HomeMy WebLinkAboutYouth Advisory Board - Minutes - 04/04/2018MINUTES Youth Advisory Board Regular Meeting Date: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 Place: Foothills Activity Center, Community Room Time: 5:30-6:30 pm 241 East Foothills Parkway (Located Inside Foothills Mall) Present: Katie Ko, Emily Winn, Milan Khosla, Megan Ronquillo, Roshini Narayanan, Betsy Pruznick Absent: Nela Mohan,Vivian Bear, Staff Present: Christine Macrina, Tim Stabbe 1.Katie called meeting to order at 5:36 2. February and March minutes will be approved at May meeting 3. Citizens Participation ● Kalia goes to Poudre High School. Observing the board to learn and listen ● York is on the transportation board and is at the meeting since Karl couldn’t make it. ● Tim is going to be taking over as the staff liaison. He is the Recreation supervisor for aquatics for the past year 4. Invitation for Women’s Commission on gun violence laws and gun control ● Meeting is on April 18, 2018 at 6:00 P.M. at 215 N Mason, conference room 1B. ● There wasn’t enough time to have a joint meeting, so they asked us to observe the meeting then write our observations which they can report to the council. ● Meghan, Emily, Nela, and Joel are planning on attending 5. NLC Report ● The council report will be on April 17, 2018 at the city council meeting. The whole board is invited to go. ● At the conference they talked about marijuana laws, had a breakfast with the senators, talked to someone who lowered the voting age in their city, met with other boards, heard from speakers and panels, learned about advocating to their cities, wrote an elevator pitch and make a poster about the YAB goals ● They member who attended the conference will be working on the presentation 6. Interviews ● 4 positions will be opening up on the board and interview for those positions will begin in April. The goal is to have them appointed before the May meeting so the new members can attend. ● The board talked about doing another retreat 7. PSD Think tank ● Katie is part of the PSD think tank ● On April 15 from 2:30 to 4 at the senior center they will be meeting with CSU to discuss substance abuse and invited the Youth Advisory Board members to join 8. Community chalkboard ● Emily and Katie met with Mr. Gaffney, who was very receptive of ideas. When the concern about profanity was brought up, Mr. Gaffney said that Foothills has the right to remove what they and the board should make a plak with to inform people. He was said he can give a discount with the light up signs. ● The board can also make a slide for FCTV ● Still working on getting the chalkboards, but chalkboard paint is a viable option ● Mr. Gaffney doesn’t think people stealing chalk will be an issue, but it will be addressed if that occurs. He is planning on accepting donations. ● A concern of his is that people will draw on the floor, but will address the issue if it comes up ● June 2nd is the goal for when the chalkboard will be up by. 6. Service Project with Loveland. ● If the retreat happens again, the board decided Loveland should be invited again. ● Vivian is the main contact, so the discussion will continue at the May meeting. 7. transportation survey. ● Karl shared the survey with York and then shared his opinions about it ○ York suggested that an option of “technology” to be added to the question regarding why people don’t use the app ○ Add more options about types of transportation used ○ He made comments on a printed out version of the survey and shared with Emily and Milan ● The link of the survey would go on the city website and PSD would also send it out. 9. Super Issue Meeting. ● Staff and Community members get together to hear offers on how the city should spend the available money. ● The meeting helps prioritize where funding is needed. ● The YAB can send delegates to observe and bring back information. T ● The meeting is at the Lincoln center at 5:30 10. Katie motions to adjourn the meeting at 6:30. Megan seconds it.