HomeMy WebLinkAboutLibrary Board - Minutes - 02/09/19889 i C I T Y O F F 0 R T C 0 L L I N S PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES -- REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 9, 1988 - 7:00 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS: Christine Kneeland, Chairperson Polly Walters, Vice -chairperson Catherine Fine Greg Auble Kate Erslev Virginia Ward Dan Smith PRESENT: LIBRARY BOARD -- Christine Kneeland, Polly Walters, Greg Auble, Dan Smith, Virginia Ward, Kate Erslev; LIBRARY STAFF -- Jane Davis, Robert Holzfaster, Karen McWilliams; CITY STAFF -- Dave Agee. The group met at 6:30 p.m. in the Local History Area of the library. Karen McWilliams, Local History Coordinator, explained her program and gave a tour of the area. Board members are very interested in this program and concerned with the space constraints which will eventually limit the program's effectiveness. The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Christine Kneeland. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as distributed. A letter from Mayor Estrada thanking the group for copies of their goals and objectives was also distributed as was the statistical report for January, 1988. Ms. Kneeland reported that the Choices 95 organizational meeting was held on January 20. Ms. Kneeland is on the Library and Cultural Facilities Subcommittee and Jane Davis, Library Director, is staff person for the group. Jane Davis reported that she and Nancy Knepel from High Plains Regional Library Services System had met on February 3 to work on the library study. Ms. Davis distributed copies of service options as outlined by Ms. Knepel. Greg Auble asked that three other options be considered: - Expansion of central library. - Abandon current building for a new facility. - Detach some functions from current building to another facility. Ms. Davis will pass this information along to Nancy Knepel. She also distributed a proposed outline of the study. The Board asked Ms. Davis to see if Ms. Knepel can attend the March 8 meeting. Ms. Kneeland announced that an adult literacy fundraiser would be held at the Lincoln Center on Sunday, February 28. Under Old Business Chris Kneeland reported that she had not yet written to legislators concerning Colorado State Library funding because the immediate threat of the complete loss of funding for that agency seemed to have passed. The group decided to write to legislators in a different vein - informing them of the services the State Library provides us - their local library. Jane Davis reported that the City Council had voted, February 2, five to two, to permit the Library Board to receive and control the money left by Lois Hopkirk Henry to the Board. Ms. Kneeland introduced David Agee, Controller for the City of Fort Collins. Mr. Agee reported that the Henry legacy could be set up by the City as an agency fund. In this arrangement the City would serve as the agent for the Board. The City would invest the funds separately or the funds could be added to the City's investment pool. There would be no administrative cost to the Board for investing the funds or for an annual audit, nor would there be any tax obligation. He reminded the group that they were the decision makers. He advised them to think about their cash flow needs and an investment strategy ahead of time and then, when the money is paid over, talk to Gwyn Strand, Revenue Officer for the City, and direct him, by Board resolution, how the money should be managed. After extended discussion, Greg Auble moved that the Board ask Chris to talk to Diane Hogarty, Executive Director of the Fort Collins Foundation, to see how the Foundation might be able to handle the money. Meanwhile the members will continue to think about and discuss how the interest might be spent. Kate Erslev seconded the motion. The group voted unanimously to do this. Ms. Kneeland explained the provisions of N.B. 1185 which would provide some very modest funding for adult literacy in Colorado. The Board asked that she write to local legislators supporting passage of the bill. There was no other business and the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Jane B. Davis Secretary Pro-tem