HomeMy WebLinkAboutDowntown Development Authority - Minutes - 10/05/2000&OWNTOWN �
Mary Brayton, Chair 484-1401 (W)
Chuck Wanner, Council Liaison 484-0810 (H)
Anne Garrison, Staff Liaison 484-2020 (W)
Regular Directors' Meeting
Telephone (970) 484-2020
Telefax (970) 484-2069
The Board of Directors of the Downtown Development Authority met in
regular session at 7:30 a.m. on October S, 2000 in the conference Room at
Home State Bank, 303 East Mountain Avenue.
PRESENT There were present:
Mary Brayton, Chair
Larry Stroud, Vice Chair
Jason Meadors, Secretary/Treasurer
Carey Hewitt
John Pitner
Margaret Brown
Chuck Wanner
ABSENT Steve Slezak
Greg Belcher
STAFF Jay Hardy, Executive Director
Anne Garrison
Lucia Uley, Counsel
GUESTS John Fischbach, Bill Sears, David Short, Linda Dowlen, Ed Stoner,
Angela Milewski, Gino Campona, Diane Jones, Vaught Frye & Drahota
Construction representatives
CALL TO ORDER Ms. Brayton called the meeting to order at 7.30 a.m. and roll call was taken.
APPROVAL OF Mr. Hewitt moved to adopt the minutes of September 7, 2000 as written.
MINUTES The motion was seconded by Mr. Wanner and carried unanimously.
PERFORMING ARTS Over the past two years much time has been spent analyzing where in
CENTER (RES 00-11) downtown to locate the Performing Arts Center. The task before the Board
today is to provide feedback which will be presented first to City Council,
then to the public to determine design as well as what is needed on that
site, and finally to the voters for their approval.
Mike Powers explained that the Civic Center Plan was intended to renovate
downtown, and the Performing Arts Center was part of that plan. Parking is
a critical factor as they search for a site to hold a 99,100 square foot
building, for which 1080 parking spaces would be required. One of the
greatest challenges for this project is the proximity to the railroad, and the
accompanying accousticol problems.
Although funding is not being requested today, the Board is asked if it will
support Block 31 as the future site of the Performing Arts Center. Projected
costs were discussed briefly, and Mr. Powers indicated that the City may
take part in some land trades with the County.
Colorado State University has decided to move its program and
productions to the old Fort Collins High School complex which will offer a
300 seat theatre, and will be a five year renovation. Later, Johnson Hall on
campus will be razed to make way for a 500 seat theatre to be used for
both musical and spoken word productions.
Resolution 00-11 included in the Board packets references only the Board's
support of Block 31 as a site for the new Performing Arts Center. This
resolution does not speak to CSU's plans, discussed earlier, or those of the
Mr. Powers concluded his remarks with a short visual presentation outlining
some ideas to upgrade Oak Street Plaza. In particular, the water feature
could be revitalized, the bus stop area needs to be renovated and
some additional landscaping added.
Mr. Meadors moved to adopt Resolution 00-11 which was seconded by Mr.
Stroud and carried unanimously.
125 S. COUPGE AVE W. Pitner immediately stated a conflict of interest and withdrew from
any discussion or decision relating to this agenda item.
Mr. Hardy reviewed the Board's 1992 involvement in the renovation of
the College Avenue facade in which $35,000 was committed. The project,
which includes items relating to the entire facade, will become a second
floor retail area and is scheduled for completion in November 2000.
At Mr. Pitner's request, Mr. Hardy reviewed the project in its entirety and
prepared the cost analysis sheet. Projected tax increment from this project
is estimated at $82,500. The request before the Board is $77,416, with a total
private investment of $665,478. The only funding mechanism available at
this time is Tax Increment.
After some discussion it was decided to reduce participation by $600 and
with that, Mr. Stroud made a motion to provide funding for this project
through Tax Increment in the amount of $76,816. This was seconded by Mr.
At this time, Ms. Brayton felt it was prudent for the Board to discuss
taxes and general conditions, an item which appears on the Drahoto
Standard Estimate Report. After a question and answer period, Counsel
clarified the issue by stating that development fees have been funded in
the past; they may be broken out into separate costs or rolled into the
overall cost. Obviously, they could not be funded if they were not directly
related to those items which fall under the purview of the DDA. This
becomes a question of policy, since there are costs associated with a
renovation which could not take place without fees.
Mr. Meadors then offered a friendly amendment that the original facade in
which DDA participated, be brought into the same time line of thirty years,
as those easements being approved today. Mr. Stroud concurred, and
the motion carried unanimously in a roll call vote. Mr. Pitner then returned
to the Boardroom.
SUITE 152 • PATIO Mr. Hardy recapped for the Board that a letter had been directed to the
LICENSE AGREEMENT property owner requesting certain maintenance issues be addressed. The
Board now needs to consider the portion of the patio built in 1997 but not
approved by the DDA at that time. Mr. Hardy continued that all
maintenance issues had been rectified with the exception of a dented
railing, and this represented a timing issue.
Mr. Stroud noted a spirit of cooperation on the part of the property owner
and a willingness to rectify the problems stated, and moved to approve the
Patio License Agreement, with the understanding that items #2 and #5 be
completed at the earliest time. This was seconded by Mr. Pitner and
adopted unanimously in a roll call vote.
INFORMATION KIOSK Linda Dowlen introduced the concept of an information kiosk to be
placed in Old Town Square to promote alternative transportation, and
reach employees, visitors and residents alike. In addition, information on
bike use and trails, carpooling, and senior programs would also be
available. Old Town is a gathering place in which this kind of information
would reach many people. The government is funding the grant to build
the kiosk, and swatches of canvas were distributed for consideration.
In the schematic, consideration was given to wheelchair or visually
challenged visitors. There are also vending options at the kiosk for
such items as maps of bus routes, etc., The cost per unit is about $35,000,
and the next site to be considered is the Old Depot, currently being
renovated, and the site of the new City Offices. Foothills Fashion Mall will
be asked to incorporate software from this unit into their existing kiosk. The
suggestion was also made to incorporate Downtown Business Association
events and Convention and Visitor Bureau updates.
The Board expressed serious concern with the unit's appearance and felt,
as such, it was not a 'fit' for Old Town Square. The Board supported the
idea of disseminating important information, and made several
suggestions about design and location. Some of these included the unit
being reduced in size and attached to existing kiosks, or placed on or
against a wall, like an ATM machine.
In conclusion, Ms. Brayton requested that Ms. Dowlen meet with the
appropriate individuals regarding the design of this unit, and return to the
Board at a later time.
HOUDAY LIGHTS The trees along College Avenue have doubled in size since it was first
determined how many strings of light were needed to adequately
decorate them. David Short, Executive Director for the Downtown Business
Association has put a plan in motion to effectively showcase downtown
during the holiday season. This comprises installation of additional electrical
outlets to increase capacity; use of 24 strands of lights per tree instead of 5 -
10; wrapping trees from upper trunk through branches; purchasing
commercial grade lights, and arranging for installation, maintenance and
removal to be done by a private organization. In addition, light poles will
be decorated with seasonal banners, and all these upgrades will be
effected in the first year.
Additional upgrades will take place over a three year period, and the City
has graciously agreed to support the plan in the amount of $ 15,000 per year
for three years. DBA has committed $45,000 over the next three years and
requests DDA participation in the amount of $20,000 for the first year, and
following annual reviews, its consideration of the two successive years.
Mr. Pitner noted that the committee has worked hard to address a
Problem that has adversely impacted downtown's image during an
important season. He then moved to support this request in the amount set
forth, $20,000 in the year 2000. Consideration of future years will require
returning to the Board. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hewitt and
carried unanimously. Lights will be put in place before Thanksgiving,
and will remain through the first week of January 2001.
One change is noted on the Budget as presented in September. Staff
was advised by City Budget Department of a change in their report
concerning the annual payment of the Linden Hotel facade, which should
read $32,733 instead of $31,232. All other data remains the some.
To approve the 2001 Budget - a motion was made by Mr. Meadors,
seconded by Mr. Hewitt and carried unanimously.
To service the existing debt - a motion was made by Mr. Hewitt, seconded
by Mr. Stroud and carried unanimously.
To set the Mill Levy for 2001- a motion was made by Mr. Stroud, seconded by
Mr. Meadors and carried unanimously.
Transfer of Funds from Tax increment Reserves to Operating and
Maintenance Budget - a motion was made by Mr. Pitner, seconded by Mr.
Stroud and carried unanimously.
In opposition to Amendment 21- It was explained that this amendment has
direct and immediate impact on the DDA, should it pass. Mr. Hewitt moved
to adopt this resolution which was seconded by Mr. Stroud and carried
In opposition to Amendment 24 - which seeks to amend the Colorado
Constitution by adding an article entitled "Citizen Management of
Growth." Mr. Pitner moved to adopt this resolution with the language in
the final paragraph being expanded, as suggested by Ms. Brown. Mr.
Meadors seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Staff is requested to ensure these resolutions are conveyed to the
appropriate groups. No financial support will be forthcoming from DDA.
OTHER BUSINESS Mulberry/Lemay Crossing Annexation comes before City Council for
RESOLUTION 00.04 consideration on October 17, 2000. The Board's presence is
requested at this important meeting. Mr. Meadors moved to support
Resolution 00-04, this was seconded by Mr. Stroud and carried unanimously.
STAFF EVALUATION The Board is requested to complete the annual evaluation for Mr. Hardy
and fax or mail the completed forms to Ms. Brayton. (Fax #484-1453)
ANNUAL RETREAT The regularly scheduled Board meeting on November 2, has been
cancelled and will now take place on November 16, 2000. The Board will
meet at the Lodge (next door to the Edwards House) for lunch
at 12:00 noon, after which there will be a Board meeting, and the annual
retreat will follow.
COUNTY COURTHOUSE Ms. Brayton responded to a question posed at the last meeting as to
BUILDING whether or not DDA should be represented on the Courthouse remodel
committee. This group is in the process of getting proposals at this
time, and it will be during the next phase that DDA will be able to
NEWSPAPER COLUMN Mr. Meadors has been invited to write a newspaper column for the Fort
Collins Forum. He asked if the Board saw any problem in the event he
accepts this challenge. It is understood that Mr. Meadors will be writing
from his own perspective and that nothing will be expressed from the DDA
Board's point of view.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS It was announced that Mr. Slezak's term of office will soon expire and he will
be leaving the Board. In addition, Ms. Brown will not seek a second term
due to other commitments, and it is with regret we lose these two
committed individuals. The Board is seeking qualified citizens to serve in
their stead, and recommendations are appreciated.
ADJOURN There being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m.
Jason Meadors, Secretary