HomeMy WebLinkAboutAffordable Housing Board - Minutes - 02/06/2014CITY OF FORT COLLINS
Museum of Discovery
Fort Collins, Colorado
February 6, 2014
Chair: Troy Jones
Staff Liaison: Sue Beck-Ferkiss 970-221-6753
City Council Liaison: Lisa Poppaw
Board Members present: Tatiana Martin, Terence Hoaglund, Troy Jones, Diane Cohn, Eloise Emery, Curt Lyons,
Jeffrey Johnson
Board Members absent: None
Staff present: Sue Beck-Ferkiss, Social Sustainability Specialist; Dianne Tjalkens, Board Support; Mary Atchison,
Director of Social Sustainability
Council Members present: None
Guests: Marilyn Heller, League of Women Voters
Meeting called to order by Troy Jones at 4:05pm.
ICE x BREAKER Members participated in Two Truths and a Lie ice breaker activity.
OPEN x DISCUSSION Eloise said one reason for being on the board is having helpful background; another is living in affordable
housing. She also thinks there should be more information and education about affordable housing. She met
a person at the gym who showed her the perception of affordable housing in the community is inaccurate
x and Sue feels mentioned it needs the more Can educational I Be Your Neighbor elements.poster campaign which tries to get out that exact message to
x the Jeffrey community, said he agrees and that about the education, message needs but it to has continue. to be more than just subsidized housing. His initial
introduction to affordable housing was subsidized and entitlement. There is a prejudice against
entitlements. It needs to be more holistic. You have to break down the prejudices and work on the type of
x housing, Eloise said to in make Laguna it across Beach the there spectrum was a of large subsidized property and set unsubsidized. aside for affordable housing and they had a
lottery for the houses. The community had a negative reaction. The 30 years of affordability are over and
x now Jeffery the said prices he are is unsure very high where for the those prejudice homes.begins. Is it the subsidies? Some people are working many
jobs and cannot afford to live where they work, and do not qualify for subsidized housing in their
communities. The community needs to understand that affordable housing is a community wide issue, not
x just Troy a said subsidy.it is not just a subsidy, but those who earn up to 120% of AMI, and still need something they can
x x x x Jeffrey Diane Sue afford. Curt said said said People said we’ve we affordability when do have had that you a to in good change buy Fort in housing in mix Collins. Wellington
the of perception, use is If something in you neighborhoods. in look that you at range. positive can Provincetowne, get We that more don’t everyone promotion. he have feels wants.“projects.this
prejudice ” is exemplified,
that we put the development on the periphery and consider it good enough for “them.” Old Town is
x x Curt gentrifying. Eloise asked said if the Do we Downtown you are write talking off Association about whole subsidized parts is incorporating of town? rent or We’re home this pushing
ownership. into the “those plan. kinds of people” to the periphery.
x Troy said one solution is allowing small units, like accessory dwelling units, into our neighborhoods,
x x Terence Troy without talked impact said about citizens fees impact that are make building fees and them units permits unaffordable. over for garages, finishing If it but can a have
basement be rented to pay for cheaply, fees a rental like it a unit. doesn’t duplex. It doesn’t need a seem subsidy.like
adding one or two extra people in a household with a kitchen should have the same fees as multifamily
x x x Diane Sue construction.Sue said said asked if that the if is unit we something are does advocating not we have can its for do. own changes.There door, is a then lot of it’s talk
not around a separate tiny dwelling homes, accessory unit.dwelling units,
x x Curt etc. Troy said said accessory he would like dwelling to talk units more are about good this for topic many this reasons, year.such as for empty nesters, or those caring for
x x x Curt aging Troy Terence asked said parents, said if if it when we isn’t or would housing a you full are be impact, grown talking building children. it about should a house different
be the charged permit impact accordingly. fees fees are for based infill. on square footage, so they might be
x the Curt same talked for about a $200,single 000 person house as apartments a $2 million being house.the largest need right now, but new homes are much
x x x Curt Sue Mary larger. said said said household in she WWII read women that demographics by 2040 entered 80% are the of changing, workforce families and will and housing be stayed
adults after is without still the based war. children. on In the the nuclear ‘50s those family with idea. 2 incomes
were doing well. But it didn’t take long before we have accepted that you cannot afford a house on one
x x x x x x Sue Diane Eloise income. Diane Curt Terence said said said said said If said when housing one even not for the you subsidized every household rental focus people look low
houses.seems at in income member housing, the large to spectrum, be person complexes loses on that rentals, is a wants not what job, all is but the to not is people available. live we
result the should in only are can an suited apartment solution.be look catastrophic. for at affordable a complex. multifamily purchase dwelling. homes. FCHA needs
to be as efficient as they can. They are finding scattered and single family units hard to maintain. Those
who are really tied to subsidized housing will have their choices made for them. As we move up the scale,
we want affordable starter options. Many of the starter homes have been taken up by investors. The choice
x x Terence has Diane gone said said away. the the barriers We regulations need around to give create options people cost, seem options. but give to be us fees. the community we have.
The supply and demand is
also driving prices up. The City has to take a serious look at all the regulatory procedures. What is really
x Sue necessary?said the affordable housing policy study is starting and she will be getting the board involved in the
process. She was just told by finance that they are reviewing all of the regulatory fees of regular
development, which should be done in May. She will stay in the loop and keep the board informed. She
would also like the board to help find stakeholders for the affordable housing policy study. The idea of
x x Sue Tatiana getting said a asked there regulatory if was there confusion environment is a reason that the that there policy will was help study more create than has affordable changed
one study. names. housing Staff has is realized controversial.that we want to keep
this an open ended inquiry into affordable housing, and so have changed the name. We can think about how
x changing Jeffrey added the order that her of the description words changes has candor. the tone. There are going to be people who approach this study as
x justification Sue said the to previous do something director Council really encouraged already wants beginning to do. this study/process. This board has always
encouraged housing along the spectrum. The study is just kicking off and we need developers, planners,
architects, advocates, and real estate people. We need local experience. The study is designed to get the
conversation started to find tools that will work here. The study is funded. Staff is working with EPS on
x x Sue content Diane said asked and yes. Clarion if And stakeholders the on AHB outreach. will are those be included who are in interested the stakeholder in fees.meetings.
x x Curt Sue said said we in last will strategic look at that plan again the plan this ends year. in We 2014. can go into 2015 if we need to. Last time we used
x Sue committees clarified to that do the this. strategic plan is an internal process. But we are to look at it and determine our
x priorities Curt said from affordable it. housing traditionally is ugly, big multifamily buildings with no architecture. They are
x not Sue well said maintained if you go to either. the intersection where the Villages on Plum is located, the privately owned buildings
x Terence are less well said maintained when he designs than the for affordable Habitat one housing. goal is to make it more attractive than those around, due to
x that Curt very said perception. good looking buildings are more likely to remain. There is a development in Boulder that is
x Diane beautiful. suggested But people showing don’t slides know of it’s various affordable. housing They at meetings do know and the ones having that people are run try down, to determine
though. which is
x x affordable Sue Troy said said this Council’s and could which be meeting is a not.way to on help board people and commission challenge their structures assumptions.reminds him of
times when organizations
hire consultants and ask, “What do you do?” Our board is in a good position to have a new role. We have a
new board and new staff. It’s up to us to be the board we want to be and communicate as best as we can. If
we can get good guidance from Council on what they want from us, it would be helpful. If Council never
hears from us on these topics, it doesn’t do us much good. Our role is to advise Council on affordable
x housing. Sue said she He liked sees part the last of her meeting job as in making which sure the board this board drafted is heard. a recommendation Lisa Poppaw to said Council.the
more regular the
board’s communication through action items, the better. Council is very decision oriented. Because
affordable housing is riding to be a top issue, we might want to consider having a public discussion or a
x x work Diane Mary session said said the during with changes the Council restructure will designed happen perhaps in to a educate year. we It suggest may Council be changing a on good
what idea the we name to think request of affordable the the board. name housing change needs. in order to
x prompt Tatiana a asked work if session. we could work on bringing in other stakeholders to get the discussion moving, and have a
x community Sue said it is dialogue a possibility on housing if we will affordability.find it enriching. We would want to have an agenda, a panel
x x x x Curt Tatiana Sue discussion, Troy said suggested said suggested perhaps it or could other different we be adding way could a visioning themed to 7 dedicate moderate.or 8 more
tables. session one stakeholders of for our affordability. regular than meetings our board. to invite stakeholders and have a
x Curt discussion said the like Gaps this meeting one. However, was very she structured is cautious to about keep people leaving moving it too open-and involved ended. and not allow
any one
x x x Tatiana Sue Sue group said said to suggested there she dominate. would are many three like the specific things stakeholder going areas on of meetings in focus this for arena structured
the this meeting. year similarly. and we have an opportunity to shape policy.
x x Sue Eloise We will said asked all she learn has what read some the the APA things reports or we Urban and didn’t no Land know. one Institute has It a will silver say be about important
bullet. this We issue.to will listen get and a report reach from out. the consultant
x Curt looking added at best that practices, one thing but that no makes one has Fort a Collins program unique we can is just that adopt. people There want is to no live one here, size
which fits all drives solution.
down wages. We have a problem with underemployment of educated people who cannot find jobs. If we
had enough jobs that paid a livable wage, we wouldn’t have an affordable housing problem. The reason
x they Eloise can’t said afford we don’t housing have is the not kinds making of industry enough jobs money.that raise wages. But people don’t want that kind of
x industry Terence said here; the they leadership want parks has and done open a good spaces. job of balancing the economy. And we do have industry with
higher wages.
x Mary said we are moving toward service area jobs. We have a fixed GMA, so we are running out of
x x x Sue Mary developable Terence said said said infill the land, infill community is an which and area redevelopment where raises wants the we discreet have cost are of aligned towns
not housing, cheap. with interests, since green people but around we want have them. to to move look at here.changing the codes to
x make Terence it easier. clarified that building on the outskirts of town is called “greenfield development,” but infill is
x developing Curt said to in think a previously of it as throwing developed a rock area, into filling a pond: in the the gaps.ripples move out, but when you create a
boundary, then the ripple moves back in. Some of the older areas of town have schools that need students,
x while Sue said we we develop have to the share outskirts some of costs, town and and there need is to a build point schools of diminishing and firehouses return where to support people
them. feel things
cost too much. We will have to come to a compromise. We don’t have enough units for those who live here
x now. Curt said if you want to bring the cost of housing down, you need to have more housing. Globally,
population and consumption are huge problems. The US is 6% of the world’s population, but uses 30% of
x Sue the resources. said in the We Gaps need Analysis to look our at that community problem is here.saying we do not have choice for our citizens in housing.
Ten years ago there was a Nexus study looking at shifting costs of development of commercial and
residential. The commercial end amount per employee was very high and no one could determine how to
x x manage Jeffrey Sue said asked it. capital how impact that relates fees came to impact out around fees. the same time, so that was what was hoped would help. But
x now Jeffrey we said realize those again studies we don’t are designed have the to right fund housing government, mix. not make units affordable. Government should
x figure Eloise out said how fees to started downsize happening and reduce in the the ‘70s, fees and for impact certain fees types were of development. laid on heavily in the ‘80s, then
fees were designed to fund schools. They were designed to fund what the government couldn’t afford.
There was some growth of government to have staff to manage this, but it was due to growth. Land cost
x x x Sue was Eloise Sue said mentioned really said we high there have the and are conflicting sprinkler developers so many codes considerations. parks were that and unable increase
bike to paths The afford the City that cost to wants make build. of building, to the be City a leader but desirable. improve in green safety building.and save lives. We
have conflicting interests and we want to sort through them. Council will be looking to this board and our
x x Sue projects Curt added said to the that inform City the departments them. City is making are a siloed concerted and the effort right to hand work doesn’t on that. know It is a what
challenge the left for is a doing.large institution.
For our study, we have a small but diverse technical team. She would like a stakeholder group of around
25, and then have public meetings that are larger. The technical team will attend the stakeholder and public
SUBCOMMITTEES x Sue discussed forming a variety of 2-person subcommittees for the Housing Affordability Policy Study,
Social Sustainability Gaps Analysis, Affordable Housing Strategic Plan prioritization and goal setting, and
x x Lank Diane Jeffrey Bank. said agreed she that heard this a desire is a good to have topic. a focus We can on research outreach best and practices. education. He thinks community
x x Troy Jeffrey should suggested take suggested priority forming focusing over a Land Land on the Bank. Bank Housing subcommittee Affordability after Policy the Land Study Bank and
tour. the Strategic Plan. We run a risk
x of Eloise diluting asked our if efforts we have if time we take for on a public too much. outreach campaign with everything else going on, or do we want
x x to Sue Jeffrey revitalize said suggested the the idea Can of the asking I City Be Your invite which Neighbor citizens home is on poster affordable a tour campaign? of affordable
housing with housing images/projects. posters could be done.
x x x x x Jeffrey Sue The Tatiana Jeffrey said board asked said said the agreed we work we about could can that session the plug have the deliverable in strategic is more our in May.
topics than plan for one for the and the subcommittee policy policy next study. six study months for are the the using policy two Council’s biggest study focus alone calendar. areas.
through May, and then
begin focusing on the strategic plan. He suggested Sue determine where she needs help and ask board
x x x x Tatiana Sue members Troy Jeffrey said suggested asked said Social with the who specific Sustainability board mall.drove members expertise this initiative. asked can for also
help. for money volunteer to do for this areas in the in which BFO-lite they process. have expertise. We were granted $60,000
x x Mary Sue to do said it. said Council the outcome wants is time likely to implement an ordinance. the ordinance by December 1, 2014 so that it can be applied to
x the Curt mall said development. future development potentially has a lot in common with the mall development, so this process
prevents the City from having to reinvent the wheel.
FUTURE x x x x x x Sue Troy Terence Sue Jeffrey Sue MEETINGS agreed said said said asked will end she if to there was have of to send March/AGENDA move planning are to the opt guest
that HUD beginning out on and speakers of AMI having look the of chart ranking at April that a the presentation to will RFP. will the due help board. be to CDBG a us conflict from in
our ranking. Neighbor thought of interest. to process Neighbor with in the March. study, we should have
x them Members present are before encouraged May. to look at unscheduled items and make suggestions.
– Meeting adjourned at 6:11pm by Troy Jones. –
The next meeting of the Affordable Housing Board is scheduled for:
March 6 at 4:00pm
Participants will meet at:
Fort Collins City Hall
Council Information Center
300 Laporte Ave