HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 07/16/2014MINUTES of the CITY OF FORT COLLINS TRANSPORTATION BOARD July 16, 2014 6:00 p.m. Community Room 215 North Mason Street Fort Collins, CO 80524 FOR REFERENCE: Chair: Olga Duvall 970.420.7557 Vice Chair: Garry Steen *** Staff Liaison: Mark Jackson 970.416.2029 Administrative Support: Polly Bennett 970.221.6601 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: Olga Duvall, Chair Garry Steen, Vice Chair Eric Shenk Pat Jordan Kevin O’Toole Clint Skutchan Gary Thomas Sylvia Cranmer, Bicycle Advisory Committee Chair ABSENT: Councilmember Ross Cunniff Sid Simonson Sara Frazier Mark Jackson, Deputy Director, PDT Aaron Iverson, FC Moves Tessa Greegor, FC Bikes Seth Lorson, Planning Paul Sizemore, FC Moves 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Duvall called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm with a quorum. Duvall and the Board members welcomed Gary Thomas as the Board’s newest member. 2. AGENDA REVIEW Changes were made to the order of the agenda to allow Staff to finish their presentations first before Board discussion of BFO and BOB 2.0. Chair Duvall added an action item regarding a statement of support Social Sustainability. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Boardmember Jordan moved to accept the June 2014 Board minutes as written. Boardmember Shenk seconded. The minutes were approved unanimously. Approved by the Board at their August 20, 2014 meeting. 5. COUNCIL LIAISON Councilmember Cunniff was unable to attend. 6. BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT - Garry Steen and Sylvia Cranmer Steen and Cranmer discussed the June BAC meeting, noting they toured the new Bike Library at the Downtown Transit Center. 7. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Bike Plan Update– Tessa Greegor, FC Bikes Program Manager Greegor updated the Board the Bike Plan progress to date. She gave a plan overview, discussed the new Comfort Level Analysis and Demand Analysis. The Bike Map will incorporate the new Comfort Level Analysis when re-printed later this year. Next steps and Plan events were announced. Greegor fielded questions about the League of American Bicyclists’ recent audit/visit, Education programming, potential for a bike park, and the concept of back-in angle parking. • Midtown in Motion Plan Update – Aaron Iverson, FC Moves Senior Planner Iverson provided an update on the Midtown in Motion Plan progress, and presented draft recommended scenarios for the various corridor design segments. There was a good dialog about the new slip ramp treatment concept for some of the frontage roads in the corridor, and the proposed lane width reduction to 11’. Iverson also pointed out proposed pedestrian and bicycle facilities and intersection treatments. Next steps and Plan events were announced. • Budget Update - Mark Jackson, PDT Deputy Director The Board moved this to an Action Item to follow the TOD Plan presentation 8. ACTION ITEMS • Transit Oriented Development Plan - Seth Lorson, City Planner Lorson gave a comprehensive overview presentation of the TOD concept, key issues and analyses, and staff recommendations. There were many questions and good dialog about the various Land Use Code change options, including Alternative Compliance. Following discussion, the Board voted 7-0 to recommend Council approve: o Adopt residential parking minimums within the TOD Zone o Retain parking maximums for non-residential land uses in the zone o Support the Alternative compliance measures In addition, the Board voted 7-0 to support the recommendations of the TOD Parking Study  Budget Update and Recommendations - Mark Jackson, PDT Deputy Director Jackson provided the Board with an update on the Budget For Outcomes (BFO) process and timeline. He noted that this is shaping up to be a very austere budget cycle, with little room for new and expanded programs and services. No prioritized project lists were available for review at the time of the meeting. Following discussion, the Board voted 6-0 to send a letter to the Budget Lead Team urging their funding of core services and programs necessary for basic transportation and transit operations. In addition, they urged the BLT to give strong consideration to finding ways to fund expanded transit services, at minimum Sunday service for MAX.  Statement of Support for the Social Sustainability Plan – Board Chair Duvall Duvall approached the Board to gauge their interest in providing Council with a statement of support for the Social Sustainability Strategic Plan. Specifically, she wished to stress the importance of affordable and reliable transportation (transit) in terms of addressing social problems such as access to health care, employment and education. Following discussion, the Board chose not to issue a statement of support until they have a more clear understanding of what the Social Sustainability Strategic Plan is seeking to accomplish. A presentation will be requested for the August Board meeting.  Building on Basics 2.0 (BOB) – Mark Jackson, PDT Deputy Director Jackson provided an update and overview of proposed capital projects to be considered as part of a future BOB 2.0 improvements package. The Board reviewed the list of capital projects and discussed their relative merits. Following discussion, the Board voted 6-0 to recommend that Council support those capital projects that create transportation efficiency and promote smart growth principles rather than focus solely on expansion of infrastructure capacity. 9. REPORTS • Boardmember Reports Boardmembers Jordan, Shenk and Duvall spoke about their experiences to date on the citizen advisory committee looking for solutions to meeting the demand for bicycles on MAX buses. • Staff Report Jackson reported on the success of MAX service, stating the two-year goal for daily ridership has already been met. Additionally, Jackson reported on the Open Streets event to be held Sunday July 20 on Laurel and Whedbee Streets east of College Avenue. Jackson discussed the proposed schedule for the August Board meeting, and also noted that an “All Advisory Board” meeting will be convened on August 25th to review the BOB 2.0 capital projects list. Details to follow. 10. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 9:32 p.m.