HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 11/21/2018TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR November 21, 2018, 6:00 p.m. 281 North College Ave, Fort Collins, CO 11/21/2018 – MINUTES Page 1 FOR REFERENCE: Chair: Eric Shenk Vice Chair: Council Liaison: Annabelle Berklund Ross Cunniff Staff Liaison: Paul Sizemore 970.224.6140 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Shenk called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 2. ROLL CALL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Eric Shenk, Chair Nathalie Rachline York Indy Hart Valerie Arnold Cari Brown BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Annabelle Berklund, Vice Chair Karl Ayers CITY STAFF PRESENT: Tim Kemp PUBLIC PRESENT: Kevin Borchard Aaron Fodge Aaron Buckley Erika Benti 3. AGENDA REVIEW Sizemore stated there were no changes to the published agenda. 4. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Kevin Borchard introduced himself and stated he has recently completed the City Works 101 course and is interested in various Boards and Commissions. DocuSign Envelope ID: 7C3E99DA-993C-46FF-8F1F-06C8BB1E1F99 TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 11/21/2018 – MINUTES Page 2 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – OCTOBER 2018 York stated the Planning and Zoning Board members in attendance at the October meeting were Christine Pardee and Ruth Rollins. Rachline made a motion, seconded by Hart, to approve the October 2018 minutes as amended. The minutes were adopted unanimously with Brown abstaining. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 7. NEW BUSINESS a. CSU Transportation Demand Management – Aaron Fodge Aaron Fodge, CSU Parking and Transportation Services, stated CSU is crafting a 3- year work plan focusing on transportation demand management (TDM) at CSU. He noted the student body has been investing in Transfort for decades and is one of the only universities to have funded separate bicycle trails, a mobile bike shop, and a ski bus. Aaron Buckley, CSU Parking and Transportation Services and Vice Chair of the Bicycle Advisory Committee, discussed CSU's Transportation Work Plan which includes engineering, education, enforcement, equity, the environment, and encouragement. Erika Benti, CSU Parking and Transportation Services, discussed the annual transportation survey of students and employees. She noted 31% of the student population reported taking the bus to campus, followed by driving personal vehicles, walking, and biking as a primary form of transportation. The survey of employees shows 70% driving personal vehicles, followed distantly by biking and riding Transfort. Fodge discussed the measurement of CSU's TDM team which includes shifting travel behavior from single-occupancy vehicles to other modes, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, recruitment and retention of employees, and keeping Fort Collins affordable. Board members discussed transportation resources available for individuals with disabilities, including an on-campus shuttle and the Horn bus service. Arnold asked how CSU is working with the City to fix the parking issue at MAX lots. Fodge replied the issue should be viewed as an opportunity to encourage riders to take their full trip to CSU with transit. DocuSign Envelope ID: 7C3E99DA-993C-46FF-8F1F-06C8BB1E1F99 TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 11/21/2018 – MINUTES Page 3 Benti stated CSU does not yet have exact mode split goals; however, that is one planned outcome of these efforts. b. Power Trail/Harmony Road Crossing – Tim Kemp Tim Kemp, Interim Capital Projects Manager, stated this project has come to the forefront as one of the most desired in the community. He discussed the selection criteria for the project and noted the project and proposed design will come before the Board many more times. York stated the grade separation should address the railroad track crossing as well as Harmony Road. Kemp stated there are currently five alternatives: three underpass or tunnel alternatives, and two overpass alternatives. The alternative analysis phase is planned to be complete by April. He discussed funding for the project. Angie Milewski, Consultant, detailed the alternatives, noting none of them address a grade separation for the railroad track. She stated safety, utilities, ADA considerations, flooding, and maintenance are factors in design. Kemp stated the project construction will likely be pushed back to 2021 given budget issues. Brown suggested Kemp take this project before the Commission on Disabilities. c. Open Discussion on Work Plan – Boardmembers Rachline stated the Board needs to have a conversation regarding proactive transit funding outside of the budget allocations. She noted the Board's Work Plan allows it to have discussions and provide a recommendation to Council. Hart Stated he would like the Board to recommend goals for each functional area. Brown expressed concern about the limits of the Board's purview. Chair Shenk suggested requesting information from the City Attorney's Office regarding the Board's purview prior to the next meeting. The Board agreed by unanimous consent. 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Hart thanked Boardmembers for emailing articles. Chair Shenk stated he will be sending out a liaison questionnaire for the next meeting. York reported on the recent Planning and Zoning Board work session during which the CSU Transportation Demand Management presentation was given and the use of private shuttles from housing to CSU was discussed as there is little room for those shuttles to park on campus; therefore, discussions may need to involve Transfort if student housing DocuSign Envelope ID: 7C3E99DA-993C-46FF-8F1F-06C8BB1E1F99 TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 11/21/2018 – MINUTES Page 4 developments are promising shuttle service. Brown asked if private shuttles must be wheelchair accessible and whether ridership numbers are tracked. York replied numbers are tracked; however, he is unsure of the ADA requirements. York stated the Planning and Zoning Board also discussed the Urban Renewal Plan for the area of Drake and College and that discussion involved a possible parking structure or underpass. Rachline asked when recruitment and interviews for vacant Boards and Commissions positions would occur. Sizemore replied recruitment is currently occurring and appointments should be made by early in the new year. Brown reported on taking the MAX to a recent CSU game and complimented the system. 9. OTHER BUSINESS a. Bicycle Advisory Committee Report Chair Shenk read a report from Ayers about the recent Bicycle Advisory Board meeting during which parking per customer being outdated, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, focusing transit upgrades on Mulberry and Harmony, and flashing yellow left-turn lights were discussed. b. City Council 6-Month Calendar Review Sizemore stated the final dates for City Plan hearings should appear on the next 6- month calendar. c. Staff Liaison Report Sizemore discussed the plan for upcoming agendas and announced the Future of Transit panel next Wednesday at the Lincoln Center. He stated the budget was adopted on Second Reading at last night's Council meeting and discussed the Council work session on E-scooters. 10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m. by unanimous consent. DocuSign Envelope ID: 7C3E99DA-993C-46FF-8F1F-06C8BB1E1F99