HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 04/18/20181 MINUTES of the CITY OF FORT COLLINS TRANSPORTATION BOARD April 18, 2018 6:00 p.m. Conference Room A 281 North College Avenue Fort Collins, CO FOR REFERENCE: Chair: Eric Shenk Vice Chair: Annabelle Berklund Staff Liaison: Paul Sizemore 970.224.6140 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: Eric Shenk, Chair Annabelle Berklund, Vice Chair Cari Brown Karl Ayers Nathalie Rachline York Indy Hart Valerie Arnold Andrew Bondi ABSENT: Lawrence Pollack Aaron Iverson Carrie Frickman PUBLIC PRESENT: Luke Caldwell, BAC 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Shenk called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 2. AGENDA REVIEW Sizemore stated there were no changes to the published agenda. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Hart made a motion, seconded by Rachline to adopt the March 2018 minutes as written. The motion was approved unanimously. 5. COUNCIL LIAISON Councilmember Cunniff was unable to attend. 6. BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT – Ayers Ayers stated most of the last Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting involved discussion of the E-bike memorandum. He announced the June 3rd Open Streets event will occur on East Stuart Street and the September 9th event will occur on the Hampshire Bikeway. DocuSign Envelope ID: A34A6F9A-A711-4CB9-B840-8909559E3540 2 Additionally, the Committee received an update on City Plan and were informed about a new stackable bike rack which will be placed in the alley by Comet Chicken. 7. DISCUSSION/INFORMATIONAL ITEMS • Budgeting for Outcomes Introduction – Pollack Rachline asked if there is a mechanism for Boards or citizens to submit budget offers. Lawrence Pollack, Budget Manager, replied in the negative. Sizemore noted the items discussed by the Board do ultimately influence budget offers. Pollack discussed the City’s budgeting process, starting from the Strategic Plan and moving down to community deliverables. He discussed community outreach efforts and online resources for citizens. Sizemore provided Boardmembers with a draft list of transportation-related budget offers and discussed the difference between on-going and enhancement offers. Boardmembers discussed the importance of providing input and gave examples of previously unfunded items which have received funding after garnering public support. York asked why the graffiti abatement program falls under Transportation. Pollack replied the best way to address those types of questions is to look at the strategic objectives used for each offer to determine why it was submitted to a certain outcome. Sizemore noted the graffiti abatement program offer is from Streets because those employees deal with graffiti issues; however, the outcome area to which the offer will be submitted is not likely to be Transportation. • E-Bikes BAC Recommendation – Caldwell, Boardmembers Luke Caldwell, Bicycle Advisory Committee Chair, stated the BAC would like the Transportation Board to support and advocate for a E-bike pilot study to assess the use of Class I and Class II electric-assist bicycles on the City’s paved trails. Bondi spoke in support of the Land Conservation and Stewardship Board’s position on the use of E-bikes on trails. He discussed the importance of determining exactly in which part of the network the pilot should occur. Caldwell agreed and stated the BAC felt that would be best determined by staff. York disagreed with the Land Conservation and Stewardship Board’s position. Sizemore discussed the options the Board has moving forward. Rachline supported moving forward with the pilot program and suggested the Transportation Board move on to other transportation issues. Brown stated she is uncomfortable moving this forward as there are other opinions and other affected Boards. Bondi asked about the definition difference between a recreational trail and the biking infrastructure. Caldwell stated the Land Conservation and Stewardship Board’s argument about the paved trails being recreational is inaccurate. York asked what steps would be necessary for staff to come up with a recommendation DocuSign Envelope ID: A34A6F9A-A711-4CB9-B840-8909559E3540 3 for how to do a study. Sizemore replied staff could do that in the next couple months should the Transportation Board want to move forward. York made a motion, seconded by Hart, that the Transportation Board request staff return with a plan in a month to two months as to how to do a study of E-bikes. The motion was adopted with Brown dissenting. Bondi stated he would like to elevate the importance of a conversation relating to the definition of recreational trails. Boardmembers discussed this issue and stated they would like staff to include other electric-assist vehicles in their plan. Boardmembers discussed implementing speed limits. Sizemore stated he would arrange an agenda item to discuss the background and nature of the trails system. • Electric Vehicle Readiness Roadmap – Iverson, Frickman Aaron Iverson stated this project will help define staff roles and aid in the City achieving its 2015 Climate Action goals. The project is divided into the discovery phase, assessment phase, and plan development. Iverson discussed the steering committee for the project. Carrie Frickman, Environmental Services, stated a draft roadmap is planned for August with a finalized version done by the end of September. At this point, the discovery phase is complete, and staff is getting close to being done with the assessment phase. Currently, staff is in the midst of external stake holder outreach and charging infrastructure demand analysis. Arnold asked about environmental concerns related to electric vehicle batteries. Frickman replied most of the conversations around that are related to the extra manufacturing energy that is needed for battery production; however, most electric vehicles make up that difference in the first 6 months of use and work is being done on recycling. York questioned why no industry individuals were included in the steering committee and noted Japan now has more electric vehicle charging stations than gas stations and could provide a good example. Boardmembers discussed the cost of purchasing and maintaining electric vehicles. Frickman stated staff has compiled the citizen survey data into a summary document. York stated he would like to see more information about electric mass transit vehicles. Sizemore confirmed fleet vehicles will be part of the roadmap. • Boardmember Liaison Report Part One - Boardmembers Rachline discussed the recent Parks and Recreation Board meetings and stated there do not seem to be many topics in common with the Transportation Board, though they did discuss the E-bike issue. York reported on the recent Planning and Zoning Board meetings. DocuSign Envelope ID: A34A6F9A-A711-4CB9-B840-8909559E3540 4 Hart reported on the recent Parking Board meeting and stated the Boardmembers are asking questions related to larger transportation issues. The Parking Board received a presentation from a transit ambassador. He asked if the Board is comfortable with Parking Board questions coming through him. Sizemore stated it would somewhat depend on the types of questions and noted their Chair could always come before the Board for appropriate agenda items. Chair Shenk reported on the recent Air Quality Advisory Board meetings during which no transportation issues have been discussed. 8. ACTION ITEMS None. 9. REPORTS • City Council 6-Month Calendar Review Sizemore provided the 6-month calendar and Boardmembers discussed various items including the night sky initiative and Climate Action Plan update. • Boardmember Reports Bondi reported on the Transportation Master Plan working group meeting during which vision was discussed. Brown reported ARC of Larimer County has received a grant from Comcast to purchase assistive technology for people with disabilities to assist in living more independently. She also stated ARC is hosting a City Plan forum for people with disabilities that she will be hosting. Additionally, Brown stated the Association of Transit Agencies is hosting a paratransit training and discussed the Dial-a-Taxi voucher program. Rachline asked about the Van Go program. Sizemore and York replied about the program’s history with the Metropolitan Planning Organization. York reported on the Youth Advisory Board’s transportation survey and topic discussed by the Planning and Zoning Board. He asked if another Boardmember would be able to attend next month’s Planning and Zoning Board meeting and requested information as to the number of tickets issued for people parking in bike lanes. • Staff Report Sizemore stated Mark Jackson left his position to be the Public Works Director for the City of Loveland. He stated he will report back to the Board on filling the position and its impact on the Planning, Development, and Transportation Department structure. Sizemore stated FC Moves just filled its vacant transportation planner position and recruitment has started for the Transfort General Manager position. 10. OTHER BUSINESS None. 11. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. by unanimous consent. DocuSign Envelope ID: A34A6F9A-A711-4CB9-B840-8909559E3540