HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 02/21/20181 MINUTES of the CITY OF FORT COLLINS TRANSPORTATION BOARD February 21, 2018 6:00 p.m. Snow Plowing Command Center Streets Department 598A Linden Street Fort Collins, CO FOR REFERENCE: Chair: Eric Shenk Vice Chair: Annabelle Berklund Staff Liaison: Paul Sizemore 970.224.6140 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: Annabelle Berklund, Vice Chair Cari Brown Karl Ayers Nathalie Rachline York Eric Shenk, Chair Indy Hart ABSENT: Andrew Bondi Valerie Arnold Aaron Iverson Larry Schneider PUBLIC PRESENT: A representative from Parsons Engineering Consultants Amanda Shores, Energy Board 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Shenk called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 2. AGENDA REVIEW Iverson stated there were no changes to the published agenda 3. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Hart clarified comments he made regarding the Parking Advisory Board to indicate the Parking Advisory Board appeared to be opposed to towing as a penalty on CSU game days. York made a motion, seconded by Berklund, to approve the January 2018 minutes as amended. The motion was adopted unanimously. DocuSign Envelope ID: EBD2C112-F8A2-4B00-ABA6-67FC67661859 2 5. COUNCIL LIAISON Councilmember Cunniff was unable to attend. 6. BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT – Ayers Ayers reported on the recent Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting during which the end of the Zagster contract, the alley design project, the Winter Bike to Work Day, and Open Streets were discussed. Bike friendly driver courses on campus were discussed as being made mandatory. The 2018 Open Streets events are scheduled for June 3rd and September 9th. The locations for those are being discussed and recommendations are being taken. Additionally, Luke Caldwell reported on presenting E-bike demonstrations for other Boards. There is generally support for including E-bikes on trails; however, the Land Conservation and Stewardship Board remains opposed to E-bikes. There was a call for specific suggestions from the Transportation Board regarding what unified front needs to be put forth before Council. Boardmembers discussed the implications of mobility and disability issues. They discussed how the Transportation Board should move forward in terms of a recommendation. Chair Shenk suggested the possibility of a multi-Board meeting in the late summer or early fall to discuss the E-bike topic. 7. DISCUSSION/INFORMATIONAL ITEMS • City Plan/Transportation Master Plan – Iverson Iverson discussed the official public kick-off at the Drake Center for the City Plan update. The City Plan effort includes updates to the Comprehensive Plan, the Transportation Master Plan, and the Transit Master Plan. Iverson discussed the process which includes reporting on existing conditions, visioning, scenario development, and plan development. Iverson detailed the Trends and Forces report which discusses existing conditions. Increasing population, changing demographics, equity, and build out and development are topics of the report. York suggested including lines on the map indicating utility service areas. Iverson stated housing is a large topic. Berklund discussed the importance of reexamining the You Plus Two Ordinance as a means of reducing housing prices. Iverson stated land use mix, job growth, new technologies, innovation, and climate action and its integration with other trends are key components of the plan. In terms of transportation, challenges exist with keeping people from driving alone. Rachline questioned the inclusion of bicycle, taxi, and motorcycle modes as one. York replied the reason they were bundled is because they were each such a small portion of use. Iverson noted vehicle miles travelled has grown in the last 5 years, but at a slower pace than population growth. Transit use has also increased. Boardmembers discussed paid parking, the inclusion of large employers in town in transportation issues, technology, and shared economies as part of the existing conditions effort. DocuSign Envelope ID: EBD2C112-F8A2-4B00-ABA6-67FC67661859 3 Iverson stated the visioning phase will begin in the spring. • Streets Department Updates – Schneider Schneider introduced Boardmembers to the Snow Plowing Command Center and provided an overview of the Streets Department, which has become ISO 2015 certified. He discussed the Streets budget and Street Maintenance program which is funded by KFCG and other taxes. Schneider discussed the City’s concrete recycling and composting programs. York asked if the Streets Department will be taking on more responsibility for mowing at the Prospect and I-25 intersection after its redevelopment. Schneider replied the City has taken on various mowing responsibilities through an IGA with CDOT. He noted the City has higher level of service standards in terms of mowing than does CDOT. Schneider discussed the growth in street miles in Fort Collins. He also talked about the North Shields joint project with FC Moves. He discussed the importance of maintaining roads early and stated that roads allowed to fail cost 8-10 times more to maintain than roads kept at an acceptable level of service. Schneider discussed the installation of ramps to meet ADA standards throughout the city and the difficulties in ice removal with those ramps. He stated he is unsure if ramp standards will be changed at the national level to address those difficulties. Schneider discussed the number of filled potholes and stated the number is decreasing because maintenance is increasing. He also discussed the graffiti removal program and detailed the snow removal priorities. He noted local streets are not often plowed because of the cost and likelihood of fairly quick melting. Berklund asked how bike lane plowing is prioritized. Schneider discussed the process. Schneider discuss the truck fleet and possibility of using an electric truck through Tesla. He stated performance sheets are completed for every route on every storm and discussed the real-time information available for plow locations. Schneider detailed the various products used by plow drivers based on weather and pavement temperatures and stated Fort Collins snow removal operations’ details have been sought by neighboring municipalities because of its success. Rachline asked how school closures are determined. Schneider replied the District and CSU receive advice from his department. Rachline asked what occurs if the snow removal budget is exceeded for the year. Schneider replied he must go before Council for an additional appropriation. 8. ACTION ITEMS None. 9. REPORTS • Boardmember Reports DocuSign Envelope ID: EBD2C112-F8A2-4B00-ABA6-67FC67661859 4 York reported on attending the Planning and Zoning Board worksession. At the worksession, the Board received a presentation on the RP3 residential parking program and discussed the City Plan update and the annual Land Use Code changes. The Transit Oriented Development parking study was also discussed. Hart asked if the Board generally supports paid parking. Berklund replied in the affirmative. York stated the new parking garage at the Elizabeth offers a disincentive for using it; it should be easier to park long-term in the garage than on the street. Ayers stated the Youth Advisory Board has made this the ‘year of transportation’ and is working on apps related to that topic. Chair Shenk suggested liaison reports be included as agenda items each month, divided into groups of two a couple times per year. He discussed the need for extra time to use transit. Boardmembers discussed advantages to transit use, including exercise, time to read, and a lack of stress. • Staff Report 10. OTHER BUSINESS None. 11. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. by unanimous consent. DocuSign Envelope ID: EBD2C112-F8A2-4B00-ABA6-67FC67661859