HomeMy WebLinkAboutLibrary Board - Minutes - 02/12/1991•
C I T Y O F F 0 R T C 0 L L I N S
February 12, 1991 - 7:00 P.M.
BOARD MEMBERS: Virginia Ward, Chairperson
Greg Auble
Kate Erslev
Jerome Roselle
Sharon Conley
Chris Bracken
Anne Ostrye-Macdonald
PRESENT:LIBRARY BOARD -- Virginia Ward, Jerry Roselle; Anne
Ostrye-Macdonald, Greg Auble;
STAFF -- Michael Powers, Jane Davis,
Robert Holafaster.
ri,ie ,neeating was called to order at 7:08 by the Chairperson,
Virginia Ward. The minutes of the January meeting were approved
with the correction of a name which had been misspelled.
Jane Davis, Library Director, reported that the new outside
building lighting had been installed. She asked Board members to
evaluate this lighting upgrade as they returned to their cars at
the end of the meeting.
Ms. Davis; reported that library service contracts with Larimer
County had been approved by Council on first reading February 5.
The Fort Collins Public Library is receiving $10,950. for
outreach and $98,556. for providing basic service. This is a
£7,704. increase over 1990.
In 1991 Larimer County libraries are receiving approximately the
same dollar amount as in 1990 although a one time $10,000.
increase in 1990 was rolled into the library funding base for
this year. Fort Collins is receiving a $7,704. increase because
of an increase in the number of out of city borrowers. Library
Board members are concerned that the total county support is not
keeping up with city support or with inflation. They will
discuss the possibility of raising this question with the
Commissioners in some concrete way at their March meeting.
Virginia Ward reported that she had met with Mr. Powers and Ms.
Davis and with Ms;. Davis and library program managers on the
Board's need to develop a community consensus model on the need
for additional library space for the community. Both Mr. Powers
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and library staff are supportive of the Hoard's plans. Ms. Ward
identifies these people as the initial potentially affected
interests in this process. She will speak with Gerry Horak
before the next Hoard meeting.
Greg Auble reported that the Library Fund Advisory Committee had
met twice since the last Library Hoard meeting. They are working
on a brochure to publicize the fund and also an event or
activity. He also reported that Diane Hagerty from the Fort
Collins Foundation had met with the group to answer questions
about the fund. Greg reported that the question of whether the
fund is a true endowment or more flexible as the Library Hoard
intended still remains. The contract, as signed by the Hoard
Chair, is specific as to the flexibility. Ms. Ward will visit
with Ms. Hogerty and report to the Hoard in March.
The Board returned to the motion tabled at the January meeting.
Greg Auble had moved and Chris Bracken had seconded a motion that
the Board adopt a policy of having the name of the individual
objecting to a title removed from the information given to the
Board. This would insure the complainant's privacy. Mr. Auble
called for the question and all votes were favorable.
The Board discussed the Board/Staff retreat held on February 7.
The group felt it was very information. The factual information
staff shared on space and growth gave the Board a better feel for
what goes on behind the scenes in the provision of library
service. Board members acknowledged a sense of urgency from
staff to begin to build a community consensus on library
space/expansion needs.
The group discussed year two of the five year library development
plan and will continue this discussion at the March meeting.
They want to consider contini.xed, increased support of materials
and services at the current library plus some immediate space
relief of an experimental nature while at the same time gathering
information within a community consensus process as part of a
larger plan to =;ee what should happen in years three and four of
the plan in relation to space and service needs. The Board feels
they have data to know there is a =;pace problem but not enough
information to make a recommendation for years three and four of
the library development plan. Ms. Davis will put together a
draft for year two for the March meeting. Jerry Roselle, Anne
0!str-ye•-Mr._Donald, Virginia Ward, plus, one or two staff members,
will meet to do some planning for the consensus building process
and report at the March meeting.
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The Board discussed changing the regular meeting date beginning
July, 1991. Tuesdays are difficult for Mr. Powers and impossible
for the Council liaison. Jerry Roselle moved the regular monthly
meeting of the Board be changed from the second Tuesday to the
second Thursday beginning in July, 1991. Greg Auble seconded the
motion. All votes were favorable. Ms. Davis will inform the
City Clerk.
Jane Davis reported that library outreach personnel is servicing
24 "yellow shelves" placed in northern Lari.mer County. In 1990
over 11,000 paperback books were distributed through this
service. Ms. Davis distributed a list of the locations and the
age groups serviced. The library currently has 1S homebound
The group rescheduled the March meeting from Tuesday, March 12 to
Thursday, March 7 because of spring break.. Jane Davis will send
out a news release and contact Irate Erslev and Chris Bracken.
Greg Auble asked the Board to appoint his successor on the
Library Fund Advisory Board in the next couple of months. He
•feels some overlap would be beneficial to the committee and to
the new member. This will be placed on the March agenda.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane B. Davis
Secretary Pro-tem