HomeMy WebLinkAboutGolf Board - Minutes - 03/15/2006City of Fort Collins
Cultural, Library, and Recreational Services
Golf Board
Minutes: Regular Meeting of March 15, 2006
Council Liaison to the Board: Councilman Diggs Brown
Staff Support to the Board: Jerry P. Brown, Manager of Golf at 221-6350, and Dawn
Worth, Administrative Aide at 416-2265
Call Meeting to Order: Board Vice Chairperson Larry Buckendorf called the meeting to
order at 7:00 p.m. at the SouthRidge Clubhouse.
Agenda Review: There were no changes to the agenda as printed.
Items of Note:
♦ David Johnson and David Thilmany notified Jerry that they would be absent from
the meeting. Jay Kammerzell arrived at 7:10 p.m.
♦ Jerry informed the Board that Collindale Golf Professional Jim Greer had a booth
at the Golf Expo in Denver and that Jim handed out certificates that were good for
Collindale only. Jim said that they are keeping track of them as they come in and
he will provide us with the number at the end of the year.
♦ Jerry provided the Board a copy of the letter we got from the PGA recognizing
Jim Greer's PGA Certification in Golf Operations. The Board then congratulated
Jim. Jerry also provided a letter from the PGA on SouthRidge Golf Professional
Dale Smigelsky's recognition for the PGA of America President's Council on
Growth of the Game. Jim Greer said that Stan Finn of the Golf Academy of
Northern Colorado is also getting recognition for that award.
♦ Jerry informed the Board that he received the Periodic Review Questionnaire
from the City Clerk's Office and said that we would be discussing it at the next
meeting. He suggested that the Board Members look it over and think about some
points by then. He stated that City Council would be reviewing the Board this
year and that it's been quite a while since the last time the Golf Board had been
reviewed. He explained that at that time it was suggested the Golf Board be
dissolved and the duties be turned over to the Parks and Recreation Board, which
Council rejected. He informed the Board that the Chairperson and the Vice
Chairperson will need to be present at that meeting with Council on July 25th.
Approval of Minutes: On a motion by Jay Kammerzell, seconded by Shane Houska, the
Board unanimously (7:0) approved the Minutes of the January 18, 2006 Regular Meeting.
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March 15, 2006
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Citizen Participation: No Citizen Participation at this time.
2006 "Fort Collins Fore Kids" Golf Clinic
Jerry reminded the Board that City Park Nine Golf Professional David McCleave was in
charge of running the event and this will be our loth year. He said that David would
appreciate any help the Board Members can offer and to just contact David if interested.
Jerry explained that the registration fee of $2.00 covers the drinks and merchandise that
Dave purchases. David McCleave said he feels the event is a good way to introduce kids
to the game. Jerry commented that Walrus was going to provide ice cream again.
Upcoming SouthRidge Restaurant/Snack Bar RFP Package
Jerry explained that SouthRidge Concessionaire Rob Dahl's contract expires December
31, 2006 and we have to re -bid. Rob has been the owner since 2002. Prior to that he had
worked for the previous owners since 1995, and The Sandtrap has been our
concessionaire since 1993. Jerry then went over a few paragraphs in the current contract.
The contract says the restaurant wasn't necessarily intended to be a full service
restaurant, but when SouthRidge first opened it was one of the only restaurants in this
area so there wasn't much competition and now the area is saturated with other
restaurants so we're not getting as much outside business. Jerry asked the Board if they
felt we should restructure the RFP to try and compete with other restaurants or if we
should keep it the same. Jerry said that anything stated in the contract is subject to
modification. He explained that the restaurant area isn't very large, but the patio was
enlarged which can accommodate more people and the cart building can be used if
there's a large banquet. He said that the Board didn't have to make any decisions tonight
because we're not going to put the RFP out until this coming August. He just wanted to
point out a few things and he suggested that they read the entire document and start
thinking about any questions or suggestions they may have.
Jerry explained that Rob and the City have about 50150 invested in the kitchen
equipment. He said that at Collindale the City purchased all of the equipment and we
virtually own everything there. He informed the Board that Rob has purchased and made
a lot of improvements himself. Jerry went over the menu that was attached to the contract
and asked the Board to think of items they feel should be added or removed from the
menu. He said that we will require the concessionaire to have beverage carts that they
need to furnish themselves. Jerry mentioned that the bunker house use to serve snacks
and you could call from the 9th tee -box, but it didn't work out well. Jerry mentioned a
meeting that he attended last fall and during the discussion on half -way houses it was
almost unanimous that they didn't pay for themselves. It was also mentioned that the
ones that were more successful were the ones that were further away from the club house,
however in some of those cases it was said that it was still better to just have beverage
carts on the course. Jerry said that it could be re -opened though if we feel it would be
beneficial. Dan Preble asked if the bunker house had been broken into in the past? Rob
said that it had been and some merchandise had been stolen, but the City installed a
security system since. Jay Kammerzell asked if we had ever considered putting vending
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March 15, 2006
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machines in there? Rob said that it states in his contract that he can not install vending
machines. Jerry pointed out that it's something we could change and that the reason we
implemented that in the contract was because we didn't want the concessionaire going to
a full vending service.
Jerry went over the hours that the restaurant was to be opened and he stated that it's hard
for Rob to be open for breakfast because it's difficult with the competition and when the
weather is bad he's not getting that much business. Rob stated that when they know the
course is going to be open they get in a half an hour before the first tee time and when
they know that the weather is going to be bad, but the course is considered open, they
will fill up some coolers and put them downstairs. He did mention that 98% of the time
when the course is open they are there. Jerry said that he had heard the restaurant isn't
open enough so we need to achieve a balance. Jerry told the Board that he has viewed
some more modem contracts from other cities and they require that the concessionaire
pay a portion of the utilities. Another thing other cities were doing is requiring the
concessionaire to pay a portion of the repair, replacement and maintenance of equipment.
Jerry then went over the questionnaire that is attached to the contract. He asked the Board
to look over the questions and see if there's anything they would like to improve or add.
He explained that they add up the number of points that each individual has and the
person with the highest points will likely receive the bid. However, once they add up the
points they check their financial stability and references and if there are issues they may
not receive the bid. Larry Buckendorf asked Jim O'Neill, Director of Purchasing if there
are items from the Collindale RFP that they'd be using to put together this new contract.
Jim said that they will likely be using some of the same information. Jerry suggested that
the Board tour the facility at the end of the meeting so they'd have a better idea of what
the Concessionaire has to work with. Jerry said that we did install a new gas line on the
patio that Rob's uses for bar -be -cue. He said that he would also like to install shade out
there, but it's fairly expensive, but we are going to have blinds installed in the restaurant
area. He said that we are going to ask the vendors what changes they would like to see.
Grant Sherwood asked what Rob's gross sales are and he said that they are between
$260,000 and $300,000. Rob said that he is preparing a report for Jerry that shows a
breakdown. Grant then asked what the percentage of sales was from tournaments and
leagues and Rob said that he didn't know off the top of his head, but would provide that
information to Jerry. Deron Grothe asked about the term of the award and what the
options of that term are? Jerry explained that by Colorado law we can't award a contract
for more than one year at a time, however we will award a contract for annual renewable
options for five years and either party can tenninate the contract annually with a sixty day
notice. Larry asked if this was Rob's first RFP process and Rob said that it was. Rob
wanted to make the Board aware that it is a little challenging as a business owner having
a contract like this because there are improvements he wants to make on his own but he's
a little skeptical about doing so because after five years he could be out of it. Jim O'Neill
suggested that the Board do as Jerry requested and look over the contract and give their
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March 15, 2006
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Election of Golf Board Officers for 2006/2007
Jerry noted that David Johnson is currently the Board Chairperson, Larry Buckendorf is
the Vice -Chairperson, and Lauren DeRosa is the Board Secretary. Jerry explained that he
had a conversation with David Johnson and he said he would accept the nomination. On a
motion made by Larry Buckendorf, and seconded by Grant Sherwood, the Board
unanimously (7:0) re-elected David Johnson as Chairperson for another term. Grant
Sherwood then nominated Lary Buckendorf as Vice -Chairperson. Larry suggested we
get someone new and he then made a motion to nominate Deron Grothe as Vice -
Chairperson. The Board voted (5:2) to elect Deron Grothe as Vice -Chairperson. Larry
Buckendorf then nominated Grant Sherrwood as Board Secretary and Dan Preble
nominated Lauren DeRosa. Lauren deferred and the Board voted (4:3) to elect Grant
Sherwood as Board Secretary. Jerry reminded the officers that the City Council meeting
will take place on July 25th and to please plan on attending the meeting.
Other Business
There was no other business at this time.
Board Members and Staff Comments/Reports
♦ Grant Sherwood mentioned a publication called Twenty Five North and asked if
we were asked to participate in their golf section of that publication? Jerry said
that we were, however it was very expensive.
♦ Larry Buckendorf asked Jim Greer how things were going and Jim said that this
winter was pretty good and has gone by pretty fast since they've been working a
lot more than usual.
Correspondence/Financial and Statistical Reports
♦ Jerry went over the correspondences he had given the Board. He stated that new
course openings nationally were down for the first time since WWII.
♦ Jerry mentioned an article about the Lincoln Park Golf Course in Grand Junction
and that it was suggested that it be sold and the public came to the course's
defense. He informed them that an individual once suggested that the City sell
City Park Nine and to turn it into a shopping center and take the money we get
and build new course. Jerry feels that the public here would do the same if we
were considering selling City Park Nine. He does feel though that there is
possibility of eventually converting it to an executive style course.
♦ Jerry discussed a memo from the Human Relations Commission and let the Board
know that they can make any nomination if they would like. He also mentioned a
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letter from an individual that misunderstood our flyer that we put out to the
Chamber of Commerce that asked individuals to come and get their tournament
organizers guidebook. She was under the impression that it meant she could
advertise in it, but that's not what we were offering. Jerry recognized that he
could see how that was a little misleading and we need to be a little more careful
in the future.
♦ Jerry informed the Board that the 2006 revenues through February were positive
for the first time since December, 2002.
On a motion by Deron Grothe, seconded by Jay Kammerzell, the Board unanimously
voted (7:0) to adjourn at 7:58 p.m.
Board Members
Larry Buckendorf
Lauren DeRosa
Deron Grothe
Shane Houska
Jay Kammerzell
Dan Preble
Grant Sherwood
respectfully submitted,
Dawn Worth
Administrative Aide
Jerry P. Brown
Dawn Worth
Jim Greer
David McCleave
Rob Dahl
James O'Neill
Nick Romanik