HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 06/18/2014MINUTES of the CITY OF FORT COLLINS TRANSPORTATION BOARD June 18, 2014 6:00 p.m. Community Room 215 North Mason Street Fort Collins, CO 80524 FOR REFERENCE: Chair: Olga Duvall 970.420.7557 Vice Chair: Garry Steen *** Staff Liaison: Mark Jackson 970.416.2029 Administrative Support: Polly Bennett 970.221.6601 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: Olga Duvall, Chair Garry Steen, Vice Chair Eric Shenk Pat Jordan Kevin O’Toole Sara Frazier Clint Skutchan Sid Simonson ABSENT: Councilmember Ross Cunniff Mark Jackson, Deputy Director, PDT Kathy Collier, Utilities Travis Paige, Utilities Larry Schneider, Streets Beth Sowder, Neighborhood Services 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Duvall called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm with a quorum. 2. AGENDA REVIEW The agenda stands as written. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Boardmember Steen moved to accept the April 2014 Board minutes as written. Boardmember Jordan seconded. The minutes were approved unanimously. 5. COUNCIL LIAISON Councilmember Cunniff was unable to attend. 6. BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT - Garry Steen Steen discussed the upcoming BAC meeting. Approved by the Board at their July 16, 2014 meeting. 7. DISCUSSION ITEMS • ClimateWise – Kathy Collier and Travis Paige, Utilities Collier announced a joint event with FC Moves and Transfort on the MAX route and reported on the ClimateWise program and its member businesses and application to transportation. Additionally, she showed a video discussing the program. • Snow Removal Practices – Larry Schneider, Streets and Beth Sowder, Neighborhood Services Schneider reviewed the City’s snow removal policies and discussed the resources necessary for the City to complete snow removal in an efficient manner. Additionally, he reviewed the City’s priorities for snow removal. Sowder discussed the City’s policies and outreach regarding residential and business snow removal along sidewalks. Additionally, she discussed citizen complaints regarding snow on sidewalks and stated rental properties have more complaints than do owner-occupied homes. Schneider stated streets and bike lanes are cleared first, followed by sidewalks and noted the City’s goal is to have snow cleared within 24 hours of a storm. He stated contractors are typically utilized for sidewalks and some parking lots, as well as Transfort stops, noting the City and the Transfort contractor will be coordinating efforts for snow removal at MAX stations. Jackson discussed the use of Twitter and Facebook by snow removal crews. Schneider discussed the snow plow ride-along program. Steen suggested the contractor used to clear Transfort stops should follow the City’s snow plows in order to possibly get the stops cleared more efficiently. • Building on Basics 2 Update - Mark Jackson Jackson discussed the Building on Basics 2 (BOB 2) proposal for an extension of the ¼ cent sales tax for capital projects and addition of a ¼ cent tax for the street maintenance program. Additionally, he discussed the City’s history with capital projects funding and stated Council will be discussing whether or not the proposed street maintenance tax should extend beyond ten years and whether or not the two elections should be separated. Jackson went on to detail the list of potential capital projects which would be funded by the extension of the sales tax. Boardmembers discussed transportation related projects and priorities. Boardmember Skutchan suggested a limited number of priorities be selected for championing. 7. ACTION ITEMS • Budget Update and Recommendations - Mark Jackson Jackson stated the next step in the budget process involves the outcome teams prioritizing submitted proposals. The Budget Lead Team, or Executive Management Team, will then examine the recommendations based upon the City’s seven outcome areas, and the results of that process will become the City Manager’s recommended budget. Jackson discussed the Keep Fort Collins Great funds which are used for transportation needs and discussed transportation-related on-going core services and new enhancement budget offers using the City’s online budgeting tool. Some of the enhancement offers discussed included expanded Transfort and MAX service and improvements to the Harmony Transit Center. Jackson noted the Board could opt to take no action regarding a recommendation at this point. Chair Duvall suggested the Board look at a more prioritized list in July, prior to making a recommendation. 9. REPORTS • Boardmember Reports Boardmember Simonson reported on a recent trip to Iceland. Boardmember Steen mentioned Bike to Work Day. Boardmember Shenk reported on his completion of the CityWorks 101 class. Chair Duvall reported on the adult bicycling class being put on by FC Bikes and Women on the Road. • Staff Report Jackson reported on Bike to Work Day and the success of MAX service, stating the two- year goal for daily ridership has already been met. He discussed the need for additional bicycle allotments on the buses and stated the largest problem has been the fact there seems to be no off-peak demand time. Additionally, Jackson reported on his work with Mary Atchison regarding linking transit and alternate mode solutions to affordable housing and job access. Jackson discussed the proposed schedule for the July Board meeting. 10. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.