HomeMy WebLinkAboutLibrary Board - Minutes - 04/09/1992CITY OF FORT COLDS PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING Ben Delatour Room April 9, 1992 - 7:00 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS: Virginia Ward, Chairperson Jerome Roselle Sharon Conley Anne Ostrye-Macdonald Karen A. Dornseif Fay Rhoadarmer Madeleine Wawro STAFF LIAISON: Jane Davis COUNCIL LIAISON: Cathy Fromme PRESENT: LIBRARY BOARD -- Virginia Ward, Sharon Conley, Jerome Roselle, Karen Dornseif, Fay Rhoadarmer STAFF -- Jane Davis, Robert Holzfaster The meeting was called to order at 7:05 by the Chairperson, Virginia Ward. The minutes were approved as distributed. There was no correspondence. Jean Helburg, Recreation Manager, City of Fort Collins, and Debra Kalstner, Assistant to the Director, Administrative Services, members of the Human Services Policy Development Team presented an overview of a draft developed to articulate the City's current role in providing human and social services within the community. Board provided input and raised questions on the draft. REPORTS Robert Holzfaster, Office Administrator, distributed the library statistical report for March. Library use continues to be up over 1991 in all categories. Jane Davis, Library Director, reported that City Council had approved additional funding for a new library system at their April 7 meeting. Second reading of the ordinance will be April 21. Ms. Davis also reported that National Library Week activities were going well. Twenty-nine libraries and library agencies are involved in the celebration. Staff will present a complete report at the May meeting. There was no report from the Library Fund Advisory Committee. Their meeting has been rescheduled for April 30. . OLD BUSINESS C� Fay Rhoadarmer and Sharon Conley reported on the challenged title Snow Woman. Each had read the book and also read reviews of the book. Both recommended the title be retained on the shelf for public use. Shari Conley moved the title be retained and the complainant be notified by letter. Virginia Ward seconded the motion. All votes were favorable. Jane Davis reported the "Let's Talk About It" packet had finally been received from the American Library Association. The material could be appropriate for fall programming for adults. NEW BUSINESS Jane Davis reported that the publicity the library was receiving in conjunction with National Library Week was only the first step in keeping library services and activities in the public eye. Triangle Review is now including our activities schedule weekly. Summer reading for children will be the next big push. We will also be doing a lot of public relations in preparation for our new computer system. We will also be reprinting the library brochure. We also want to develop a "look" for printed material. We would continue to use the city logo but would like to develop something distinctive for library posters, handouts, etc. Ms. Davis reported that Keith Lance, Colorado State Library, had been very helpful in obtaining information to update the statistical information in the 1989 library study. That information will be available for the May meeting. She also reported that a focus group made up of current library users would be held in April 16. Steve VanderMeer, Quality Improvement Coordinator for the City will facilitate the group. Topics raised in the focus group will be included in a library survey. Shari Conley reported that she had talked to Chris Kneeland from Challenge Fort Collins about whether library expansion could become a part of a ballot issue to be sponsored by that group. Ms. Kneeland asked that the Board send a representative to a Challenge Fort Collins forum on April 27 with an overview of library needs. Jerry Roselle will represent the group on the 27th. Ms. Kneeland also recommended that the Board talk to Council, one on one, to get their input on library expansion. Anne Ostrye-Macdonald sent a written report since she was unable to attend the meeting. She had been asked to explore the logistics of a petition drive for a ballot issue regarding library expansion and the role the Board might play in such a petition drive. Her report was as follows: 1. The next regular municipal election is April 1993. In order for a proposition to be on the ballot, a statement of purpose and the full petition must be approved by the city clerk. Then 1068 (10% who voted in the previous election) signatures are needed to get that petition on the ballot. 2. I talked to MarryPeffernan, Assistant City Attorney, abolothe role the board could play in such a petition drive. As is probably obvious, it would go against our role as an advisory body to the City Council, serving at the request of the Council. It simply represents a conflict of interest in our role. We could, of course, initiate or support such a petition drive as individuals interested in the future of library service in Fort Collins, not as a Library Board member. For the board's information, I attended a very small meeting about the new high school (285,000 sq. ft.) and the architect mentioned that the media center in the new high school is designed for expansion if the city ever decides on the location of a branch library. Something for the board to think about. Virginia Ward will ask Anne Ostrye-Macdonald to attend the Friends of the Library Board meeting in May to inform them that the Board is looking into the issue of library expansion and will keep them informed through the process. Jane Davis will ask Judy Hoxsey, Library Director - Estes Valley Library District, to attend the May meeting to discuss the process and the pros and cons of formation of a library district. Jerry Roselle and Karen Dornseif were appointed to an ad hoc committee to read and report on Soda Jerk by Cynthia Rylant. This title has been challenged by a library patron. Virginia Ward distributed copies of a letter she sent to City Council resigning from the Board June 30, 1992. This will coincide with new Board appointments. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jane B. Davis Secretary Pro-tem JBD/bjs