HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 - Transportation Board - Work PlanTRANSPORTATION BOARD
The goal of the Transportation Board is to promote the implementation of a balanced transportation system that
provides choice, mobility, access, congestion mitigation and safetyfor all people while achieving:
])Efficient and Effective movement ofpeople and goods throughout the community;
1)A reduction in the rate of VMT growth to equal the rate of population growth; and
3)Enhanced mobility through emphasis of modal shifts.
Advise City Council on transportation issues, planning and construction
projects in a timely fashion
II. Transportation Financing - explore financing options to address
transportation needs, including, but not limited to, dedicated funding
III. Education and Outreach - reach out proactively to the community to both
solicit input and educate regarding transportation issues that face the city
IV. Transportation Safety - Promote transportation safety as it affects all
modes of transportation, via consideration of engineering, education and
V. Regional Transportation - Build communication links with other
transportation bodies in the city and region
Appendix A
I. Advise City Council on transportation issues, planning and construction
projects in a timely fashion
A. Provide periodic recommendations to Council throughout the year
B. Regularly interact (every 3-4 months) with council liaison to ensure Council is
receiving needed input from the Board
C. Planning activities and construction projects that could receive Board consideration
1. Transportation elements of sub -area plans
2. The Mason Transportation Corridor project
3. Building on Basics (BOB) projects, including:
• North College Improvements
• Harmony Corridor Improvements
• Timberline improvements
• Intersection Improvements
• Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan programs
4. Railroad Issues
II. TRANSPORTATION FINANCING - explore finance options to address
transportation needs, including but not limited to a dedicated funding
A. Maintenance
1. Promote adequate funding for pavement management needs in addition to the
Y. cent sales tax, making up any additional funds from the General Fund or
other sources. Include inflation -proofing to recover costs due to increases in
construction prices and additions to the street network.
2. The Board will take an active part in discussions of alternative funding
mechanisms such as the Transportation Maintenance Fee (TMF)
B. Operating
1. Promote and support long-term funding for transit
2. Monitor the balance between user fees and operating/maintenance costs for
public parking. This balance is important to the success and vitality of retail
services and the overall downtown economy.
3. Encourage business contributions/partnerships
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Appendix A
November 9, 2006
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C. Capital
1. Work with City Council to address the chasm in capital funding for streets by:
• Monitoring Rural Transportation Authority (RTA) planning and
discussions and recommend appropriate actions to Council (potentially a
significant area of activity during 2007)
• Finding new ways to provide financial leveraging, such as by seeking
supporting/matching funding from the North Front Range Transportation
& Air Quality Planning Council (NFRT & AQPC)
• Assessing Street Oversizing and other fees to ensure that sufficient
impact fees are generated to cover the community wide cost of
development to ensure adequate public facilities
2. Support long-term funding for the enhanced travel corridors, such as the
Mason Transportation Corridor
3. Investigate ways to adequately fund the Transportation Master Plan (TMP)
capital improvement project list, preferably via a dedicated long-term funding
4. Help to prioritize TMP projects when appropriate, considering all travel modes
in order to best meet the mobility needs of the city
D. General
1. Continue to promote and support increases of statewide transportation funds
including equitable "shareback" of statewide funds for regional needs
2. Develop and promote a package of transportation projects for the City's
budget exception process
3. Participate in the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) resource
allocation process
III. COMMUNITY EDUCATION AND OUTREACH - reach out proactively to
community to solicit input and educate
A. Educate citizens and businesses on transportation needs, promoting the importance
of maintaining and enhancing mobility in the face of increasing congestion. Identify
and utilize communication channels for the education of citizens.
• Increase the public awareness of the rapid growth in Vehicle Miles Traveled
(VMT), its effects on congestion and air quality, and alternative methods of
dealing with this problem
• Develop methods to illustrate more clearly the community costs of providing
a transportation system, including such things as "social and hidden costs";
costs associated with congestion; total costs of transportation for the
community and the individual; how costs can be reduced; and how needs
can be met
• Identification of and education about specific behaviors of users of the
system that cause safety problems
B. Opportunities for education and outreach could include:
• Community Booth (e.g. Foothills Mall, New West Fest,
• Attendance at the Rocky Mountain Sustainable Living Fair in Sept. 2007 (in
cooperation with other community groups, city departments, or boards)
• Working with City Public Relations staff
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• Convincing Coloradoan to run a transportation -focused series
• Board member to write the Coloradoan soapboxes
• Write a soapbox for the quarterly transportation issues of the Utility Bill
Newsletter (Written Route)
C. Possible Soapbox topics include:
• Transportation Master Plan
• Transportation Maintenance Fee
• Mason Transportation Corridor
• Arterial standards cap problem
• Pavement Management Funding (e.g. pavement condition "sweet spot')
• Safe cycling history (addition of lanes on Lemay once considered good, no
• Specific projects
• Roundabouts
• Pedestrian Program
• Transit
• Hostility factor between modes
• True cost of travel for all modes
IV. TRANSPORTATION SAFETY - Promote transportation safety as it affects all
modes of transportation, through engineering, education and enforcement
A. Make recommendations for enforcement and its funding in all modes of
B. Be proactive in the planning and promoting of enforceable pedestrian safety
C. Identify specific portions of the infrastructure and transit system where safety issues
D. Identify embedded hazard issues (i.e. equinox visibility, weather)
E. Review perceived issues regarding automated traffic enforcement technologies,
including evaluation of effectiveness in reducing accident rates
F. Consider the issue of long haul through -truck traffic on Fort Collins city streets
V. REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION — Build communication links with other
transportation bodies in city and region
A. Network with other City boards and commissions on transportation planning and
construction projects
1. Informally monitor the transportation related activities of other Boards and
provide regular reports back to the Transportation Board
Transportation Board - 2007 Work Plan
Appendix A
November 9, 2006
2. Specific liaisons assignments are as follows:
• City Council — Board Chair
• Planning and Zoning Board — Clausen
Air Quality Board — TBD
Natural Resources Board — Hallock-Solomon
• Parks & Recreation Board — Price
• Chamber of Commerce — Grigg
• Economic Development Activities (e.g. EVSAG) - Robert
3. Additional informal liaisons are:
• Loveland Transportation Board — Gary Thomas
• Transit Accessibility Advisory Board — Gary Thomas
• Northern Colorado Bicycling Community— Price
• Regional Transit Activities - Edmondson
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The Transportation Board will review its liaison assignments at the January 2007
B. Continue to participate in the activities of the North Front Range Transportation & Air
Quality Planning Council (designate e-mail links)
1. Monitor projects, planning activities, funding and issues — Grigg
The Transportation Board feels strongly about the use and importance of clear,
accurate metrics of transportation system performance. Transportation Board is
supportive of the FCMOVES (Mobility Index) program to be undertaken in 2007
by the Transportation Services Area. The Board desires regular updates (every
1-2 years) of transportation metrics to better understand the dynamics of
transportation modes.
1. Future meetings should include agenda items to discuss progress of the
FCMOVES program
2. Explore opportunities to link results of metrics to public education and
outreach activities in Section III
1. Work with City Staff and advise Council on the development and
implementation of effective Intelligent Transportation Systems
2. Promote the new Traffic Control System as an information network for
monitoring and improving traffic flow
• Evaluate performance measurements of the current system to help
monitor system effectiveness
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Appendix A
November 9, 2006
• Determine new ways of utilizing the completed Traffic Control information
network to improve mobility of people throughout the city
3. Investigate and promote other technology and innovation such as:
• Bus -system GPS (global positioning system)
• Pedestrian count -down devices and audible crossing devices
• Integration of transportation data with the GIS system
• Implementation of compliance data studies
• Methods of automated traffic enforcement
• Implementation of a rating system for bike lanes and paths
• Real time transportation network condition monitoring system
• Better collection of accident data (including bicycle incidents as distinct
type of accident)
• Increased accessibility of transportation data by the general public
• Bicycle and pedestrian detection devices at intersections
• Telecommuting efforts
• Improved security through right-of-way coordination
• Demonstration projects for clean fuel technologies
• Real-time travel tracking
Appendix B
OCTOBER 28, 2006
• Board as "citizens"
• Other boards
• Other agencies, regional governments
• Board advises City Council
• Others?
- Staff
- Meet w/other cities' boards such as Loveland TBoard and MPO ?
- Promote Board's role and existence to citizens
Hear more from citizens,
Press release re: Board minutes,
*T-Board email for citizens?*
- Look for opportunities to engage community such as have T-Board
@Sustainable Living Fair
Set proactive agenda of topics to work on/talk about (in addition to provide staff
- Ride the T-Rex light rail, tour Union Station SW TOD
- Tour DMU factory in Fort Morgan
- CSU Energy Efficiency w/AQAB
- "Virtual" lab field trip
- Sister city board
• Brought many new members onto Board and brought them up to speed
• Field trip to Airport was great
Trolley trip
Action to Council that affects City
First Modern Roundabout in city
• Couldn't sway City Council and City Manager to protect Street Maintenance Funding
• Get Council to solicit Board's advice more often
• Lack of attendance of Council liaison (Kurt) at Board meetings (request quarterly
reports/attendance by Council rep)
• Not much done on educational/outreach to community
• Disappointed by joint Transportation Board/Air Quality Advisory Board meeting
• Didn't get with Natural Resources Advisory Board to discuss Duck Lake/SH-392
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• Lack of focus on Transportation Capital funding issues (still $1.1 billion short; no
closer) (dedicated funding)
• More information on Truck Bypass
• Too many agenda items to maintain focus
• Don't be redundant. Have presenters be aware of Board's background knowledge
• Time keeper has helped
• Move action items to front of the meeting ?
• Limit # of topics on agenda. Meeting to end at set time (9 p.m. e.g.) ?
• Put other items in "Parking Lot" for future discussions ?
• Consider Work Sessions as well as Regular Meetings to discuss items ?
• Use electronic discussion of "Parking Lot" ideas/issues (blog)
• Put deadlines on `Slog" conversations (how to determine board meeting topics)
• Look at BFO direction for clues as to what is important to them
• Reach out to Council members
• Reach out to other community leaders/groups for their list of what is important to them
• Capture a blalanced view of what is on people's minds
• Reach out to other Board liaisons (not just AQAB) such as: Senior Advisory Board, Dial -
A -Ride Advisory Board)
• Have staff cut to the chase, so the board can dialogue
• Use electronic communication pre -meeting
• Give Board URL to project websites for background information
• Action requested in written form
• Not just staff, but board as well
• Executive summary not to exceed '/z page
• Entire document only 1 page
• Communicate agenda items to staff (MJ) and Chair
• Financial Impact optional (move to #3)
• Any action item brought to board for direction to Council; use AIS form
Minority opinion?
- Allow minority opinion (dissent) voice to be heard in Board memo to Council
- Dissenting minority provide input to memo (2-3 sentences)
• Work Plan succinct and to the point
• Short Work Plan with Work Plan appendix
• Tight list of things Board wants to make progress on in year
• Suggestion: 1 page Work Plan
- 6 lines with summary statement of explanation for each
- AIS for full text Work Plan
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Appendix B
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1. Advise City Council on Transportation issues, planning and construction projects in a
timely fashion.
2. Transportation Financing — explore finance options to address transportation needs,
including but not limited to a dedicated funding mechanism.
3. Education and Outreach — reach out proactively to community (e.g. blog, soapboxes,
sustainable fair) to solicit input and educate NWF re: important transportation issues
in community.
4. Transportation Safety — Promote transportation safety as it affects all modes of
transportation, through engineering, education and enforcement.
5. Regional Transportation — Build communication links with other transportation
bodies in city and region.
• T-Board Blog
• Pre -schedule Board liaison Reports
• Randy Hensley's Spreadsheet re: various forms of Transportation Finance
• Enlighten community as to using Board to give input/agendas re: issues
• ID and educate Board as to safety hot spots in system (all modes)
• Report 1 year of roundabout safety record
• Exchange (sister program)
• Meet with other Transportation Boards (Loveland?)
• Add metrics under education
• Issue liaisons?