HomeMy WebLinkAboutGolf Board - Minutes - 07/17/1996• 0 " 4,F)
BOARD CHAIRPERSON: Henry Fry at 482-1158 (w) or 226-0799 (h)
STAFF SUPPORT TO THE BOARD: Jerry P. Brown, Manager of Golf and Alyce Nierman, Golf
Division Administrative Aide.
MINUTES: Regular Meeting of July 17, 1996.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Collindale Golf Course Clubhouse, by
Chairperson Henry Fry.
AGENDA REVIEW: No changes to the printed agenda.
Jerry P. Brown reported that DJ Hjelle and Tom White are both out-of-town and unable to attend
this evening.
Henry Fry shared comments he has heard from out-of-town golfers that they were quite impressed
with the quality and conditions of the greens at Collindale and the course in general.
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Byrd Curtis questioned the last paragraph on page three of the Golf Board minutes from June 19,
referencing the sentence on additional money in the Contractual Services line item. He requested that
this be more specific in nature and clarified for better understanding of these expenses and why they
are in the proposed budget? It was agreed that this clarification would be made. Tom DeGrand
moved and Mike Sanders seconded the motion that the Golf Board approve the minutes as corrected
from the regular Golf Board Meeting held on June 19, 1996. The motion was approved (7:0).
CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Citizen Dick Ward introduced himself and wanted to bring two items
to the Board's attention. First, he wanted to compliment Collindale on their course monitoring, and
noted the pace of play is much improved. The other item was a complaint on the placement of tees
after a recent tournament. Collindale Superintendent Doug Evans stated it was simply a mis-
communication that morning with a crew member.
Golf Board Minutes
July 17, 1996
Page 2
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Jerry P. Brown introduced himself and stated that there are two issues where the Golf Board is
seeking input and comments from the public. The Golf Board will be making recommendations on
both of these issues later toCity Council.
A. "Building Community Choices" Capital Improvement Program 1998-2015
Proposed Major Golf Projects
There are three 1/4 cent sales taxes being collected that are set to expire on December 31, 1997.
City Council is asking City staff, City boards and commissions to gather information on potential
projects. City staff, boards and commissions have been asked to submit separate lists for
consideration. City Council will be reviewing the ideas submitted and will develop a final list
that may be presented to voters along with a request to continue these 1/4 cent sales taxes. At
the end of 1995, City staff started putting together a list of projects showing the amount that
should be budgeted and the year this project would be scheduled. Council has asked that the
lists of recommendations from boards and commissions be submitted by August 31. Therefore,
at the August meeting, the Golf Board, based on information available to them and input from
citizens, will be deciding on which projects they will be submitting for consideration by City
Council. Four projects are being recommended by staff for consideration by the Golf Board, but
the Board gets to choose their own projects that they want to submit to Council.
Frank Blanco asked how old the clubhouse is at Collindale? Jerry stated this clubhouse was
opened in 1971 and had a projected life expectancy of 35 years. This is in addition to the fact
the building was originally prefabricated and has had many patches made since, and the electrical
system is outdated. The life of the building was originally projected to 2006 and that is why it
is believed a new clubhouse at Collindale should seriously be considered. Jerry stated that we
will make the clubhouse building last as long as we have to make it last. Henry Fry asked since
the Collindale construction debt will be paid in 1998, could this money be set aside in a fund for
clubhouse reconstruction? It was stated that amounts to only $26,000 per year.
David Shands asked for a clarification of the improvements being recommended for SouthRidge
Golf Course. Jerry explained that contacts are being made with some property owners east of
Holes 6, 7, and 11 and there may be two new holes added replacing #17 and #18, expansion of
the driving range, and extend the deck of the snack bar which would serve a dual purpose by
adding extra golf car storage underneath and making the deck more compatible for the catering
of events.
Citizen Tom McCall, a homeowner on the 18th fairway at SouthRidge, asked if there are any
preliminary drawings on the new driving range? Jerry stated that no drawings have been done
at this time, but essentially the 18th fairway would be the end of driving range. Mr. McCall
Golf Board Minutes
July 17, 1996
Page 3
asked when preliminary drawings would be done? Jerry stated that these items would be on the
April 1997 ballot, and if these projects get further along in the process we might be asked to
present preliminary drawings, but probably not until around November. It was then asked how
far the range would extend? Jerry speculated that boundaries would be east of the 16th hole
and south along Fossil Creek, and the lake to the north, and sees the use of more hedges and
trees to the east to act as a barrier for balls. Dick Ward commented that the improvements
discussed are good and has always felt the 17th hole at SouthRidge was the poorest one on the
Dick Ward also had a thought of beginning discussions with Colorado State University on a
possible joint effort to build a golf course on the west side of town. CSU Alumni is more active
and have become more supporting of university activities which might influence participation by
the University in pursuing discussions on this venture. Another benefit is that CSU already has
property on the west side of town that could be used. One idea to consider if a west side course
is seriously discussed, would be the sale of City Park Nine Golf Course. This avenue could end
up in a joint venture with the University, $3 million in revenue from the sale of City Park Nine,
plus a shorter course for juniors, ladies and seniors. Jerry asked for clarification of this idea and
Dick Ward stated the proposed courses could be similar to Loveland (a full 18-hole course and
a shorter course). Mike Sanders commented that CSU is currently thinking of a golf training
center program and looking at the west side of town. Henry Fry commented that it does appear
there is potential for negotiation in that area. Henry then asked about the area originally
discussed for the Pine Ridge Golf Course. Jerry stated that is open space area that was acquired
in the 1970's and certain environmental folks in our community may be totally against building
a golf course in that open space. Also, the open space/natural areas managment policy probably
precludes a golf course on this site. Jim Mitchell, Golf Board member at that time, recalled some
problems such as a repair of the dam for some water problems, and the sun going down behind
the foothills earlier and losing about 45 minutes of play per day.
Jerry stated that another public hearing on suggested golf capital projects will be August 21
during the regular Golf Board meeting that will be held at the City Park Nine Clubhouse. At that
time the Golf Board will make their recommendation that will be sent to City Council for
consideration. It was also stated that on August 1 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. there will be an open
house at the Lincoln Center and projects from all areas of Cultural, Library, and Recreational
Services (including Golt) will be represented. We will be seeking input and answering questions
on all proposed projects.
B. Proposed 1997 and 1998 Golf Fees and Charges
Jerry stated that there is a little over two months to get comments and input on the proposed
fees and charges for 1997. The fees being discussed are those presented by staff and the Golf
Board has not discussed this topic or made fee recommendations. Jerry is proposing that almost
Golf Board Minutes
July 17, 1996
Page 4
all green fees be raised by $1, (we will probably not raise junior or twilight rates). It had been
discussed and decided a few years back to try and keep green fees in even dollar amounts, and
by following that guideline, the fees will increase about an average 7%. As a continuing part of
these fees and charges recommendation, it is proposed that in 1998 there be no increase in green
fees, but there would be an increase in annual pass fees by approximately 7%, and golf car fees
a $1.00 increase. In addition, it is recommended that fees be increased in alternating years; green
fees one year and annual passes and golf car rental fees the next. These recommendations are
based on the assumption that Council approves the recommended Golf Fund budget. Also a fact
to consider is if City Council agrees to our capital improvement proposal, we will need to add
a surcharge to raise the additional funds which could be done without making our green fees out
of line with other golfing facilities in the area.
Dick Ward stated that he has discussed this proposal with various people and the consensus is
that it is a rational reasonable proposal. Jim Mitchell asked if we attempt to compare our rates
to Loveland and Greeley courses? Jerry responded that their rates are higher. Byrd Curtis asked
if we received any response from the City Manager on the Community Value of Golf? Jerry
responded that we have received no feedback to date. We will probably not hear anything final
on this until October or November. Council has until the end of November to adopt the budget
for 1997 and we won't know what their interests are until the final budget is adopted. City
Council also will need to decide in January what they want placed on the April 1997 ballot.
Frank Blanco inquired as to the status on slow play and yardage markers? Jerry reported that
the markers are not totally up yet. Doug Evans at Collindale has chosen to use flat fairway
markers instead of stakes along the sides of the fairway. However, the disks will continue with
the same color pattern used at City Park Nine and SouthRidge. Henry Fry noted that at
Collindale, there are sprinkler heads on either side of the fairway instead of in the middle of the
fairway, and it may just be more pleasing not to see all the little colored posts along the
fairways. Doug added that Collindale has 150 yard marker trees, and SouthRidge has sprinkler
heads that sometimes are not marked with yards. Henry observed that it would be interesting
to see how the two different systems affect the pace of play.
Frank Blanco then asked about the status on the golf pro contract for Collindale Golf Course?
Jerry noted that probably at the next Board meeting we will be asking two Board members to
volunteer for service on the review committee. This contract will probably be awarded at the
end of November, around Thanksgiving.
Byrd Curtis asked if there was a final report on the Fort Collins Fore Kids Tournament? Mindy
Markley stated that she had more money for Jerry and he noted that we have not yet received
a bill from Poudre R-1. As soon as all revenue and expenses are in, we will issue a final report.
Golf Board Minutes
July 17, 1996
Page 5
Jerry reported that the Golf Fund is at 50.93% Operating Revenue for 1996 as of June 30,
compared to the five-year average of 50.74% Operating Revenue. He further noted that it
appears that all three courses set all time records for the number of green fee rounds played in
June. Henry Fry asked if there is a feeling why the number of rounds played are so much
stronger than last year? Jerry stated that he believes it is a combination of better weather and
rates. The good weather has made people more aware of golf and therefore are playing more.
Jim Greer added $9.00 for nine holes of golf is a very attractive rate.
Jerry invited everyone to come to the August Golf Board meeting which will be held at City Park
Nine Clubhouse. Prior to the meeting (at 7:00 p.m.) there will be a brief tour of the pump house and
information on the improvements proposed for 1997. After discussion, it was moved by Byrd Curtis
and seconded by Tom DeGrand that the times for the August Golf Board meeting be changed to a
start time of 7:00 p.m., tour and discussion of the proposed improvements at the pump house, and
resume citizen input at 7:30 p.m. The motion was approved (7:0).
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A motion to adjourn the Golf Board meeting was made by David Shands and seconded by Mindy
Markley. The motion was approved (7:0) and the Golf Board meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Alyce Nierman, Administrative Aide I
Golf Division
:e•'031311 1 --
Henry Fry
Jerry P Brown
Frank Blanco
Derek Cordova
Byrd C. Curtis
Doug Evans
Tom DeGrand
Jim Greer
Mindy Markley
Joe Nance
Mike Sanders
Alyce Nierman
David Shands
Dan Eckert
Glenda McCall
Tom McCall
Jim Mitchell
John Schuh
Dick Ward
Kevin Wilcox