HomeMy WebLinkAboutLibrary Board - Minutes - 09/08/1994CITY OF FORT COLI" PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING Light and Power Conference Room 700 Wood Street September 8, 1994 - 6:00 P.M. PRESENT: LIBRARY BOARD -- Anne Ostrye-Macdonald, Chairperson, Al Stone, Madeleine Wawro, Al Bednarz, Lee Anderson, Karen Dornseif ABSENT -- None LIBRARY STAFF -- Linda Saferite, Barbara Surber, Larry Webber, Ellen Willis, Robert Holzfaster, Carol Clemons, Ellen Willis, Kim Crowley, Mike Powers LIBRARY LIAISON -- Ann Azari The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by the Chair, Anne Ostrye-Macdonald. The minutes of the August 18, 1994 meetings were approved. Due to a commitment away from Fort Collins, Ann Azari was unable to attend this meeting. CORRESPONDENCE There was no correspondence to be read at this meeting. REPORTS - On The Job With - Kim Crowley Linda Saferite introduced Kim Crowley, Library Systems Administrator, to present her "On The Job With" report. Kim gave a brief description of her background and experience in both school and work describing how it assisted her in accumulating the knowledge in systems technology that she now applies to her position with the library. Her responsibilities have been to expand the Dynix system base and to make it more user friendly, work with Poudre R-1 School district and the Library on the LINC project, solving software problems and troubleshooting staff difficulties. Kim noted her largest project to date has been reducing the collection codes. Kim works long hours with many daily responsibilities. Kim responded to questions on computer and memory size as well as the type of backup system used. - General Report - Linda Saferite Linda reported that she is working on the volunteer effort and noted the photo display in the library lobby of volunteers now working in various departments. There will be some advertising done to encourage more volunteers. There is a strong need for volunteer help to repair and rebind books to reduce the number of books sent to the bindery. People with some experience would be most helpful. There will be a change in the Interlibrary Loan book return and band. A $2.00 fine will be placed on any book not returned at the check-out desk to help avoid lost and misplaced books. Ellen Willis reported on her meeting at the Harris School to exchange information on services to the bilingual community. This program is progressing well. The Adult Literacy program received a $1,780 LIFE grant which will assist residents at the Harmony Mobile Home Park. Linda distributed a map of locations for dropboxes for the LINC project and noted that the book drops are increased by five. The question of security at the dropboxes was addressed and Linda responded that no books have been lost to date with this being a good experience. LINC money is paying for some staffing at the following schools with each scANI having a different focus: Tavelli Elementary School is fWsing on family learning. Poudre High School is focusing on reaching out to the multi -cultural community. Preston Junior High School is new and does not have a focus yet. Cache LaPoudre Junior High School is focusing on being a community library. There are a few unresolved hurdles with the project that involve books going out to the public as well as the school population. These are being worked out with understanding and positive feedback. The School Board Meeting was not as positive with members not wanting the schools open to the general public. A form like the library "How'd we do" is being developed to accommodate the citizens responses. The LINC books will be listed so the community is aware of where these books are coming from. This will be helpful to both the LINC schools and the public library. The City Council gave approval to move ahead with the Mini Library IGA and Ground Lease. This action will allow the start of purchasing. There is a great deal involved and staff will be working to keep within the operating budget. Carol Clemons gave a report on plans to begin turning delinquent fines over to a collection agency. The Company is in Greeley and is the same one used by other departments of the city. Carol explained they will do phone calls with encouragement to come in. If this is not done, it will be turned into the collection agency to begin their procedure. Carol read a press release that will inform the public of this process. There will be three weeks advance notice to allow people to resolve or discuss their fines. It was emphasized that the goal of this process is to encourage people to return books to the library. There are many long overdue books with some going back to 1988. These are not expected to be returned but it is expected those for one year or less with fines of over $50.00 be turned over to collection. Anne expressed concern that this is not a positive approach and would send a negative message to the public. She suggested personal phone calls. Carol assured Anne that there will be two soft letters sent first with one phone call. Loveland Library uses this system and they found it was very helpful. Discussion followed and most feel that the majority of customers will not be offended. Linda and Carol agreed to do more work on this to re -word the press release. It was suggested that an amnesty day may be helpful. Ellen noted that the receipt printers will also help remind the customers of due dates. Carol reported that the self -checkout machines were hooked up today and print out a receipt. The receipt machines will also help customers to remember due dates. - How'd we do's There were no questions or comments this time. - Mini Library Update Larry reported on the meeting today for the modular building and this will be going out to bid. Work is being done on the site preparation and the interior design contractors. The shelving order has not been placed yet. Some prices have been received on shelving, furnishings, modular items and other large items. - Refurbishing Update Ellen reported that it has been one month since the City Council approved the money to be spent on the project and she has sent a memo out on the changes that will occur. A diagram of the library and the changes was displayed and noted the ADA accommodations. Due to changing contractors, there have been changes made to the original plan. 2 OLD BUSINESS - Old Fort Collins High Sch* Library Use Is Linda reported that the City Manager's impression of the proposal was good and she will be working with the Recreation and Facilities departments. Anne inquired on the process after the Mayor and City Council Members approve this proposal. Linda responded that on September 23rd, the School Board Liaison Committee will meet and hopefully will then go before the School Board from City Council. Experts, contractors, etc. will then be hired. Mike noted that the key will be to get concrete numbers to work with. Discussion on cost comparison of renovating the Old Fort Collins High School and building a new library followed. There is a pressing need to secure a site for this library soon to avoid the rising cost of land. Anne suggested that letters and calls to the School Board may help and she reported that the Library Fund Advisory Committee are very excited about this possibility. The Library Fund Advisory Committee will try to contact some high school alumni to assist with a push to recommend this project. - Long Range Plan Anne requested input on the Long Range Plan that was distributed at the last meeting. There was discussion and review of the revisions that Al Stone has made. Lee Anderson noted he had some small changes but asked that these be simply suggestions to review later. This plan will be presented to City Council as a vision of library services that will be needed to expand into the 21st century. Linda suggested recognizing City Council for past funding in the previous five year plan to fund new computers, services and materials. Mike Powers was asked if submitting this plan is a normal process and he responded that it is unique but partly because the library is behind and below normal in its needs to come up to standard. The Library Board Members want to link this to existing services within the community and it was suggested to poll the public for suggestions. Lee suggested that this not be done by the Library Board but should be reactive and given to the staff with the Library Boards suggestions. It was agreed to have smaller and more specific items. It was decided to continue to work on sites, etc. and come back next month with a new application. - Celebration of NEW Library Opening Linda asked the Board Members if this is a project they want to be involved in. This will involve a Library Board Public Relations person. Al Stone volunteered to accept this responsibility. NEW BUSINESS - Election of Chair Anne Ostrye-Macdonald volunteered to be chairperson for the Library Board for another term. Al Bendarz moved to accept her as the Library Board Chairperson and LeMoyne Anderson seconded the motion, all approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Surber Library Secretary BJS/ 3