HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 01/17/20181 MINUTES of the CITY OF FORT COLLINS TRANSPORTATION BOARD January 17, 2018 6:00 p.m. Community Room 215 North Mason Fort Collins, CO FOR REFERENCE: Chair: Eric Shenk Vice Chair: Annabelle Berklund Staff Liaison: Paul Sizemore 970.224-6140 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: Eric Shenk, Chair Annabelle Berklund, Vice Chair Cari Brown Valerie Arnold Andrew Bondi Karl Ayers Nathalie Rachline York Indy Hart ABSENT: Chad Crager Tim Kemp PUBLIC PRESENT: None 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Shenk called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 2. AGENDA REVIEW Sizemore stated there were no changes to the published agenda 3. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Brown requested a language change to the Boardmember Reports section: 2045 Regional Transit Element Subcommittee. York requested a clarification to his comment noting he was wondering if funds would be better spent on additional service to provide access to the MAX line. Shenk made a motion, seconded by Brown, to adopt the December 2017 minutes as amended. The minutes were adopted unanimously. DocuSign Envelope ID: 7DB69E6D-D69E-42AE-9365-D7250C723E81 2 5. COUNCIL LIAISON Councilmember Cunniff noted this is a budget year and City Plan is being updated. He stated that update will benefit from input from this Board and others. York asked about the possible extension of funding for the expanded Transfort service. Councilmember Cunniff replied it is politically unlikely the extended service would be revoked; however, the Transfort budget may be cut. Hart asked Councilmember Cunniff how he would like to receive input from the Board. Councilmember Cunniff replied he views the Council liaison role as a conduit and he appreciates when minutes reflect pros and cons of a discussion. He also stated he likes Boards to not simply be reactive to the 6-month planning calendar. Arnold stated she has had some difficulty determining the relevance of the Board. Councilmember Cunniff replied Council wants Boards to be relevant and provide advice. He also stated he appreciates when Boards take some longer-term initiatives. He stated one bigger picture item for the Board to consider is the most equitable way to fund the City’s transportation network. Bondi stated the City and Council need to have a fundamental discussion about what role Boards play. Councilmember Cunniff replied the purpose of Boards is to provide policy advice to Council, and that advice is not necessarily, and probably should not be, just on the questions Council thinks to ask. Chair Shenk questioned how Boards can facilitate conversations between other Boards. Councilmember Cunniff replied liaisons between Boards could be helpful and stated there should be a way to facilitate transparency of what Boards are discussing. York discussed the Bicycle Advisory Committee noting its members are from various Boards and Commissions. Brown asked what would occur if the Keep Fort Collins Great funding is not renewed. Councilmember Cunniff replied it would be a major impact on the City’s budget if it is not renewed. Councilmember Cunniff stated there is interest in finding ways to fund transit more robustly; however, he stated there will not likely be any significant increase in transit without a new revenue source. York asked what geographic boundaries define regional transit. Councilmember Cunniff replied there is no specific definition; however, many things are in line with the North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization. 6. BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT – York York stated the next Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting will be next Monday. DocuSign Envelope ID: 7DB69E6D-D69E-42AE-9365-D7250C723E81 3 7. DISCUSSION/INFORMATIONAL ITEMS , • Engineering Project Updates – Crager Chad Crager, City Engineer, discussed transportation projects completed in 2017, including the Prospect and College intersection, the Elizabeth and Shields underpass, the repaving of Lake Street and Prospect Road, buffered bike lanes on North Shields, and the Lincoln corridor. Crager went on to discuss upcoming projects including the Suniga Road extension, the Mulberry repaving by CDOT, Riverside bridge replacement over Spring Creek, Sharp Point and Nancy Gray railroad crossing, and the College and Horsetooth intersection. He detailed the North College Avenue pedestrian gap project and discussed various railroad crossing issues. Sizemore discussed the protected bike lane addition on Mulberry. Crager discussed the Lemay closure between Horsetooth and Ticonderoga for water line replacement at the end of February. He also stated Harmony and Strauss Cabin will be signalized and funded by the transportation capital expansion fees. York discussed the importance of timing the signal properly. Crager discussed the Suniga Road construction between College and Blondel which will pilot a different type of protected bike lane which will be separated from the pedestrian lane. Sizemore noted this section of Suniga is designated as an enhanced travel corridor in the Master Street Plan. Crager detailed the Horsetooth and College intersection project which includes the replacement of a bridge over the canal which will likely involve closures. Berklund asked if any land acquisition that will take place for the project. Crager replied in the affirmative. Tim Kemp, Interim Capital Projects Manager, replied the rights-of-way acquisition is in process. Crager stated the realignment of Lemay and Suniga will begin in 2018 which will include a bridge over the railroad tracks. Suniga will basically become the new main east-west route in the area and will tie to the new Lemay. Currently, funding exists for placing dirt and getting to 60% completed design. Most of the land has already been acquired for the project. Brown expressed concern about the possibility of funding the intersection through a toll. Crager stated the existing section of Lemay is planned to be used as more of a neighborhood street. Crager discussed the I-25 and Prospect intersection, Linden, Willow and Vine and Timberline intersection signalization projects. Kemp detailed the Spring Creek project and stated the sidewalk system on Riverside will be completed. York requested staff provide a map of upcoming projects. DocuSign Envelope ID: 7DB69E6D-D69E-42AE-9365-D7250C723E81 4 • Board Communications and Liaisons – Shenk Hart reported on the Parking Advisory Board meetings and stated he would take that liaison role. Arnold stated she would take the Affordable Housing Board liaison role. She noted other Boards are looking at similar arrangements and suggested the Economic Advisory Commission should potentially be considered for a liaison. Brown stated she would take the Commission on Disability liaison role. Berklund stated she would take the Energy Board liaison role. York noted the Natural Resources Board has a representative on the BAC, as does the Air Quality Advisory Board, Downtown Development Authority, Parks and Recreation Board, and the Senior Advisory Board. Rachline stated she would take the Parks and Recreation Board liaison role. Ayers stated he would take the Youth Advisory Board liaison role. Bondi stated he would take the Downtown Development Authority liaison role. Shenk stated he would take the Air Quality Advisory Board liaison role. York stated he would take the Planning and Zoning Board liaison role. Chair Shenk stated he would draft a memo to the Boards and Commissions informing them of meeting attendance. 8. ACTION ITEMS • 2017 Annual Report Adoption – Boardmembers Hart made a motion, seconded by Bondi, to adopt the 2017 Annual Report as written. The motion was adopted unanimously. • Appointment of BAC Representative – Boardmembers Shenk made a motion, seconded by York, to appoint Ayers as the BAC representative with Berklund as the secondary representative. The motion was adopted unanimously. • Election of Officers – Boardmembers York made a motion, seconded by Bondi, to appoint Shenk as Chair. The motion was adopted unanimously. Berklund was appointed as Vice Chair by a vote of 5 to 3. 9. REPORTS • Boardmember Reports Brown reported on the Loveland Colt’s sponsorship of paratransit training and the Commission on Disability’s examination of special events permits. She suggested a presentation from the Commission on its findings. Berklund asked if snow operations are on the upcoming agenda. Sizemore replied a DocuSign Envelope ID: 7DB69E6D-D69E-42AE-9365-D7250C723E81 5 Streets project update will occur. York reported on using the new parking garage and stated it is not user friendly unless you have a smart phone. Hart reported on the Parking Advisory Board meeting he attended during which City employee parking, the residential parking permit program, additional parking enforcement hours, and new parking signs which do not designate the timeframe of 2- hour limits were discussed. The Parking Advisory Board appeared to be opposed to towing as a penalty for CSU game day parking issues. Boardmembers discussed having consensus with the Parking Advisory Board related to Downtown parking and the reduction of vehicle miles travelled. Arnold discussed the importance of considering safety issues with downtown parking and transit. Boardmembers discussed a visit to the bus barn on Trilby Road. • Staff Report Sizemore reported on improving the level of detail in the minutes and sending PowerPoint presentations to Boardmembers. He stated staff and the consulting team have been collecting data for the first pieces of the City Plan update and discussed the plan for the Boardmembers to provide input. He stated there is a place for a Transportation Board member to be on the committee. Bondi stated he would be very interested in being on the committee. York stated he would be the backup representative. Sizemore stated Dean Klinger, former Capital Projects Manager, has taken the interim Transfort manager role and Tim Kemp has taken the role of interim Capital Projects Manager. 10. OTHER BUSINESS None. 11. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. by unanimous consent. DocuSign Envelope ID: 7DB69E6D-D69E-42AE-9365-D7250C723E81