HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks And Recreation Board - Minutes - 11/29/2006Call Meeting to Order: Jessica called the meeting to order at 5:38
Agenda Review: Marty informed the Board that Green Play was unable to attend the meeting due to
the weather. He said that he would like to add a discussion on budget updates to the Agenda.
Citizen Participation: None
Approval of Minutes: On a motion made by Mary seconded by Michael the Board approved the
October 25, 2006 Minutes 7:0. Mary stated that she felt her question about horse properties on
page 2 of the October Minutes wasn't directly answered. Marty said that he would contact
Timothy Wilder and then get back to her with a response.
Willow Street Design Options/New NACC Parking
Marty explained that the City's Transportation Department is working on the Willow Street
design improvements and that could have some impact on the parking for the NACC.
Transportation Planner, Kathleen Bracke said that they have been working on the Downtown
River Project for a year along with the DDA to look at how they can improve the Downtown
River District. She said they have been doing some general outreach to the community as well as
some specific outreach to the businesses and property owners in the district. Kathleen then went
over the project area on the map she provided. She stated that the map illustrates how much
improvement the area needs. The streetscape improvements for the area will include a number of
transportation improvements. She said they want to make it easy for the community to get to the
NACC because it is going to be a major asset to that area. Kathleen said the area isn't very
inviting and they are trying to come up with ways to change that. She feels the NACC will help
bring people to the area. She said that they are trying to incorporate some of the historical
features into the modern infrastructure improvements. She said that they are in the design process
at this time.
Jessica asked if the pavement on Linden would be like Old Town. Kathleen said that they are
going to try to keep the same look. Jon asked about the green space by Jefferson and was
wondering if there were any plans for that area. Kathleen said that there aren't any plans for that
area as of now but if there was some interest from the community they may consider that. Marty
stated that the railroad owns the land. Kathleen said that Jefferson has been their toughest design
challenge. She said they are considering narrowing it and implementing more on street parking.
Jon asked about the truck route and Kathleen explained that they determine how the
configurations that are considered would handle the traffic. She then went over the different
parking configurations. Kathleen said that Jefferson isn't a very appropriate area for a bike route
so they are planning on making Willow Street bike friendly. Mike said that there was some
discussion about the railroad giving up one of the rails along Riverside and there was some
consideration about putting in a bike trail along there. Kathleen said it is still part of their master
plan vision but there isn't any time frame on it.
She then discussed the concern of handicap parking at the NACC. She said that with any of the
parking configurations on Willow Street they would be willing to designate handicap spaces. Jon
asked how far the parking would be from the building and Kathleen said the building will front
the street. She believes the spaces would be the same distance as the other handicap spaces that
are accessing businesses. Jon explained what their concern was and asked if this was the
solution. Marty explained that this would be part of the solution because there will also be an
area on the east side of the building that would be designated for disabled parking. Kathleen said
that they are early on in their design process and they would be willing to incorporate this. She
said they are considering putting round -a -bouts in the area. Jessica asked if they would be the
same size as the ones at Centers. Kathleen said that each area would be different based on the
traffic needs of that specific area. Jessica was concerned about the truck traffic going through
round -a -bouts. Kathleen said that would be taken into consideration. Jon feels that round -a -bouts
are unfriendly for pedestrians and bikes. Kathleen said that is something that would also be taken
into consideration. Jon asked about putting in an underpasses and Kathleen felt that would be
difficult for the area. Jessica asked what the cost estimate is and Kathleen said that they are still
in the design process and the figures she has are from five years ago so they are probably
outdated. Jessica asked if there would be an increase in taxes and Kathleen said that she isn't sure
at this time. Kathleen said that there may be a wide variety of funding sources for this project.
Jessica feels that if they want some activity in the area they have to create something and
possibly have some entertainment also. Kathleen agreed and said they are determining ways to
attract people to the area.
Parks and Recreation Policy Plan Update
Marty said the consultants from Green Play are planning to attend the January meeting. He
explained that he spoke to City Council during the budget discussion at a recent meeting and
there was concern about funding the maintenance for future parks. He informed Council that it
would be addressed through the Policy Plan. Since Council wasn't expecting a quick response
Marty feels it shouldn't delay things by having Green Play attend the January meeting. Jessica
asked if everyone had a chance to look at the questionnaire that Green Play provided and if there
were any questions. Cathy asked how they were going to get the questionnaire out to the public.
Marty said the preliminary survey that was given to the Board is for focus groups that would
consist of special interest groups who will participate in a round -table discussion in order to get
input from different organizations. The survey that would go out would be mailed to a large
segment of the community to get more general information. He stated that Green Play has a
specialist that puts together community surveys for parks and recreation programs. Marty said
that the Board can give the consultants suggestions. Jon suggested that Green Play explain the
difference between Natural Resources and Parks and Recreation because he believes people feel
they are the same. Marty said that he would suggest that to them.
Jessica asked if there would be any additional facilities in the Southside of town available once
the YAC closes. Marty said that there wouldn't be funding to operated the YAC other than the
gymnasium portion of it. He said that a lot of programs have been moved to other facilities and
we are going to do our best to minimize the impact of that closure. Cathy asked if there was still
some consideration about moving some of the programs to Boltz Jr. High. Marty said that the
last he knew the outreach is continuing to be done. Boltz already has a number of after school
programs but we maybe able to go in and conduct some programs that aren't offered. Marty
stated that Recreation is looking at possibly in the future renting some space in the South part of
town that would be less expensive than the YAC. Cathy said that there is an issue with the school
district possibly having to close some school and consolidating so maybe it would be a
possibility of Recreation utilizing some of that space. Marty said that may be a possibility if
something that was affordable was available. Michael asked if the equipment from the YAC was
going to be moved to other facilities. Marty said that a lot of the equipment is falling a part but
we will use what we can at the NACC. Michael asked about moving the climbing wall and Marty
said that wasn't a possibility because it is built into the YAC and doesn't belong to the City.
Marty said that they considered putting in a climbing wall at the new NACC but staff felt it
wasn't being utilized well and it takes a lot of staff time. Jon said that Miramont has a nice
climbing wall. Marty said that there is consideration about putting in some boulders outside that
people can climb on. Mark asked about the Integrity Center and Marty said that they have
contacted them but the Integrity Center wasn't in the position to use the YAC space at this time.
Adopt 2007 Work Plan
Marty explained that the Work Plan needs to be submitted to the City Clerk's office tomorrow.
Ann asked if the Trail Subcommittee still met and Craig said they meet on an as needed basis.
There was some brief discussion about the YAC closing. On a motion made by Greg seconded
by Cathy the Board approved the 2007 Work Plan as submitted (8:0)
Project Updates
Spring Canyon Community Park
Craig went over some photos of the area. He said that during the public process he worked with
the residents on the location of the trees. They want the area to look like it is part of the Pine
Ridge area. Jon asked where the trail was located and Craig pointed out the location. He said the
buildings will have a rustic look.
Golden Meadows
Craig said that there is a pond in the back of the area that we have water rights to. He said that
they are considering using it for irrigation which would save $7,000 a year.
Provincetown Neighborhood Park
Craig showed a map of the location. He said that this winter they would be in the public process
and the park is scheduled to be open in 2008.
Fossil Creek Tail at #38E
Craig showed the Board the location. He said that they have discussed putting in an underpass
with the Taft Canyon HOA because of the traffic in the area.
Other Business
Good -Bye to Jon
Marty and the Board thanked Jon for his service. Jon stated that he has been impressed with staff
over the years. He suggested that the Board consider appointing someone who has experience
with senior programs.
Budget Update
Marty said that Jessica provided Council with a couple of memos on the Board's behalf. One was
encouraging them to approve the Park Maintenance Fee. Marty stated that Council decided not to
approve the Park Maintenance Fee because the Library District passed. He said that the District
will provide enough money back to the General Fund to balance the budget. The other memo
was asking Council to reconsider using additional Con Trust money for maintenance instead of
trail construction because of the future effects it may have and Council decided to not use any
additional funds at this time. Jon asked if either fee had been approved. Marty said that neither
the Park Maintenance Fee nor Transportation Maintenance Fee was approved. Marty informed
the Board that we are currently recruiting for the Manager of Parks and Cemeteries position due
to Bob Loeven retiring. Jon asked if there were any internal applicants and Marty said that there
were a total of 48 applicants.
Adjournment: The Board unanimously agreed to adjourn at 7:10 p.m.
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Administrative Aide
Board Attendance
Board Members: Mary Carlson, Michael Chalona, Ann Hunt, Cathy Kipp, Mark Leuker,
Jessica MacMillan, Greg Miller, Jon Sinclair
Staff: Kathleen Bracke, Craig Foreman, Jean Helburg, Marty Heffernan, Dawn Worth