HomeMy WebLinkAboutLibrary Board - Minutes - 07/18/1996• A regular meeting of the Library Board was held on Thursday, July 18, 1996, in the Ben Delatour Room of the Fort Collins Public Library. The following Library Board members were present: AI Stone, Bill Cook, Linda Knowlton, Anne Ostrye-Macdonald, Jack Steele, M. Madeline Wawro. Board Member absent: Jacqueline Wallace Staff Members Present: Linda Saferite, Mike Powers, Dean Willms, Lynda Dickson, Kim Crowley, Connie Rockwell, Marjorie Teklits Friends of the Library Liaison: Leslie Diverdi Guest Speaker: Jack Schanz, Chair, Library Fund Committee The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by the temporary Acting Chairperson Jack Steele. The minutes of the June 13, 1996 meeting stand as written. There was no correspondence to be read at this meeting. Ii7"I A. General Reports 1. General Report - Linda Saferite Now in its sixth week, the Library's Summer Reading Program has registered 5,253 children thus far and is still going strong. Prizes will be awarded to children through the end of August. In addition, the Young Adult Summer Reading Program has 394 teens grades 7 through 12 registered. This has not traditionally been a group we have received high participation from, and staff is very pleased with the increase in registration over previous years. A Library Sleepover for 40 young adults is planned for August 2, and many activities are planned, including ghost stories at midnight. Sleepovers for young adults have been held at other libraries with much success, and we are confident this will turn out to be well received. Linda Saferite thanked Anne Ostrye-Macdonald for her help in writing a grant entitled The Teens and Technology Project, a unique program targeting teens for library use through their interest in technology; it would provide an avenue to teach teens to be discriminating consumers of information, at the same time allowing their creative talents to flourish in the library atmosphere. Thanks also to Landis Boyd for his help in volunteering to design Web pages for press releases. Copies of what he has done to date were distributed. Effective July 15th, Mini Library customers will now have the same level of World Wide Web access that customers at the Main Library enjoy thanks to Front Range Internet who have donated dial -up Internet access. Groundbreaking ceremonies for the Harmony Library are scheduled for Thursday, September 19th, and Library Board members were encouraged to attend. Library Board members were invited to introduce themselves to staff when using the Library. 2. Literacy Program Update - On the job with Connie Rockwell Connie explained that the Literacy program, which has been funded continuously since 1986 with LSCA funds, will be eliminated as of October 1996. She gave an overview of 1995-96 program accomplishments and the time line for June -September 1996 which includes proposal submissions to the Community Foundation, the Family Investment Center, Boss Living Trust and Schramm Foundation, an application for the Group Publishing Service Award, and grants to the Mountain Plains Bookseller Association, Erion Family Foundation and the Delatour Foundation. Board members were asked to let Connie know of any suggestions and/or leads they may have which would help the program continue. 3. "How'd we do's" There were no comments on this month's customer comment forms. B. Board Members 1. Civic Center Advisory Committee Anne Ostrye-Macdonald offered comments on the City Council hearing on the proposed downtown Civic Center plan. 2. Library Fund Committee - Linda Knowlton, Jack Schanz Jack Schanz reported a Fund balance of $241,741 as of March 31, 1996 which includes a first- quarter income of $2,002. He updated the Board on Library services video presentations, and he and James Ogg are writing a commentary to show how important total library resources are to education. At their July 15th meeting, Jack Schanz was elected to continue as Chair and James Ogg will continue as Vice Chair. Joan Chambers, Dean of CSU's library, spoke to the committee about their fund raising activities. The Committee's next scheduled meeting is October 21, however, a special meeting will be held when a new member is selected by the Library Board. A. Community Awareness Task Force Jack Steele and Al Stone attended the July 16th City Council meeting and emphasized the Library Board's support of a New Main Library as part of the Civic Center Master Plan. This Task Force is developing a strategy of support for Harmony Library funding. B. Capital Improvement Task Force Madeleine Wawro, Jack Steele, Bill Cook, and Anne Ostrye-Macdonald will attend a strategy meeting on July 22 for the August I community outreach concerning Capital Improvement Projects for Cultural, Library and Recreational Services. In addition, the Friends of the Library have been contacted and asked for support as well. The proposed Library Technology and Books and Media Capital Improvement Project was combined as recommended by the Board, and copies were distributed. C. Lost Book/Material Processing Fee - Lynda Dickson Lynda Dickson made a recommendation to increase the current $2 processing fee for lost materials to $15 to cover costs incurred in the processing and replacement of such materials. Linda Knowlton made a motion to accept the recommendation, Anne Ostrye-Macdonald seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved. Lynda Dickson made a second recommendation to increase the maximum fine on each item from $2 to $5. Madeleine Wawro made a motion to accept the recommendation, Linda Knowlton seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. The Library Board suggested a January 1997 implementation date for these two recommendations. 0_ A 10 51M A. Review 1997 City Budget Progress Linda Saferite and Mike Powers explained to the Board that the 1997 budget approval process and the ballot setting process for Capital Improvement Project needs will occur simultaneously. Seeking funding at an adequate service level for the new branch and including a new Main Library in the Capital Improvement Projects ballot setting process are top priorities. Included in the City Manager's preliminary recommended budget for the Harmony Library is $86,517 ongoing for two months service and $300,000 one-time for books and materials. The opening collection of the Harmony Library would be approximately what the Mini Library holds today plus one-third more. The Board was given a breakdown of the impact if an additional $69,040 in one-time money is not funded. This money would cover the rental unit costs to store books, 247 key reference titles, the Mini Library closing, dismantling and moving costs, publicity on the move and closure, and shared costs of opening day activities of the Harmony Branch. Two Board members asked Linda Saferite to provide additional data on the use of a Shelf Ready Collection service. Library Board members were encouraged to attend the September 17 and October 1 public hearings on the 1997 budget. A calendar of important dates will be given to the Board. Jack Steele suggested a fact sheet be given to the Friends of the Library to explain the budget and CIP issues. B. Review of Harmony Library Plans - update Review of the plans was postponed until the August Library Board meeting. C. Plans and recommendations for Library Systems, Technologies, and Services (consultant report) Kim Crowley gave a brief summary of the final report and recommendations for overall library technology enhancements. The consultant reported that the Library is well positioned for the future and has made good decisions regarding technology thus far; it is at a critical juncture and must move ahead with new technologies. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marjorie Teldits 0