HomeMy WebLinkAboutGolf Board - Minutes - 02/20/1980FORCOLLINS PARKS AND RECREATION DEPA TMENTIi 'E
MINUTES OF MEETING - Feb)Lua)Ly 20, 1980-
The meeting was catled to oAdeA at 7:30 P.M. by PAes.ident Jim Mitchett.
Jenny P. Mown )Lepotted .that H. R. Phittips was .in conbeAence with .the City
ManageA, Ptanning .6ta66 and people bAom .the Evekitt Co. discussing tong )Lange
ptans, .inctuding a poss.ibte gotb couAse.
A5 theAe had been some mizundehstanding on C.S.U.'6 )Lequest bon a gotb meet
at Cotl.indale, the tournament g)Lound flutes weAe Aev.iewed.
1. C.S.U. was to stile a AegutaA tou nament Request with .the PAo at
Cottindate oA the Parks and RecAeation Department.
2. StvuUng .limes would staAt at app)Lox,imately 11:00 A.M.
3. CotZindale members woutd Stitt pay the green's bee, at .the
)educed )ate ob $3.00.
PAes.ident Mitchell w)Lote a tetteA to C.S.U. on JanuaAy 24, 1980 kegaiding
Submitting tournament Request,
PAes.ident Mitchett )Lead a tetteA b)Lom the 'RetiAed SenioAs VotunteeA PAvgAam'
Aequesting a weekday tournament .in eaAty SeptembeA. They atso .inqu,iAed as to
)Leduced g)Leen's bee. The Board )Lejected the reduced bee Aeque,6t and asked stabs
to answeA the tetteA outtin ng p)LopeA method ob Aequesting tournament date.
Jerry P. Mown b)Lought the Board cwftent on the 'Gott CaAt' pug)Lam. Stabs had
a meeting with Finance Department and bound theAe was no money avaitabte boA
purchase ob any gotb ca,,Lts. Stabs then went back to cart supptie)s tee.ative
to a teasing p)LogAam. Some supptieAs weAe Aeceptive to a one yeaA tease pnogAam.
Stabs has now gone out ban bids.
Gotb CaAt Building: JeAAy P. BAown Aepo)ted that stabs had started .into theiA
Management P)LogAam. Howevelc, since then they had Received a tetteA bAom the
City ManageA indicating he wants an Eng.ineeA to act as PRoject ManageA..
Eng.ineeAs, Jack G-ianota and Dale. Johnson, who wo)Lk bo) Parks and RecAeat,i.on
p)Lojects, ante cunAently booked sotid. Status ob buitd.ing .is now .in Limbo.
JeAAy P. Bhown passed out some t.iteAature boA the Board to study on the State
LotteAy PAogAam.
TheAe has been no buAtheA action taken by Wutenn Stope Gas at this time.
Board membeu )Leceived .intehim tgpo)t bAom F)Lank Hummel. Indications aAe, his
)Lepo><,t to the Board should be Ready by the next meeting date.
Neil Johnson )LepoAted that minimum snow depths at CotZindate .is Stahl loll with
I" to 1-112" ob .ice. He anticipates p)Lobtems with greens boA awh,ite.
Meeting adjoun.ned at 8:45 P.M.
The next meeting wilt be March 19, 1980 - 7:30 P.M.
Jim Mi tcheU
Ron Sisson
Karen Ann MohheA
Sid Penett(.
Resper-tbuUy submitted,
SID PERETTI, Sechetaicy
Jenny P. &own
&LU Metier
Nea Johnson
Bob WoAneA