HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommission On Disability - Minutes - 04/12/2018COMMISSION ON DISABILITY
Fort Collins City Hall
300 LaPorte Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.416.4254 phone
970.224.6107 fax
222 LaPorte Avenue, Colorado River Room
Thursday April 12, 2018
Board Members Present: Sherri Reichow, Mandy Morgan, Michael Marr, Jan Barela-Smith,
John Morris, Arianna Kilmer, Marilee Boylan, Rustin Hughes (1:24 pm arrival)
City Liaison Present: Carol Thomas
City Officials Present: Jen Torrey, Kurt Friesen & Craig Kisling, City of Fort Collins’ Park
Planning & Development
Others Present: Cindy Bean, Dave Shurna & Heather Zoccali, No Barriers USA
Jodi Larson, Community Member
Call to Order: 12:12 p.m.
1. Introductions: All Board members, and all others present introduced themselves. All
were welcomed.
2. Approval of Minutes: Michael made a motion to approve the minutes as is, John
seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the minutes from March 2018 were approved.
3. Presentations/Public Input:
a. Park Planning & Development Presentation(s): ADA at City Park and Streets Park:
1. City Park: Following a short presentation by Jen Torrey, an open discussion
occurred around issues of accessibility of the trolley/train which will be refurbished to
run through the park. Suggestions were made and feedback was given to the City from
COD regarding the bathrooms and the suggested need for changing tables, accessible
doors, and drinking fountains with longer on/off panels.
2. Streets Park: Lemay Avenue/9th Street at Vine & Lemay is being converted to a
park and overpass area using the area’s historic great western sugar beet factory
theme. ADA accessibility and feedback to/from COD and the City were similarly
b. No Barriers: Several presenters uniquely shared the world view that we all have
barriers, and that instead of polarizing, we need to come together. They presented as
people whose mission is to live life with purpose despite barriers in order to “unleash
the potential of the human spirit”. One way No Barriers is achieving this mission is
through a new adaptable wilderness campus underway in Red Feather Lakes.
4. New Business:
a. The 2017 Annual Report, due in January, needs completion, and Jan volunteered to
review last year’s minutes. An informal review of the year’s accomplishments ensued.
b. COD Officers’ Elections: Carol reviewed the process. It was determined a quorum
was present.
1. Chairperson: Marilee opened the floor for nominations for Chairperson.
Sherri made a motion to reappoint Terry to continue as Chairperson. Jan seconded the
motion. Marilee made a motion to appoint John as Chairperson. Michael seconded the
motion. A vote was taken. The vote was unanimous that Terry shall continue as Chairperson
for the 2018 term.
2. Vice Chairperson: Marilee opened the floor for nominations for Vice
Chairperson. Marilee made a motion to appoint John as Vice Chairperson. Michael seconded
the motion. A vote was taken, and it was unanimously determined that John shall be
appointed as Vice Chairperson for the 2018 term.
3. Recorder: Marilee opened the floor for discussion over whether the term
“Secretary” was outdated for use by COD. Sherri made a motion, which Marilee seconded,
that the position of Secretary be amended to Recorder. A vote was taken, and it was
unanimously decided that Recorder would be the term used henceforth in lieu of Secretary.
Marilee opened the floor for nominations for Recorder. Jan made a motion to appoint Sherri to
serve as Recorder. Mandy seconded the motion. Sherri accepted the service, and a vote was
taken. It was unanimously approved, and it was determined that Sherri be appointed as
Recorder for the 2018 term.
Marilee officially closed the voting proceedings.
5. Unfinished Business:
a. Mandy wrote a Letter to Council regarding the Corridors in the Locker/Shower Areas at
City Park Pool and Recommendations for Increased Accessibility. COD was reviewing
the letter as the meeting elapsed too far into overtime, impeding upon several COD
members’ other work schedules. Because of this, it was decided that all other agenda
items be tabled until the May 2018 meeting.
Michael made a motion to adjourn. Marilee seconded the motion. The motion passed
unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 2:26 pm.
Submitted by Sherri Reichow.