HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommission On Disability - Minutes - 12/13/2007COMMISSION ON DISABILITY MEETING MINUTES Thursday, December 13, 2007 Fort Collins City Hall Council Information Center: 12:15 p.m. Present: Beverly Hageseth, Susan Williams, Steve Rierson, Mary Elizabeth Lenahan, Vivian Armendariz, Terry Schlicting, Kimberlee Imig, Lydia Wiatrowski, and Laura Burnett. Guests: Annie Houston, former liaison with the Commission on Disability; Cheryl Distaso from the Center for Justice, Peace, and the Environment (CJPE); Steve White, former liaison for the Commission on Disability; Harry Meyer, incoming Commission member; Mayor Doug Hutchinson, liaison for City Council; Marcus Havluck- Dee. City: Bruce Byrne NOT PRESENT: Janie Bondhus Black 1. Call to Order: Susan Williams, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 12:30. 2. Approval of Minutes: Minutes of November 8, 2007 were not reviewed. 3. Introductions: Introductions were made around the table. 4. OPEN DISCUSSION GENERAL PUBLIC 5. NEW BUSINESS: Concerns about snow removal at Buffalo Run and Bull Run that impact persons with disabilities were discusses. Particularly, there are issues about placement of the newspaper box and simply not clearing snow on sidewalks. Susan suggested drafting a letter to the management with a reference to the ADA stipulation. Vivian volunteered to write the letter and reported personal problems with recent snow removal. Lydia will check for a quote from ADA. Susan motioned to draft a letter. Kimberlee seconded. Mary Elizabeth questioned regarding the procedure for drafting letters sent by the COD. Generally, the chairman drafts the letter, other commissioners review for edits, and the secretary mails. Vivian will draft the letter and e-mail and send within a week with a cc to Mayor Hutchinson as liaison. COD needs to be prepared to share the volunteer agencies list for snow removal. Kimberlee suggested a short article for the Coloradoan. Mary Elizabeth suggested contacting Neighborhood Services as in our Community Access information. Laura suggested a brief statement for the Coloradoan "Thumbs Up" section for who is doing well with snow removal. Vivian will make a comment at City Council during the public comment portion of the meeting. Should people need help with snow removal, the volunteer co-ordinating group will release the need to a particular neighborhood and then individuals can choose to help and/or be helped. Vivian suggested inviting Neighborhood Services to a COD meeting (Beth Sauder). Farewell from Susan: Today was Susan Williams last day of her tenure on the Commission on Disability. She offered her help with ADA questions should they arise in the future. She can be contacted at 221-9677 if necessary. She recommends sending appreciation notices to businesses who assist or consider persons with disabilities. An example was the Lincoln Center for reducing the price of tickets for those needing to use wheel -chair seating since they have no choice in seating. Debbie Dixon-Dobkins is the person to contact for these reduced rates. BIKE PLAN: Bike Fort Collins is currently working with the city to update the Bike Plan from 1995. Concerns were raised by Terry about the law regulating wheelchairs in bike lanes. The belief is that there are `no motorized vehicles permitted on bike paths." Guest Cheryl Distaso will check with the police as to local code (Dennis Harrison) and with the state regarding any statutes. The Commission on Disability believes that the community should be disability -friendly, such that bicycles and wheelchairs can interact and share the road. Suggestions were made for inviting representatives from the police and Bike Fort Collins. Before pursuing a recommendation, Mayor Hutchinson advised us to define the problem well and clarify the issues before trying to change a law. Marcus questioned if this could go before Council. Terry complained of narrow sidewalks and the danger of falling into the street if bike paths cannot be used. The question arose as to whether this is included in the Transportation Master Plan. Mayor Hutchinson will check if this is in the Master Plan. Lydia is interested working to clarify bike path concerns. Mary Elizabeth will share schedule of Bike Fort Collins meetings with Terry and borrow a copy of the Update to the Fort Collins Bicycle Plan and Program (also available on-line) to review with Lydia. Vivian is interested in educating the community about issues of transportation and community mobility for persons with disabilities. AWARDS' CEREMONY: Susan Williams presented tokens of the Commission on Disability's gratitude to Annie Houston and Steve White. Thank you for your dedication and commitment in working with the COD! Melinda Suits and Joan Cook did not attend. Bruce will try to contact to give plaques. Guest: Cheryl Distaso from the CJPE came to discuss community access issues. She requested COD support for creating a Forum with guests from Denver's ADAPT program (Babs) in late February or early March to get community input regarding the need for a possible non-profit to be established to deal with access issues. Terry felt that having a chapter of ADAPT in Fort Collins would be helpful. Lydia moved that we support a Forum. Laura seconded. All said "AYE". Cheryl would like a community co-worker for this project. CSU Kathy Shelly was volunteered to work with Cheryl where the forum will be held is there was a strong feeling that best. Bruce was going to check recommended. Kimberlee from the COD. When and to be determined, but a Saturday might be on a city room. A comment was made that persons in wheelchairs cannot get in the door at the Bean Cycle. 6. OLD BUSINESS: WORK PLAN was updated and submitted December 6th1 2007. 7. SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNITY ACCESS POWER POINT: Vivian and Terry are still updating the brochure. Mayor Hutchinson said that the City Council is still awaiting the final product. Vivian will provide a hard copy of the Power Point and CD's for Council. Anticipate completion by February, 2008 SPECIAL NEEDS EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN still pending. 8. COMMUNITY NEWS AND UPDATES 9. ADJOURN n Meeting adjourned at 1:58.�✓ �� ,