HomeMy WebLinkAboutDowntown Development Authority - Minutes - 03/01/2001ddoAWNTOWN � DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 19 OLD TOWN SQUARE, SUITE 230 Telephone (970) 484-2020 FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 Telefax (970) 484-2069 Mary Brayton, Chair 484-1401 (W) Chuck Wanner, Council Liaison 484-0810 (H) Anne Garrison, Staff Liaison 484-2020 (W) DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REGULAR DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH I. 2001 REGULAR MEETING THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MET IN REGULAR SESSION AT 7:30 A.M. ON MARCH 1. 2001 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM AT HOME STATE BANK, 303 EAST MOUNTAIN AVENUE. PRESENT THERE WERE PRESENT: MARY BRAYTON, CHAIR LARRY STROUD, VICE CHAIR JASON MEADORS, SECRETARY/rREASURER CAREY HEWITT KIM JORDAN GREG BELCHER RICK GOODALE JOHN PTINER CHUCK WANNER STAFF JAY HARDY, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ANNE GARRISON LUCIA ULEY, COUNSEL GUEST' JOHN FISCHBACH. ALAN KRCHMARIK, JAY ROSE, MURRAY MCBRIDE, OWEN RANDALL, MIKE POWERS, ELLEN MARTIN, DAVID SHORT, ANDY DUFFORD, BILL SEARS, CALL TO ORDER THE MEETING CAME TO ORDER AT 7.30 A.M. AND ROLL CALL WAS TAKEN APPROVAL OF MR. BELCHER MOVED TO ADOPT THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY I S 8, 2001 AS WRITTEN AND MINUTES MR. HEWITT SECONDED THE MOTION WHICH CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DOWNTOWN JAY ROSE OPENED THE PRESENTATION BY DISCUSSING SOME OF THE FLOODING PROBLEMS STORMWATER PRESENT IN DOWNTOWN, THE PLANS TO ADDRESS THEM, AND THE ANTICIPATED IMPACT OF PROJECT CONSTRUCTION IN THE AREA. AFTER CAREFUL CONSIDERATION, IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED THAT TO TUNNEL UNDER COLLEGE AND OAK STREET PLAZA PROVIDES THE BEST POSSIBLE SOLUTION. DDA MINUTES PAGE 2 FORT COLLINS IS DIVIDED INTO TWELVE SEPARATE DRAINAGE BASINS EACH WITH ITS OWN SET OF PROBLEMS AND EACH WITH ITS OWN MASTER PLAN TO ADDRESS THOSE PROBLEMS. IN 1992 Cm' COUNCIL ADOPTED THE OLD TOWN BASIN MASTER PLAN WHICH COVERS DOWNTOWN. THE PLAN IDENTIFIED A SERIES OF PROJECTS WITHIN THE BASIN THAT WOULD ADDRESS FLOODING PROBLEMS. THEN IN 1998, IN THE AFTERMATH OF THE FLOOD, CITY COUNCIL ADOPTED A RAINFALL CRITERIA AND REQUIRED A REEVALUATION OF THE PLANS IN PLACE. TWO PROJECTS WERE IDENTIFIED, ONE BETWEEN MASON AND HOWES STREET AT LAPORTE AVENUE, WHICH INTERCEPTS THE FLOWS ON MAPLE AND CHERRY STREETS. FURTHER STUDY INDICATED THAT A STORM IN THE OLD TOWN BASIN HAS TWO SURGES TO IT. THE FIRST ONE BEING THE WATER THAT FALLS IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA, THE OTHER IS THE WATER THAT COLLECTS AT MULBERRY AND COLLEGE WITH LARGE SPILLS, ABOUT 550 CFS COURSING DOWN COLLEGE AVENUE, AND ABOUT 350 CFS DOWN MASON STREET. TAKING THESE AND OTHER RELATED PROBLEMS INTO CONSIDERATION, IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED THAT OAK STREET WAS THE BEST SOLUTION. IT WOULD NOT ONLY PICK UP THE FLOWS COMING DOWN COLLEGE AVENUE AND MASON STREET BUT OTHER LOCAL FLOWS, AND COULD EASILY CONNECT WITH THE EXISTING MULBERRY STREET SYSTEM. THE DESIGN PROCESS SHOULD BE COMPLETED BY SEPTEMBER 2001 AND ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION TIME IS ABOUT ONE YEAR. THE BORE PR MAY Be OPEN FOR ABOUT 3 -4 MONTHS, AND MR. FISCHBACH SPOKE TO THE EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY THIS MIGHT PRESENT FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN TO VIEW THIS PROJECT WHILE IN THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE. MR. ROBE CONFIRMED THAT CITY PERSONNEL WOULD GO DOOR TO DOOR TO ELICIT BUSINESS PEOPLE'S COMMENTS AND ADDRESS THEIR CONCERNS. THE TUNNEUNG PROCESS WILL REQUIRE THAT TWO BLOCKS BE CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC AT A TIME. 96° PIPE WILL BE LAID UNDER EXISTING UTILITIES ABOUT 2O' BELOW SURFACE. LOCUST STREET, CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION, MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE OAK STREET CAN BEGIN BECAUSE THE SAME EQUIPMENT AND CREWS WILL BE UTILIZED. CONSTRUCTION COSTS ARE ESTIMATED AT $7.8 MILLION WHICH INCLUDES A 25% CONTINGENCY FACTOR. CONSIDERATION IS BEING GIVEN TO HOW WE CAN MITIGATE THE LOSS OF A PORTION OF THE REMINGTON/OAK STREET PARKING LOT. FOUR CORNERS THIS PRESENTATION WAS GIVEN BY MIKE POWERS, ELLEN MARTIN AND ARTIST ANDY ART PROJECTS DUFFORD. IT WAS INFORMATIONAL ONLY AND REQUIRED NO ACTION ON THE PART OF THE DDA BOARD. MR. POWERS EXPLAINED THAT IF THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PROJECT FALLS IN THE DDA DISTRICT BUT NO FUNDING IS INVOLVED, THEN THE PRESENTATION WOULD BE FOR THE BOARD'S INFORMATION ONLY. HOWEVER, IF FUNDING IS INVOLVED THEN BOARD REPRESENTATION IN THE DECISION IS IN ORDER. MR. STROUD POSED THE QUESTION OF WHETHER ART IN PUBLIC PLACES IS SUBJECT TO THE SAME RESTRICTIONS AS AN INDIVIDUAL WHO SEEKS TO PLACE ATTRACTIVE SIGNAOE OUTSIDE HIS PLACE OF BUSINESS. MR. POWERS WAS NOT SURE IF THE SAME REGULATIONS WOULD APPLY IN BOTH CASES. MR. STROUD ENCOURAGED THE CITY TO HAVE LIKE POLICIES. ATTRACTIVE BRONZE PAVERS WERE DISPLAYED, EACH CARRYING A THEME APPROPRIATE TO THE CORNER ON WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PLACED. CONTINUING THE SAME THEME ON THE LIGHT POLES, WRAP MOUND SCULPTURES DEPICTING SIMILAR MOTIFS WILL BE SET IN PLACE. ELLEN MARTIN SHARED THAT M EXHIBITION WOULD BE SET UP AT THE UNCOLN CENTER SO THAT THE PAVERS COULD BE DISPLAYED TOGETHER WITH THE BACKGROUND THEME OF EACH DESIGN. MR. HARDY SUGGESTED THAT THE PUBLICITY BE BROADENED TO INCLUDE SUCH ISSUES AS THE 'CITY AT A GLANCE' TO EXPLAIN THE ARTWORK AND INFORM MORE PEOPLE. MR. HEWITT WOULD LIKE TO SEE THESE PAVERS CARRIED OUT ON ALL THE CORNERS OF DOWNTOWN, DEPICTING SOMETHING OF HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE IN EACH CASE. MULBERRY/LEMAY MS. LILEY DECLARED THAT SHE WOULD NOT PARTICIPATE IN THIS PORTION OF THE ANNEXATION BOARD DISCUSSION DUE TO A POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST. MARCH 20. 2OO I INSTEAD OF MARCH 6, IS THE DATE NOW SET FOR THE CITY COUNCIL HEARING. INFORMATION PRESENTED AT THE WORK/STUDY SESSION ON FEBRUARY 27. WAS DDA MINUTES PAGE 3 RECEIVED FAVORABLY FOR THE MOSTPART. HOWEVER, IN DDA RESOLUTION 2001 -02, $378,000 HAD BEEN EARMARKED FOR THE ROUNDABOUT WHICH IS NO LONGER VIABLE. MR. HARDY SOUGHT CLARIFICATION FROM THE BOARD THAT THE PROPOSED FUNDING WAS INTENDED FOR THE INTERSECTION AND WAS NOT LIMITED TO THE ROUNDABOUT. THE BOARD CONCURRED. THUS IT WAS DECIDED TO AMEND THE RESOLUTION TO READ 'INTERSECTION' INSTEAD OF ROUNDABOUT MR. BELCHER EXPRESSED THAT THIS INTERSECTION REPRESENTED AN ENTRANCE WAY TO FORT COLLINS WITH OR WITHOUT A ROUNDABOUT AND AS SUCH DESERVED ATTENTION. HE FURTHER SUGGESTED THAT REMAINING MONIES BE BROUGHT CLOSER TO DOWNTOWN TO FUND SUCH PROJECTS AS THE RIVER, SINCE THERE SEEMS TO BE SUCH A STRONG INTEREST ON THE PART OF CITY COUNCIL IN THIS AREA. MR. STROUD BELIEVES THE FUNDING SHOULD STAY WITH THE INTERSECTION, BECAUSE WHETHER ROUND OR SQUARE, WE NEED TO KEEP THE TRAFFIC FLOWING SMOOTHLY THROUGH THAT PARE OF TOWN. MS. JORDAN REFLECTED THAT PERHAPS THE MONEY SHOULD STAY WHERE IT IS GENERATED, BUT SHE TOO WOULD LIKE TO SEE A TIE TO THE RIVER ON THAT CORNER IN A WAY THAT BEAUTIFIES BOTH THE RIVER AND THE GATEWAY. MS. BRAYTON ADDED THAT DDA SHOULD ENSURE THE AESTHETIC PIECES RECEIVE ATTENTION AND NOT JUST THE CONCRETE, BECAUSE IF WE DO NOT MONITOR THAT ASPECT, IT MAY NOT HAPPEN. MR. MEADORS CONCLUDED BY SAYING THAT HE FEELS IT IS APPROPRIATE TO SPEND A RELATIVELY SMALL AMOUNT TO ENHANCE THIS ENTRANCE TO DOWNTOWN. HE THEN MOVED TO AMEND THE WORDING IN SUB PARAGRAPH #2 OF RESOLUTION 2001-02 TO READ 'INTERSECTION' INSTEAD OF ROUNDABOUT, TOGETHER WITH A CHANGE OF DATE TO DECEMBER 19, 2000 IN PARAGRAPH #2 OF THE MAIN BODY OF THE RESOLUTION. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MR. BELCHER, AND CARRIED WITH MR. GOOGALE OPPOSED. MR. FISCHBACH FEELS IT WILL BE OF BENEFIT TO THE CITY TO KNOW THE 'INTENT' OF THE DDA IN THIS MATTER. INCLUDED IN THE PACKETS IS A COMPREHENSIVE PROJECT UPDATE WHICH ITIS HOPED THE BOARD WILL FIND HELPFUL. OTHER BUSINESS ■ BILL SEARS FIELDED SOME QUESTIONS ON THE STATUS OF THE COLORADO INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM. "IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN," HE SAIDI THERE WAS A DELAY WHEN IT WAS DECIDED TO PURCHASE THE BUILDING RATHER THAN LEASE IT. THE CONTRACT HAS NOW BEEN SIGNED BUT NOT YET CLOSED. HE ADDED THAT THIS IS THE KIND OF ENHANCEMENT TO OUR COMMUNITY THAT WILL MAKE DOWNTOWN FORT COLLINS A DESTINATION POINT. ADJOURN THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9: 10 A.M. JASON MEADORS, SECRETARY ddoAWNTOWN � DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 19 OLD TOWN SQUARE, SUITE 230 FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 April 5, 2001 To: DDA Board of Directors From: Jay Hardy RE: Poudre Rive&est & Rendezvous Sponsorship Telephone (970) 484-2020 Telefox (970) 484-2069 Attached is a synopsis of the 15d Annual Poudre RiverFest & Rendezvous, to be held on June 2-3, 2001 at the Northside Aztlan Center. During the Board meeting, Chuck Wanner (Friends of the Poudre) and Richard Fox (Trees, Water & People) will be in attendance to offer some highlights, and make a request to the DDA for a sponsorship. A total of $4,000 is being requested from the DDA and DBA. The DBA has committed $500 toward the $4,000 request. In meeting with the event planners it was reiterated that the mission of the DDA is to be involved in the `bricks and mortar' of a given project and the organizers have decided to use up to $2,000 of the sponsorship money to build 2-3 sandstone benches, located along the Poudre River. The construction of the benches will be managed by the City of Fort Collins, and photographs of the proposed benches will be available at the Board meeting. This event has changed identities over the years, but has never lost its overriding goal of improving the river. Additionally, the event will feature many different elements, which will likely draw people downtown, as well as raise public awareness and further expose the many needs along the river. If the Board chooses to support this effort, the $3,500 requested is available in the capital project fund. 15th Annual POUDR RiverFest RENDMOUS U The 15th Annual Poudre RiverFest & Rendezvous June 2-3, 2001 Fort Collins, Colorado For the last fifteen years, the people of Fort Collins have celebrated the Cache La Poudre River with river festivals, environmental fairs and events that enhanced and cleaned up the river corridor. In the year 2001, the river celebrations have been consolidated into the Fifteenth Annual Poudre RiverFest & Rendezvous and the event has been expanded to include an old western Rendezvous Camp. The Poudre RiverFest & Rendezvous will take place on Saturday. June 2 from 10 AM to 5 PM and Sunday, June 3, from 10 AM to 4 PM. The Poudre RiverFest and Rendezvous will be located along the Poudre River at Heritage Park behind the Aztlan Community Center in northern Fort Collins. Heritage Park sits at the end of downtown Fort Collins just upstream from the original Fort. In one section of Heritage Park there will be a celebration of the present river that will include a wide variety of river activities and family entertainment. This modern day celebration will take place only on Saturday, June 2. RiverFest Activities The Fort Collins Showmobile & Music Fly casting Workshops River Rafting — in -town and upriver Kayak Racing Great Food and Drink (no alcohol) Environmental Educational Booths Old Western Rendezvous Camp River Equipment Swap As a special addition to the 15'` Annual RiverFest & Rendezvous, there will be a Procession of River Species parade in downtown Fort Collins. It will start at the Museum of Contemporary Art and Oak St Plaza at 1:15 P.M. and will arrive at Heritage Park at 2:00. It will feature local people in masks and costumes, representing animals who need river and stream corridors to survive ---- including our native otter, kingfisher, osprey, trout, raccoon, fox, coyote, deer, fish, bugs, and others. • • The procession is being organized by renowned local artist Lynn Hull, who will lead costume and mask making workshops on evenings and weekends during May. No experience is needed and we encourage you to call her at 482-1216 and get involved. RiverFest will also include a separate Rendezvous Camp that will feature "living history" demonstrations to help us appreciate, imagine and experience a bit of early western life in the 1800's. Each camp will demonstrate a skill or craft from the period and camp people will be dressed in clothing appropriate to the 1800's. The Rendezvous camp will be open on both Saturday and Sunday. The original Rendezvous camps occurred from approximately 1815-1845 when fur traders and mountain men populated the region and lived off of a flourishing trade in beaver pelts. The original Fort was built near the juncture of the historic Overland and Cherokee Trails along the Cache La Poudre River. As more people moved into the area the town of Fort Collins grew up around the original Fort. The town expanded around the Cache La Poudre River, which supplied it with drinking water for the growing community. Over the years since its discovery, the Cache La Poudre River has flowed continuously through Fort Collins and has become ever more important as people have learned to additionally appreciate its value for fishing, rafting and a wide range of other recreational uses. The river also provides people with an important place for renewal and communion with nature, as well as being a critically important wildlife and biological corridor. The 15'e Annual RiverFest & Rendezvous is being organized by two local non-profit organizations - Friends of the Poudre and Trees, Water & People and the City of Fort Collins (Department of Natural Resources and the Parks Department). The Colorado State Forest Service and the Colorado Division of Wildlife are providing additional organizational support. It is anticipated that the Poudre RiverFest & Rendezvous will become a major annual event attracting thousands from nearby communities. For additional information, please contact: Trees, Water and People, (970) 484-3678, 633 South College, Ft. Collins, CO 80524 Friends of the Poudre, (970) 484-0810, 1242 West Mountain Ave., Ft. Collins, CO 80521 AWNTOWN � DEVELOPMENT ddoAUTHORITY 19 OLD TOWN SQUARE, SUITE 230 FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 April 5, 2001 To: DDA Board of Directors From: Jay Hard} r RE: Scooter's Patio agreement (formerly known as Huckleberry's) Telephone (970) 484-2020 Telefax (970) 484-2069 The property formerly known as Huckleberry's in Old Town Square has recently been sold, and the new owner, CooperSmith's, requests transfer of the current patio license agreement. Staff recommends the issuance of a new license agreement for this business. In an earlier discussion regarding the patio license agreements, it was determined that a license is unique to an owner and does not transfer if the business or property is sold. Therefore, a formal request to continue use of the space is necessary as part of the Board policy regarding these licenses. Due to a conflict in schedule, Scott Smith, (new owner) is unable to attend the meeting. Attached is a copy of a letter formalizing his request, and explaining his intentions to leave the business operation as it currently exists. A map of the existing patio and a menu from the new business are included. 0 03/30/00 Mr. Jay Hardy DDA Dear Jay: oQ�Rs�f� Cl rA #5 Old Town Square Fort Collins, CO 80524 303/498-0483 Please accept this request to transfer the patio agreement from Huckleberry's to CooperSmiths. CooperSmith Brewing Company purchased Huckleberry's on January 1, 2000. We will operate the business almost exactly as it has been operated in the past. We have changed the name to Scooter's. Enclosed is a menu. I will be happy to provide any other information you may require. Sincerely: Z(� Scott Smith President CooperSmith Brewing Company No Text