HomeMy WebLinkAboutDowntown Development Authority - Minutes - 10/02/1997DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY
Regular Directors, Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Downtown Development Authority
met in regular session at 7:30 a.m., October 2, 1997 in the
Third Floor Conference Room at 201 South College Avenue, One
West Art Center.
PRESENT There were present:
Kermit Allard, Chair presiding
Mary Brayton, Vice Chair
Jason Meadors, Secretary
Greg Belcher, Treasurer
Steve Slezak
Chuck Wanner
Larry Stroud
Margaret Brown
John Pitner
Chip Steiner, Consultant
Anne Garrison
Lucia Liley, Legal Counsel
Jay Hardy, Bud Frick, Dave Veldman, John Arnolfo
CALL TO ORDER Mr. Allard called the meeting to order and roll call was
MINUTES A motion was made by Mr. Slezak to approve the minutes of
September 4, 1997. This was seconded by Mr. Belcher and
carried unanimously.
RESOLUTION 97-7 In which the Downtown Development Authority resolves to
support Ballot Issues 1-A and 1-B for the development of a
new Larimer County Courthouse and Jail facility.
Ms. Brayton moved to adopt Resolution 97-7 this was seconded
by Mr. Stroud and carried unanimously.
MUULGZKEWT Mr. Allard referred the Board to a copy of the Professional
CONTRACT Services Agreement, together with a Scope of Services
description, (Exhibit A) between the Downtown Development
Authority and Robert Steiner.
PAGE 2 This contract to be in effect from November 1, 1997 through
December 31, 1998. Mr. Steiner disclosed that he is in the
process of getting up a corporation.
Mr. Slezak moved that the DDA enter into a Professional
Services Agreement with The Robert Steiner Company, limiting
the provision of services to the individual within the
corporation, and not the corporation. Mr. Belcher seconded
the motion which carried unanimously.
POLICY ON Each year the DDA must re -appropriate funds in order to
PROJECT STATUS maintain commitments, some of which have been pending for
two years. This could preclude the Board from participating
in other worthwhile projects. To rectify the situation, Mr.
Steiner offered some guidelines in the form of a document
entitled 'Terms of Project Commitment.'
The Board suggested defining a time frame from commitment to
execution of the project. Counsel will review the document,
and suggested the Board set a 12 month period with extension
provisions, and evaluate each project on a case by case
basis, possibly establishing some milestones to be met along
the way. A formal document will be prepared for the next
meeting by Ms. Liley.
FINAL BUDGET At the previous meeting, Mr. Slezak requested there be two
CONSIDERATION meetings on the Budget. Mr. Steiner's second presentation
RESOLUTION 97-4 reflected a few changes. Liability insurance coverage was
explained more fully. This line item will no longer include
Workman's Compensation which is already covered in another
area of the budget. Mr. Belcher moved to approve Resolution
97-4 with the correction; this was seconded by Mr. Wanner
and carried unanimously.
CITY/DDA Counsel shared that this question surfaced about a year ago,
RELATIONSHIP in the area of 'Conflict of Interest' as it relates to the
DDA Board. The City Code seeks to clarify issues for all
Boards and Commissions, however the DDA is a separate entity
under its own statutory authority.
Steve Roy, City Attorney, has indicated an interest in
clearing up some of the 'gray' areas. Counsel therefore
asked the Board to authorize her to address this matter on
behalf of the DDA, and return to the Board with some
clarification of the issues. The Board seemed in agreement
with this request.
200 WALNUT ST In presenting this project, Mr. Steiner recapped for the
Board that consideration had been given to a previous owner
about two years ago in the amount of $15,000. He then
introduced Dave Veldman, with the recommendation that the
Board grant the original $15,000 with up to $10,000 in
additional funding if a request for State Historical funds
was refused. Mr. Steiner also offered to help Mr. Veldman
put together a request for these funds. Mr. Steiner
emphasized the importance of this building which represents
a gateway to Old Town.
Mr. Veldman addressed the Board stating that no sidewalk
improvements were planned, that construction should be
completed by Spring and that he was requesting $25,000
because of the increased scope of the restoration.
After some discussion on the part of several Board Members,
Mr. Pitner moved to support the project in the amount of
$25,000, subject to an acceptable agreement being executed,
and Mr. Veldman pursuing State Historical funding. This was
seconded by Mr. Meadors and carried unanimously.
OUTSIDE PATIO In introducing this subject, Mr. Steiner referred to Mr.
152 OLD TOWN SQ Stoner's memo, together with a site elevation map of the
proposed patio at 152 Old Town Square, contained in the
Board packets. The purpose is to provide an outdoor seating
or. Time
for a an additionaltenbetweenn on the ntheodbuilding an
est is
access. The owners seek to enter into a license agreement
with the DDA, but no terms have as yet been discussed.
Mr. Allard suggested we defer to Mr. Steiner to develop an
overall plan for this kind of issue, and return with an
appropriate policy. Me. Liley then requested that this be
an agenda item for our upcoming retreat.
Mr. Slezak then moved to grant approval of this patio
subject to a mutually acceptable license agreement, with
appropriate compensation being paid to the DDA, the amount
to be determined. He added a contingency that Old Town
Square Property owners repair the patio at Lucky Joe's which
has not been maintained as agreed. Mr. Pitner seconded the
motion. At this juncture, Ms. Brayton added a friendly
amendment to delete the contingency and deal with the issue
during the licensing agreement negotiations.
Mr. Belcher then moved to table the motion, this was
seconded by Me. Brayton and the motion passed with three
Mr. prick Trimble/Binklerebuildings d that ewas Design Review f
upforfinalapproval. He
also added that the proposed patio at 152 Old Town Square
had not yet come before the Landmarks Preservation
OTBER BUSINESS OctoberOn o T3, 1997 DDA, and DRA will relocate their offices
A reminder of the retreat which is scheduled for October 28,
at the Edwards House, between the hours of 10 a.m. and
5:00 p.m.
Mr. Steiner recognized Mr. Arnolfo who is scheduled to
appear before the Board at the November meeting.
CONTINUATION OF it was decided to continue the meeting to October 28, 1997
OCTOBER 2, MTG where it reconvened at the Edwards House, with the following
persons present:
Kermit Allard, Chair presiding
Mary Brayton, Vice Chair
Jason Meadors, Secretary
Greg Belcher, Treasurer
Steve Slezak
Larry Stroud
Margaret Brown
John Pitner
Chip Steiner, Consultant
Anne Garrison
Lucia Liley, Legal Counsel
CALL TO ORDER Mr. Allard called the meeting back to order at 10:00 a.m.
on October 28, 1997.
ITS PATIO thisteiner referred issue, and calledhe Board attenti nottoitemsv#1 through #5 of n on
ISSUE sof a
proposed policy contained in the packet. With the Board's
inpuseut, a legal of portions pofithecy wplaza, underill be certain d which allows for the
certain conditions.
In relinquishing portions of public property for private
use, a fee will be required for encroachment. Issues with
businesses already in place will be reviewed, although those
with wham arrangements were struck many years earlier will
not be required to pay a fee. The following Bugg
were offered:
• Language should be added to Item #5 regarding the
maintenance standards for old Town Square and the patios.
• Case by case decisions should be made.
• Fenced areas are possibly outside the jurisdiction of Old
Town Square, therefore licensee requirements regarding
upkeep of fencing, planters and the provision of ash trays
should be in place.
• Suggestion was made to strike Item #3.
• Design should be a consideration.
• All future projects will be subject to an agreement,
insurance requirements, etc.,
movedMr. Meadors to direct
which reflects theprovisionsstated uinatthememo, and the
the suggestions arising from this morning's discussion.
This was seconded by Mr. Slezak and carried unanimously.
152 OTS PATIO Referencing Mr. Stoner's recent memo and request for
approval of a patio at the captioned business, Mr. Slezak
suggested that the Board consider the issue here and now,
and respond to Mr. stoner accordingly.
Mr. Slezak then moved to approve Mr. Stoner's request,
conceptually, being
agreementand thepolicyubef
being drafted. Thiswaselicensing
by Mr. Pitner and carried unanimously.
Bach of the five
items on his
the lfollowing dsuggestioing Project
Commitments, was
were made by the
Item 01 - separate this paragraph at the second line,
beginning "This commitment is contingent upon...." and
make it Item #2, as suggested by Counsel.
• Item #5 - add a $ sign.
Mr. Meadors moved to approve this policy with the change
recommended by Counsel, and the addition of the $ sign.
This was seconded by Mr. Belcher.
In light of some additional input, it was decided to amend
the motion to expand on Item #4 as follows: "Changes require
a review , ppeDDA aranceoord, andsCoope may
ownership, appearance Pe Y
Messrs. Meadows and Belcher were in accord with the
amendment as stated, and the motion carried unanimously.
PROJECT UPDATES Mr. Steiner referred to the captioned memo in which a
capsule of information was provided for each of the projects
outstanding at this time.
A brief question and answer period ensued with the majority
of interest centered on how DDA 's portion of the payment for
the parking structure would be made, and the annexation of
Wal-Mart. The City continues to have some outstanding
issues with Wal-Mart regarding parking orientation and
DDA HISTORY In slide show format, Mr. Steiner narrated the genesis of
the DDA in 1981, the size and formation of the district, the
bond capacity, followed by an explanation of how tax
increment is obtained. An overview of many projects in
which DDA has played an active role provided a great insight
into the work of the Authority and its imprint on the
central business district.
FUTURE OF DDA Past discussions have always concluded that when DDA sunsets
it should be replaced by a Business Improvement District.
While a BID can levy taxes, it is limited by the amount of
new taxes it can levy, which amount is not remotely close to
what is generated now, and thus a BID could not continue a
capital investment program downtown, or in any way fill the
role currently performed by the DDA. After some discussion
it was felt that continuance as an Urban Renewal Authority
would be the avenue to pursue.
Suggestions were made for presenting the idea to City
Council. Ms. Liley suggested a joint work session with
Council to examine the issues, possibly with a slide show to
educate them regarding DDA's track record in the downtown.
This is also a way to facilitate the city Plan going
forward, and to market what DDA does and what it is capable
of doing in and of itself, and in partnership with other
Some projects already under discussion and in which DDA has
a strong interest are the Performing Arts Complex, Poudre
River and the Regional Transportation Center.
Project goals were then discussed, they are as follows:
• Northern Hotel • Parking Garage
• Wal-Mart Annexation • Poudre River Corridor
• Performing Arts Center • Cultural Center
In the case of the Northern Hotel, DDA hopes to continue
historic preservation efforts, and to pursue annexation of
Wal-Mart only if the City approves this project.
NOVEIBER The general consensus was to cancel the regularly scheduled
BOARD MEETING November Board Meeting because of its proximity to the
ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at
3:00 p.m.
Jason Meadors, Secretary
201 SOUTH COLLEGE AVENUE, FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 Telefax (970) 484-2069
TO: DDA Board of Directors
FROM: Chip Steiner C
DATE: December 2, 1997 er
RE: Plaza Canopy Update
Attached is a revised, approved by the Landmark Preservation Commission, rendering of the
canopy to be installed over the stage in Old Town Square. Total cost is $25,699.20 (need to
verify with Jay Hardy).
The DDA originally agreed to participate in this project last August. The approved motion
stipulated that 1) the DDA's financial participation be matched by Old Town Square; 2) that a
DDA cost in excess of $10,000 be brought back to the Board; 3) and that DDA participation not
exceed 40 percent of the total cost.
At 40 percent of total cost, the DDA's share of this project is $10,279.68. The 1998 budget
included an appropriation for $10,000. The $279 difference is available in contingency.
However, Old Town Square has limited its involvement to $5,000 which is well short of a one-
to-one match with the DDA. Board direction would be helpful on this issue.