HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 12/21/20161 MINUTES of the CITY OF FORT COLLINS TRANSPORTATION BOARD December 21, 2016 6:00 p.m. Community Room 215 North Mason Street Fort Collins, CO FOR REFERENCE: Chair: Eric Shenk Vice Chair: Annabelle Berklund Staff Liaison: Paul Sizemore 970.224-6140 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: Eric Shenk, Chair Annabelle Berklund, Vice Chair Gary Thomas York Cari Brown Pat Jordan Tim Sutton Olga Duvall ABSENT: Councilmember Ross Cunniff Joe Olson PUBLIC PRESENT: Dale Adamy 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Shenk called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 2. AGENDA REVIEW Sizemore stated there were no changes to the published agenda. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT Dale Adamy stated homelessness topics should be incorporated into the Downtown Plan. He encouraged the Board to discuss the issue of grade-separated crossings being included in City plans and questioned the meaning of the term ‘adequate public facilities.’ 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Thomas made a motion, seconded by Jordan, to adopt the November 2016 minutes as presented. The minutes were adopted unanimously. 5. COUNCIL LIAISON Councilmember Cunniff was unable to attend. 2 6. BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT – York York stated the Bicycle Advisory Committee has received presentations on the Downtown Plan and Old Town Neighborhoods Plan and reviewed the annual bicycle counts. Additionally, the Committee heard the presentation on parking in bicycle lanes and the upcoming ‘Walk and Wheel Skills Hub.’ He provided an update on the Zagster program and stated Sylvia Cranmer will be resigning from her position as Chair of the Committee. 7. DISCUSSION/INFORMATIONAL ITEMS • Adequate Public Facilities – Joe Olson Olson stated the adequate public facilities ordinance has been in place for about 20 years and its goal is to ensure development is providing adequate public facilities in terms of roadways, utilities, and other facilities. Intersection levels of service define transportation adequate public facilities and are basically a measure of vehicular delay. The Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards also contain level of service standards which are different than the adequate public facilities ordinance. Updating the APF ordinance will ensure it is easier to match it with the LCUASS standards. Olson stated developments have changed in character from greenfield developments to more infill developments and redevelopment and multi-modal transportation options are not really considered in the APF now. Currently, the APF ordinance has no exception or variance process; however, the LCUASS standards do have those processes. In terms of changes to the APF, the plan is to allow developers to mitigate impacts using alternative compliance. Brown asked how this fits into the capital expansion fee. Olson replied every developer pays into that fee to pay for indirect transportation expenses. Boardmembers asked Olson to come back before the Board with further details once they are hashed out. The use of the term ‘adequate public facilities’ was discussed and Olson noted the primary goal is to ensure development pays its own way. York asked if this plan will deal with other public facilities such as parks. Olson replied utilities are included but the focus is transportation. Boardmembers noted parks are covered by a separate fee and master plan. 8. ACTION ITEMS • Traffic Code Change – Parking in Bike Lanes – Paul Sizemore Sizemore noted this change would be a Traffic Code amendment and the actual draft language will not be completed by the Attorney’s Office until the item is scheduled for Council; therefore, this presentation is based on a conceptual version of the amendment. The purpose of the amendment is to clarify some sections of the Traffic Code that relate to parking in bicycle lanes and correct any absence of such language. Police officers have questioned their ability to ticket cars parked in bicycle lanes not near signage. Sizemore stated many other jurisdictions have included this type of language and it is likely the City Attorney will utilize similar wording. The Code currently states vehicles can cross bicycle lanes to make a right-hand turn but 3 this change will address how far back from the intersection vehicles can make such a movement. York asked how loading and unloading will be addressed. Sizemore replied parking allows for expeditious loading and unloading of goods and/or passengers. York encouraged additional documentation of that regulation to allow for tickets to be written if the loading and unloading is not expeditious. Sizemore stated he is seeking a recommendation from the Board to move forward with presenting the Code changes to Council. Thomas made a motion, seconded by Berklund, that the Transportation Board support the effort to prohibit parking in bike lanes and further define the treatment of bike lanes at intersections. The motion was adopted unanimously. 9. REPORTS • Boardmember Reports Thomas reported on the MPO Transportation Advisory Committee meeting and a presentation by a group called Clean Cities. He suggested asking the group to make a presentation before the Board. York reported on the Super Board issues meeting about the entertainment district and broadband. He reported on the Built Environment Working Group and CDOT training. Jordan stated this is her last meeting as a Boardmember. Berklund stated snow removal needs to be addressed in terms of bike projects as snow has made it impossible to ride over the counter on Remington. Brown reported on the CDOT training. Duvall thanked the Boardmembers for knowledge gained during her tenure on the Board. Chair Shenk thanked Duvall and Jordan for their service on the Board and presented them with gifts. Chair Shenk reported metrics from the Board’s year. • Staff Report Sizemore reported on the recruitment for new Boardmembers and the Mayor’s proclamation regarding zero roadway deaths. He stated ASCSU and CSU have entered into an agreement with Zagster and ZipCar for a new program called ZipBike. Sizemore reported Rick Richter announced his retirement and Emma Belmont has left the City as well. 10. OTHER BUSINESS None. 4 11. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 7:06 p.m. by unanimous consent.