HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Relations Commission - Minutes - 05/12/19694D 40
Commission Meeting
May 12, 1969
A meeting of the Fort Collins Commission on Human Relations was held
at the City Council Chamber, 300 La Porte Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado,
on Monday, May 12, 1969, at 7:30 p.m.
Present: Mr. John Bustos
Mr. Dean Olsen
Mr. Gerald Templer
Mr. Ralph Braden
Father Ostertag
Mr. Earl Kiely
Mrs. Nancy Landers
Mrs. Walter Atherly
Dr. Parker Preble
Absent: Or. James Ragin
Mrs. Jessie Bodinez
Mr. John David Sullivan
Mr. Tom Wilson
Mr. John Moore
Chief Ralph Smith
Mr. Joe Coria
Mr. Ralph Braden, acting chairman, presided over the meeting. The
minutes were read by the secretary and approved.
Father Ostertag reported that a formal complaint of housing discrimina-
tion had been filed at the University, April 24.
Education committee - No Report
Publicity committee - Mr. Dean Pedersen announced they had obtained
radio and paper announcement for tonight's meeting.
Father Ostertag asked for any report forthcoming from the City Council
pertaining to the rental housing code. There was no report. ✓
Dr, Prrhle pl"Tentcd an article from, LhP Oenver Post: i-Lportir:c l:,%
establishment of a Jefferson County Fair Housing Branch, by the County
Human Relations Council and the Metro -Denver :*air Housing Center Inc,
It was suggested another letter be sent oe City Council in referenrz
to tips institution of a city rental code requested in April, 1968. Appr<<ci•-
atiaa1 Was expressed on behalf of the city Counail's expediency in the stk:.s;w
Of 1'.�tjor• referendum, voted in April, 1969, and full confidence expressr*a.`
that ie:^ sasro expediency is being applied to th:e rental code.
% Brpan introduced Rev. George Purvis oi' the Social Action Ccmrrji,tze
b.awnc3l of Churches, for a report on the BIOME (lousing Opportunit°:W:t.
�:,q; AJ' P—iject.
"lies Jane Teeter was recognized as the originator of the project in
Fort Collins. Dr. Auten reviewed the origin and purpose of the HOME pro..
The City HOME map was displayed and has been on display in the churches_..
bunks and Public Service Company.
Rev. Purvis suwmarized the HOME: project and submitted a report con-
taining A course of action as a follow up program, w)ich would make: the
expressior of the neighborhood conscience, concrete and will actually hQ
people. tKemo follows:)
TO. Human Relations Commission
FROM: Social Action Committee of The rort Collins Council
of Churches
SUbJ`,!T: Rece>nnendations for specific follow-up on the "HOME''
The Social Action committee is willing to continue its work
In t`.is program, but it feels that the necessary work now mast
be d ne by the Human Relations Commission, The "conscience cards"
that have been signed are helpful and good. Yet, the map that
show_ the "unprejudiced neighborhoods" is of no real practical
help for the house hunter,
We recommend:
1. An office for the HOME headquarters, `his tffict shouir
be in a Ppu.lic place (Not the city , fires stIticy
where the5_b.affic pattern of new arr vacs 1i Fort Collins.
will be.. Even a< desk in some existing public office wculri
ho a start. 70 office would include:
A. The WiKtE Map
B. Listing of citizens who 0 i asti fel,y help persvns
fi 0 housing.
C. Listing of real estate agents who will actively
help peyso"; 'rind housing
D. Listing of persons who want to sell to x1 nority
E. Wide variety of fair housing information,
& A telephone with an answering invoice to ?aecord all quest-
ions and complaints cr:ncerning Fair housing
3. Publicity thraugh city government nt.,din io.; HOMF asJts n
mrtion when a person received hK electric rates i ,<orm-.
allon. Also, to push for Cham,�e.- oi' Ct.m. ore r ;:siirr o-.
s 4a K fit pvOwidad. Reew 3eoF7..lu in ; OV L C01 1 , r _ ,i;aZ
k+daw t4s t. the official cl y pant .0 + ;not pi ? C •; ..
HOME office will support his position.
4. A volunteer staff for the office. This should be ob-
tained by the Council of Churches and the Human Relati-
ons Commission. Hopefully the Human Relations Commission
will get city money for a paid coordinator.
The Commission extended gratitude to the Council of Churches for
their work on the project. The chairman asked that the Education Committee
and the Social Action Committee meet jointly and make plans for continuation
of the project.
Miss Agnes Lilley of the League of Uomen Voters' introduced Mrs. Mary
Mitchell who represented the Mountain Desert District of the Unitarian
Universalist Association and the Colorado Women's International League
for Peace and Freedom, and Mrs. Williams the Contact person for the Colo-
rado Action Committee on National Priorities. They jointly gave a report
on the National Conference on Reordering our National Priorities, which
they had recently attended.
Mrs. Mitchell stressed the need that America's problems and concerns
must become individual.
Mrs. Williams explained the purpose of the Colorado Action Committee
as supplying literature and inspirational material, providing more contact
with Washington and promoting more concerted effort being applied legisla-
tively. Mrs. Williams cited statistics revealing how the U.S. dollars
are spent, emphasizing that people do not rationally think how money is
spent. Yet the actions of congress simply reflect the ee ing of the
populace, therefore, we must consciously object and do something about it.
P. 0. Box 3536, Boulder, Coloradi 80502, is the contact address of
Mrs. Williams.
Mr. Buford Plemons, of the Poudre R-1 School gave a short report on
the current Head Start Program. Five months duration, enrollements, use
Of Head Start and Title I funds. He reported a tentative proposal for
next year's program for 140 children.
A short discussion of previous problems brought before the Commission.
1. Legal aid at Buckingham Center. Mr. Olsen was asked to contact
Mr. Beatty, the Legal Aid Chairman and ascertain how effective
the program is functioning.
2. Suggested Mr. Leeper be contacted for information regarding low
income housing in Wellington.
It was moved and seconded the secretary review the previous meetings
and submit a list of suggested projects and of those completed.
The Commission welcomes suggestions of situations needing their at-
tention from the League of Women Voters, or whoever might have them.
The next meeting will be June 9, 1969, 7:30 p.m., in the City Council
Respectfully submitted.
Mrs. David Landers