HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 03/21/20181 MINUTES of the CITY OF FORT COLLINS TRANSPORTATION BOARD March 21, 2018 6:00 p.m. Traffic Operations Conference Room 626 Linden Street Fort Collins, CO FOR REFERENCE: Chair: Eric Shenk Vice Chair: Annabelle Berklund Staff Liaison: Paul Sizemore 970.224.6140 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: Eric Shenk, Chair Annabelle Berklund, Vice Chair Cari Brown Karl Ayers Nathalie Rachline York Indy Hart Valerie Arnold ABSENT: Andrew Bondi Tessa Greegor Dan Woodward Joe Olson Martina Wilkinson PUBLIC PRESENT: Matt Tribby, Air Quality Advisory Board 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Shenk called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 2. AGENDA REVIEW Sizemore stated there were no changes to the published agenda. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT Matt Tribby, Air Quality Advisory Board, stated he has volunteered to be the representative from his Board who will attend Transportation Board meetings. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Sizemore discussed changes to the minutes regarding Larry Schneider’s comments and Hart’s boardmember report. Rachline made a motion, seconded by York, to approve the February 2018 minutes as amended. The motion was adopted unanimously. 5. COUNCIL LIAISON Councilmember Cunniff was unable to attend. DocuSign Envelope ID: 044A373B-B0C6-45FB-B438-D6FDF3FC4A7B 2 6. BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT – Ayers Ayers reported on the recent Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting, during which an update on the Suniga project was presented, participation with other Boards was discussed, and the closing of Mountain from College to Mason beginning in May was announced. Additionally, an update was provided on the bike share program and the Committee discussed dockless and hybrid programs. The West Mulberry protected bike lane pilot project was also discussed, and it was determined the Committee will provide a recommendation to the Transportation Board on the E-bike issue. Rachline mentioned the importance of getting the Board and the Committee together to discuss the E-bike issue. Ayers noted many Board and Commissions are represented on the BAC. Chair Shenk stated all E-boards/E-skateboards top out at 20 miles per hour, and Segways and hoverboards top out at 13 miles per hour; therefore, any discussion related to E-bikes should also include other E-modes. York suggested the BAC should remain with a bicycle recommendation with the Transportation Board expanding it if desired; Boardmembers agreed. Boardmembers discussed which departments oversee which parts of the trail system. Rachline noted regular bikes can go just as fast and stated speed is not the only issue that should be considered. 7. DISCUSSION/INFORMATIONAL ITEMS • 2018 Bike Projects Update – Greegor and Woodward Greegor stated most of the projects being addressed today are framed and informed through the Bicycle Master Plan, and largely through the 2020 Low-Stress Bicycle Network. She detailed the West Mulberry project, which includes the stretch of Mulberry from Overland Trail to Jackson Avenue. Greegor discussed the reasons Mulberry was selected for the protected bike lane pilot project and outlined existing conditions. Boardmembers and Greegor discussed bicycle counts in the area. Dan Woodward, Engineering Department, discussed the project from a design perspective and stated the intersections of City Park and Mulberry, Shields and Magnolia, and Impala and Mulberry are key intersections. He discussed the typical street cross-section. Berklund questioned how the models work in terms of snow removal. Woodward replied that process is still evolving; however, they are clearing from the inside out at this time. No special snow removal equipment will be required for this project. Woodward discussed the proposed parking in the area and detailed the various departmental roles in the project. Greegor discussed the timeline and stated intercept surveys will occur in April and May with construction planned to begin in June and July. The evaluation will occur throughout the following year. DocuSign Envelope ID: 044A373B-B0C6-45FB-B438-D6FDF3FC4A7B 3 York asked how the construction schedule will be impacted by 4th of July events. Woodward replied that has been considered and the project will not impact the festivities. Rachline asked how bus traffic will be treated. Greegor replied the proposed plan is for buses to pull over to the curb where transit stops exist; however, they will then need to move into the one travel lane. Greegor briefly discussed the Hampshire bikeway. • Traffic Operations Update and Tour – Olson/Wilkinson Boardmembers toured the traffic operations center and received an update from Joe Olson and Martina Wilkinson. 8. ACTION ITEMS None. 9. REPORTS • Boardmember Reports Chair Shenk stated Boardmembers would be reporting on their respective assigned Boards and Commissions on a rotating basis beginning next month. He stated the Council Futures Committee will soon be addressing the issue of Boards and Commissions working together with more frequency. Chair Shenk noted the budgeting process is forthcoming. Rachline discussed the procedure of the Parks and Recreation Board to formalize things with motions and review the Council 6-month agenda. York reported on the Planning and Zoning Board worksession during which the Sign Code update, Land Use Code changes, and the Compass charter school and its potential traffic impacts were discussed. Berklund asked about the best way to propose the implementation of a crosswalk. Olson replied he will follow-up with her. Ayers reported the Youth Advisory Board is planning to put out a questionnaire to high schools regarding transportation. Hart reported multi-modal transportation is a priority for the Parking Board and they discussed the College and Drake park-n-ride at the last meeting. Brown discussed the North Front Range MPO’s 2045 Regional Transit Element update and encouraged Boardmembers to take the associated survey. Arnold stated that the City will be amending the sign code and expressed that the Transportation Board might want to learn more about this. Sizemore indicated that he would check with Planning staff on the project. DocuSign Envelope ID: 044A373B-B0C6-45FB-B438-D6FDF3FC4A7B 4 • Staff Report Sizemore discussed the April and May agendas. 10. OTHER BUSINESS None. 11. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m. by unanimous consent. DocuSign Envelope ID: 044A373B-B0C6-45FB-B438-D6FDF3FC4A7B