HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 09/19/2018TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR September 19, 2018, 6:00 p.m. 281 North College Ave, Fort Collins, CO 09/19/2018 – MINUTES Page 1 FOR REFERENCE: Chair: Eric Shenk Vice Chair: Council Liaison: Annabelle Berklund Ross Cunniff Staff Liaison: Paul Sizemore 970.224.6140 1. CALL TO ORDER Sizemore called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Hart made a motion, seconded by York, to act as the Chair for the meeting. The motion was adopted unanimously. 2. ROLL CALL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: Nathalie Rachline York Indy Hart Valerie Arnold Karl Ayers Cari Brown BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Eric Shenk, Chair Annabelle Berklund, Vice Chair Nancy Nichols Amanda Mansfield Carrie Frickman PUBLIC PRESENT: None 3. AGENDA REVIEW Sizemore stated there were no changes to the published agenda. 4. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION None. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – AUGUST 2018 DocuSign Envelope ID: 624584C6-4D95-468A-9D70-512772DC5A56 TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 09/19/2018 – MINUTES Page 2 York clarified he discussed the URA boundaries as being west of College, east of the railroad tracks and one block north and south of Drake. Rachline made a motion, seconded by Arnold to adopt the August 2018 minutes as amended. The motion was approved unanimously. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Safe Routes to School Program Update – Nancy Nichols Nichols provided the 2017 annual summary for the Safe Routes to School program and the school rotation schedule for the Poudre School District bicycle education program. She discussed the program's one-of-a-kind pedal-powered school bus. Nichols discussed the programming emphasis of education, encouragement, engineering, enforcement, evaluation, and equity, or 6 E's. The overarching goal of the program is getting more kids, hopefully 50%, biking and walking to school safely on a regular basis. She indicated that currently about 25% of student bike or walk. She detailed key partners in the program and stated 8,000 students are educated annually and 5,000-6,000 bikes are checked for safety. Rachline asked how high school students react to the training. Nichols replied there are various challenges and the program does not have complete saturation at the high school level. She stated there is a budget offer to increase the number of high school students receiving the Bicycle Friendly Driver course. Arnold asked if parents are being asked why they are driving their children to school. Nichols replied there are many parties in the school district trying to get parents to reconsider. Nichols discussed the methods of evaluation, including teacher surveys, and stated saturation is a key piece of equity. She also noted children with disabilities are included in programs and additional programming is provided to underserved groups. Nichols noted Poudre School District schools not within Fort Collins city limits are not specifically served by this program. b. Electric Vehicle Readiness Roadmap – Amanda Mansfield Carrie Frickman, Environmental Services Climate Program Coordinator, stated the purpose of the EV Readiness Roadmap is to increase EV use in Fort Collins and help DocuSign Envelope ID: 624584C6-4D95-468A-9D70-512772DC5A56 TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 09/19/2018 – MINUTES Page 3 the city achieve its Climate Action Plan related goals. She stated an EV steering committee comprised of various City departments, local and regional partners, and community members has helped to create a vision and goals for the Roadmap. Frickman discussed the next 'must do' items which include identifying a lead department, which is likely to be FC Moves, convening a inter-departmental EV working group, and partnering with local, regional and state stakeholders. Amanda Mansfield, FC Moves, discussed the seven strategy categories of the plan: outreach and education, leading by example, city planning, regional coordination, policies, incentives, utilities and emerging technologies. She requested the Board members provide content edits and consider whether the Roadmap aligns with expectations, what is most helpful about the Roadmap, what concerns exist with the Roadmap and its strategies in particular, and what adjustments would Board members suggest to improve the usefulness of the tool. York asked about the targeted audience for the document. Rachline stated the document appears weak on looking at low-income users and accessibility. Mansfield noted the primary purpose of the document is for the City to determine how to implement strategies. The document will be public, but its primary purpose is for the City. York stated the goal of changing citizen behavior makes the document more of an external document. c. Shared Mobility/Electric Scooters – Amanda Mansfield Mansfield stated the intent of this effort is to develop a regulatory framework, potentially including a registration system, RFP process, or a stop gap measure. She stated the current City Code aligns with the State Code and scooters are allowed on sidewalks and crosswalks but not in roadways. York asked if scooters are allowed on trails. Mansfield replied that is ambiguous in the Code. Sizemore clarified new language should ensure consistency with trail and parks regulations. Brown encouraged specifically disallowing the scooters to be ridden in bicycle dismount zones. Hart encouraged speed or torque specifications be included in the regulations. Mansfield discussed alternatives for keeping scooter companies from operating prior to regulations being put in place. Rachline suggested ensuring the proper partnerships and engagement prior to approaching the topic with a negative light. Brown discussed issues with the DocuSign Envelope ID: 624584C6-4D95-468A-9D70-512772DC5A56 TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 09/19/2018 – MINUTES Page 4 scooters in Denver. Sizemore stated there is a possibility of scooter vendors setting up in Fort Collins at any point. Mansfield stated one possibility is a fee-based registration program which would involve an educational component and signed contracts from the companies. York suggested making a category of an electric vehicle under a certain size. Mansfield stated staff is currently working with legal counsel to determine whether a temporary moratorium or other stop gap measure will be used, and during the time while those are in place, a business plan and shared mobility agreement will be developed either internally or with an independent contractor. Necessary land use and traffic code policy changes will be researched, coordination with CSU will occur, and ultimate Council recommendations. Board members commended the staff progress on the topic. d. Budgeting for Outcomes Council Letter – Action Item – Board members Sizemore provided the recommendations for budget offers to be funded and Board members discussed various offers. Hart questioned whether financing and amounts impact the language the Board wants to include in its letter to Council. York made a motion, seconded by Brown, to include support for language from the BAC recommendations in the Board's letter along the lines of the letter sent two years ago. The motion was adopted unanimously. (**Secretary's Note: The Board took a brief recess at this point in the meeting.) Sizemore presented the list of 13 budget offers Board members either supported or about which they had questions. He noted three of those are above the funding line and the rest are below the funding line. The three offers above the line are the city bridge program, the Transfort main offer, and the electric bus pilot. Arnold commented on the difficulty of determining what should be funded with the available information. York suggested addressing questions about the items that are currently recommended for funding then addressing questions about items the Board would like to fund. Ayers expressed interest in not over-funding aesthetic improvements. DocuSign Envelope ID: 624584C6-4D95-468A-9D70-512772DC5A56 TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 09/19/2018 – MINUTES Page 5 Brown opposed spending less on one item in order to spend more on another. Arnold made a motion, seconded by York, to support funding 6.5 Travel Behavior Survey, 45.20 Bus Stop Enhancements, and state the importance of funding offers to support buildout of the transit network. The motion was adopted unanimously. Hart made a motion, seconded by York, to include reflective commentary on the relationship between the transit system and parking in order to reflect language included from Parking Services supporting multi-modal transportation. The motion was adopted unanimously. Hart made a motion, seconded by Rachline, that the Board pre-emptively support the final draft as composed by Chair Shenk and Sizemore in the coming weeks. The motion was adopted unanimously. e. 2019 Work Plan – Action Item – Board members Sizemore presented a draft Work Plan. Board members had no changes to items 1-4. York stated the Board has proactively reached out to other Boards as was part of the prior Work Plan; therefore, language should be shifted to continue to reach out for item 5. Rachline questioned whether the language relating to support and encouragement of alternative modes of transportation is strong enough. Board members opted to leave the language as written. Brown made a motion, seconded by Ayers, to approve the Work Plan as amended. The motion was adopted unanimously. 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Brown reported the City is currently holding scenario workshops for the City Plan update. She stated the ARC of Larimer County will be hosting a workshop on October 9 th . York stated he judged the Innovate Fort Collins challenge and discussed Tour de Fat and Open Streets. He noted the bicycle and pedestrian counts have occurred. He asked if the Board would be interested in reviewing the updated Stormwater Criteria Manual and discussed the transportation-related impacts of the Hughes stadium land annexation. DocuSign Envelope ID: 624584C6-4D95-468A-9D70-512772DC5A56 TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 09/19/2018 – MINUTES Page 6 York discussed the new The Retreat at Fort Collins development near Redwood Street and the new Suniga alignment. He noted the student development is planned to have a shuttle bus to CSU and questioned whether a formal agreement with CSU is in place. Rachline stated she volunteered to coach Innovate Fort Collins and discussed a symposium organized by the Colorado Technology Association and Colorado Smart Cities Alliance. She asked about the open seat as Andrew Bondi resigned and noted Vice Chair Berklund has not attended meetings recently. Hart suggest the Board may want to look at the roles that need to be filled given Bondi's resignation. 9. OTHER BUSINESS a. Bicycle Advisory Committee Report Ayers reported the Bicycle Advisory Committee crafted a letter on the stop-as-yield issue and discussed budget offers. He noted the Committee had mixed opinions on stop-as-yield and safety, particularly for children, consistency between municipalities, and education were the main issues. He stated the BAC suggested not supporting the stop-as-yield law as written and stated changing signage on bicycle corridors to precipitate faster movement on bicycles while limiting their interaction with vehicular traffic was discussed. York made a motion, seconded by Rachline, to send a thank you note to the BAC for considering the stop-as-yield issue and providing a recommendation. The motion was adopted unanimously. Ayers noted CSU will be following the lead of the City on the stop-as-yield issue. b. City Council 6-Month Calendar Review Sizemore stated the budget items, Montava, the City Plan update, and scooters, will be coming before Council at meetings or work sessions in the upcoming weeks. c. Staff Liaison Report Sizemore noted Bondi vacated his position on the Transportation Working Group for City Plan. York stated he could primarily fill the space and Brown stated she could be a secondary representative if needed. Sizemore stated a grade-separated crossing action item will be coming before the Board. DocuSign Envelope ID: 624584C6-4D95-468A-9D70-512772DC5A56 TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 09/19/2018 – MINUTES Page 7 10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m. by unanimous consent. DocuSign Envelope ID: 624584C6-4D95-468A-9D70-512772DC5A56