HomeMy WebLinkAboutLibrary Board - Minutes - 07/12/2006LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — JULY 12, 2006 Council Liaison: Ben Manvel Staff Liaison: Brenda Cams (Phone 221-6670) Chairperson: 266-961 A regular meeting of the Library Board was held on July 12, 2006 in the Ben Delatour Room of the Main Library at 201 Peterson Street. The following Library Board members were present: Bob Burns, Don Oehlerts, Ralph Olson, Melissa Pattison, Mary Robertson, and Molly Thompson. Library Board Member Absent: City Staff Members Present: Friends of the Library Liaison: Visitor: Nina Bodenhamer Brenda Cams, Marjorie Teklits, Jimena Pena, Marian Sawyer, and Becky Sheller Marty Tharp Jean Blalock, League of Women Voters The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Acting Chairperson Don Oehlerts. Ralph Olson moved to approve the minutes of the June 14, 2006 meeting; Melissa Pattison seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved. Correspondenee: Copies of recent articles concerning Library issues and programs were shared, including an article about the tree planting ceremony in Library Park on July 10 to honor Lary Webber. Reports/Presentations: a. Director's Report - Brenda Cams Brenda mentioned the need for volunteers at the August Annie Walk & Pet Fest; Molly Thompson and Marty Tharp expressed interest in being contest judges as well as Nina Bodenhamer; Molly's husband and Bob Burns may be able to help direct walking traffic, and Marge will advise which locations are most needed. Wireless Internet access will be available at both libraries at the end of July. Public Library Customers as well as Front Range Community College have been asking for this service for a long time, and the library is pleased to offer it. Melissa asked if there are policies in place about noise and content; Brenda said the customer must agree to adhere to library policies when they log in. The wiring is paid with technology funding and Comcast provides the service free to libraries. The City, however, had to pay about $20,000 to trench wiring into the FRCC campus. Brenda said staff have been meeting with other City departments to discuss human resource issues, such as retirement, payroll, etc., and purchasing, facilities services — components for an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and proposed District. b. Friends of the Library — Marty Tharp Board members were reminded of the mid -summer used book sale July 14-16 at Harmony Library. C. Public Relations — Molly Thompson Molly asked for suggested topics for the next Board newsletter. Some suggestions: summary of the Summer Reading Program, Annie Walk, decrease in circulation due to reduction of hours at Main and Harmony Libraries and the inconvenience caused by parking lot expansion at Harmony Library, and spotlight on volunteers. Molly asked to be emailed with any other topics. d. Staff Presentations: Marian Sawyer, Collection Development Librarian, Children's Services In addition to her Collection Development responsibilities, Marian also does programming, storytimes, public desk work and helps run the Children's department. Skills for her position include knowledge of the collection, its strengths and weaknesses, and knowledge of supply and demand. Marian explained that the "cycle" of collection development is CREW, or continuous review, evaluation and weeding. She: Defines the need (using best seller lists, customer suggestions, internet sites); Identifies materials available (reviewing journals, professional books, media; Narrows the choices; Builds an order list (number of copies, determines location); Double checks orders (to make sure she is not buying something that is not needed); Places the order; Catalogs and processes; Receives and examines; Promotes the material (through marketing, staff picks, recommendations, display); Continuously evaluates and weeds the collection. Molly asked what is done with discarded booked; Marian said most go to the Friends of the Library for their used book sales. Becky Sheller, Collection Development Librarian, Adult Services Becky selects fiction, non-fiction and reference material for both libraries. While she does the bulk of collection development, other staff members select Spanish language books, customer health, audio books, movies, and music CDs, so it is somewhat of a team effort. Becky's job has changed a lot in the past 7 or 8 years, mostly due to the Internet. Customers are more informed and demanding, and the Internet helps to find out when new books are coming out. Becky continuously reads journals and reviews and does a lot of selection of what she thinks will be popular and in demand. Her goal is to have a book available to reserve by the time reviews are out. Between 60,000 to 70,000 books are published for adults every year, and another 100,000 are reprinted. The Library just purchases a small percent of those. Of all new books published, only 8 to 10% are reviewed. If a book is in big demand, she buys it based on the reputation of the publisher. Sometimes even bad books are purchased simply because they get excellent reviews and continue to be popular; many people are curious about them, and they are in demand. This is a customer information service as it is important that customers have access to even bad books. Bob asked Becky if title selection is coordinated with CSU or the School District. She replied that what they do is so different and they also have a different audience. Marian added that the library does receive information on what the schools are using, the curriculum and popular research topics, but the library does not work directly with them as far as we purchase it and they don't. In closing, Becky said she loves her job and that there are so many books and too little time. Jimena Pena, Bilingual Outreach Library Assistant Jimena's outreach efforts include programs and services to various agencies and organizations in the community as well as individuals and library staff. Among joint programs through agency/organization networking: Asian Film Night (CSU), Night of Music and Dance (CSU) Cultural Carnival, Informate!, Sembrando La Semilla, Hispanic Heritage Month, and Native American Music Festival with the Fort Collins Museum. Jimena is involved with various organizations, such as Reforma, First Call Networking Lunch Series, Multicultural Community Retreat, and is planning to attend a Conference of Librarians of Color. She provides resume writing assistance in conjunction with the Larimer County Workforce Center, provides library tours, and is a community resource referral specialist. Jimena often attends Poudre School District family nights, all staff meetings and outreach worker meetings. Jimena said it is important that in her position, her whole life has to be involved; she has to be bilingual, bicultural and passionate in meeting the needs of the Latino and multicultural community. Melissa asked if the Spanish collection is keeping up with the need; Jimena said the library is running out of shelf space. Bob asked how programs are publicized; Jimena said, if it is a program with CSU, they usually promote it. The library also creates fliers to email and distribute in the library and Mexican shops, places where children and parents visit. She is also looking at the possibility of using radio. Old Business a. Library Awareness Committee — Marty Tharp Marty said the purpose of this group of volunteers has been to distribute the READ posters and cards which have been very popular and a good educational piece. They have been attending events scheduled around town, such as the Father's Day Run, the 4`h of July celebration at the Avery House, First Fridays, Farmers Markets and Lagoon Concerts. They are planning to continue library awareness efforts through the end of July when their activities will be moving into the campaign for a Library District. The Library District campaign to date: There are four honorary chairpersons: Tom Gleason, Tom and Jean Sutherland, and Peggy Reeves. Friends of the Library member Beverly Webber is working with Treasurer Arvard Bloom. Former Fort Collins Rotary Club President, John Roberts, and Kent Sutherland are co-chairs of fundraising. It is estimated that the campaign will cost between $50,000 to 60,000, and they are working with a political consultant who has knowledge of all the issues involved. It is planned to produce yard signs, letters to the editor, Soapboxes, and door-to-door canvassing to get the message out as to why a district is needed and how it will benefit everyone but, for now, the main concentration is on fundraising. From August through October, it is planned to take advantage of public access Channel 22. A web page is being developed and will be updated as the situation changes; it is librariesyes.com. A newsletter will also be distributed by email to reinforce why the library needs help. In addition, the Friends will insert fliers with the books they sell this coming weekend. A petition party was held on June 28w, and the 230 signatures were accepted by the Board of Elections. On July 18`s, Council will decide if the City will participate in the proposed Fort Collins Regional Library District. Ralph Olson asked if the Chamber has weighed in on the issue. Marty said they have met with them but they have not taken a position and it is expected they will remain neutral. b. City's Participation in the Proposed Library District Board members created a memo expressing their support for the Resolution Authorizing the City's Participation in the Proposed Fort Collins Regional Library District. Bob Burns moved to approve the memo as written, Ralph Olson seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marjorie Teklits Administrative Secretary