HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Relations Commission - Minutes - 12/12/19740
r if D C I r Y o f r I.
DAFE: .Jnnoury 21, 1975.
lo: the Human Relations Commission
FRUM: John D. t1cGraw, Administrator for the Dept. of Human Resources
SU9JLCT: Minutes of the December 12, 1974 Mceting,
I. The worti.nt was culled to order at 7:50 p.m. by Ch&rmnn Parker Problo.
!I. Present. were:
Parker Prchlc
Dave moure
Jim Baird
Ann Aaori
Liz Derr
Jim Vchols
Vat—Lerct. Batson
Ed Ostcrta�"
Bon Dlr pbuys
Absent were:
Dave Osborn (unoxcused)
Dick Yntes (excused)
Joe Cicnfuvros (unofficially
C h"ck Solano (unofficially
John Clifford (excused)
Sam Van Why (eyQugrd)
John LL.>;ra•.�, Admin. for the Dept. or Human Ro.9ource9
jos:i to Bachmann, Human Rights Officer
111. Jim Baird moved approval of the minutes as distributed. Ed O-sLertai,
c01:011(hd the motion and the motion carried 8-0.
1V. Cnmmittec ReoorLs:
A. EXECUTIVE: Parker Preble, Chaimail,, rep, —'ad the completion
and submittal of khe l _a l or rv"n, sled ,from him by
the City Mannyor. (The ].otter Wm the City Manager
and the Chalrmnn's response. to it. are altschN heroin
as exhibit. "An ;and "Bn rempeclivoly).
Dave Moore moved and V Or.trrlpn nev""led the motion
0 ln; "I lc,jq �.,. he c ' , rt. d f, J...
.1W to the City Gc. _il c,pf itm�w.nn:
(Sec hate 2)
PeY.e 2, hlof 0inutvsmnbcr 12, 1974 Pio,tinf; 0
That the current Seetion IV - (Committee) of the Bylaws be amended
to read as follows:
A. St.andinU Committees of the Commission, except.. the Executive
Committee, shall be appointed by the President after dis-
cussion with the whole Commission. Each Commirtee shall
elect appropriate officers from among its mcmborslip. The
following; shall. constitute the Standing, CornmilLees with re-
sousi_bi1.iti_vs as descri.bcd under each.
Executive: a. The Executive Committee shall consist of
the Chairman of the Human Relations Cornmission.who shall
act as chairman of the Executive Committee, the Vice -
Chairman of the Human Relations Commission; and the Sec-
retary of the Human Relations Commission and one ox-offieio
member who shall be the ❑vvmb,r of the City staff assigned
to provide staff assistnnce.
b. The Executive Committee shall draft annual
reports to the City Council and such other reports as may
may be required of it by the Commission for review and ap-
proval by the Commission. IL shall assist the chairman
in the preparation of agendas for Commission meetings.
The motion carried 9-0, however, the Bylaws r,quire a quorum of
10 members a W at least 10 affitma Llve votes to change them.
2. Education; n. To communicate about legal and social. ,nspocty
of human relations among responsible organizations, institutions
and civic leadership and among and between citizens of all ra-
cial, ethnic and religious persuasions.
b. To foster the mutual exchange of ideas, information
and opinions specifically directed to positively influencing; at-
titudes and behavior regarding community relations problems.
C. To develop cooperative educational programs with
the school system and county, state and federal agencies and
institutions interested in tho responsibility of improvement
of intergroup relations.
d. To develop a library of human relations material
for the use of all, citizens to be housed in the Fort Collins
Public Library.
1. Crievauce and Investigation:
a. To receive information concerning human relations
b. To investigate in order to ascertain the facts in
each instance reported and report to the Commission.
c. At the direction of the Commission to explain, to
parties: involved pertinent laws and existing democratic traditions
l'n;•.r 11iiten •,f l� n�mbcr 12, IQ14 Nrr,rinfo,
and to refer violations to proper authorities.
d. To become_ informed aboutconditions within t.ho
u,mnmiity which may he Icadinp. to r li;rrimip,alion in nrder to
hr l p t I.- Commission and 'he common l t y I,. t:x, Ipproprintc pre-
V,ut ntiv.- action.
B. Sneci.al Committees- The Commission shall establish any othe,
-commiLtecsfor the length of time needed Lo accomplish stated
purposes as need shall arise in order to carry out Commission
1. Dave Moore indicated that he had n paper an enforcement
of tltc human Rights Ordinance for distribution to the
members of the Education GOMMitLee.
2. He and Rosita Bachmann have prepared a letter Introducing
a short pamphlet (in preparation) and indicating the avail. -
ability of commission members to speak to groups about the
Human Rights Ordinance. The l.eLtcr is for distribution to
civic organizations, businesses, and industries in Ft. Collins.
3. He announced a Committee meeting to be held December 2", 1974
at. 7:45 a.m. at the Foothills Villag,eTnn.
4. He announced an Equal Employment Opportunity Siminar sponsored
by the Denver District Office of Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission and Gontinuing Legal. Education in Colorado, Inc., to
be held on December 14, 1974.at the University of Denver, College
of Law.
Mr. Sam Van Why, Chairman, submitted a list of caves invvsLignted
by the Grievance Committee during, 1974 and one from 1973 (See
Exhibit "C" attached hereto).
No report.
Margaret Batson indicated that there had been no recent action
to report on.
Dave Moore submitted an article from the Rocky Mountain 'Jews,
"Revenne Sharing Fails to Aid Roar, Study SaysV (See Exhibit
"D" attached hereto).
Pef,c 4, 11inutes of Dlecomb( r 12, P)74 Mee Iinf;
V.. The human Relations Symposium held in Denver on December 13, 1974 was.
annOLInced again.
VI. 'Phe Meet iris, vie; adjourned.