false shutters. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 Address: 1120 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Timothy & Vikki Ensman House Year Built: 1967 Builder: Frank Terrel Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle roof. Red brick veneer with board and EDWWHQDERYHDQGKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJLQWKHJDEOHHQGV5HFHVVHGFHQWUDOSULPDU\HQWU\DQGDODUJHEULFNHQGFKLPQH\6OLGLQJDQGÀ[HGYLQ\OZLQGRZVDQG wide eave overhangs with a plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 171 A-126 Address: 1125 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Chad Graepler House Year Built: 1967 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: 2QHVWRU\UDQFKVW\OHKRXVHZLWKDRQHFDUVWUHHWIDFLQJJDUDJHDQGDQDVSKDOWVKLQJOHJDEOHURRIZLWKDÁDUHGULGJH3DLQWHG brick veneer with board and batten above at the bedrooms. Central primary entry with an adjacent patio enclosed by a U-shaped brick wall and roof RYHUKDQJVXSSRUWHGE\SODLQVTXDUHSRVWV6OLGLQJDQGÀ[HGYLQ\OZLQGRZV5HFHVVHGJDEOHURRIHGVKHGDGMDFHQWWRWKHJDUDJHED\ Notes: 1994 Address: 1121 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Linwood Hodgdon House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Leo C. Noah Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with ERDUGDQGEDWWHQDERYHRQWKHJDUDJHIDFDGH&HQWUDOSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKDVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRSDQGODUJHEULFNHQGFKLPQH\'RXEOHKXQJDQGÀ[HGYLQ\O windows with false shutters. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 172 A-127 Address: 1129 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: West/Hausermann House Year Built: 1967 Builder: Leo C. Noah Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Painted brick veneer with board and batten siding at the recessed primary entry and wood shingles in the gable ends. Central primary entry with a gable-roofed portico VXSSRUWHGE\SODLQSRVWVDQGÁDQNLQJVLGHOLJKWV6OLGLQJDQGFDVHPHQWYLQ\OZLQGRZV Notes: 1977 Address: 1200 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Cynthia Hansford & Derek Ott House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Frank Terrel Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Off-center raised primary entry with a concrete stoop. Fixed and sliding vinyl windows with false shutters. Plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1994 appearance. 1994 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 173 A-128 Address: 1204 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Zachariah & Abigail Yellen House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Painted brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Unadorned central primary entry with a small concrete stoop. Sliding and double hung vinyl windows; wide eave overhang with a plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 Address: 1201 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Brown/Sica House Year Built: 1968 Builder: Frank Terrel Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story minimal traditional style house with and asphalt shingle gable roof and two-bay street-facing garage. Painted brick veneer and horizontal lap siding and shiplap siding on the upper story. Central primary entry with a hipped roof overhang. Sliding vinyl windows and a wide eave overhang with a plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The garage doors were updated but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1997 appearance. 1997 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 174 A-129 Address: 1205 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Mary McClintock House Year Built: 1967 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Red brick veneer with an EULFNHQGFKLPQH\8QDGRUQHGFHQWUDOSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKDVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRS6OLGLQJDQGÀ[HGYLQ\OZLQGRZV Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 Address: 1208 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: 1208 Robertson St. Year Built: 1967 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Red brick veneer with 7VLGLQJDERYHWKHJDUDJHED\&HQWUDOSULPDU\HQWU\SURWHFWHGE\DVKHGURRIH[WHQVLRQVXSSRUWHGE\PHWDOODWWLFHSRVWV6OLGLQJDQGÀ[HGYLQ\O windows with false shutters. Wide eave overhang with a plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 175 A-130 Address: 1212 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Tina Blake & Linette Schweizer House Year Built: 1967 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with ERDUGDQGEDWWHQVLGLQJDERYH5HFHVVHGSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKDVLQJOHVLGHOLJKWDQGH[WHQGHGURRÁLQHVXSSRUWHGE\DWXUQHGSRVW6OLGLQJDQGFDVHPHQWYLQ\O windows. Narrow eave overhang with a narrow fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 Address: 1209 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Iverson/Fazackerly House Year Built: 1967 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Central primary entry with DVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRS7VLGLQJZLWKZRRGÀ[HGDQGGRXEOHKXQJYLQ\OZLQGRZV Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 176 A-131 Address: 1213 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Frank Curtis House Year Built: 1968 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer ZLWKQDUURZKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJLQWKHJDEOHHQGV2IIFHQWHUSULPDU\HQWU\SURWHFWHGE\DQH[WHQGHGURRÁLQH&DVHPHQWYLQ\OZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVH muntins. Double lapped fascia and wide eave overhangs. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 Address: 1216 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Dwight & Jeanette Miles House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story tri-level split house with a street-facing two-car garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof and shed roof extension over the garage. Unadorned recessed primary entry. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above and T-111 siding above the garage bay. Sliding vinyl windows with false shutters. Plain fascia and wide eave overhang. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 177 A-132 Address: 1221 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Mark Schultz & Kristin Draper House Year Built: 1967 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer with T-111 siding above and horizontal lap siding in the partial street-facing gable end. Double-door primary entry with a small concrete stoop. Off-center brick chimney and sliding and double hung vinyl windows. Wide eave overhang with a plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 Address: 1217 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Theresa Acker-Williams House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof and two-car street-facing garage. Red brick veneer with ERDUGDQGEDWWHQDERYHDQGLUUHJXODUEURZQVWRQHFODGGLQJDWWKHJDUDJH([WHQGHGURRÁLQHRYHUWKHSULPDU\IDFDGHSURWHFWLQJWKHXQDGRUQHGSULPDU\ entry supported by plain posts with exposed rafter tails. Sliding vinyl windows. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 178 A-133 Address: 1300 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: June Rouscaren House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Ben Olds Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: 2QHVWRU\UDQFKVW\OHKRXVHZLWKDWZRFDUVLGHIDFLQJJDUDJHDQGDVSKDOWVKLQJOHFURVVJDEOHGDQGVKHGURRÁLQHV3DLQWHG EULFNYHQHHUZLWKVOXPSHGPRUWDUDQGKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJWKHJDEOHHQGV2IIFHQWHUSULPDU\HQWU\DQGRIIFHQWHUSDLQWHGEULFNFKLPQH\VOLGLQJÀ[HG and casement vinyl windows. Narrow eave overhang with a plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: No historic photo was available but the shed roof projection behind the primary gable ridge is a recent addition. 1977 Address: 1301 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Stansbury/Shaughnessy House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Les Allison Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Blonde brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Shed roof extension over the central primary entry supported by plain posts. Off-center blonde brick chimney. Sliding vinyl windows with false shutters. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1994 appearance. 1994 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 179 A-134 Address: 1305 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: David & Brianna Miles House Year Built: 1960 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer with board and batten above and horizontal lap siding in the gale ends. Off-center primary entry with shed roof overhang supported by corbeled posts. Sliding DQGÀ[HGYLQ\OZLQGRZVGRXEOHODSSHGIDVFLDDQGDEXLOWLQELUGKRXVHLQWKHSULPDU\JDEOHHQG Notes: The decorative barn style garage door was replaced but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 Address: 1304 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: 1304 Robertson St. Year Built: 1961 Builder: Willard Holz Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story minimal traditional house with an asphalt shingle gable roof and one-car street-facing garage. Dark brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above at the garage and on the upper story. Unadorned central entry and double hung vinyl windows with false shutters. Narrow eave overhang with plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 180 A-135 Address: 1308 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Barbara & Dean Berg House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Frank Halamoka Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Red brick veneer and an unadorned central primary entry. Sliding and double hung aluminum windows with exterior storms. Wide eave overhang. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 Address: 1309 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Erin & Darin Glenn House Year Built: 1960 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle roof. Blonde brick veneer elongated red stones scattered throughout and horizontal lap siding above the garage bay and in the gable ends. Central primary entry with a small concrete stoop buttressed by a brick pony wall; sliding aluminum windows. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 181 A-136 Address: 1313 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: McCarthy House Year Built: 1960 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Dark red brick veneer with T-111 siding above. Off center brick chimney; off-center recessed primary entry with a shed roof overhang supported by square posts. Sliding wood windows with exterior storms. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 Address: 1312 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Jonathan & Kristina Babcock House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Harold Smith Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Horizontal lap siding and a recessed primary entry partially enclosed with a brick pony wall. Fixed and double hung vinyl windows; narrow eave overhang. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 182 A-137 Address: 1316 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Ryan & Deana Andrist House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Red brick veneer and an off-center primary entry with a small concrete stoop. Sliding aluminum windows with diamond-cut decorative wood shutters; wide eave overhang. Notes: 1977 Address: 1317 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Stephen & Jean Ferguson House Year Built: 1960 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Blonde brick veneer with board and batten siding above the garage bay. Elevated central primary entry with an extended wood stoop. Sliding and casement wood windows. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1994 appearance. 1994 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 183 A-138 Address: 1321 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Vance & Nicole Sherwood House Year Built: 1960 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Elongated buff- colored stone veneer with board and batten above on the street-facing facade. Off-center primary entry with an elevated wood deck and vinyl and double hung windows. Plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: A historic photograph was unavailable and the primary entry likely moved from an original location at the L, but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1997 appearance. 1997 Address: 1320 Robertson St. Historic Name: James & Martha Doak House Current Name: Leslie Jordan House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Willard Holz Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross gabled roof. Horizontal lap siding ZLWKDQRIIFHQWHUSDLQWHGEULFNFKLPQH\5HFHVVHGRIIFHQWHUHQWU\VXSSRUWHGE\WKHH[WHQGHGJDEOHURRÁLQHVXSSRUWHGE\DSODLQVTXDUHSRVW6OLGLQJ vinyl windows with false wood picket shutters. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 184 A-139 Address: 1324 Robertson St. Historic Name: L.G. Dascom House Current Name: Mary Makris House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Blonde brick veneer with an off-center blonde brick chimney. Shed roof extension supported by plain square posts over the off-center primary entry. Sliding vinyl windows and a wide eave overhang. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 Address: 1325 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Eleanor Vandeusen House Year Built: 1961 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Red-orange brick veneer ZLWKKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJDERYH5HFHVVHGRIIFHQWHUSULPDU\HQWU\SURWHFWHGE\DQH[WHQGHGURRÁLQHVXSSRUWHGE\DSODLQVTXDUHEUDFNHWDQGPHWDOODWWLFH post. Sliding and casement vinyl windows. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1984 appearance. 1984 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 185 A-140 Address: 1333 Robertson St. Historic Name: Robert & Dorothy Reese House Current Name: Doyle Florke & Cynthia Nordahl House Year Built: 1961 Builder: Robert Reese Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Blonde brick veneer with horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Off-center primary entry protected by a shed-roofed overhand supported by bracketed square post and a picket railing. Secondary entry on the primary facade at the garage. Double hung wood windows with false shutters. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1997 appearance. 1997 Address: 1329 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Min Fan House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Harold Garner Style: Colonial Revival Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage. Blonde brick veneer with brown brick veneer courses at the ground, window sills, and brown brick quoins at corners. Off-center primary entry protected by a large hipped roof supported by plain square posts. &DVHPHQWÀ[HGDQGGRXEOHKXQJZRRGZLQGRZV Notes: 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 186 A-141 Address: 1404 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Alexis & Ryan Ongley House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Willard Holz Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story tri-level split house with an asphalt shingle hipped roof and a two-car street-facing garage. Horizontal lap siding with vertical shiplap siding adjacent to the garage. Painted stone end chimney and off-center primary entry with a single sidelight and extended wooden SRUFK&DVHPHQWGRXEOHKXQJDQGÀ[HGYLQ\OZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVHVKXWWHUV Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 Address: 1401 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: Ronald Brown House Year Built: 1961 Builder: Cook & Mills Style: Ranch Duplex Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style duplex with a two garage bays on the Lake St. facade and an asphalt shingle hip-and gable roof. Red EULFNYHQHHUZLWK7VLGLQJDERYH&HQWUDOSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKÁDQNLQJVLGHOLJKWVDQGDVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRS2IIFHQWHUEULFNFKLPQH\VOLGLQJDQG double hung windows; wide eave overhang. Notes: 1984 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 187 A-142 Address: 1408 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: John Cano House Year Built: 1972 Builder: Leo C. Noah Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story tri-level split house with a two-bay street-facing garage and asphalt shingle gable roof. Blonde brick veneer at the garage bays and basement level with horizontal lap siding on the upper stories. Central primary entry with a small concrete stoop and a brick end chimney. Sliding and casement vinyl windows with false shutters. Narrow eave overhang with a plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1977 appearance. 1977 Address: 1405 & 1407 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: 1405 & 1407 Robertson Duplex Year Built: 1961 Builder: Cook & Mills Style: Ranch Duplex Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style duplex with a two-bay side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer with T-111 siding above. Two off-center brick chimneys and two primary entries with a single sidelight. Sliding vinyl windows and narrow eave overhangs with a plain fascia. Notes: 1997 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 188 A-143 Address: 1409 & 1411 Robertson St. Historic Name: Current Name: 1409 & 1411 Robertson Duplex Year Built: 1961 Builder: Cook & Mills Style: Ranch Duplex Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style duplex with an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer with T-111 siding above. Two off- center brick chimneys and two primary entries with a single sidelight. Sliding vinyl windows and narrow eave overhangs with a plain fascia. Notes: The section closest to the street appears to have been converted from original garage bays, as seen on the 1405 and 1407 Robertson duplex, to a third unit. 1997 Address: 1413 &1415 Robertson St. Historic Name: Acott Duplex Current Name: 1413 & 1415 Robertson Duplex Year Built: 1965 Builder: Leo C. Noah Style: Ranch Duplex Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style duplex with an asphalt shingle hipped roof and side-facing two-bay garage. Two central primary entries with a shared hipped roof supported by metal lattice posts. Red brick veneer with a wide overhang, sliding vinyl windows. Notes: 1977 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 189 A-144 Address: 1104 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: William & Phyllis Kelley House Year Built: 1961 Builder: Merle Ball Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Blonde brick veneer with horizontal lap siding in the gable end and irregular green stone veneer at the recessed entry. Off-center blonde brick chimney; sliding aluminum windows and a glass block wall adjacent to the garage bays and adjacent to the primary entry. Exposed rafter tails at the roof perimeter and a plain fascia in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1962 Address: 1100 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Lois Nieder House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a side-facing two-bay garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Blonde brick veneer with KRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJLQWKHJDEOHHQGV%ORQGHEULFNHQGFKLPQH\DQGFHQWUDOSULPDU\HQWU\VFUHHQHGZLWKDQHORQJDWHGVWRQHSRQ\ZDOO6OLGLQJDQGÀ[HG aluminum windows. Narrow eave overhang with a scalloped fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1962 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 190 A-145 Address: 1108 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Chieko Vandeventer House Year Built: 1961 Builder: Merle Ball Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: 2QHVWRU\UDQFKVW\OHKRXVHZLWKDWZRED\VWUHHWIDFLQJJDUDJHDQGKLSDQGJDEOHURRÁLQHV5HGEULFNYHQHHUZLWKLUUHJXODU white stone veneer above between the primary entry and garage bays and horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Off-center brick chimney and central SULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKDVPDOOFRQFUHWHVWRRSDQGVKHGURRIRYHUKDQJ7ZRGHFRUDWLYHJDEOHGRUPHUVZLWKÀ[HGZLQGRZVDQGGLDJRQDOODSVLGLQJ6OLGLQJ aluminum windows with decorative metal lattice false shutters. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1997 appearance. 1997 Address: 1200 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Gregory & Stefanie Rittner House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Harvey Schultz Style: Tri-level Split Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story tri-level split house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Dark red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding on the upper story and above the garage bay. Central primary entry with a single sidelight and an off-center brick chimney. Sliding vinyl windows with false shutters. Wide eave overhangs with a plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 191 A-146 Address: 1204 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Bruce & Paula Fries House Year Built: 1963 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding in the gable end. Sliding and casement vinyl windows with false muntins and false shutters. Central primary entry with a hipped roof overhang and off-center brick chimney. Narrow eave with a plain fascia and pork chip returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1963 appearance. 1963 Address: 1201 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Duane & Jane Ritter House Year Built: 1972 Builder: Paul Harder Style: Contemporary Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: 7ZRVWRU\FRQWHPSRUDU\KRXVHZLWKDWZRFDUVLGHIDFLQJJDUDJHDQGDVSKDOWVKLQJOHJDEOHDQGVKHGURRÁLQHV5HGEULFN YHQHHUDQGVWXFFRRQWKHJURXQGOHYHOZLWKURXJKVDZQKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJRQWKHXSSHUVWRU\5HFHVVHGSULPDU\HQWU\DQGFDVHPHQWDQGÀ[HGZRRG windows. Wide eave overhang with a plain fascia and exposed purlins. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1973 appearance. 1973 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 192 A-147 Address: 1205 Stover St. Historic Name: John & Shirley Mangum House Current Name: McIntyre/Mortenson House Year Built: 1961 Builder: Halonka Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story minimal traditional house with an asphalt shingle gable roof and two-car street-facing garage. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding on the upper story. Central primary entry with a shed roof overhang supported by plain square posts and a brick end chimney. 6OLGLQJYLQ\OZLQGRZVZLWKIDOVHPXQWLQVDQGIDOVHVKXWWHUV7KHXSSHUVWRU\VOLJKWO\RYHUKDQJVWKHJURXQGÁRRU Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1962 Address: 1208 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: James & Angela Mitchell House Year Built: 1961 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Central primary entry with a small concrete stoop and central brick chimney. Small gable-roofed entry off the garage bays. Double hung wood windows with false shutters and exterior storms; porthole window adjacent to the primary entry. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1961 appearance. 1961 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 193 A-148 Address: 1300 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Jill Shoemaker House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Les Allison Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Off-center primary entry SURWHFWHGE\DQH[WHQGHGURRÁLQH%ORQGHEULFNYHQHHUZLWKDQRIIFHQWHUEORQGHEULFNFKLPQH\'RXEOHKXQJDQGVOLGLQJYLQ\OZLQGRZVZLWKÁDQNLQJ wood picket shutters. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 Address: 1209 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Jan Krucky House Year Built: 1962 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Mansard Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: 7ZRVWRU\PDQVDUGVW\OHKRXVHZLWKPDQVDUGDQGJDEOHURRÁLQHVDQGDWZRED\VWUHHWIDFLQJJDUDJH5HGEULFNYHQHHUZLWK horizontal lap siding above, at the garage bays, and upper story. Unadorned central entry and large central brick chimney. Casement and hopper vinyl windows; narrow eave overhang with a plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1962 appearance. 1962 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 194 A-149 Address: 1301 Stover St. Historic Name: Dwight & Carol Smith House Current Name: Kenneth & Donna Ryan House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Harvey Schultz Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Blonde brick veneer with T-111 siding above and horizontal lap siding on secondary facades. Central primary entry with a small concrete stoop and off-center brick chimney. Double hung vinyl windows and a wide eave overhang. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 Address: 1308 Stover St. Historic Name: Albert & LoRee Steele House Current Name: Timothy & Carol Cochran House Year Built: 1958 Builder: R. W. Scheller Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Painted brick veneer with slumped mortar and horizontal lap siding above. Central primary entry and double hung vinyl windows. Scalloped fascia on the recessed area and plain fascia on the garage gable with pork chop returns in the gable end. 1959 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 195 A-150 Address: 1312 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Anna Giovinetto House Year Built: 1958 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer with board and batten in the gable ends. Unadorned primary entry located at the L and central brick chimney. Small sliding vinyl windows with false shutters. Plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 Address: 1309 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Robanette & Darran Catalano House Year Built: 1958 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Central primary entry into DVPDOOJDEOHURRIHGSURMHFWLRQ%ORQGHEULFNYHQHHUZLWKÀ[HGDQGFDVHPHQWZRRGZLQGRZV3ODLQIDVFLDZLWKSRUNFKRSUHWXUQVLQWKHJDEOHHQGV Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 196 A-151 Address: 1313 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Josephine Boyd House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Blonde brick veneer with ERDUGDQGEDWWHQVLGLQJDERYH&HQWUDOHQWU\LQWRDYHVWLEXOHZLWKDSRUWKROHZLQGRZDQGEORQGHEULFNHQGFKLPQH\'RXEOHKXQJDQGÀ[HGZRRGZLQGRZV Notes: The entry vestibule at the primary entry was an addition but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 Address: 1316 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Donald Solick House Year Built: 1958 Builder: B.L. Spence Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer with diagonal lap siding in the gable ends. Shed roof overhang over the central primary entry supported by plain posts. Double hung wood windows with false shutters; narrow eave overhang with a plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 197 A-152 Address: 1320 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Judith & Forrest Boggs House Year Built: 1958 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and asphalt shingle hipped roof. Blonde brick veneer with white and red striped metal awnings on the primary facade. Central primary entry with a small concrete stoop. Raised rectangle motifs on the garage door panels. Double hung wood windows with exterior storms. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 Address: 1317 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Robanette & Darran Catalano House Year Built: 1959 Builder: B.L. Spence Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer with KRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJDWWKHJDUDJHDQGJDEOHHQGV&HQWUDOSULPDU\HQWU\SURWHFWHGE\DQH[WHQGHGURRÁLQHVXSSRUWHGE\SODLQVTXDUHSRVWV'RXEOHKXQJ wood and sliding aluminum windows with false shutters. Narrow eave overhang with a plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The original carport was enclosed as a garage but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 198 A-153 Address: 1321 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: William & Yolanda Sears House Year Built: 1958 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with an street-facing one-car garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Red and blonde brick YHQHHUZLWKERDUGDQGEDWWHQVLGLQJDERYH2IIFHQWHUEORQGHDQGUHGEULFNFKLPQH\DQGXQDGRUQHGRIIFHQWHUHQWU\'RXEOHKXQJDQGÀ[HGZRRG windows and a wide eave overhang. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 Address: 1324 Stover St. Historic Name: Lucian & Helen McClure House Current Name: Jean McCleod & Ryan Boggs House Year Built: 1958 Builder: Vance Phipps Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Horizontal lap siding with red brick veneer below at the bedrooms. Unadorned central primary entry with a small concrete stoop. Double hung and sliding wood windows with exterior storms and false shutters. Plain fascia with pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 199 A-154 Address: 1328 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Randy Lombardi House Year Built: 1960 Builder: Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer ZLWKERDUGDQGEDWWHQVLGLQJDERYHDQGKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJRQWKHIRUZDUGJDEOHIDFDGH6OLGLQJJODVVGRRUSULPDU\HQWU\DQGÀ[HGYLQ\ODQGVOLGLQJ aluminum windows. Narrow eave overhang with a plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: A gable roofed enclosure was added to the primary facade to create an enclosed porch space but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1960 appearance. 1960 Address: 1325 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Anthony Simons House Year Built: 1958 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Central third of the primary facade is blonde brick veneer with horizontal lap siding and T-111 siding above at the outside thirds. Diagonal lap siding in the gable ends. Unadorned off- center entry and an off-center blonde brick chimney. Narrow eave overhang along the primary facade and no eave overhang at the gable ends. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 200 A-155 Address: 1329 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: 1329 Stover St. Year Built: 1958 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Blonde brick veneer with UHGEULFNTXRLQVDQGERDUGDQGEDWWHQVLGLQJDERYHWKHJDUDJHED\2IIFHQWHUSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKDQH[WHQGHGURRÁLQHVXSSRUWHGE\DPHWDOODWWLFHSRVW and an off-center blonde brick chimney. Fixed and sliding vinyl windows. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 Address: 1401 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Kathleen Vandenberg House Year Built: 1958 Builder: John Rostek Style: Storybook Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story storybook ranch house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof Red brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Off-center primary entry and a birdhouse cupola at the garage gable end. Double hung wood windows with diamond pattern muntins. Wide eaves with a scalloped fascia and bracketing in the side gable ends. Notes: The original board and batten siding above the brick veneer was covered with vinyl siding but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 201 A-156 Address: 1409 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Dawn & John Nannini House Year Built: 1958 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Horizontal lap siding with board and batten above and in the gable ends. Off-center primary entry recessed in the primary gable end with an adjacent three-sided vinyl bay window with false muntins. Narrow eave overhang with a plain fascia. Notes: The bay window is a latter addition but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 Address: 1405 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Michael & Heather Lynch House Year Built: 1958 Builder: John Rostek Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hipped roof. Horizontal lap siding with an off-center primary entry with an extended roof overhand supported by a large square post. Sliding and double hung vinyl windows with false shutters. Narrow eave overhang. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 202 A-157 Address: 1413 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Brenda & Amie Nepereny House Year Built: 1958 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Painted brick veneer with horizontal lap siding at the garage and in the gable ends. Off-center painted brick chimney and unadorned central primary entry with a small concrete stoop. Fixed and double hung wood windows with diamond-pattern wood shutters. Narrow eave overhang with a double lapped fascia. Notes: The house originally had decorative brick quoins but the brick has been painted over. Overall, the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 Address: 1417 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Brenda Nepereny House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Painted brick veneer with horizontal lap siding above. Unadorned off-center primary entry with a small concrete stoop and a brick end chimney. Double hung vinyl windows with false shutters and a narrow eave overhang with a double lapped fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 203 A-158 Address: 1501 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Robert & Judy Bowers House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with an asphalt shingle hipped roof and a two-car street-facing garage. Red brick veneer with KRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJDERYH2IIFHQWHUSULPDU\HQWU\SURWHFWHGE\DQH[WHQGHGURRÁLQHVXSSRUWHGE\DWXUQHGSRVW'RXEOHKXQJZRRGZLQGRZVZLWK diamond pattern muntins and exterior storms. Notes: The board and batten siding was replaced with horizontal lap siding but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 Address: 1421 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Hand/Moses House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with an asphalt shingle gable roof and one-car street-facing garage. Painted stucco with brick FRXUVHVDWWKHJURXQGOHYHO2IIFHQWHUSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKDVKHGURRI RYHUKDQJVXSSRUWHGE\SODLQSRVWVDQGDODSVLGHGSRQ\ZDOO(ORQJDWHGÀ[HGYLQ\O windows and wide eave overhangs. Notes: BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 204 A-159 Address: 1505 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Charles & Gloria Helzer House Year Built: 1958 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Horizontal lap siding with board and batten at the central recessed primary entry. Casement and sliding vinyl windows with diamond-cut wood shutters and a diamond pattern wood window box below the bedroom windows. Narrow eve overhang with a plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1959 appearance. 1959 Address: 1509 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: 1509 Stover St. Year Built: 1959 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a one-car street-facing garage and asphalt shingle hipped roof. Blonde brick veneer with SURMHFWLQJEULFNVVFDWWHUHGWKURXJKRXW2IIFHQWHUSULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKDQH[WHQGHGURRÁLQHVXSSRUWHGE\DPHWDOODWWLFHSRVW+RSSHUDQGFDVHPHQWYLQ\O windows. Notes: 1959 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 205 A-160 Address: 1101 Williams St. Historic Name: Kenneth & Marilyn Pastor House Current Name: Michael & Jessica Crouch House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Kenneth Pastor Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with an asphalt shingle hipped roof and a two-car street-facing garage. Red brick veneer with board and batten siding above and at the recessed central primary entry. Sliding vinyl windows and a wide eave overhang. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1968 appearance. 1968 Address: 1513 Stover St. Historic Name: Current Name: Patrick Obester House Year Built: 1959 Builder: Poudre Valley Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story-ranch style house with a two-car side facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Unadorned off-center primary entry and a brick end chimney. Painted brick veneer with board and batten siding above and horizontal lap siding in the gable ends. Wide eaves with plain fascia; sliding and casement vinyl windows. Notes: 1959 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 206 A-161 Address: 1104 Williams St. Historic Name: Current Name: Michael Hobbs House Year Built: 1965 Builder: Willard Holz Style: Classical Revival Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One and one-half story classical revival bi-level split house with a two-car side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Red brick veneer on two-thirds of the primary facade with horizontal lap siding on the remaining third and garage. Flanking brick end chimneys and a full KHLJKWSRUWLFRVXSSRUWHGE\SODLQVTXDUHSRVWV&HQWUDOHQWU\ZLWKÁDQNLQJVLGHOLJKWVDQGDFORVHGSHGLPHQW'RXEOHKXQJWUXHGLYLGHGOLJKWZLQGRZVZLWK false shutters. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 Address: 1105 Williams St. Historic Name: Louis & Mozelle Paragon House Current Name: John & Camille Trolla House Year Built: 1964 Builder: A&W Building Style: International Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. T-111 siding with a large brick chimney on the primary facade. Open breezeway between the garage and living area. Aluminum hopper windows with a striped cloth awning. Primary entry recessed into the breezeway. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1965 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 207 A-162 Address: 1109 Williams St. Historic Name: Current Name: 1109 Williams St. Year Built: 1965 Builder: R.W. Scheller Style: Minimal Traditional Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: Two-story minimal traditional house with a two-car street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle gable roof. Unadorned central SULPDU\HQWU\ZLWKÁDQNLQJVLGHOLJKWVDQGDFHQWUDOEULFNFKLPQH\5HGEULFNYHQHHUZLWKKRUL]RQWDOODSVLGLQJLQWKHJDEOHHQGVDQGRQWKHXSSHUVWRU\ Double hung vinyl windows with false shutters. Narrow eave overhang with a plain fascia and pork chop returns in the gable ends. Notes: The arcaded porch area across the primary facade was truncated at the living area but the house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1965 Address: 1108 Williams St. Historic Name: Current Name: Christopher & Stephanie Seng House Year Built: 1966 Builder: Jayhawk Construction Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Red brick veneer with irregular buff colored and brown stone with board and batten above at the projecting gable. Unadorned central primary entry and central brick chimney. Sliding aluminum windows with false shutters. Wide eave overhang with exposed purlins. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1967 appearance. 1967 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 208 A-163 Address: 1113 Williams St. Historic Name: Current Name: Matthew & Megan Townsend House Year Built: 1964 Builder: Dick Johnston Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-bay street-facing garage and an asphalt shingle cross-gabled roof. Dark red brick veneer with T-111 siding above at the recessed off-center entry. Central brick chimney and vinyl casement and double hung windows with false shutters. Wide eave overhang and a plain fascia. Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1965 Address: 1117 Williams St. Historic Name: Deward Miller House Current Name: 1117 Williams St. Year Built: 1965 Builder: Lyle Roys Style: Ranch Eligibility: Contributing Architectural Description: One-story ranch style house with a two-car side-facing garage and an asphalt shingle hip-and-gable roof. Red brick veneer with a central brick chimney and board and batten siding above the garage. Off-center recessed primary entry with a small concrete stoop. Sliding aluminum and VOLGLQJDQGÀ[HGYLQ\OZLQGRZV:LGHHDYHRYHUKDQJDQGDSODLQIDVFLD Notes: The house appears relatively unchanged from its 1965 appearance. 1965 BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 209 DATE: STAFF: September 11, 2019 Maren Bzdek, Historic Preservation Planner WORK SESSION ITEM Landmark Preservation Commission SUBJECT FOR DISCUSSION LPC Work Plan - Progress and Priorities EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Code requires all boards and commissions to file work plans on or before September 30 for the following year. According to the Boards and Commissions Manual, work plans should set out major projects and issues for discussion for the following year. The LPC adopted the attached 2019 work plan at its September 19, 2018 meeting. Consideration of pending priorities associated with the work plan will be a regular work session discussion item. The regular recurrence of this discussion item is intended to provide the Commission with the opportunity to measure ongoing progress and identify action items. ATTACHMENTS 1. LPC 2019 Work Plan Packet Pg. 210 City of ~Colli~ Planning, Development & Transportation Services Community Development & Neighborhood Services 281 North College Avenue P.O. Box580 Fort Collins. CO 80522.0580 970.416.2740 970.224.6134- fax tcgov.com MEMORANDUM DATE: September 19, 2018 TO: Delynn Coldiron, City Clerk FROM: Meg Dunn, Chair, Landmark Preservation Commission·«'~ SUBJECT: Landmark Preservation Commission 2019 Work Plan The Landmark Preservation Commission at a Glance: • Established in 1968 • Nine members, at least 40% of whom must hold professional expertise in the fields of historic preservation, architectural history, architecture, archaeology, or closely related fields • Makes recommendations to Council on Fort Collins Landmark designations • Makes recommendations to Decision Maker on compatibility of developments adjacent to historic properties • Final decision-maker on requests for alterations to Landmark structures, and determinations of eligibility for local landmark designation • Advises Council on the identification and significance of historic resources, threats to their preservation, and methods for their protection • Advises Council and staff with regard to policies, incentives and regulations for historic preservation. 2018 in Review: As the federal Certified Local Government entity for Fort Collins, the Landmark Preservation Commission documents its activities for the National Park Service based upon the fiscal year. In 2018 the Commission: • Presented "Friends of Preservation" Awards to five recipients: o Downtown Development Association for Renewing Old Town Square, the Heart of Our Premier Historic District; o Ginger & Baker for the Outstanding Rehabilitation and Adaptive Reuse of the Feeder Supply Building; o S. 0. S. - Save Our Silos, for Outstanding Dedication to Preserving Our Local History; o Doug Ernest for Outstanding Dedication to Preserving Local History; and o Bud Frick, Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation. • Commented upon two survey projects, of 38 properties in the Alta Vista Neighborhood, surveyed by CSU graduate students under the direction of Dr. Sarah Payne; and 288 properties in the Loomis Addition, surveyed by Humstone Consulting. • Recommended local landmark designation for five properties, and one National Register designation; • Provided eleven recommendations to Decision Makers regarding the compatibility of development proposals in proximity to historic properties; BOARD TOPIC 2, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 211 Landmark Preservation Commission 2019 Work Program Page2 • Provided Landmark Rehabilitation loan Program funding for seven projects. The program requires a minimum dollar~to-dollar match, and the loan amount is paid back to the City upon the sale of the property to fund future projects. • Provided comments to staff and Council on the Historic Preservation Code and Process Review project; and gave feedback on implementation strategies for the Downtown Plan and the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan. • Approved qualified work equaling $105,428 under Colorado's State Tax Credits for Historic Preservation, providing the recipient with $21,086 in tax credits. 2019 Initiatives and Ongoing Projects: In 2019, the LPC will continue its ongoing programs and responsibilities, including providing financial incentives to eligible properties, recommending landmark designation, design review, providing recommendations to decision makers, and outreach including the Friend of Preservation Awards. The Commission has identified additional goals in 2019 to further align its strategic objectives with those of City Council: 1. Oversee the implementation of new codes regarding historic preservation; continue to identify improvements and recommending appropriate code revisions as needed. 2. Promote sustainable building practices and energy conservation measures through funding allocations and review processes. 3. Support Affordable Housing goals through Rehabilitation Loans and the Design Assistance Program, assisting low and moderate-income citizens with cost-effective repairs and improvements. 4. Encourage citizen appreciation of the value of Historic Preservation through the Friends of Preservation Awards and other publicity and outreach efforts. 5. Commission members will ensure they remain current in historic preservation theory and practice by attending professional training and conferences in 2019. 6. Facilitate young professional career training by meeting with CSU students in Historic Preservation, Archeology, Construction Management, Heritage Tourism and other related fields of study. 7. Build capacity and increase productivity by identifying Historic Preservation projects that could be undertaken by individuals, CSU students, and interns. 8. Develop a survey plan and identify priorities for historic survey. cc: Landmark Preservation Commission Members Councilman Ross Cunniff, Council liaison Darin Atteberry, City Manager Laurie Kadrich, PDT Director Tom Leeson, CDNS Director Karen McWilliams, Historic Preservation Manager - 2 - BOARD TOPIC 2, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 212 DUHEDVHGRQKRXVHVDUFKLWHFWXUHDQGUHWHQWLRQRI KLVWRULFIHDWXUHVDQGDSSHDUDQFH BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 46  0D\HV7KRPSVRQ0Why Old Places Matter: How Historic Places Affect Our Identity and Well-Being:DVKLQJWRQ'&5RZPDQ /LWWOHÀHOG 0F$OHVWHU9LUJLQLD6DYDJH$)LHOG*XLGHWR$PHULFDQ+RXVHV7KH'HÀQLWLYH*XLGHWR,GHQWLI\LQJDQG8QGHUVWDQGLQJ$PHULFD·V'RPHVWLF$UFKLWHFWXUHQGHG  1HZ<RUN$OIUHG$.QRSI 0HHNV6WHSKDQLHDQG.HYLQ&0XUSK\7KH3DVWDQG)XWXUH&LW\+RZ+LVWRULF3UHVHUYDWLRQLV5HYLYLQJ$PHULFD·V&RPPXQLWLHV:DVKLQJWRQ'&,VODQG  3UHVV 0RH5LFKDUGDQG&DUWHU:LONHChanging Places: Rebuilding Community in the Age of Sprawl1HZ<RUN+HQU\+ROW &R 0RUULV$QGUHZ-HG7KH+LVWRU\RI /DULPHU&RXQW\&RORUDGR'DOODV&XUWLV0HGLD&RUSRUDWLRQ 1DWLRQDO3DUN6HUYLFH´+RZWR$SSO\WKH1DWLRQDO5HJLVWHU&ULWHULDIRU(YDOXDWLRQµNational Register Bulletin 15:DVKLQJWRQ'&86   *RYHUQPHQW3ULQWLQJ2IÀFH  BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 43  $QVWH\0DU\7KHUHVHDQG$GDP7KRPDVFort Collins Postwar Development: 1945-1969 Survey Report'HQYHU+LVWRULWHFWXUH//& %XUQV-RKQ$HGRecording Historic StructuresQGHG+RERNHQ1--RKQ:LOH\ 6RQV,QF &ODZVRQ0DULRQ´8UEDQ6SUDZODQG6SHFXODWLRQLQ6XEXUEDQ/DQGµ/DQG(FRQRPLFVQR 0D\  &RORUDGR$JULFXOWXUDO([SHULPHQW6WDWLRQ$QQXDO5HSRUWV&RORUDGR6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\$UFKLYHVDQG6SHFLDO&ROOHFWLRQV 'XQQ0HJ´8QLYHUVLW\$FUHV)URP)DUPWR6XEXUEµ1RUWKHUQ&RORUDGR+LVWRU\ EORJ $FFHVVHG)HEUXDU\KWWSVZZZ  QRUWKHUQFRORUDGRKLVWRU\FRPXQLYHUVLW\BDFUHV )OHPLQJ%DUEDUDDQG0DOFROP0F1HLOO)RUW&ROOLQV7KH0LOOHU3KRWRJUDSKV&KDUOHVWRQ6&$UFDGLD3XEOLVKLQJ )OHPLQJ%DUEDUDDQG0DOFROP0F1HLOO)RUW&ROOLQV&KDUOHVWRQ6&$UFDGLD3XEOLVKLQJ )RUW&ROOLQV&LW\'LUHFWRULHV/RYHODQG&25RFN\0RXQWDLQ'LUHFWRU\&2 +DQVRQ-DPHV(DVWDemocracy’s College in the Centennial State: A History of Colorado State University)RUW&ROOLQV&2&RORUDGR6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ +DQVRQ-DPHV(/LQGD0H\HUDQG*RUGRQ+D]D5RDGCSU’s Sense of Place)RUW&ROOLQV&2&RORUDGR6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ +D\GHQ'RORUHVBuilding Suburbia: Green Fields and Urban Growth, 1820-20001HZ<RUN9LQWDJH%RRNV +D\GHQ'RORUHVA Field Guide to SprawO1HZ<RUN::1RUWRQ &RPSDQ\ +HQVRQ6WDQOH\:7ouching Lives: A History of Medicine in Fort Collins)RUW&ROOLQV&26WDQOH\:+HQVHQ-U0'  BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 42  $GGLWLRQDOSURSHUW\LQIRUPDWLRQLVLQFOXGHGLQWKHUHVLGHQWLDOLQGH[ Statement of Significance  7KHODQGHQFRPSDVVLQJ8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVVHUYHGDVDQDJULFXOWXUDO SURSHUW\IRUWKHÀUVW\HDUVRI )RUW&ROOLQVVHWWOHPHQWDQGKDVEHHQD QHLJKERUKRRGIRUWKHSDVWVL[W\\HDUV(DUO\)RUW&ROOLQVIDPLOLHVIDUPHG WKHSURSHUW\EHIRUHLWVHUYHGDV&RORUDGR6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\·VDJURQRP\ IDUP IRU ÀIW\WKUHH \HDUV  0LGFHQWXU\ QHLJKERUKRRG GHYHORSPHQW PDUNHG WKHEHJLQQLQJRIVWHDG\ JURZWKIRUWKH&LW\RI)RUW&ROOLQV &DPSXVKLVWRULDQVQRWH´DVPXFKDVDQ\WKLVVLWHH[HPSOLÀHV)RUW&ROOLQV· UXUDOWRXUEDQWUDQVIRUPDWLRQµ7KHQHLJKERUKRRGWRGD\LVDYLEUDQW FRPPXQLW\RI\RXQJIDPLOLHVDVZHOODVVRPHRULJLQDOSURSHUW\RZQHUV 'LVWULFWERXQGDULHVIROORZWKHRULJLQDOQLQHVXEGLYLVLRQVWKDWFUHDWHGWKH QHLJKERUKRRG7KHVHERXQGDULHVURXJKO\IROORZH[LVWLQJFROOHFWRUVWUHHWV DQGWKH&ROOHJH$GGLWLRQVHFRQGDQQH[DWLRQ7KHQHLJKERUKRRG·VSHULRG RI VLJQLÀFDQFHVSDQVIURPHQFRPSDVVLQJWKH\HDUWKHODQG ORVWLWVDJULFXOWXUDOIXQFWLRQWRWKH\HDUWKHODVWEXLOGLQJZDVFRQVWUXFWHG  8QLYHUVLW\ $FUHV LV ORFDOO\ VLJQLÀFDQW XQGHU &ULWHULRQ & IRU LWV GLVWLQFWLYH FKDUDFWHULVWLFV RI  PLGWZHQWLHWK FHQWXU\ UHVLGHQWLDO DUFKLWHFWXUH DQG VWUHHW SDWWHUQ 7KH QHLJKERUKRRG UHSUHVHQWV WKH EHJLQQLQJ RI  D VKLIW WRZDUG VXEXUEDQ QHLJKERUKRRGV LQ )RUW&ROOLQV FHQWHUHGDURXQGWKHDXWRPRELOHZLWKDWWDFKHGVWUHHWIDFLQJJDUDJHV7KH QHLJKERUKRRGUHVRXUFHVZHUHHUHFWHGE\ ORFDOEXLOGHUVZKROLYHGDQG ZRUNHGLQWKHFRPPXQLW\DQGPDGHFRPPXQLW\ZLGHLPSDFWVEH\RQG WKHLQGLYLGXDOKRXVHVWKH\EXLOW7KHQHLJKERUKRRGLVVLJQLÀFDQWIRULWV BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 39 ZLWK&KLHI %XLOGLQJ2IÀFLDOFFort Collins History DQGIRUPVWKDWZHUHEHVWVXLWHGWRWKHIXWXUHRZQHU·VQHHGV/HV$OOLVRQ Connection. Figure 27: )UDQN7HUUHOFODWHV3KRWRFRXUWHV\RI 'DOH7HUUHO BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 38 DQGWKH(ONV&OXERQ(DVW0XOEHUU\5RDG-RKQ5RVWHNGLHG WUDJLFDOO\LQDSODQHFUDVKDWWKHDJHRIDQGLVEXULHGDW*UDQGYLHZ &HPHWHU\ Harold Miller/Poudre Valley Construction  +DUROG0LOOHUZDVDZHOONQRZQEXLOGHUDURXQGWKH)URQW5DQJH /LNH5RVWHN0LOOHUDQGKLV3RXGUH9DOOH\&RQVWUXFWLRQEXVLQHVVEXLOW ERWKFRPPHUFLDODQGUHVLGHQWLDOSURSHUWLHV2IWKHIUHTXHQWEXLOGHUV Figure 24: 5RVWHN0LOOHU6FKHOOHU$OOLVRQ 7HUUHOKRXVHV0DSSHGE\WKHDXWKRU XVLQJArcGIS. Figure 25: -RKQ5RVWHNE\KLVFDUF3KRWR&RXUWHV\RI 6KDURQ5RVWHN5RVV BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 37 ZDV&RORUDGR$JULFXOWXUDO&ROOHJH·V ÀUVW SUHVLGHQW VHUYLQJIURPWKURXJK7KH6WDWH%RDUGRI $JULFXOWXUHKLUHG$OVRQ(OOLV (OOLV6W LQDQGKHVHUYHGXQWLO &KDUOHV$/RU\ /RU\6W WRRNRYHUIURP%DUWRQ2$\OHVZRUWKLQ DQGLQYHVWHGKLVHQHUJ\LQGHYHORSLQJWKHH[SHULPHQWVWDWLRQ&KDUOHV *UHHQIROORZHG/RU\·VWKLUW\RQH\HDUWHQXUHLQIROORZHGE\5R\ 1HZVRPLQDQG:LOOLDP0RUJDQLQ5REHUWVRQ6WUHHWDQG ´&68)DUP%RXJKWIRU$FUHµ7KH'HQYHU3RVW0DUFK 3ODWVLQGLFDWHWKHFKDQJHIURP+RVSLWDO5RDGWR6RXWK/HPD\$YHQXHRFFXUUHGVRPHWLPHEHWZHHQDQG/RQJWLPH&LW\3ODQQHU7HG6KHSDUGLQGLFDWHGWKH FKDQJHFRXOGKDYHKDSSHQHGLQIRUPDOO\ZLWKRXWD&LW\&RXQFLOUHVROXWLRQDVZDVQRXQFRPPRQIRUWKHWLPH 7KH8QLYHUVLW\0DOOLVWKHH[WDQWVKRSSLQJFHQWHURQWKHZHVWVLGHRI 6RXWK&ROOHJH$YHQXHEHWZHHQ6SULQJ&UHHNDQG'UDNH5RDG :LOOLDPV6WUHHWDUHWKHWZRRXWOLHUVGHYLDWLQJIURPSDVWSUHVLGHQWV'DYLG ´6FRWW\µ 5REHUWVRQ ZDV DQ DJURQRP\ SURIHVVRU DQG OHG DJURQRP\ HIIRUWV DW WKH ([SHULPHQW 6WDWLRQ EHJLQQLQJ LQ WKH ODWH V -DPHV :LOOLDPVZDVKHDGEDVNHWEDOOFRDFKDQGDWKOHWLFGLUHFWRUDW&RORUDGR 6WDWHZKHQ8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVZDVGHYHORSHG  8QLYHUVLW\ $FUHV LV XQTXHVWLRQDEO\ OLQNHG WR &RORUDGR 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ WKURXJK LWV QDPH VWUHHW QDPHV DQG SK\VLFDOO\ GXH WR LWV ORFDWLRQRQWKHVLWHRI WKHIRUPHUDJURQRP\IDUPFHQWUDOWRWKHRULJLQDO PLVVLRQRI ODQGJUDQWFROOHJHVDQGXQLYHUVLWLHV 1958-Present  8QLYHUVLW\ $FUHV DWWUDFWHG D YDULHW\ RI  UHVLGHQWV DV WKH QHLJKERUKRRGGHYHORSHG(DUO\UHVLGHQWVLQFOXGHG&68HPSOR\HHVDQG SURIHVVRUVVLQFHWKHQHLJKERUKRRGSURYLGHVFRQYHQLHQWFDPSXVDFFHVV 7KHQHLJKERUKRRGFRQWLQXHVWRDWWUDFW\RXQJIDPLOLHVUHWLUHGSHUVRQV DQG UHVLGHQWV FRQQHFWHG WR &RORUDGR 6WDWH 7HQ RULJLQDO RZQHUV VWLOO UHVLGHLQWKHQHLJKERUKRRG7KHODVWKRXVHEXLOWLQ8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVZDV FRPSOHWHG LQ 9HU\ IHZ KRXVHV LQ WKH QHLJKERUKRRG KDYH EHHQ PRGLÀHGIURPWKHLURULJLQDOFRQVWUXFWLRQDQGQRQHWRGDWHKDYHEHHQ VFUDSHG 7KH QHLJKERUKRRG KDV XQGHUJRQH OLWWOH PRGLÀFDWLRQ VLQFH WKDWWLPH7ZRFRQWH[WXDOFKDQJHVLQFOXGHWKH3RXGUH9DOOH\+RVSLWDO·V FRQWLQXHGJURZWKDWWKHHDVWGLVWULFWERXQGDU\DQG)RUW&ROOLQV+LJK 6FKRRO·VUHORFDWLRQRXWVLGHRI WKHLPPHGLDWHQHLJKERUKRRGYLFLQLW\ BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 36   Portrait and Biographical Record of Denver and Vicinity ColoradR &KLFDJR&KDSPDQ3XEOLVKLQJ&R   Ibid.   $QGUHZ·VÀUVWNQRZQUHVLGHQFHLQ)RUW&ROOLQVZDVWKH0F+XJK +RXVHDW5HPLQJWRQ6WZKLFKKHSXUFKDVHGXQÀQLVKHGDQGEXLOW WKHFDUULDJHKRXVHSULRUWRWKH0F+XJK·VWHQXUH$QGUHZVDOVROLYHGLQD KRXVHDW&DQ\RQ$YHWKHSUHVHQWVLWHRI WKH5RFN\0RXQWDLQ%DQN %XLOGLQJ$QGUHZVDQG$EQHU/RRPLVZHUHEXVLQHVVDVVRFLDWHVZKRZHUH ÀQDQFLDOO\VXFFHVVIXOLQWKHFDWWOHLQGXVWU\$QGUHZVRZQHGSURSHUW\XS LQWR :\RPLQJ WKURXJKRXW SUHVHQW GD\ )RUW &ROOLQV /LYHUPRUH DQG XS 3RXGUH &DQ\RQ 6HYHUDO SURPLQHQW EXLOGLQJV DUH DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK $QGUHZVPDUULHG-XOLD+HQGHUVRQLQDQGWKH\KDGRQHVRQ-DPHV &KDUOHV$QGUHZVZDVGHVFULEHGDV´DORYDEOHFKDUDFWHU6LPSOHLQKDELWV XQDIIHFWHGLQPDQQHUGHPRFUDWLFLQWKRXJKWDQGDFWLRQVDQGDYHU\JHQLDO JHQWOHPDQ«KHZDVDPDQZKRDWDOOWLPHVDQGXQGHUDOOFLUFXPVWDQFHV FRPPDQGHGWKHFRQÀGHQFHDQGHVWHHPRIKLVIHOORZPHQµ$WWKH WLPHRIKLVGHDWKLQ$QGUHZVZDVZRUNLQJDVYLFHSUHVLGHQWRI 3RXGUH9DOOH\%DQN  $Q&LW\SODWPDSOLVWVWKHSURSHUW\DV6KDGHODQG3ODFHIRU ´WKHÀQHJURYHRIWUHHVRQWKHSODFHZKLFKFRPSULVHVRQHKXQGUHGDQG WZHQW\ZHOOLPSURYHGDFUHVZLWKLQWKHFLW\OLPLWVµ7KHPDSDOVRQRWHG 6KHWODQGSRQLHVRQWKHSURSHUW\$QGUHZVLVUHPHPEHUHGDVEULQJLQJ WKHÀUVWKHUGRI6KHWODQG3RQLHVWR&RORUDGR$UHVLGHQFHDQGIRXU DJULFXOWXUDO RXWEXLOGLQJV RQFH VWRRG QHDU SUHVHQW GD\ (DVW (OL]DEHWK 6WUHHW 6WRYHU 6WUHHW DQG *DUÀHOG 6WUHHW URXJKO\ WKH )LUVW 8QLWHG Figure 20: &KDUOHV%UXFH$QGUHZVF Fort Collins History Connection. BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 33  0F$OHVWHU  7ULOHYHO VSOLW IRUP KRXVHV DUH WKH VHFRQG PRVW DEXQGDQW LQ 8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVIROORZLQJWKHUDQFK9LUJLQLD0F$OHVWHUH[SODLQV´WKH WULOHYHOVSOLWRIIHUHGDSUDFWLFDOZD\WRLQFRUSRUDWHDORFDWLRQIRUWZR QHZIDPLO\SRVVHVVLRQVWKHDXWRPRELOHDQGWKHWHOHYLVLRQµE\SURYLGLQJ DJDUDJHOHYHOIDPLO\OLYLQJOHYHODQGDTXLHWEHGURRPOHYHO7KHÀUVW WULOHYHOVSOLWLQ8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVZDVEXLOWLQEXWWKHIRUPZDV PRVWFRPPRQEHWZHHQDQG  /HVVFRPPRQEXWSUHVHQWLQ8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVDUHELOHYHOVSOLW KRXVHVZLWKDFHQWUDOHQWU\HYHQO\SODFHGEHWZHHQWKHWZRÁRRUVRQHRI  ZKLFKLVSDUWLDOO\XQGHUJURXQG%LOHYHOVSOLWIRUPKRXVHVDUHVFDWWHUHG WKURXJKRXW 8QLYHUVLW\ $FUHV PRVWO\ FRQFHQWUDWHG DW WKH HDVW HQG RI  (DVW3LWNLQ6WUHHWDQGIURQWLQJ(DVW3URVSHFW5RDG7KHVHZHUHVRPHRI  WKHODWHUKRXVHVFRQVWUXFWHGLQWKHGLVWULFW Figure 14: ([DPSOHRI DW\SLFDOWULOHYHOVSOLWIRUPKRXVH3KRWRE\WKHDXWKRU Figure 13: ([DPSOHRI DFRQWHPSRUDU\VW\OHKRXVH3KRWRE\WKHDXWKRU BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 29  ZDV LQFOXGHG LQ WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ $FUHV )LUVW )LOLQJ LQ  HQFRPSDVVLQJ7UDFW$)RUW&ROOLQVZDVH[SHULHQFLQJDQLQÁ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´,QWKH+DOORZHG+DOOVRI /HDUQLQJµ+LVWRULWHFWXUH)RUW&ROOLQV&2 $OVRIRUPHUO\NQRZQDV)LUVW%DSWLVW&KXUFKFXUUHQWO\/LIH3RLQWH&KXUFK FRQWLQXHGXVHDVDVFKRRODQGWKHQHLJKERUKRRG·VFRQWLQXHGDWWUDFWLRQ IRU\RXQJIDPLOLHV  7KHVLWHIRU3O\PRXWK&RQJUHJDWLRQDO&KXUFK QRZ/LIH3RLQWH &KXUFK  ZDV LQFOXGHG LQ WKH QHLJKERUKRRGV VHFRQG ÀOLQJ LQ  HQFRPSDVVLQJ7UDFW%7KHODUJHSURSHUW\DEXWV(OOLV6WUHHWDQG/HVKHU 0LGGOH6FKRROWRWKHZHVWDQGWKHQHLJKERUKRRGERXQGDU\WRWKHVRXWK 7KH RULJLQDO EXLOGLQJ ZDV EXLOW LQ  KRZHYHU LW KDV XQGHUJRQH VXEVWDQWLDOPRGLÀFDWLRQVVLQFHLWVRULJLQDOFRQVWUXFWLRQDQGWKHRULJLQDO IRUPDQGDSSHDUDQFHKDYHEHHQKHDYLO\DOWHUHG7KLVSODFHRIZRUVKLS ZRXOGEHFRQVLGHUHGDQRQFRQWULEXWLQJUHVRXUFHWRDSRWHQWLDOIXWXUH 8QLYHUVLW\$FUHV+LVWRULF'LVWULFWGXHWRWKHDOWHUDWLRQV  )LUVW8QLWHG0HWKRGLVW&KXUFKVLWVDWWKHQRUWKZHVWFRUQHURI WKHGLVWULFWDQGZDVLQFOXGHGLQWKHÀIWKÀOLQJLQDV7UDFW&7KH Figure 9: )LUVW8QLWHG0HWKRGLVW&KXUFK3KRWRE\WKHDXWKRU Figure 8: /HVKHU,%:RUOG0LGGOH6FKRRO3KRWRE\WKHDXWKRU BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 26  &ODUN0DSHV&LW\3ODQQHUHPDLOPHVVDJHWRDXWKRU0DUFK  7KHQHLJKERUKRRGZDVSODWWHGWKURXJKQLQHVXEGLYLVLRQVEHWZHHQ DQG7KHQHLJKERUKRRGJHQHUDOO\GHYHORSHGIURPZHVWWRHDVW DQGIURPVRXWKWRQRUWKWRFRQQHFWZLWKH[LVWLQJQHLJKERUKRRGV%RWK EXLOGHUVDQGSULYDWHRZQHUVSXUFKDVHGRULJLQDOORWV7KHQHLJKERUKRRG·V SHULRGRI VLJQLÀFDQFHVSDQVIURPZKHQWKHODQGZDVDQQH[HGLQWR WKH&LW\RI )RUW&ROOLQVXQWLOWKHODVWUHVLGHQWLDOSURSHUW\ZDVFRPSOHWHG LQ  8QLYHUVLW\$FUHV LVZHOOFRQQHFWHGWRDGMDFHQWQHLJKERUKRRGV FRPSDUHG WR RWKHUPLGFHQWXU\ VXEXUEDQ GHYHORSPHQWV DQG GRHV QRW CIRCLE DR ELLIS ST S LEMAY AVE CIRCLE DR B U C K E Y E S T GAR FIEL D S T HOSPITAL LN S T O V E R S T E PROSPECT RD E L L I S S T RO B E R T S O N S T L A K E P L E DOCTORS E ELIZABETH ST . E PITKIN ST R O B ERTSON ST Y O U N T S T SMITH ST EDWARDS ST M O R G A N S T G R E E N S T N E W S O M S T T E L A K E S T WILL I A M S ST LORY ST L O R Y S T 5th March 7, 1961 1st June 1, 1958 2nd February 25, 1959 3nd December 10, 1959 4th October 3, 1960 6th February 2, 1962 7th Aug. 30, 1962 8th November 18, 1963 9th 1964 Figure 6: 1LQH8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVVXEGLYLVLRQV0DSSHGE\WKHDXWKRUXVLQJArcGIS. BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 24  Ibid. 6WDWH%RDUGRI $JULFXOWXUHRZQHUVKLSZLOOEHGLVFXVVHGLQJUHDWHUGHWDLOLQWKH3URSHUW\+LVWRU\VHFWLRQ  8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVZDVRQHRI WKHÀUVWPDMRUSRVWZDUVXEGLYLVLRQV LQ )RUW &ROOLQV IROORZLQJ WKH DGMDFHQW &LUFOH 'ULYH QHLJKERUKRRG 6KHHO\'ULYHWKH0DQW]$GGLWLRQDQG0LOOHU6XEGLYLVLRQDPRQJRWKHUV 7KHKRXVHVDQGORWVLQ8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVDUHJHQHUDOO\ODUJHUWKDQRWKHU SRVWZDUVXEGLYLVLRQVLQ)RUW&ROOLQVDQGGHYHORSHGFRQFXUUHQWO\ZLWK WKH&LW\·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´ODUJHUSDUFHO>V@>ZHUH@GHYHORSHGWRIRUPDPRUH SULYDWHRUQXFOHDWHGHQFODYHVHSDUDWHIURPEXV\ WKRURXJKIDUHV VXFK Figure 4:&XUUHQWQHLJKERUKRRGFRQÀJXUDWLRQGoogle Maps. BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 23 ]RQHGLVWULFWWKHZHVWVLGHRI 6WRYHULVLQ WKH1HLJKERUKRRG&RQVHUYDWLRQ/RZ'HQVLW\ 1&/ ]RQHGLVWULFW7KH WZRFRPPHUFLDOSURSHUWLHVDQGRQHDSDUWPHQWEXLOGLQJDWWKHVRXWKHDVW FRUQHU RI  WKH GLVWULFW DUH ]RQHG 1HLJKERUKRRG &RPPHUFLDO 1&  8QLYHUVLW\$FUHVPDUNHGDVKLIWLQWUDGLWLRQDOGHYHORSPHQWSDWWHUQVLQ )RUW&ROOLQV DQG HSLWRPL]HV ORFDO HDUO\ VXEXUEDQ FKDUDFWHULVWLFV 7KH Figure 3:3RXGUH9DOOH\+RVSLWDOORRNLQJ1(IURP5REHUWVRQ6WUHHW Figure 2:(DVW3LWNLQ6WUHHWORRNLQJZHVW3LWNLQZLGHQVDWLWDSSURDFKHVWKHZHVWHUQ QHLJKERUKRRGERXQGDU\DW6WRYHU6WUHHW BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 22                                                           !" # !" #    "     " #  " $   "      "   " "  BOARD TOPIC 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 7