HomeMy WebLinkAboutAffordable Housing Board - Minutes - 01/09/2014CITY OF FORT COLLINS
300 Laporte Ave
Fort Collins, Colorado
January 9, 2014
Chair: Troy Jones
Staff Liaison: Sue Beck-Ferkiss 970-221-6753
City Council Liaison: Lisa Poppaw
Board Members present: Tatiana Martin, Terence Hoaglund, Troy Jones, Diane Cohn, Eloise Emery, Curt Lyons,
Jeffrey Johnson
Board Members absent: None
Staff present: Sue Beck-Ferkiss, Social Sustainability Specialist; Dianne Tjalkens, Board Support; Mary Atchison,
Director of Social Sustainability
Council Members present: None
Guests: Chadrick Martinez, FCHA
Meeting called to order by Troy Jones at 4:00pm.
No comment.
No comment.
INTRODUCTION x Ongoing and OF new NEW members BOARD introduced MEMBERS themselves AND and NEW discussed SOCIAL their SUSTAINABILITY backgrounds and interests DIRECTOR in
x affordable Sue Beck-Ferkiss housing. introduced Mary Atchison, the new Director of Social Sustainability. Mary discussed her
background in non-profit, with United Way, and on the Library and Transportation Boards, as well as her
x reason Chadrick for Martinez, taking her Development new position.Director for Fort Collins Housing Authority introduced himself and
described his work there.
Tatiana moved to approve the December 5, 2013 minutes as amended below. Curt seconded.
Motion passed 5-0-2 (Eloise and Diane abstained, as they were not in attendance at the December meeting)
x Troy requested new wording on second page, third bullet from bottom. Julie’s comment on replacing the
xunsure…” unit Jeffrey anyway asked should about the read, motion “Julie and said whether they were it had going already to replace been submitted. the unit anyway, Sue said so she it
was is already
x submitted Troy said the to Council first page and in that opening Mike paragraph said it was it clear. says, “with new administration…the code is being
enforced.” Change to “…the code is being interpreted differently. Council must approve an ordinance.”
Sue handed out a sample memorandum. She explained that Redtail Ponds is a permanent supportive housing project
that has received support through grants and low income tax credits. The project has gone through a lot of public
discussion, and a Planning and Zoning hearing. It will be a 60-unit housing facility, with 40 units for the most
vulnerable population: 0-30 AMI, disabled, and/or homeless. The remaining 20 units are for 30-50% AMI. It is only
for individuals, not families. The support is on-site and designed to help residents maintain housing. The City has a
history of giving fee waivers to help these developments make sure there is enough money in the project so that the
rates are subsidized and allow for serving these vulnerable populations. In the past fees and taxes have been waived
for FCHA projects. Last year, there was an agreement between the City and FCHA that FCHA would only request
waivers for certain populations (0-30% AMI, formerly homeless, and disabled). Each request would come before
Council, who would have the ability to grant the waiver or not, based on whether the waivers will jeopardize City
finances and whether capital improvements would not be able to be built if the waiver was granted. Mike Beckstead
has indicated that there will be no financial jeopardy to the City if the Redtail Ponds waivers are granted. The project
is $12.6 million. The fees, if not waived, are $411,340 that would go directly to the City of Fort Collins. This does
not include taxes or fees to other entities. These are only development and capital impact fees. FCHA is asking to
waive 66% of the fees, for 40 of the 60 units. The waivers would total $274,199. The second issue is whether the
fees can be absorbed by existing resources, or whether certain accounts in the City will have to be paid (backfilled).
Finance has indicated that much of it will require backfill from the general fund. Approximately $40,000 will have
to be absorbed. Sue is asking for a recommendation from this board in support of the FCHA request for fee waivers.
Discussion/x Troy Q said & A: there was a hang up when it was decided to have Council look at every fee waiver, regarding the
x Chadrick percentage said of ownership FCHA goes FCHA in as a has general in the partner, deal. What in which was the FCHA hang is up a less and will than it 1% continue owner, to so
be they an can issue? get
the tax benefit. So the question was whether FCHA had a vested ownership of this project. The statues
were written in a way to accommodate that kind of development. The tax credit attorney that we’ve used
x Troy drafted asked the statute if the low for percentage the state. That ownership question was has to been secure overcome/the financing resolved. for the development itself and the
x developer. Chadrick said it was in order to give the tax credit investor their total return because they are getting
Federal tax relief for their investment, so they want to get as much as they can. They remain in a limited
partner situation so the general partner manages the project and does day to day operations on behalf of the
partnership. At end of 15 years we collapse the partnership and become a 100% owner through a buy-out
x x Troy Chadrick option. asked said if with Provincetowne Provincetowne was the was first there attempt an issue to with do a having ground-less up project than 1%with . these fee waivers,
then came Legacy Senior residence. The large dollar amounts pressurized the ordinance of automatic fee
waivers. This is where the City stepped back and decided to revisit the ordinance. What we have today is
the best that can be done for affordable housing. The new ordinance is skewed toward the Housing
Authority, where the old one allowed non-profits in general. The partial ownership is important in order to
allow FCHA to build partnerships with Care and Legacy to bring that benefit to get fee waivers and tax
x Sue relief. said Care Housing was the impetus to look at the waiver situation. There was a legal disagreement
whether the statute meant all the fees and taxes would be waived for a partial ownership. The statute
specified that even if the FCHA is a partial owner, they get the exemption from taxes. It wasn’t clear what
happened to the fees? Instead of going to the courts, FCHA and Council came up with an agreement that
x was Jeffrey solidified said he in thinks an ordinance. qualifying units are 30% or less of AMI, so it has ratcheted down. The way the
FCHA and the City negotiated the ordinance precludes someone like Care Housing from getting it also.
However, the state stature has not been amended. It’s less than perfect in terms of supporting projects
x outside Chadrick of said FCHA given and the greater circumstances, than 30% it AMI. was Personally, the best we it could is not do. satisfactory.There were municipalities saying it
x x rare Jeffrey Chadrick to waive said said it fees takes 30% and is it the off taxes. the hardest But table Care market to do got projects to 85 get units. to. outside With this FCHA
project and we over could 30%get . a lot of subsidy because of
x x Sue the Troy specific said asked March when targeting, of these 2013. but restrictions This with is a the non-were first supportive project put in place. going housing forward it
will since look more this agreement. like 30-50 Planning, or higher
Development and Transportation is looking at whether the effect of the ordinance is bigger than intended
on non-profits.
x Troy said it seems what brought this on was that the general fund was really low. Since the general fund is
x Sue not as said low the now, city is has there invested an opportunity in this property for a project in other like ways. this CDBG to ask for and more HOME than funds those have 30%
gone AMI into units? the
project and there are other ways the City has been supportive. So, this waiver isn’t the only way for giving
x Chadrick financial input.said they needed to partner with Care. When he was at Care he approached the Housing Authority
because he needed the fee and tax relief. The AMI targeting is where the demand is, but you have to layer
x subsidies.Sue said in this case there are layers of limited liability companies, but FCHA is the sole manager. The only
limited partner is the investor. The ownership is cleaner; we don’t have to worry about what the intention of
x x Troy Sue the legislation asked asked the what board and is ordinance needed to look from at was the the because sample AHB.recommendation. it’s an FCHA project.She said she intends
to remove the bullets and
x put Eloise in what said on was bullet discussed three in it should the meeting read “should” today, or instead the board of “needs.can craft ” She what asked it wants if this as a
was recommendation. the place to
x x x x Troy suggest Jeffrey Sue Jeffrey gave wondered suggested said looking the this dollar if at would adding the the amount. board 30%not that . be should in the the right be board’s
clear place. with opinion It is the a finance the exact request dollar issue.is amount consistent of fees with waived.the recent agreement
x x x x x Chadrick Curt Diane Chadrick between Sue took asked asked the notes said wondered if City if the yes. we on units and edits/should They if FCHA. the would changes. will identify
intergovernmental be be regular rented. the gap apartment it fills.agreement community should with be referenced a specific as target well.market. It will be long
x x term; Jeffrey Chadrick not asked be answered transitional if the project that there housing. would would have be any 15 vouchers Section 8 from housing. VOA and 25 vouchers from
FCHA. There are
x x working Sue Sue reviewed added people a bullet the who various to are the homeless, recommendation fees that are and being we relating will requested have to some the to Affordable
be of waived. them also.Housing She clarified Strategic that Utilities Plan. fees are not
being waived through this process. Council will have all of the numbers and a spreadsheet showing how
each fund will be impacted.
Jeffrey motioned and Tatiana seconded the following recommendation to Council:
The Affordable Housing Board recommends that City Council approve the Fort Collins Housing Authority’s request
to waive $274,199 in fees for the development of the Redtail Ponds permanent supportive housing project.
Motion passed unanimously, 7-0-0.
Sue said this is from the City Clerk’s office. They sent it to all boards and commission. There was a meeting to
gather input from boards and commissions that Tatiana attended. Tatiana added that there were about 20 attendees
from various boards and commissions at the event. She said that what they were trying to do is get direction to City
Council to see where the City goes. They want to pick three specific goals, such as east/west transportation.
Individually they would like us to fill out the input cards and for each board to give an opinion on what the City
should consider most important. The deadline is at the end of the month.
Sue said they are looking for individual and board feedback, and will simplify the input down to three priorities for
the City for the next five years and look at what should not be a priority.
Discussion/Q & A:
x x Jeffrey Sue said asked she thinks if this that should is up be to a us, motion. but if there is consensus among the board, we should send in a response.
x x x x Tatiana Eloise Sue We Eloise can said asked asked said send 8000–9000. some if how it one through many ideas priority the units submitted form could we or are be to as accelerating
lacking, Idea a recommendation Lab in were relation meeting scientific to to the need, Council. need. and of cultural affordable districts, housing quality in Fort of life, Collins.
sustainable growth, funding for art projects, expanding routes and hours of transportation, xeriscaping,
x expand Eloise asked recycling what and the composting City has for facilities, permanent more homeless bridges facilities. and underpasses Are there for permanent trains, etc. facilities
x x x homeless Sue Eloise Sue said said asked the we can have national if go we until two, need best they the more. practices Rescue find housing? Mission are moving and Catholic away
from Charities.sheltering and toward rapid rehousing. We are
trying to put more funding into the back door, but the shelters are critical since the vacancy rate is so low.
x x x x x Sue Curt Troy Terence Sue We need asked said said added said in to he’d if the really that the to rather Work address we board be might not addressing Plan should the keyhole
want the gap specify board to in the this affordable say gap talked to more something rentals, of inventory about affordable housing but about housing even needed for rental our unsubsidized
a appropriate greater number housing. for the range one lowest to housing goal the of wage wage whole being that earners.earners.spectrum more is affordable.units. of need;
x Troy appropriate said the and east/affordable west transportation housing for is all important residents to of affordable our community. housing. Sue More recorded links the will board’s
mean fewer ideas.
families needing second vehicles. Sometimes it’s more than a mile to the nearest bus stop, it takes an hour
x x x x x Jeffrey Curt Troy Troy to Terence reach said added said said your said the a reason that these integrating busses destination, the are the Max stop top Max transportation encourages
running priorities and is a the focus early, route for higher is 5 City-is so that years circuitous. if density, wide it you and gives work is should important. access so He late linking
would be you to something shopping the like cannot rest better use of and we the connectivity the can jobs.city bus achieve to system. that, to in from the 5 years. Max. an
affordable housing standpoint, seems like a key issue. We could provide a lot of new units, but if they are
x Curt in outlying said the areas, development there are at transportation Trilby and Timberline, costs.Provincetowne, and some other developments are so
on the periphery, that there are transportation issues. From a sustainability standpoint, if you can’t get to
x Chadrick your food said and there you can’t is no get bus to stop your there work, despite there the is a bus problem. barn being nearby. His clients have to get to work
x x Curt Sue on time said said and with there cannot Provincetowne are impacts rely on the on there childcare, bus to were get concerns, if there. you have It isn’t but an it conducive
hour filled or quickly two to of working commuting and remains families.that a popular takes away place from to live.
x Jeffrey time with said family. there have If you been want discussions to look at sustainability in the paper about you have Vine to and look Lemay. at all of The those available issues.land
development is in the northeast quadrant of the City near Budweiser. It we don’t have the transportation
x infrastructure Terence said the to get projects there going it will in not there develop are grandfathered affordably. in. Nothing will happen up there until the
transportation network is improved, which will take a major capital investment. There are two crowded
x overpasses Jeffrey said and talking the long about term affordable plan is to housing, rearrange and the inventory entire road and network access, we of have the Mountain to develop
Vista that area. land and
x make Terence it accessible. said nothing can be developed in that area until the Timberline and Vine and Lemay and Vine
x intersections Jeffrey said he are would improved. favor something specific addressing funding and construction for those two
x x x Terence Troy Curt intersections asked said said this if so they projects was those are discussed contributing areas that are can in grandfathered-Planning be to developed. an oversizing
ten in years mean ago fee, they and but weren’t was the existing a $contributing 60 million streets dollar can to the only project fund. handle then. so much
traffic. The ones being developed meet the traffic threshold.
x x x Jeffrey Jeffrey Sue crafted added said a the bullet that more he point would housing to address like we to have tie this this the discussion. to less the it income costs. Board
equation, members and made relate suggestions transportation for edits.to ability to get
x to Eloise a job. said many of the people her office tries to assist do not have cars. They need to use public
x x transportation Jeffrey Chadrick said added we to can that work.focus you could the transportation weave in mixed issue income on getting housing. people If you employed.tie jobs
to the corridor, you should
x Jeffrey tie housing said to you it as run well.into all kinds of NIMBY issues in the corridor. You can’t build anything affordable by
x x Sue the Curt time recommended requested you are that done having Sue satisfying send a motion what the the that neighbors.board these has are drafted the three in an main email points
for that further will wordsmithing.be forwarded to the clerk.
Curt moved and Eloise seconded.
The board has agreed on the three main topics and will wordsmith over the next couple of weeks via email, then
submit their input to the clerk.
Motion passed unanimously, 7-0-0.
Sue asked if the board had read the confidential memo from Steve Roy. Members said they had read the memo.
Discussion/x x Sue Tatiana Q said & asked A: it is in how regard this to affects the ethics the members of board of members. this board. The memo addresses the method for submitting
x x x x Board Sue Troy complaints.Troy said said said members the that the review concerns currently expressed board are complaints is appreciating in interested regard go to straight
in conflict the this new board’s to of methods City interest. thoughts. Council and the and confidentiality become public that information.is built in to the code
Eloise moved and Terence seconded
The Affordable Housing Board supports the amendment to the Ethics Review Board Code.
Motion passed 7-0-0
x Sue will forward the board’s minutes to Steve Roy.
Sue said nominations could happen tonight and elections could be made in February.
Discussion/x x x Tatiana Troy Terence Q said & submitted A: nominated he would her Troy like interest to as be Chair. the in being chair Jeffrey Chair as he seconded.has or Vice been
Chair. the Vice Chair.
Diane moved and Curt seconded
a nomination of Troy as Chair and Tatiana as Vice Chair.
Motion passed unanimously, 7-0-0.
Discussion/Q & A:
Tatiana moved and Terence seconded.
The Affordable Housing Board approves the 2013 Annual Report.
Motion passed 7-0-2 (Diane and Eloise abstained)
FUTURE x Troy MEETING explained AGENDA that last month DISCUSSION the board was going to go on a tour of Land Bank properties, but this was
x x x x x x x x x x x postponed Sue Sue Curt Diane Eloise Sue Members Jeffrey Sue Eloise Sue said answered said let wondered asked suggested asked said him asked the they discussed due
if she know board Diane this about have that if to thinks Murphy asking weather.room she in needs a how inclusionary future regular February is the would Murphy the she to Center board
agenda schedule project recommends tour become the should Center housing. would they items. AHB leader the may our wait help staff will retreat, people He on consistent be in create
return how this would willing line the get so to with a to tour, like she do the simulation.meeting to meeting that. the shift will full to and have rest experience keep to meetings
room. in accommodate of ample the the the He CIC.board clients.for time cannot at Murphy the apprised. to us. next discuss access Center.6 months.She internet this said issue. in the
this City room. is
intending to include many public input opportunities. The impetus was the mall agreement. They will abide
x x x by Tatiana Sue Sue anything said added asked no, that we and if the pass this that Gap was after she Analysis the is December not same entirely is as being 1. the clear Affordable
published on that online project, Housing today but Fee. will or tomorrow keep the and AHB it in will the inform loop.a Social
Sustainability Strategic Plan that will come before this board. There will be opportunity for additional
x comment. Sue told the Sue board will that let the the board New Member know when Orientation it is available will be and at send noon a on link. January 29. Members will receive
the Affordable Housing Board binder at the orientation. Any other board members who would like a
x binder, Sue said let there Sue will know need and to she be will an extra provide. meeting in March for CDBG ranking.
Discussion/x x Jeffrey The Q board & would A: agreed like to to wait hear until more spring, about whether potentially the May City 1, has 3:00-interest 5:00, in with acquiring a meeting
more 5:00-Land 6:00pm. Bank
Discussion/x x Troy Sue Q said asked & A: as long what as happens we give at public a board notice retreat. and have it in an accessible place we can do it as a separate
meeting, or in lieu of the regular meeting. She is offering a retreat because she wants to create a balanced
agenda with projects that the members are interested in, with room for staff to come for presentations and
x Curt requests. said It he is gave an opportunity Sue his manifesto to talk about on topics what he we would haven’t like been to discuss. getting He to. would like to see similar from
x x the Troy Board other said members board he likes members. agreed the idea to have of holding the retreat the meeting in February at another during location. the regular meeting time
at the Museum of
x Sue and Dianne will organize the retreat and send information to the board.
OPEN x BOARD Curt said DISCUSSION adequate workforce housing remains a concern in Fort Collins. There is a Sears house near
Grandview cemetery which sold ten years ago for $170,000. It is showing now for over $600,000. This is
happening all over Old Town. Is this on the radar of the City, or is anything around Old Town being written
x off Troy of said affordability.the alternative is for the government to step in and say you can’t sell it for what someone will pay
x for Sue it. said Cameron Gloss has offered to speak to the board and this would be a good discussion to have with
x x x x Tatiana Sue him. Jeffrey Sue added handed suggested said that out Homeward there the coming FCHA are 2020 2 up hour monthly with is shifts holding questions report. on their
the for evening Point him in during of Time January the Count retreat. 21 and and are morning looking of for January volunteers. 22, surveying
homeless persons. January 23, there will be data entry volunteer opportunities. She said to go directly to the
x x Homeward Jeffrey Sue said said it is 2020 he a gap would website in available like to a sign discussion services. up.of It access is difficult to security because deposits you don’t
for families get that money looking back. to rent. The best way
is to have the money go back to the tenant, so they are incented to get the money back. Some rapid
x x x x rehousing Jeffrey Sue Tatiana Tatiana added would added would dollars this like that like item allow to CDBG a to presentation explore unscheduled for is security having alternatives
on agenda deposits. a CHAFA public to items. that input and issue an forum overview and for try use to of bring of tax their credits. some dollars people at their together regular to
do meeting that.
tonight and encouraged other board members to attend with her.
LIAISON x Board REPORTS discussed possible liaison opportunities to other boards and commissions.
COUNCIL x Tatiana 6-MONTH mentioned PLANNING that Fire Code CALENDAR adoptions and the Lincoln Corridor Plan being on the 6-month agenda.
She said there hasn’t been much talk of housing for the Lincoln Corridor; mostly the discussion has been
x around Sue said the Lincoln road and will what be improved it will look as like. Woodward is developed. It will be one of our “great streets” that will
have a lot of multi-modal built in. There is housing already there (Buckingham). The project is about the
x Sue street added alone. that the TBL map analysis is being requested for most projects going forward. The City is
x creating Tatiana mentioned the TBL map. the unscheduled Affordable Housing Fee. Sue agreed to find more information on this
x topic. Troy said it’s good to review the agenda planning calendar each meeting.
– Meeting adjourned at 6:17pm by Troy Jones. –
The next meeting of the Affordable Housing Board is scheduled for:
February 6 at 4:00pm
Participants will meet at:
Fort Collins City Hall
Council Information Center
300 Laporte Ave