HomeMy WebLinkAboutLibrary Board - Minutes - (5)LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES Regular Meeting —July 8, 1999 6:00 p.m. Council Liaison: Michael Byrne I Staff Liaison: Brenda Cams (Phone 221-6670) Acting Chairperson: Ed Jakubauskas (Phone:223-7428) A regular meeting of the Library Board was held on July 8, 1999 in the Ben Delatour Room at the Main Library. The following Library Board members were present: Carolyn Haase, Ed Jakubauskas, Rudy Maes, Mary Robertson, Charles Robles, and M. Madeleine Wawro. Library Board Member Absent: City Staff Members Present: Friends of the Library Liaison: Kris Folsom Brenda Cams, Michael W. Powers, and Marjorie Teklits Larry Webber The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by the Acting Chairperson, Ed Jakubauskas. The minutes of the May 13, 1999 Regular Meeting were amended to add Carolyn Haase attending as a potential Library Board candidate. Carolyn Haase moved to have the names of visitors and interested citizens included in future Minutes; Rudy Maes seconded the motion, and the motion was unanimously approved. New Library Board members Carolyn Haase and Charles Robles were introduced and welcomed to the Board. CORRESPONDENCE Copies of a letter dated June 21 from Karla Smith of the City Clerk's office to Anne Ostrye- Macdonald inviting her to attend the July 20" Council meeting to be honored for her service on the Library Board were distributed. Copies of Jack Steele's May 14, 1999 memo to the City Manager and Deputy City Manager regarding the Board's "Input for the 1999-2001 City Council Policy Agenda" and John Fischbach's May 17" memo thanking the Board for its ideas and suggestions were distributed. Copies of the Six Month Planning Calendar were also distributed, and Board members made note of the following meeting dates pertaining to budget issues: September 14 and 21, October 5 and 19, and November 2. Ed Jakubauskas distributed a "Proposed Structure of Library Board Committees and Schematic Framework" and sign-up sheet for the Library Board to choose membership on one or more of the following committees: (1) County/State/National issues (pertaining to Library District concept, County funds to the Library, State funding, Federal grants and funds); (2) City Council issues (pertaining to Library site selection, City funds to the Library, Council, Mayor and City Manager relations); and (3) Community Relations: Public Relations (pertaining to the Fort Collins Community Foundation, proposed Library Foundation, Front Range Community College, Friends coordination, school libraries, customer relations, and special community activities). Rudy Maes, Carolyn Haase, and Charles Robles signed up for the County/State/National Committee; Maddy Wawro, Mary Robertson, and Charles Robles signed up for the City Council Relations Committee; and Maddy Wawro, Mary Robertson, and Rudy Maes signed up for the Community/Public Relations Committee. REPORTS/PRESENTATIONS A. Library Director — Brenda Cams Brenda Cams mentioned that when Board members read the Director's Report included with monthly packets containing pertinent up-to-date information about the library from management staff, feel free to ask for clarification of any items mentioned during this oral report. This year's Children's Summer Reading Program theme `So Many Pets ... So Many Books" has become extremely popular and is bringing droves of children into the library. Registrations have increased, and many children are even more motivated by the incentive of rescuing the horse, Ginger, by reading extra hours. The Friends of the Library and Heska Corporation are each donating $1.00 up to $500 for the rehabilitation of the horse when a child reads five extra hours. The RFP for a new library automated system is due July 30". The present system is used to the maximum and has been unreliable at times. Board members were invited to review the proposals and software on August 12 and 13 before a selection is made. In response to customer requests, more large -type books have been purchased, and some of the Main Library's collection is being moved to Harmony. Although circulation statistics dropped about 10% at the Main Library when Harmony first opened, current figures show circulation increasing at both locations. Information contained in the Business Sense newsletter, which was made possible with the public relations grant prepared by Anne Ostrye-Macdonald, is now being used in the Northern Colorado Business Report each month, expanding the library's visibility in the community. 2 B. Friends of the Library — Larry Webber Larry Webber explained to new Board members that the Friends are a support group for the library and encouraged them to join its membership. This year, the Friends raised $10,000 for the Summer Reading Program —one of their biggest contributions! The Friends also offer daytime programs at the Main Library which are repeated in the evening at Harmony Library. In addition to their annual book sale at Foothills Mall in October, they have begun offering "mini" book sales throughout the year. The next sale will take place Saturday and Sunday, July 24 and 25, and a presale for members and staff will be held on Friday, July 2')". Another fundraiser the Friends are involved with for the library is collecting used printer cartridges. An organization is giving 50% of their earnings from collection of the cartridges to the Friends who are donating the money for the Young Adult reading program. Board Members were encouraged to bring their used cartridges to the library. Mary Robertson suggested sending letters to various organizations with follow-up phone calls. The City, Hospital, School District and CSU were mentioned as possible cartridge donors. The program's success will be evaluated in January. The Friends will be celebrating their 601h anniversary, and it is planned to have guest speakers at various programs scheduled during Children's Book Week this fall. Ed Jakubauskas commented that the Library and Friends are very fortunate to have Larry Webber working with them. C. 1999 CLRS Budget Recommendations — Mike Powers Mike Powers described the City's two-year budget process for the years 2000 and 2001 and the general timeline. A base budget is created by taking the library's previous budget. It is typically inflated by a certain amount in order to cover salaries, cost of living increases and commodities. Then the various service areas submit their lists to the City Manager and the Boards and Commissions recommend to City Council what they would like to see funded. Based on this information, the City Manager presents his recommendation to City Council who also receive input from the public. The necessary changes are made and the budget is adopted. After the base budget is set, there is a certain amount left in ongoing monies and one-time monies. The City Manager considers the efficient, effective operation of the organization, analyzes data submitted, and listens to staff and the public in order to come up with a budget he feels will work best for the City. Current requests for these funds from the service areas total over $14 million, yet there is only $1.1 million available in ongoing monies and $7.4 million available in one-time monies. Services are prioritized into three groups: Primary (service that are basic to the health , safety and welfare of the community), Secondary (services that enhance the quality of life), and Support Services (services that provide support to Primary and Secondary services). Most of the CLRS service area falls under the Secondary category. Copies of the Six Month Planning Calendar were distributed. The public will have an opportunity to address their comments regarding the budget to Council at the following meetings: September 21" First Budget Public Hearing; October 5"' Second Budget Public Hearing; Budget adoption and First Reading for Fiscal Year 2000 is on October 19, and Adoption of the 2000-2001 Budget will take place at the November 2"d meeting. Ed Jakubauskas said that he feels the Library is underfuned and the Board needs to develop awareness in the community. Larry Webber added that the Friends are trying to help by relating needs to Council members. D. Coffee Cart Service Tour — Ed Jakubauskas Ed joined several Library staff members on a tour of Koebel, Boulder, and Loveland libraries on June 28"' in order to assess the pros and cons of the coffee cart service they offer to their customers to decide if a similar service might be well received at the Fort Collins Public Library. This service, although not a big income producer, is popular at all three of these locations. The main staff concern at the Fort Collins Public Library is where to locate it and what its impact would be on other library services. Library Board members spoke favorably of the idea, agreed it would help meet the goal of making the library a welcoming community center and create favorable public relations. They recommended that Brenda continue to pursue the idea of how the library can offer this service as well as the best location for it. Ed also said he was surprised to see how well funded Koebel and Boulder Libraries are, especially since they serve similar demographics as Fort Collins. Koebel's budget is $9 million; Boulder's is $6 million, compared to Fort Collins' approximate $3 million. He said we are at the bottom and have a long way to go. F. Public Relations Committee — Mary Robertson The committee is pursuing the idea of forming consumer boards in the areas of children's, adult, reference, and local history. Deb Maltby is gathering needed information. Board members decided to talk with various Council Members and asked Brenda Cams for updated pertinent facts and figures about the library. It was suggested that it would be helpful for Board members to become familiar with Council themes, and copies will be mailed to them. Mary Robertson said the committee also discussed outreach to community groups, such as church and business groups, that can garner support for the library. It was suggested to utilize the library video for this purpose. She asked Brenda for help in developing talking points for Board members who speak to these groups. Mary also suggested that library staff re-examine the meeting room use policy so that this space will be used more frequently and by a larger variety of groups. She made the motion that the library's meeting rooms should be used as heavily as possible and that 11 staff should look for ways to make that happen. Rudy Maes seconded the motion. and it was unanimously approved. Lastly, Deb Maltby has been asked to come up with a priority activity that would showcase the library and get back to the committee with her suggestions. OLD BUSINESS A. County Funding Update — Brenda Cams Instead of eliminating funding for library services immediately, County Commissioners are willing to help in a process that would explore alternative sources of library funding. A library district or a special taxing district was suggested. Mike Powers said that this topic will take a lot of research and analysis and that the Library Board will be asked to review what staff presents before submission to Council. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marjorie Teklits Administrative Secretary Approved at the 8/12/99 Library Board Meeting 5