HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks And Recreation Board - Minutes - 04/15/1969FORT MUMS MUS AM RiMP.ATIC11 jarj a'my BCAgD
April 15, IW wef
The reSular meeting of the Fort Collins Parkr, aal Advisory Board was held at 700 p.m.
on kpril 15, IM, in the City Council Chcabera in City Hall.
The meeting was opened by Nr. C. W. Paterson, chairman, who welcome$ as our guests
m=bers of the class in,0utdoos Recreation and Natural Resources at CSU.
The almQcs of the Marcb meeting were approved
Mr. Peterson explainmd the orgiai$aticn of the Board to the elate members.. Mr.
H. B. Phillips gzve a brie* history of the Board.
2Mra. yirgisaia Hoff glue the financial report cf.Club Tico and enplained the
gatitities and o-rvani- Zion of Club Tito. uho said that a proposal for a verbal
jta scosion had been presented acid asked for suggestions from the Board. The Board
requeated that a structured plan be praparnd and presented at a later meeting.
She also reported that the Club will probably be closed over College Days.
Miss Linda Pruber was intro=aced as the student currently interning with the
Aacrertion repartment from esc.
Mr. D= Lucero pre oatcd a proposal for conducting a'cfcight progrem during, the
sumer primarily for jrsuicr high stmderats but open to say boy who would like to
aaroll. His plan included t3ina Lincoln Junior High School two hours per night
13saday, Wednesday, and Friday, from June 16 thrsragh August 15, at a charge of $2
.per enrollee. He anticipates an MM011ment of appro=fmataly 40 to 60 boys and
a coat estimated at $150. The question of cuparvis£on for the program was raised,
and Mr. Luceso assured the Board that the supervision is adequate. A motion was
made by Mrs. Rudy, scann4ed by Mr. Garwood, and carried that the program be initiated
no proposed by Mr. Lueero.
Mr- Larry Jacsea presented & proposal for a junior judo program to start in September,
lgb9, with ore inntructor from Dewier crad two instructors from CSU. The program will
be a neticned b, the Judo Awsociation and will bs Open to students from age eight
through hl.gb mthoOl. The fee is proposed at $4.00 for 20 hours. The only expenses
for instruction will be auileage for the instructor from Denver, and into for use in
the program. The plan sass tnbled until the May meeting.
Mr. James also presented a proposal for a program for &%all watercraft on City
Park W.Ce. Coat for cq+.:ipm—tnt is estimated at $2,90j'. Estimates are that income
seta the psogF� will Crane ti sea offeet the cost. A motion was made by Mrs. Donohoe,
seconded bas,parss. Rddy, and c€Cried that the program be presented to the City Council
for approval med origim&l firaenoing for tee sun mer of 1969. A committee was
eppointod to wort: out dct.nilsc Mr. Phillips, Mr. James, Mr. F.iesock, and Mr. Peterson.
Mr. Jssees ale* 81-V aincd the cu-:xor prog-rrnn asd reported that the Red Cross is
changing its requir4aents for WSI certification.
Mr. ?hillip5 reported teat Arbor Day programs will include planting trees in Avery
Pardc and the center park-odya. The riret ratianm,4 Bank has given the Daparment
150 small trees to be planted is the mrsery. The Spring Park sprinkler cystem
is completed. repairs have been dons at Club Tic*, the spris&ler system at City
Park is soaring completion, end work at Edora Park is progressing on schedule.
Hinuteas April 15, p..2
A re'art sh".Ing c=prstatx7s figures of owi--Z-Iv$ pools in other cities was presented.
The reco=.ardaation was as:do t1jet a atearing ccraaittee be appointed to make plans for
a propooed csi pool for Fort Collins. Mrs. Donohoe, Par. French, end Dr. Pike
r.mrs a;ppoicted to a -in cayraittea from the Perim and Recreation Eosrd. The City
Council and the public seboolc will be actmd to wake a miestions also, and the
proposal 1412 he presented to the City Council.
NAr. rhillIps eapleiced that tho slops of the bank& on the lake at Edora Park will
be ccn tructed so that they are safe.
The twi —ing pool floor should be ready for the awlaming season.
Tha elms nembsrs praosat were invited to participate in the seating and to ask
qu:esticr.-c aad ware cnecur.:g_d to coma b=h to our mvatiggs at any time. Their
instructors expressed apprenistion for being able to observe and participate is
the matior'.
The fleeting wao adjourvad.
Prassat: Mr.
J. 2. Frtach
Gary 01jrz. 6d
Jerry V.csook
C. W. Potaraon
PGbert P:I-c
" a.
B<= L"srahae
W. O. Eddy
H. 8. Phillips
Rolland more
Larry Jmaes
Virginia Hoff
2 members of Club TIca Board
Respectfully submitted,
Gladys Eddy, Secretary