HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Relations Commission - Minutes - 01/09/1975T it E C I T Y O F F 1' . C 0 L 1, 1: N S
DATE: January 21, 1975
TO: The Human Relations Commission
FROM: John D. McGraw, Administrator for Lhe Dept. of Human Resources
SUBJECT: Minutes of the January 9, 1975-Meeting
I. The meeting won called to order by Chairman Preble at. RK0 p.m,
1I. Present were: Absent were:
Porker Preble John Clifford
Dave Moore Dave Osborn
James Biard Jim Nichols
Ann Azari Joe Cienfuegos
Ed Ostertag Chuck Solano
Margaret Batson
Dick Yates
Liz Dyer
;are Van Why
Ben Naphcys
John D. McGr,nw, Administrator for the Dept. K Human Resources
Rosits Bachmann, Human Rights Officer
cues In;
Pete Sanchez
Mnrtin Sanchez
Ms. Sanchez
Ill. Minutes of the last meeting were postponed.
IV. Committee Reports:
A. EXECUTLVE: Parker Preble Chairman
Parker reporLc-d that. the ExecuLlve Commitloe hod met with Pete and Martin
Sanchez, who requested an audience with Lhe cnmmtrrio".
The Executive Committee consented to allow such an audience on the con-
dLtions that it would be strickly an informational session, that no
action was to be Laken by the Commission as a body.
1. Dave Moore hegnn to introduce tho Sa11ehe7.'e9 and the nature of the pro-
blem which wns: related to Pourlre-R-1 ndminislraiinn and teacher relations
with students.
2. t1r. Ben Napheys raised objection to the Commissions hearing of the
presentation on the grounds that .it constituted interference by
the Commission in matters which are notwithin its jurisdiction.
7. Chairman Prcble indicated that the Commission has an obligation to
hear comp'inints before determining -what, if any action should be
4. General discussion on whether to hear the complaint or not followed.
5. Chairman Prebl.e declared that the complaint would he heard by the
6. Pete Sanchez indicated that he and his sun and daughter had come be-
cause the Commission was the only body they knew or that dealt with
human relations problems and they felt that the relationship of tea-
chers and administrators with students at Poudro High School constitutes
a human relations problem.
7. Martin Sanchez indicated that he was notthere to complain abouthis
own prnhlnm with the administration, but rather with the general pro-
blem which created his own.
He indicated that students at Poudre nro not being treated fni.rly, that
their civil_ rights are not respected ond- that when any of them take is-
sue with on abridgement of his or her rights, tho teachers and admin-
Lstrntionbadgers them, and if the studentcontinues to assert his or
her rights, the student is encouraged to drop out.
R. Martins sirler indicated that she was encouraged to drop Outand did.
9. Parker Prebleasked if this treatment was given only to Chicano stu-
dents or all.
10. Martin nunwered that it was given more to "long hairs" than to any
ethnic minority.
11. Dick Yates asked if Martini could site any specific examples.
12. Martin indicated that he was nervous and could nut, but that there
was to he a press conference on Saturday, tnnunry 11, 1975, at which
other Y%dent;, who did not show up for this HRC meeting would be
there. and specific examples would be aired.
13. PAQ Sancbo7 produced an articLe from a national news service, which
he requested be read.
11he article indicated thatrecent studies sgiw tgnL Igo batuibak rate if
school drop outs is increasing and is a ;serious problem, that students
PrP TMI poinr encouraged to stay in .school and that more effort needed
to be made to encourage students to stay in school.
14. Chairman Preble axpreRsvd the appreciation of the Commission to
the Sanchez'es for bringing, the matter In its attention.
1_5. No action was taken.
B. EDUCATIUH: David Moore, Chairman
1. Uavc Monre-circulated copi.os of a letter In he sent by him as
Chairman of Lb, Education Committee to civic t,roups and businesses
along; with a Pamphlet on the human Rights Ordinancn. The letter
introduces the pamphlet and gives notice of the existence of the
Human Rights Ordinance, the Human Rights Officer and the avail-
ability or Education Committee members to spvnk to groups about
the ordinance and its inforcemQnt.
2. Dave also informed the URC that Dick. Yates on, in attendance aL the
State Human Relations Symposium.
Dave r-loore announced a program to be apousnrvd on January 13, 015 by CSU.
Ke_presentnt . Eves from the Fort Conine Police Department, includinlr
Chief Smith, Marvin Ness and other roprementaiops from other police
department, around the state are to be present at the program. All
URC members were invited.
Dave Moore and James tliard reported that they had not yet received the
Committee reports.
G. Ben Nnphcys indicated that he had 9tau m the development of recom-
menrdaLirn-is on the rcorginizntion of the HKC, but that. he was not sure
whether or not to proceed.
After discussion with other members or the IIRC, it was decided that
Ben Napheys would suthmit his rec"mmundatin= to the Commission.
V. _Ion the Colorado Human ReLations S•vmposlum
A. The report was mailed_Lo the members of. the Counission prior to the
meeting. '
B. Discussion of the report cenlerod around its recommenlntions about Chu
expander) role of the Commission and the nPptopliatness of some of the
recommended rates.
C. Sam Van Why moved and Ann Atari. seconded Lhat the Executive Com-
mit -Eve seL a date, Lime and place for ad HRC retreat to further
review the Symposium report and to develop a clearer understanding
of appropriaLe roles and functions for the HRC to assume. The
motion carried 10-0.
V1. Report. by Ed OsLerLag on free buses Lo Hidden Valley was postponed.
V11. Human Rights Ordinuncv enforcement policy in reference to complaints
filed against. the CiLy:
Chairman Frrhle called Por a special meeting to consider the matter
on January 15, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Coffee Lounge, City Ball.
V111. Announcements were made during the Committee reports above.
1X. New business was posponed.
X. The meeting, was adjouriccd.