HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks And Recreation Board - Minutes - 04/25/1978A
MINUTES - Apn,1.e 25, 1978
ConAeated m.inutel wehe head and approved.
CoAheCti onz :
1. 04 - Shoad Read "time stots" .instead o6 ".time seat6"
2. New Business undeA B
#1 5hould head ' $516,000.00 ,instead o6 $516.00
a. Tenni,6 nezetvation system was passed by City Councie, so can be
Changed made by Couneit weAe:
1. IS peuon with AeseAvation .h date Son. his time stot, .t
cannot be added to .the next time scot.
2. CaneeZtati.on6 must be made .in peAzon on by telephone
24 houhs pnion. to teeAved time.
b. The list of eu6todian6 was pAesented and tetteAz wilt be sent.
A. a. Net VanDtiet phesented .idea6 Son heptant-ng the aAeas wheAe Aose
bubhes were Aemoved and pAesented the pnoposat she took to
City Counc i.2.
b. The matteA was tabled untie the May meeting so the City AAbonf.6t
and Supe&intendent oA PaAks eoutd be phesent.
c. At .the May meeting H. R. write estimate .the cost and afteAnaiive6
S oA .th en e aAeas .
B. 1-a. Dave Aeponted on _"Pubtic FoAum" type meeting to be spon�soAed -
by AdviwLy BoaAd.
b. June 1st a .the date set Sot the Fohum. It witt be heed .in the
big room upstai u at .the PaAks and ReeAeati on bust ling.
e. H. R. w.i:2e send a memo to Counci.t on type oA meeting.
2-a. Capdtat Impaovements.: A copy, o6 the Actuat 39.77 and J978
budget wilt be sent with minutes. 6oh next meeting,
b. Open Space pAeeentation w U be at May meeting,
c. StaAA Aepont:
1. An eng:i:neeh had been hdhed Soh PaAkz, and Reeheation
2. Repott was given on Ross ptapeAty and au+ea abound Wamen Lake,
3. City hoe .inhen,ited M-ieh Bann
4. LaAAy Snooks w:iU be sapeAv.ieot at Nonths ide Reeheation Centeh
and Gtenda w.iU woAfz undeA him.
3-a. Dwain teponted on 6;etd thip his department at CSU wiU take
OetobeA 5th thAoug - 8th, viAiting pNdzs and h,istoti:cat Aita .in
Wyoming, NebAa6.ka and South Dakota,
b. MembeAe and 4pou6.e6 o6 SooAd membehs, and sta66 aAe invited to go.
Deadtine .i,&. SeptembeA ] 2th.. to sign up. CaAt -id $65. 00 jot
tAam6pontation, meats and todg,ing,
4. 240 baU teams have been signed up jon the hummed.
5. Dwain'b cWs Witt phesent mateA at on 6utuw¢ pa k sites at 2:00 P.M.
May 10.th in Room 108 - Natuwat Ra ouwce Bu,i,tding at C.S.U.
Meeting adjoi tned.
Re%peet6u,Uy submitted.
Ihene TotiveA, SeewetOAy
Bob Cuckett
Dwain MiUeh
ChaAtes Bahham
N. R. Ph.i Uiph
Dave Phitipb
Donna Beww
Ih ne Toti,ven.
Net Van DnieE
NEXT MEETING: May 23, 1978 - 7:30 P.M.
Ptea6e eaU Po-kks and Recheati,on obs.ice, .ib you cannot attend.