HomeMy WebLinkAboutCitizen Review Board - Minutes - 04/15/2000Present:
Citizen Review Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, April 15, 2000
City of Fort Collins Human Resources Conference Room
Rick Aulino, Brian Carroll, Monica Garcia, Maria Martinez, Becky
Richardson and Carole Stansfield
Karen Carlson, Wendy Hartzell, and Greg Tempel
Donald Colby
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:37 p.m. The March 15 meeting
minutes were reviewed and corrected. Rick Aulino made a motion to
accept the March minutes as corrected. Carole Stansfield
seconded the motion. No discussion and the motion carried 6-0.
Public Input: The Board discussed time limits for public input. Carole Stansfield
suggested limiting each person to 10 minutes when there are a lot of
citizens present. It was agreed that citizens should be able to speak
first on the agenda. It was also suggested that public input with time
limits be advertised in advance and that the time limits could be
adjusted as needed at each meeting. Becky Richardson emphasized
that, though time consuming, dialogue is beneficial. Carole Stansfield
made a motion that a 10 minute time limit per person public input
period near the beginning of each meeting be included on each
agenda and posted in advance of each meeting. Brian Carroll
seconded the motion. No discussion and the motion carried 6-0.
Availability: A number is available (416-2707) and will be ready for public access
after May 17, 2000. The message will include meeting dates and
general information. The Chair and Vice Chair will have access codes
and will maintain the voice mail box. Messages will be checked every
day and items requiring a response will be handled on a case -by -case
Responses: Rick Aulino presented a draft press release for review. Revisions were
discussed and Rick will make those changes.
Rick Aulino and Donald Colby attended a meeting with the Mayor, City
Manager, Police Chief, Lt. Carlson, and Council member Chuck
Wanner to discuss media responses. Council member Wanner is very
supportive and is considering writing a soap box for The Coloradoan.
The group discussed separateness of media coverage and the fact that
Board should focus on its work. Donald Colby suggested at this
meeting that witnesses be invited to subcommittee meetings and that
the police officer named in the complaint should come to the
subcommittee meeting as well. The Board discussed his suggestions
and agreed that these requests don't necessarily represent the opinion
of the Board.
Council member Wanner also mentioned that since the Bylaws are
completed, he didn't feel his presence was necessary at every meeting.
The Board will invite Council member Wanner to attend when
The interview printed in The Forum was discussed. Brian Carroll stated
that the first response to media should always be to speak with the
Board spokesperson and emphasis should be made on prefacing
statements as personal opinion only.
Web Site: Rick Aulino stated that changes and revisions have been made and he
is waiting for the IT Department to load the pages.
Training: Brian Carroll suggested that the third meeting of each quarter be a
training session from 6:30 p.m. — 7:30 p.m. These dates (March, June,
September and December) will be included and advertised in the L
posted agenda. Attendance would not be mandated. 10&,j QQJ-g= n a
Absences: The Boards and Commissions Manual states how many absences are
6-1 acceptable. Brian Carroll made a motion that the Chair or Vice
Chair should not miss three consecutive meetings or four
meetings throughout the calendar year. If this occurs, the Board
0' will ask that person to voluntarily relinquish their officer position.
This policy will become effective beginning at the May 17 meeting.
Becky Richardson seconded motion. There was discussion and
the motion carried 6-0.
Cases: Lt. Carlson reported that Case #2000-14 is ready for Board review.
Subcommittee names were drawn as follows:
1. Donald Colby, Subcommittee Chair
2. Brian Carroll
3. Rick Aulino
4. Becky Richardson
5. Monica Garcia
6. Maria Martinez
7. Carole Stansfield
Business: Becky Richardson discussed correspondence from Mr. Eliot Gould to
the Board. The Board discussed a response. Becky will prepare a
response and provide a copy to the other Board members.
Per Wanda Krajicek, the CRB mailing address is:
City Clerk's Office
Attention: Citizen Review Board
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Rick Aulino suggested getting together for a CRB social event and it
was mentioned that if business is not discussed, the event would not
need to be advertised. Members are reminded to bring their calendars
to the May meeting to schedule a picnic in June. Carole Stansfield
reported she will be absent in May, and is only available on June 10, 11
or 17.
Lt. Carlson stated that Citizen Liaison Training is scheduled on May 2
for HRC police subcommittee internal affairs process.
Greg Tempel passed out the Bylaws as approved and stated the
original has been filed with the City Clerk. He also distributed a draft
revision to Section 4.2 of the Bylaws for Board consideration at its next
Carole Stansfield suggested the Board have nametags. Becky
Richardson volunteered to print nametags for the Board.
Adjournment: Rick Aulino made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Monica Garcia
seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion
carried 6-0. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Meeting: Wednesday, May 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the HR Conference Room.
Agenda items will include review of Bylaw revision and ???
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