HomeMy WebLinkAboutWomens Commission - Minutes - 05/21/2008City of Fort Collins
Women's Commission
May 21, 2008
215 N. Mason, 1-B
Attendees: Barbara Goff, Pat Lewis, Sue Baccari, Marjorie Mctaggart, Kristen Sergi, Shellie Leach,
Annette Zacharias
Members Absent: Hollie Kopp (excused)
Liaisons present: CSU Liaison, Joan Scheurman
Staff Liaison: Suzanne Jarboe -Simpson
Chair Pat Lewis called the meeting to order at 6:35pm.
Barb moved to approve the minutes, motion was seconded by Shellie. Upon further discussion,
the minutes were amended to reflect the following corrections: Pride in the Park to be added to
the MAY meeting agenda. And, the next meeting date was corrected to read MAY 21.
The motion to approve the corrected minutes passed.
Introductions and Announcements 7VA-0
Joan Scheurman was welcomed as the Commission's new CSU Women's Studies liaison. Suess
name will be added to the email distribution list, as well as to the Commission's roster.
Old Business
MNW award
Two nominations have been received — one male and one female. The commission discussed the
criteria for making the selection. Some members felt that the award should go to someone for
their volunteer service, not the work they were paid to do. Others felt that the award should
focus on the contribution the nominees make to impact or improve the lives of women.
Annette volunteered to find out if the individuals were nominated for their volunteer work or their
paid work. Kristen recommended that the award focus on women's advocacy, rather than trying
to determine whether the contribution was a result of paid work or volunteer.
Annette confirmed that Hal functioned in a volunteer capacity and Mary's work was primarily paid
employment, although her nominator confirmed that she contributed many more hours than she
was compensated for.
Each nomination was reviewed by each Commission member, and the group discussed the merits
of each nomination.
Vote: Hal 1, Mary 6
Mary Shaw is the winner of the 2008 Marcile N Wood award.
Recognition: Suzanne let the Commission know that the next time the award could be presented
in front of City Council was June 10 about 5:30pm.
Mary and her nominator, Victor, will be invited to attend the award ceremony.
The Commission would like a plaque made up for this award — agreed to work with All Sports
Commission agreed they'd like to have KRFC interview Mary during a September 2008 program.
Beth arranged for this in 2007 — this needs to be assigned to a Commission member.
Additional support for Mary's work will be discussed at a future meeting. Shellie will contact
Reader's Cove to see if they'd be interested in providing reading materials for Mary's program.
Also in 2007, the Commission members took the MNW award winner and her nominator to
Sue moved that the Commission cover the cost of meals for the winner, her nominator and all
Commission members. Annette seconded the motion. Following discussion, Sue withdrew the
A suggestion was made to have the Commission appoint 2 members to take the winner and
nominator to dinner, and have their meals paid for by the Commission.
Pat moved that the Commission pay for the meals of the winner, her spouse and the nominator,
but that Commission members pay for their own meal. Sue seconded the motion. The motion
It was also suggested that a letter be sent to Hal, congratulating him on his nomination for this
The topic for the next newsletter is housing. Sue requested that articles be sent to her by the
end of the week. Her goal is to have a draft to the Commission members by May 28`h. She
requested feedback no later than May 30`h
A suggestion to include a follow up to the questionnaire used at the Wonder's of Women.
It was suggested that the newsletter also include a brief summary of the Essay contest — and the
winners. Pat will contact Hollie for this information.
Pride in the Park
June 6 and 7 — 11-7pm at City Park
Annette's agency will have a table, and she volunteered to let the Commission share her space.
(Cost for booth space at the non-profit rate is $40.) Kristen volunteered to contact her brother to
request donated printing of materials.
Shellie volunteered to re -vamp the survey used at the WOW conference.
Kristen volunteered to help staff the booth from 11-1pm. Other Commission members agreed to
check their schedules to check on their availability.
Pat will contact Hollie, Sue will send an email about her availability.
Suzanne agreed to provide 100 copies of the Commission's most recently completed newsletter
(September 2007) for distribution.
Neighbor -to -Neighbor is also having an outreach day on June 7th. Annette's staff is attending that
event as well. Annette offered to provide space on her table at that event for the Commission's
newsletter and possibly some surveys.
Essay Contest
Thank you letters should be sent out to the donors and essay contest winners. A draft note along
with the contact information for donors and winners needs to be sent to Suzanne.
Sue will draft a thank you note and send it to Suzanne.
Suggestion that summary comments be sent to the schools that participated in the essay contest,
home school and private schools.
Poster update: no report
High School student member of Commission: After discussion, Shelli moved, Sue seconded
asking City Council re feasibility/legality of appointing a member younger than 18 years of age,
as a voting member. The motion passed unanimously. Suggested one year term with possible
renewal. The Commission agreed to leave the number of voting members at 9, but to have one
member be a youth member. Annette moved that the size of the Commission remain at 9 voting
} members. Pat seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Suzanne agreed to contact the City Clerk's office to find out about next steps.
Teen Parenting Program: Sue moved, Shelli seconded motion to continue to follow PSD's
progress, and to have Hollie function as the contact person. The motion passed. The Commission
also expressed interest in being part of a focus group if one's created by PSD.
Other: A request to put results of surveys taken at 'Wonders of Women' event on next month's
Pat passed around an article on teen parenting and flyer re a DVD on Women and
Aging/Discrimination provided by Marjorie who pointed out that the commission is to serve the
whole community, and older women are too often overlooked. Joan volunteered to check and see
if CSU would be interested in acquiring a copy of the video.
Suggested made to add Older Women topic to next month's agenda. Also suggested a need for a
liaison from the Senior Advisory Board. Continue the discussion about how to connect with older
women -
The meeting was adjourned at 8:31pm
Next meeting; June 18, 2008
215 N. Mason, 1-B
Topics for next month's meeting
Wonders of Women Survey — what does the data tell us?
Connecting with older women?