HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks And Recreation Board - Minutes - 10/25/2000Call Meeting to Order: President Lance Freeman called the Regular meeting to order at
5:40 p.m.
Agenda Review: Marty Heffernan added the following
• Under #8 "Downtown Corners", add Consolidating the Newspaper Racks in Downtown.
• Discussion Under Other Business: Newspaper Article from Paul Hudnut's Hometown
regarding Liability for Parks and Recreation
Items of Note: Board Member Jessica MacMillan called to say that she would not be able to
attend tonight's meeting as she had a work -related commitment.
Citizen Participation: No citizen participation.
Note: Several CSU students from a Land Use Planning Class were present to observe a City's
Board meeting. Marty gave the students an overview of the purpose and function of the Parks
and Recreation Board.
Approval of Minutes: On a motion by Ross Cunniff, seconded by Del Price, the minutes of the
September 27, 2000 meeting were unanimously (7-0) approved.
2001 Work Plan and Meeting Schedule
Marty asked the Board to refer to the draft copy of the 2001 Work Plan and Meeting Schedule.
He first asked the Board if the fourth Wednesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. still works in their
schedules? The Board unanimously agreed that the fourth Wednesday at 5:30 works for all their
Lance asked if the Board had any additions to the 2001 Work Plan? Paul Van Valkenburg said
he would, like to add- Matural Oren tq nggament Plnnc//cctfer Craig Foreman addel larkory
Parks and Recreation Board' 'lutes
October 25, 2000
Page 2
infrastructure, referring to the SWAN group's concern about the road improvements through the
park? Mike Gavin said from a safety point, there needs to be a road through the park for
emergency vehicles. Issues related to Southwest Community Park Infrastructure was added to
the plan.
On a motion by Mike Gavin, seconded by Paul Hudnut, the Board voted (6-1) in favor of the
2001 Work Plan and Meeting Schedule. Ross Cunniff voted no because he doesn't think the
Parks and Recreation Board should make decisions on natural areas. The Board then reopened
the discussion regarding natural areas issues as they relate to Parks and Recreation. Paul
VanValkenburg has a concern about natural areas access and the Board decided that we need to
have discussions regarding this with Natural Resources staff. Paul Hudnut would like us to work
on recreational uses of natural areas and the implementation of soft trails. The Board then
rescinded its former vote and added: Natural Areas Issues As They Relate to Parks and
Recreation. On a motion by Mike Gavin, seconded by Paul Hudnut, the Board voted
unanimously 7-0 in favor of the 2001 Work Plan and Meeting Schedule, with the following
additions: Hickory Neighborhood Park Design, Issues related to Southwest Community Park
Infrastructure, and Natural Areas Issues As They Relate to Parks and Recreation.
Update: Fossil Creek Community Park
Craig updated the Board on the Fossil Creek Community Park design. He showed an illustration
of the new design. He explained the road will be widened 50 feet on Lemay Avenue. The
redesign for Lemay Avenue doesn't affect the design of the park. Del asked how they were able
to build the golf course without curbs and gutters? Mike Powers said that the golf course was
built by a private developer in the early 1980's and at that time City Council waived the
construction of curbs and gutters. Craig explained that the Fossil Creek Community Park Project
will have to pay approximately $500,000 for the street oversizing to help construct the expansion
and straightening of the road on the west side of Lemay. Craig explained that we are still in the
design phase for the location of the dog park. In the conceptual plan, it is adjacent to Lemay
Avenue utilizing approximately one to one and one-half acres of land. There isn't enough
available land on the west side of the park as we had hoped. He said the timeline is for
construction drawings to be reviewed November -December. In 2001, we will start grading and
putting in the infrastructure and in 2002 complete the project. Final design will be brought to
this Board at our next meeting (December). Paul Hudnut asked if there is concern that this park
could be part of the 100-year flood? Craig replied that Stormwater personnel has reviewed this
project, as they do with any new project/development in the city. He emphasized that Fossil
Creek doesn't have the magnitude of water flow as does Spring Creek. Del asked about the
skateboard facility in this park and is it still planned? Craig said it is planned as a focal point
when you enter the park on the east side. Paul Van Valkenburg voiced his concerned about
access to the dog park.
Youth Center Update
Mike Powers said that we currently have a Youth Activity Center at Old Fort Collins High. CSU
has money to complete their renovation of this building by 2006. Since their renovation has
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October 25, 2000
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started on the south side of the building, and the Youth Activity Center is located on the north
side of the building, it is the last part in their renovation plan. Eventually, a performing arts
theatre will replace the gym.
Mike explained that there is a Youth Activity Center committee formed by Brownie McGraw
and they are trying to publicly and privately raise money for a new Youth Activity Center. At
this point the committee has looked at two churches that are for sale. Both could be renovated
for a youth activity center. Both properties have a $2,000,000 price tag in addition to
remodeling. They both have good parking and access to the trail system. One is located close to
EPIC and the other is close to Rolland Moore Park. This is a project that Council is very
interested in --- even though there is no funding available. Mike asked the Board to keep their
eyes open for available properties that could be used for the Youth Activity Center. Ross asked
if there are some facilities being discussed by the School District and the City? Mike said yes,
there is discussion regarding Boltz Junior High, however there are restrictions on availability
because of the school's usage. However, this type of building would make a good satellite site
for a youth center.
Downtown Corners Update
Virgil Taylor gave the Board an update on the Downtown Corners project. He said we are in the
stages of redesigning and renovating the corners. Each of the corners is costing approximately
$75,000, which includes Stormwater improvements. The corner at Oak and College (Joe's
Fireside) is under construction and it will be completed by November 1. The second one will be
the Mountain and College corner (BoJo's) and it will be done by November 30. We will
terminate construction after that corner until after the holiday shopping season. Mike Gavin
asked if these renovations will impact the hotel renovation? Virg said, no. Ross Cunniff asked
what is the funding source for this project? Virgil replied from the General Improvement
District from the downtown businesses. Virg added that the City has a team studying the
downtown patio areas. We will revamp the northwest corner of Mountain and College in the
spring or fall and the comer at College Avenue and Laporte (Silver Grill). We plan to finish the
Northern Hotel corner in 2001 or 2002. He explained that some of the projects will have to wait
until the major work is done with the stormwater project on Mountain Avenue
The second issue Virg brought up was the newspaper stands in the downtown area. We are
trying to standardize and consolidate these. He showed the Board pictures of the consolidated
newspaper stand/vending machine.
Skateboard Park Update
Craig Foreman stated that the City has hired Hoff Construction from Loveland to construct the
skateboard park. We would like to start construction in November -December and complete by
spring. Craig introduced John Baies, Assistant Project Manger. John explained that a local artist
has created 4 x 4 ceramic tiles and he is marketing them to businesses and individuals in Fort
Collins for $100 each. These tiles will be imprinted with a name or a cause and will form the rim
of the skate bowl. This project is a very high level of quality and the facility is going to be a first
Parks and Recreation Board' ,lutes
October 25, 2000
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class facility. We are also offering an 8 x 8 ceramic tile that will be placed within the park for a
$1,000 donation. Our hope is to sell all tiles and we could raise $50,000 for the project. Craig
said John is a good resource. John said that since he has been out in the community, he said
some businesses are asking if they could provide tee shirts and other in -kind donations to the
project. There will be a soapbox coming from the Mayor responding to a letter to the Editor in
the Coloradoan saying we are building the project and are seeking donations.
Other Business
Marry addressed a letter from City Attorney Steve Roy, who is requesting a change in the
wording in the City Code as it relates to Boards and Commissions. In this change, Boards
and Commissions making a formal recommendation to Council would be addressed or
directed to the City Manager and to Council with a copy to the Service Area Director. Ross
Cunniff asked if we make suggestions or opinions regarding a change in a park plan, would
that have to go to Council and then back to the staff? Marty said no. Lance said that if it is
limiting to our input to staff then we don't agree with this. Marty referred to the last page of
the memo from Steve Roy where it clarifies that this procedure only applies to formal
recommendations and does not limit input from the Board to staff.
Marty said that Paul Hudnut sent him an article from his hometown newspaper regarding the
liability of Parks and Recreation regarding recreational activities. Paul questioned how this
affects our projects? Marty said that our Risk Manager is up-to-date on our projects and feels
we are well protected by City insurance and government immunity. Lance referred to the
skate park at CSU and how they were told not to install a gate or lock and not to have a
supervisor on duty at the facility for liability reasons.
John Baise added from a skateboarding perspective, in January the State of California passed
legislation that stated that self regulating activities such as skateboarding and kayaking,
deemed that the State is not liable for injury incurred during these sports.
Paul Hudnut further questioned that if the Parks and Recreation Board makes a
recommendation, are we liable for anything we endorse? He realizes that we are an advisory
board, but he wants clarification. Marty said that he will discuss this with the City Attorney
and let the Board know. Paul Van Valkenburg said he would be satisfied with a letter from
the City Attorney.
Cinda Murdock, CSU Student, asked how the Board receives public input? Marty replied
that we have citizen participation in the beginning of our meeting. Lance said we are
responsive to citizen interests and concerns as they bring their concerns to our Board or
contact us individually. He said that we represent the citizens of Fort Collins. For instance,
when we are in the conceptual stages of a park plan, staff notifies the neighbors within a one
square mile of the parkland, meet with the neighbors so that they have the opportunity to
make their recommendations and voice their concerns.
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October 25, 2000
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• Lance noted there will not be a November meeting as we combine our November and
December meetings and our next meeting will be Wednesday, December 6, at 5:30 p.m.,
281 North College Avenue, Conference Room C and D.
Adjournment: The Board adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Jackie Rael
Executive Administrative Assistant
Meeting Attendance
Board Members: Ross Cunniff, Lance Freeman, Mike Gavin, Dean Hoag, Paul Hudnut, Del
Price, Paul Van Valkenburg
Staff. John Baise, Craig Foreman, Marty Heffernan, Mike Powers, Jackie Rael, and Virgil
Guests: Colorado State University students (Land Use Planning Class)