HomeMy WebLinkAboutLibrary Board - Minutes - 12/12/2002A regular meeting of the Library Board was held on September 4, 2002 in the Ben Delatour Room of the Main Library at 201 Peterson Street. The following Library Board members were present: Bob Burns, Ralph Olson, Melissa Pattison, Mary Robertson, and Joan Scheuerman.. Library Board Member Absent: City Staff Members Present: Friends of the Library Liaison: Visitor: Rudy Maes Brenda Cams and Marjorie Teklits Joanna Lambert Jean Blaylock, League of Woman Voters The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by the Chairperson, Mary Robertson. Bob Burns suggested that his motion to approve the By -Laws Amendment on page S, paragraph "d" of the November 14 minutes be rephrased "Bob Burns moved to approve the document as amended..." Melissa Pattison seconded the motion, and the minutes were unanimously approved as amended. Correspondence Brenda brought to the Board's attention the postcard in their packets from the High Plains Regional Library Service System indicating that their newsletter will be sent electronically in the future rather than by mail. Reports/Presentations a. Director — Brenda Cams Brenda informed Board members that Diane Jones is Acting City Manager while John Fischbach recovers from recent surgery. Brenda shared a copy of Marty Heffernan's October 16`s memo to the City Manager indicating the Cultural, Library, & Recreational Services budget reduction priorities for 2003. Library reductions listed were savings resulting from a Telephone Notification System ($20,000), reduction in hourly librarian hours ($6,600), and reduction in hourly circulation staff hours ($13,000). Brenda also shared a list of areas identified by library staff that could be implemented in the event of further budget reductions. These items include: further reduction of hourly librarian hours, hourly circulation savings due to closure, rolling furloughs (1 day per month), and reduction in the materials budget. Impacts to library service if these further reductions are implemented may include: reduction of library hours open by 3 hours at each library; difficulty in keeping public desks adequately staffed, increase in desk time assigned each staff member resulting in a reduction in the number of adult and children's programs; elimination of community activities that are staff intensive, staff schedule changes to cover unplanned employee absences, reduction in the number of new library materials. Brenda said staff preferred the rolling furlough concept over layoffs. Bob asked if there was any problems with staff morale at this time. Brenda said staff are understanding about the current economic situation and appreciate the opportunity to provide their input, however, they are disappointed that library services are considered a secondary rather than a primary service. She also said that staff would continue to be as customer responsive as possible. Staffing would continue to be refined to schedule desk coverage around busy times. Recent newspaper articles containing items of interest, such as sales tax shortfalls, a children's book week book swap, and unpaid fines owed the city, were shared. Brenda also shared some statistics of outstanding collection accounts from six other libraries. She said, in reality, there are few customers who are irresponsible in not returning items. Brenda also distributed library goals and accomplishments for 2002 and identified the following 2003 goals: 1) Continue to improve customer service; 2) Continue to educate the community about library services and the need for additional facilities; 3) Find ways to become even more efficient; 4) Explore ways to use existing capital expansion funds to purchase land and remodel the Creamery; 2 5) Explore equitable funding options from County residents. Library staff is planning to focus on a Centennial celebration, children's programs, and participate in another community read project. Brenda asked Board members to suggest other goals they may have. As mentioned at the November meeting, self-service holds (reserves) are now available for the public at Harmony Library. Library materials are covered with a paper which conceals the title for privacy, and a code for the customer's name is written over the spine label. These materials are available on a shelf near the self -checkout machines for customers to help themselves, thereby saving staff time and effort in assisting them and making checkout faster and more convenient for the customer. Staff have surveyed other libraries who offer this service and their response has been that it has received overwhelming customer support. Melissa Pattison commented that she prefers getting her own book as this method is more private than having a staff member provide the check-out service. Bob Burns moved that the Board adopt the following statement regarding self-service holds and checkouts: Whereas, the Library Board supports the concept of protecting the individual privacy of library users; and, whereas, the Library Board supports the benefit of improving library service, therefore, the Library Board endorses the practice of self- service holds and self -checkout as currently established. Ralph Olson seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved. Mary said the only thing lacking with self -checkout is that the customer is unable to see if they have any fines. Brenda said the new checkout machines, which will be installed early next year, will indicate this information for customers. Eventually, it is hoped to put holds (reserves) out for self-service at the Main Library near the new machines which will make them convenient to use. b. Friends of the Library Although the Friends haven't held any recent meetings, they have been busy picking up and sorting books every day. Cookies baked by Friends members will be delivered to various college fraternities to thank them for their help transporting books during the Fall book sale at the Mall. She added that the Friends are planning to sell special books on the Internet, which should make up for any possible decrease in local sales because of the current economic situation. Bob Bums inquired as to the amount of business the Friends receive at the book sales from dealers; Joanna said that approximately one third of the money raised the first morning of the October sale was attributed to book dealer business. Joanna also mentioned that the Friends of the Denver Public Library are no longer doing fundraising events as the library is doing their own fundraisers. The idea of a Booklover's Ball event was suggested, and Brenda said the Creamery would be a fun place to hold an event of this type during the warmer weather. Brenda thanked Joanna Lambert for representing the Friends of the Library at Board meetings during her tenure as President and for her dedication to the library. Library Board members moved a special vote of thanks for all the work Joanna has done; Melissa Pattison seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved. C. Committee Reports: Public Relations - Ralph Olson, Joan Scheuerman Ralph will contact the library's Marketing Assistant to check on the status of the bookmark project. Seven permission slips were received from the artists. Brenda suggested a press release be distributed at the appropriate time. OLD BUSINESS a. Committee Organization - Mary Robertson In conjunction with their 2003 Work Plan, the Board reorganized the various sub- committees as follows: Centennial Celebration - Members: Melissa Pattison. Joan Scheuerman to provide support. Work with staff to plan and publicize events for the upcoming Library Centennial celebration. A Board member will attend library staff programming meetings for the year -long event and act as liaison to the Public Relations committee as needed. Brenda mentioned that financial support for the various events in the planning stages has been granted from the Friends of the Library, a bequest from the Editha Todd Leonard Trust Foundation, and the Library Trust. Library Funding - Members: Mary Robertson, Ralph Olson The Board will continue to work with Council and staff to develop solutions to the pressing need for additional library space, funding, and services. Library Support Organizations - membership assigned as needed. Continue to develop and enhance the Library Board's relationship with community organizations that support library programs and services, assist in the coordination of activities and unity of goals among the groups. The goal is to have a report by the Friends of the Library regarding their activities at each Library Board meeting and a report by the Library Trust once per quarter. Library Community Partnerships - membership assigned as needed. The Library Board supports the library's effort in continuing to leverage resources by partnering with other community organizations to bring a wider range of services and programs to the public. Library staff members will be invited to Board meetings to report on their departmental activities within the library and in the community. Emerging Library Trends - Members: Bob Bums. Joan Scheuerman to provide support as needed. The Library Board is interested in exploring emerging trends in library issues and advising staff and Council regarding local responses to these issues. Quarterly discussions among the Board will be scheduled. Brenda invited Bob to attend a future Library Management Team meeting for help in identifying areas of interest. Public Relations Committee - Ralph Olson and Joan Scheuerman. Melissa Pattison and Rudy Maes to provide support as needed. b. Public Relations Survey - Joan Scheuerman, Ralph Olson Ralph said the main intent of the public relations survey which, appeared in a Soapbox article earlier this year, was to see if there was community support for a southeast branch. It was impressive to learn that 89% of the respondents said the library was an essential community service. Joan remarked that 14% of the respondents said the library's collection is currently lacking. Ralph will draft a letter about the survey to City Council members. Ralph suggested that a summary of the survey be included on the library's web page as well as a thank you to those who responded. Joan volunteered to do a follow-up thank you to respondents in the form of another Soapbox article, and will bring a draft to the January meeting. She will also make up a schedule for future Board Soapbox articles. NEW BUSINESS a. 2003 Annual Report - Mary Robertson As the report is due the end of January, Board members summarized their 2002 accomplishments. Highlights included: accomplishments of the various committees, the southeast branch project, neighborhood meetings, community survey, liaison with the Library Trust for fundraising support, support of Friends of the Library efforts, discussions and recommendations for County funding, support of library activities by attending the various events, a work session with Council, the bookmark art project, and development of a capital plan for library service options. Using this input, Mary will draft a report for the January meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. L-A Respectfully submitted, Marjorie Teklits Administrative Secretary