HomeMy WebLinkAboutCultural Resources Board - Minutes - 05/04/1983CUL40JRAL SERVICES AND 07kCILITIES
Cultural Resources Board
M I N U T E S May 4, 1983 7:30 p.m. '!
Fort Collins :Museum 12 1983
CRB Present: Michael Griffith, Barbara Cain, Alyce Milton, Jack Culf a ,7m..Y itz,.
Rosalyn Spencer, Pauline Birky-Kreutzer rti r L LLIX
Staff Present: Brian Moroney, David Siever, Mark Breimhorst, Edwina Echevarria
I The meeting was called to order by Michael Griffith, Chairman.
II The agenda for tonight was approved.
III The minutes of the meeting of March 23, 1983 were corrected to read: V. Report
from Eller. Thexton - Pauline Birky-Kreutzer reporting for Mrs. Thexton: In December,
1981, $5,000 was transferred from Mrs. Thexton's budget to the Boxelder Schoolhouse
project. Recently, the $1,500 needed to complete the historic landmarks publication
was approved.
IV Staff Reports
A. Lincoln Center - David Siever
1.March report figures:
Revenues ($18,742) up 50% over March of last year.
Events (151) up 4% over March of last year.
Attendance down 15% from March of last year.
Volunteer hours down 16% from March of last year.
Revenues up 34% over last year at this time.
Events up 3% over last year at this time.
Attendance up 3% over last year at this time.
Volunteer hours down 7% from last year at this time.
Note: Performing and Visual Arts revenues for 1983-84 season tizket sai�s are
included in the above revenue figures, which inflate those figures. Taking
that into consideration, however, revenues are about on target for this
time of year.
2. The Lincoln Center League is looking into a renovation project for the Mini-
Theatte;- staff looking into establishing a policy for the Mini -theatre.
3. Festival of the Arts: June 11 and 12 at Lincoln Center.
4. Plans for Lincoln Center's 5rh Anniversary (October) are anderway.
5. Performing and Visual Arts - Mark Breimhorst
a. Cosaan - lst performance - Net loss $ 468.
2nd performance - Net loss 1,536.
There was a reception after the 2nd performance and workshops were held at H'gh Plains.
b. Pacific Northwest Ballet - 1st performance - Net loss $5,937.
2nd performance (series) Net. loss - $505.
The master class was well -attended. Food for reception provided by local restaurants
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Cultural Resources•ard Minutes, May 4, 1983, Page*
C. 1983-84 Arts Series ticket sales, as of April 30:
494, at least 10% above series sales at this time last year.
d. Art Gallery - Colo. Weaver's Guild May 7-June 2
Poudre Valley Art League May 12-28
B. Museum - Brian Moroney reporting
1. Mr. Moroney encouraged the Board to look at the hat exhibit tonight,
praising Jack Curfman and Carla Smith Heermans for their work on the exhibit.
2. Next exhibit - Van Soelen prints, early in July.
3. The historic preservation series, "Here Today... Here Tomorrow" went
very well, with 220 people in attendance for 4 programs. Mr. Moroney commended
Edwina Echevarria for her job in putting the program together.
4. Items for storage have been moved from the Strang elevator to the
4-car garage behind the old power plant on North College Ave.
5. Boxelder Schoolhouse: Phase I of the project is completed and the job
went smoothly. There was one change order which amounted to $75. Phase II will
include: re -doing the rafters; re -doing shingling to make weathertight; re -shingling
the gable ends; re -doing the windows; re -doing the chimney; building the teacher's
platform; building the porch.
6. The DUI program is working well at the Museum (DUI -Driving Under the
Influence. Persons charged as DUI are assigned to 24 or 48 hours of public service
by a court judge).
7. A new Museum brochure is being designed.
8. The Museum is the recipient of a local assistance grant for $1,015.
from the State Historical Society, for basic renovation work on the Washburn fla,;,
the oldest U. S. flag in Larimer County.
9. Mr. Moroney recently attended the Amer. Assoc. for State & Local History
seminar on museum management & legalities in San Francisco.
10. Some items which are not appropriate for our Museum (i.e., a German
gas mask) have been de -accessioned.
11. Museum attendance has been good; 200 tours are scheduled for this month.
12. The Museum is taking a stand of strict neutrality on the trolley issue.
V New Lincoln Center League By -Laws - The City Attorney has okayed them from a
legal standpoint. David pointed out the changes of these by-laws from the previous
by-laws. The Board was asked to approve or disapprove them.
Motion: Jim Weitz moved that the Board approve the Lincoln Center League
By -Laws with the Board's recommended change in the wording of 5b. Pauline Birky-
Kreutzer seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes: Unanimous.
VII Update on 218 West Ma£nolia
A. Rosalyn Spencer presented the background on the forged entry of Bill Hosack's
workinto the Denver Art Museum's juried show.
B. Mr. Griffith will draft a letter to go to groups which might possibly have
an interestin taking the but on as a project. He requested that the Board give
Edwina - within the next week - the names of prospective groups.
C. Mr. Moroney will show slides at the next CWAM meeting, to elicit interest.
Cultural Resources Board Minute: lav 4, .983, Page 3
VIII Historic Properties project
A. Discussion on possibility of getting some help on the inventories of the
historic properties being proposed for local designation (i.e., Dr. Leyendecker's
students; interns; hire someone).
B. Create an inventory/nomination form to use as a basis for information on
the properties.
C. The Board discussed the procedure for recommending the 7 properties for
1. Basic information on the 7 properties will be prepared before
approaching owners for consent.
2. Mr. Griffith will meet with Ms. Echevarria to draft the letter proposing
local designation to the property owners. Letter will include a request for a meeting
between the owner, a CRB member and/or Mr. Moroney and Ms. Echevarria, to explain the
designation process.
IX County Historic Preservation - Jim Weitz reported that Henry Baker, Larimer
County Planner, is now investigating prospective structures in the County that
might be appropriate for preservation.
X New Business - Barbara Cain reported that she had a discussion with John Arnold
on possible projects the CRB could involve itself with. One suggestion: making the
Canyon West Room more attractive as a meeting/events place, which would require major.
renovation. The City administration w..11 be looking for citizen input as to just
what the community wants in the way of capital improvements in light of t}_e recent
defeat of the 3/4q sales tax increase. The Board discussed briefiv its role in the
above activity.
X Nominating committee for 1983-84 officers: Barb Cain, Alyce Milton, Jack :._rf .I:
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Respe..tfully submitted,
Edwina Echevarria