HomeMy WebLinkAboutGolf Board - Minutes - 07/21/1993CITY OF FORT COLLINS
City Council Liaison to the Board: Councilman Bob McCluskey, Jr.
Staff Support to the Board: Jerry P. Brown, Assistant to the Director/CLRS; and
Alyce Nierman, Golf Division Secretary
MINUTES: Regular meeting of July 21, 1993
The meeting was called to order by Al Bednarz.at 7:30 p.m. Board Member Mary
Hodge called to say she would not be able to attend tonight's meeting. Jerry P.
Brown introduced Armon Johannsen who is the new Golf Board member replacing Jim
Agenda Review: Jerry requested one item be added to the printed agenda. He
distributed the 1994 proposed budget to board members for their review and
Consider Approving Minutes of the Last Regular Meeting of June 16, 1993:
It was moved by Hank Hoesli and seconded by Tom White to approve the printed
minutes from the regular meeting of June 16, 1993. Motion carried. (7:0)
ipation: No citizen participation.
Functions of the Golf Board
For the benefit of new Board Members David Shands and Armon Johannsen, a briefing
was made on the Municipal Code section relating to the Golf Board functions.
During the SouthRidge pro selection process, questions were raised in relation
to the role of the Golf Board. Board members requested a discussion take place
regarding Golf Board function and suggested changes. Marty Heffernan, Assistant
City Attorney, is present tonight to discuss the proposed amendments to the
municipal code as it relates to Golf Board functions.
One issue is that the Golf Board does not want to be limited to waiting for
requests for input, and wanted to bring up issues of concern. The changes to the
City Code and the differences between Option A and Option B were reviewed. Marty
commented that the role of the City Attorney is not to dictate, but to review any
proposed changes for their legality. The City Attorney's staff is asking the
Board to decide between Option A or Option B. It appears that Option A allows
no option for the Golf Board to make recommendations as to the selection of a
pro. Option B would allow the Golf Board to make choice recommendations.
Hank Hoesli observed that every time this issw
the Golf Board felt at some point choosing contr
factor in running the courses. Hank wou
"construction"_ in the wording, as he can foresee
would like the Golf Board to be involved in the
a clarification on whether this would include a
Jerry agreed that Hank brought up a good point
was brought up for discussion,
actors would become an important
ld like to include the word
major projects in the future and
decisions. Al Bednarz asked for
project such as a new restroom?
as there was the possibility of
Golf Board Minutes
July 21, 1993
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new golf course construction or acquisition in the future. Basically, this issue
covers the Golf Board choosing.
Al commented that the City of Fort Collins runs the golf courses and further the
City has chosen to use citizen advisory boards for input. His concern is that
the Golf Board had a knee-jerk reaction to the SouthRidge issue. Hank stated
that when he applied for appointment to the Golf Board, one thing he understood
was that the board would be giving advice as to the selection of a pro. Al
commented that Option B appears to allow the Board to make these recommendations.
Discussion centered on whether "construction" would be covered.
Jerry would like to make any changes work for both the Golf Board and City staff.
The recommended changes will be presented first to Mike Powers and the City
Manager for their input, and then to City Council.
A motion was made by Henry Fry that the Golf Board recommend Option B with the
addition of the terms "construction and acquisition" to Section 2. Second to the
motion was made by Hank Hoesli. The floor was opened for discussion of the
motion: Armon asked for clarification on whether this means the Golf Board would
interview the golf professional, along with City personnel, superintendents, and
concessionaires. Jerry responded that staff does not want the Golf Board as a
whole to become involved with interviews. A sub -committee could make the initial
review and then submit a recommendation to the full Board for their input.
Discussion then focused on how the SouthRidge situation came about. Staff wants
to avoid these situations in the future. Jerry commented that the recent
selection process was a learning experience for both the Golf Board and staff.
David asked what the procedure was in the past before SouthRidge? Jerry gave a
brief history stating that in 1989 the City Attorney's office said we needed to
go through a bid process for the selection of the pros at Collindale and City
Park Nine. A subcommittee made a recommendation and presentation to the Board
which the Board accepted. That was the only previous experience we had with the
selection process. Al further stated that changes to the Municipal Code to more
clearly define the roles were requested by the Golf. Board. Prior to the
selection process for the pro at SouthRidge, separate interviews were not held
by the full Golf Board.
Armon asked if say 25 applications were received, would staff narrow the list
down before presenting to the Board? Henry stated that during the recent process
only six proposals were received and each Sub -committee Member reviewed all of
the applications. Armon commented that he has mixed opinions regarding the
involvement of the Golf Board in this selection process. He does not feel the
Board should act as a personnel office for the City. Jerry stated that he is
ultimately responsible for the actions of golf pros.
Hank speculated on the involvement of the Purchasing Department and questioned
if they really have an understanding of golf needs? Armon further asked how the
Purchasing department ties in with the operations of the City -owned golf courses.
Jerry responded that since the City Purchasing agent signs contracts, he needs
to be involved in the bid selection process. Hank speculated on the possibility
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July 21, 1993
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that some assistant purchasing director could conceivably go against the wishes
of the committee or Board.
Marty felt there needed to be a few points of clarification, and asked if the
Golf Board wants to have a say over who would be hired as contractors? It was
the consensus of the Board that Marty had a correct interpretation.
Henry Fry amended his motion to say the Golf Board
addition of the terms "acquisition and contractors"
2, and "selection and terms and conditions" to the
Hank Hoesli seconded the amended motion. The
unanimously (7:0).
recommends Option B with the
to the top portion of Section
bottom portion of Section 2.
motion as amended carried
A memo to Jerry P. Brown was distributed to the Board from Dave Agee regarding
the recent audit of the Collindale Snack Bar revenue. Henry Fry had requested
there be an audit of the concessionaire at Collindale as there were some red
flags raised. Hank Hoesli, referring to page 2, paragraph #4, asked what the
future auditing procedures are going to be? Jerry is unsure what procedures the
Accounting Department will establish. However, Dave Agee has stated audit
procedures will be installed; hopefully by the end of the year. Hank would like
to make sure Dave Agee understands that the Golf Board has some concerns.
David Shands asked about the various golf contracts? Included in the contracts
are a percentage of the driving range and percentage of total revenues. Tom
White then asked what the revenues have been for 1993? Jerry responded that
everybody is making less money this year, and asked if the Board would like to
see additional statistics?
Hank would like to see a commitment as to what can be done in the future. He has
discussed with Dave Agee some possible ways that figures could be checked. This
appears to be a loose canon, and feels there should be some checks installed.
He further expressed amazement that the response from accounting took seven
months. Henry agreed that the delay in receipt of this memo shows how much
emphasis was given to this audit. Hank stated bids and contracts are dealing
with a great deal of money. However, he does not feel audits can be imposed on
existing contracts. Jerry informed the Board that all current contracts state
an audit of records can occur at any reasonable time.
Armon Johannsen asked if progress is being made on the audit procedures for the
City? Jerry said yes. Al Bednarz asked if staff should depend upon the
Accounting Department for audits? Could CLRS undertake their own audits on
certain key features? Jerry stated that the Golf Fund must utilize the
Accounting Department for services, and he relies and makes use of and trusts
their expertise. Jerry said that during the audit process the Accounting
Department looked at accounting type numbers and Jerry looked at the managerial
side. Al observed that the response from Accounting seems pretty bland. Hank
clarified that his statements are not to say Accounting didn't do a good job; it
is that he doesn't feel the report gives a lot of detail. Hank was further
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July 21, 1993
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concerned that if a single audit took seven months, how long would it take to
install a full audit procedure for the City?
Joe Nance commented that a lot of these problems could be eliminated by a flat
rate type of contract. Joe was unsure if this is possible with the current City
purchasing procedures. If a flat rate is possible, the Board might consider this
as an option for future bids. Henry speculated on going out to bid at i.e.
$2,000 per month, or lease the square footage. Jerry stated that flat rate bids
have been possible, but percentage bids started coming in and everyone seemed to
follow suit. Al stated that flat rate contracts seem to be a preference of the
Board and requested that Jerry investigate this possibility further. This should
be kept in mind when the contracts come up for renewal. David feels the primary
concern is that a good concessionaire be present that is clean, have good food,
and provide a service to the golfers.
Hank requested a study be made to find what we would need from a concessionaire.
Jerry stated that the revenue received from the concessionaires is minimal
compared to the total Golf Fund budget. Henry is interested in seeing figures
on what space rents for on the open market. Al observed that it would be
interesting to have that information for review. The Board discussed retail and
marketing logistics. They would like Jerry to explore this area further.
Golf Fund Revenue Shortfall Discussion
Revenues are down around $117,000 projected through the end of the year. Play
is down, and it could get worse. *Jerry pointed out the first factor was the very
poor weather early in the year; second factor is the competition we did not have
before; and third is that Rockies games are hurting play. Henry commented that
Colorado State University feels that the Rockies.are definitely impacting their
ticket sales., Cindy Roper feels a contributing factor is that more and more
people our age have kids getting involved in other activities and parents are
being pulled away from their golf games. Hank Hoesli added that the economy is
Jerry communicated to the Board his surprise, as play during the month of March
was the best ever for that month. Bad losses and decreased play did not really
show up until May and June. As the Golf Fund is an Enterprise Fund by City
definition, if we are down $117,000 we have to react to it. Jerry has spoken to
the three superintendents to cut out $60,000 from this year's budget. Capital
purchases were made in April, and the second half of the year is minor purchases
and salaries. If we had any indication this might happen, we could have deferred
the early capital purchases. If the down trend continues, it will cause the 1994
budget to be changed downward as Amendment N1 limits the percentage of increase
from one year to the next. It appears golf nationally is down this year, and we
may not have hit bottom yet. Hopefully 1993 will be the worst year.
Tom White asked how Denver is faring? Jerry replied they are in better shape;
but.the weather was on their side and they were open in January and February.
Tom has heard people comment that it is easier driving to Ptarmigan than it would
be to stay in Denver waiting for a tee time. Hank agreed that Ptarmigan gets a
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July 21, 1993
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lot of play. Tom asked if w
Denver know we are up here?
of CSU football tickets, as
could explore the possibility of letting people in
Jerry has placed some ads in Denver and on the back
well as on radio and in newsoapers.
Armon Johannsen suggested the board spend an evening on how to get people to golf
in Fort Collins. Al asked if the ads at SouthRidge were the idea of Derek
Cordova? Jerry replied that the ads are a 50/50 joint venture between Derek and
the City. Al would like to see a sub -committee addressing the issue of
competition and get back to the Board with ideas to increase play at our City
courses. Jerry commented that City golf in Fort Collins never had significant
competition until this year. We are down over 50% in tournament revenue this
year. Mountain Vista and Marianna Butte, along with Ptarmigan, seem to be
causing the most impact on the play in Fort Collins.
Armon asked how the season passes are structured as he feels passes do have an
impact on play? Al stated that the Golf Board has been saying we will be
addressing this issue during 1993. Jerry is currently gathering information from
Greeley and Loveland. Greeley has a new system limiting the number of passes
issued. After this information is gathered and compiled it will be forwarded to
the Board for their review. Al observed that to fit a new fee structure in with
next year's plans we should start reviewing within a couple of months. Jerry
said we should probably start these discussions now. Al felt that a marketing
strategy can be developed and presented at the next Board meeting, whereas the
fee structure would take more time to review. Henry speculated that as to
marketing, we are pretty late into the season. Generally the Board felt there
was a need for some marketing strategy, but there is no real budget available
this year.
Joe Nance commented of all the things mentioned, competition with other courses
is impacting us the most. Explosion of golf caused a frenzy of new golf courses
being built. Eventually there will be more golf courses than you have golfers.
Joe believes that is what is happening now. Combining two new courses, along
with weather, will keep the Fort Collins courses play down this year. Cindy
asked if Joe felt there were any marketing strategies we could incorporate this
year to bring in players? Armon suggested there might be slack times during the
day or week where price breaks could be given to increase play. Joe commented
that this year, during slower times, there is no fill-in people on the waiting
Jerry stated that the word gets around real fast regarding discounted green fee
golfing times. He thinks we have to take some risks now, and would like advisory
permission from the Golf Board to sit down with the three golf pros and come up
with some strategies. Armon encouraged Jerry to go ahead with meetings. Al
agreed and stated if they come up with ideas, go ahead with implementation.
Board consensus was there was no need to report back to the Board.
Suggestions by the Board wer
amounts on advertising;
tournaments gone? Hank
also look at increasing
pay for three get one free; spend some small
why we have lost tournament money, where have the
that there is an immediate problem, but we should
play; maybe use a five -play punch card. Jerry
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July 21, 1993
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stated implementation of marketing strategies will begin immediately. Al urged
Jerry to start addressing the short-term marketing strategies, but Al would like
to start addressing the fee structure. Henry commented that a committee could
meet frequently during the next few months. Jerry stated that there are only
three months available to complete a report for presentation to City Council; and
feels an effort by only Board members would be fine.
Al thinks alternatives for committee composition would be to have two -to -three
Golf Board members or two -to -three Golf Board members and two -to -three citizens
serving on this committee. Henry, knowing what we went through last time the fee
structure was changed, doesn't feel other citizens are needed at this point; more
time will be spent trying to educate what the situation is before you could get
into the meat and potatoes. Jerry commented that former Golf Board members could
be used as they are familiar with the situation.
Jerry stated he personally feels there should be no changes this year. He was
planning to use the same structure for 1994. Armon doesn't feel there needs to
be a major overhaul but maybe make some minor changes to bring in more revenue.
One option used at other courses is to limit the use of annual pass play to
specific times.
These options can all be addressed by a committee. Reviewing the fee structure
is an important role for this Board to take, and Al would 1 i ke to see this
committee get going. The committee could meet between now and the next regular
scheduled board meeting. Al asked for volunteers to serve on this committee:
Armon Johannsen, Henry Fry, and Al Bednarz agreed to serve. The meeting of the
committee was then scheduled for Wednesday, August 11, at 6:00 p.m.
1994 Budget
Jerry would like the Board to take home the distributed budget information to
review. Al asked what has happened with the idea of the Golf Fund being
separated from the General Fund and truly becoming an Enterprise Fund? Jerry
responded that this is currently before the City Council; they are discussing
whether to place this item on the November ballot.
Jerry reviewed the data distributed and explained various expenditures. There
is now approximately $84,000 in new expenses that are required to meet ADA
requirements and to set up the emergency reserve as established by Amendment M1.
The 1994 operating expenses have not been changed from what the superintendents
requested except for capital acquisitions. All 1994 capital has been eliminated.
Jerry would like the board to spend some time reviewing the proposed budget. If
there are questions, call Jerry for clarification.
Other Business
- Jerry met with the City Park Nine Women Golfers, and thinks we have at least
agreed that we can't do a whole lot. Jerry has talked with the Health
Department, and under no circumstances can we open anything other than a
basic snack bar without significant modifications. The ladies appear to
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July 21, 1993
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understand the situation, and will try to work with Jim Greer.
Tom White had a golfer come to him with a complaint about SouthRidge. This
golfer had started a game with no one in front of him; as he got to the next
tee box there were people getting ready to tee off. This golfer was informed
by these people that they live on the course and that after 6:00 p.m.
residents were allowed free play on the course. Jerry clarified that there
is no such policy whereby a resident at SouthRidge has carte blanche use of
SouthRidge Golf Course for no fee. Jerry will attempt to handle this
situation diplomatically, via news releases, mailings, etc.
Hank Hoesli asked about a letter to the Mayor distributed to the board. Is
there a way to get a message to the Mayor regarding the first line of the
complaint? Jerry has been in contact with Joe Nance regarding the
discrimination complaint. Jerry is reviewing the specific charges made. It
was commented by Hank that we make it too easy for people to yell
- Jerry relayed that the net project at City Park Nine is still on hold.
Before we can proceed we need to go through more citizen input process.
- The next Board meeting will be held at City Park Nine. The format will be a
little different: 4:00 will start golf; 6:30 dinner; 7:30 meeting. There
will be some business then get understanding of the computerized irrigation
system recently installed at City Park Nine.
Motion was made by Tom White and second by Henry Fry that the meeting adjourn.
Motion carried (7:0) and the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
ym- wi. 1•.,
Al Bednarz
Henry Fry
Hank Hoesli
Armon Johannsen
Cindy Roper
David Shands
Tom White
Respectfully submitted,
Alyce Nierman, Secretary III
Golf Division
Jerry P.. Brown
Marty Heffernan
Joe Nance
Alyce Nierman