HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommission On Disability - Minutes - 02/10/2011COMMISSION ON DISABILITY
Fort Collins City Hall: Council Information Center: 12:15 p.m.
February 10, 2011
PRESENT: Sam Cavallaro, Jeffrey Coon, Michael Devereaux,
Hettie Hueber, Thomas Klender, Michelle Miller, Karen Perry
ABSENT: Terry Schlicting (with contact)
Mare Franklin-Gaumer (with contact)
CITY: Ethan Cozzens, Rosanne McDonnell
GUESTS: Pauline Smith, General Public
Call to Order: 12:19pm
1. Executive Committee Voting
The following elections were voted into office unanimously by the Commission:
Chairman: Jeffrey Coon
Vice-Chairman: Michael Devereaux
Secretary: M. Michelle Miller
Historian: Hettie Hueber
2. Introductions
3. Approval of Minutes
January: Approved with name and affiliation changes to Item 5 “Old Business”.
Motion by Devereaux, Second by Cavallaro.
4. Open Discussion General Public
Pauline Smith was wondering who governs community based support groups. She has
been an active member of a community based support group that was well attended,
interactive and very helpful. The facilitator was asked to step down so a more
qualified facilitator could take over. Attendance declined over a period of time. The
last group meeting was canceled because she was the only member to attend. She
wants to know if there is any recourse to get these meetings back to their original
state. Several COD members (and their families) are regular attendees of community
based support groups. It is their experience that while these groups are community
based, they are governed by a state sanctioned entity. This information can be
obtained through the local governing agency.
5. New Business
• Hueber requested that McDonnell insure that the COD has the City Hall Council
Information Center reserved for the 2
and 4
Thursdays each month from 12:00-
2:00pm. Sub Committees of the COD will begin forming for project planning, etc.
• Hueber witnessed a visually impaired individual walking in the gutter of South
College in front of the Chili’s Restaurant. She believes this was due to no
sidewalk available for pedestrians. She will revisit the site and bring pictures to
the next meeting.
6. Old Business
a. Affordable/Accessible Housing
Coon reported that he spoke with Mike Levy of northerncoloradorentals.com. He
was informed that in order to list a rental a form must be filled out that specifically
asks if the property is “Handicap Accessible”. McDonnell wondered if the rental
form could ask if the property is fully or only partially accessible. Klender and
Perry mentioned several accommodations that were needed in their personal living
spaces to provide more accessibility. Klender would like to assist Coon in
meeting with Mike Levy to talk about collecting more information from the
current form. He feels this would be valuable information to bring to property
managers. If any member of the COD has any further suggestions, please e-mail
b. E-Bikes on Bike Trails
Klender spoke with Josh of Small Planet. He indicated that the decision to allow
e-bikes on bike trails is made locally, possibly by the CoFC Parks and Recreation
Division. When City Council meets next, the individual who brought this to the
COD can bring the issue up with the full support of the COD.
c. Ramps for Downtown Business Access
Hueber asked for a progress report. Devereaux reported that due to the cold
weather the installation of the ramps has been delayed. Warmer weather will
move things along faster. PTAG and Barrier Busters are monitoring the progress.
d. EPIC Bus Stop
COD will follow up with Schlicting at the next meeting to decide if this topic
needs to be revisited.
7. Adjourn: 1:30pm Motion by Perry. Seconded by Hueber