HomeMy WebLinkAboutElectric Board - Minutes - 11/17/1993Minutes to be Approved by the Board at the December 15, 1993 Meeting.
November 17, 1993, 5:00 - 6:30 P.M.
John Allum, Jeff Eighmy, Mark Fidrych, Barbara Rutstein, Richard Smart, and Jim Welch.
Larry Walsh
Don Botteron, Delynn Coldiron, John DeHaes, Bob Kost, Bob Nastan, Rich Shannon and
Dennis Sumner.
Alan Apt
Council Liaison -- Alan Apt
Staff Liaison -- Don Botteron
The following changes were suggested to the October 20, 1993 Minutes:
On page 2, Section 2, Hot Short Program should be changed to Hot Shot program.
Board Member Welch had some concern that nothing was included in the Minutes on
discussion regarding developing a project plan for the $500,000 that has been allocated
for Demand Side Management. There was some presumption that this would be
addressed in the Work Plan. Board Member Welch did not want to get bogged down
with this and asked that this issue be readdressed at a more appropriate time during the
There was some concern that the third sentence on page 5, second paragraph, was
restricting commercial/industrial lighting efforts to code modifications and that was not
the Board's intent. Board Member Eighmy had some recollection that some sort of loan
program had also been discussed as a commercial/industrial lighting effort and did not
feel comfortable restricting these efforts to code modifications. It was suggested that the
reference to code modifications be deleted. The sentence was changed to read:
"Rather than wasting time in developing a variety of conceptual alternatives for
commercial/industrial lighting for the next meeting, staff will proceed based on the
Board's direction to start commercial/industrial lighting efforts."
Board Member Eighmy made a motion to approve the Minutes as corrected. Board
Member Rutstein seconded the Motion. The Motion carried unanimously and the
Minutes from the October 17, 1993 meeting were approved as corrected.
2. 1994 WORK PLAN:
Don reviewed the changes that were incorporated into the draft 1994 Work Plan
suggested by the Board at the October meeting. After discussion, Board Members
suggested slight changes to the paragraph under Integrated Resource Planning (IRP).
This paragraph now reads:
* Assist staff in the development of strategies to comply with Department of Energy and
Western Area Power Administration integrated resource planning requirements.
There was also some discussion on Board limitations. Council Member Apt mentioned
that there is a push from Council for increased integration and cooperation among
departments. He encouraged the Board not to limit themselves to just electrical energy
issues. Don Botteron alerted the Board to the fact that Utility staff does not have the
knowledge to be able to provide the same level of staff support for issues other than
electric. Board Members agreed that item 5 of the Work Plan, promoting interboard
relationships, addresses this issue.
Board Member Allum made a motion that the 1994 Work Plan be approved as modified.
Board Member Fidrych seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously and the
modified 1994 Work Plan was approved.
Dennis reviewed a Platte River Power Authority draft IRP time table with the Board.
He mentioned that the two requirements that were imposed on the Utility under the
National Energy Policy Act, considering the IRP standard (definition of Integrated
Resource Planning) and deciding whether Fort Collins would or would not use the
standard, have been approved by City Council and are finished. Dennis, as a
representative of the Utility, is a member of an IRP Advisory Committee that is working
with Platte River to develop their IRP. Western IRP requirements were supposed to have
been developed by October of 1993, but this has not yet been done. Best guess is that
these requirements will not be available until January or February of next year or later.
Board Member Allum added that he heard that Western will be starting a public process
in January of 1994, that there will be some draft requirements out sometime in the
spring, that formal proposals will be available in late spring or early summer, and that
final requirements will be available in October, 1994. Western's timeline has been
delayed approximately a year. A preliminary draft of Platte River's IRP is to be
submitted to the Platte River Board in December. Platte River staff will incorporate any
changes suggested by the Platte River Board in January. The following six months will
be used for public process. Goal is to submit the final IRP report to Western by
October, 1994.
There was some discussion on public process. Dennis mentioned that Platte River is
envisioning holding an open house at their facility, holding a special board meeting that
deals specifically with this issue, and accommodating whatever public outreach each city
would like to have in their individual communities. Using a collaborative was briefly
discussed. Dennis mentioned that Platte River does not want to limit its options and
would be receptive to any suggestions the Board has. Dennis will forward any input
Board Members have to Platte River.
An opportunity exists for the Board, once a draft is available to the public, to review the
content of the draft and the proposed public process.
Don Botteron mentioned that Jay Hopper from Platte River Power Authority has
volunteered to come to a Board Meeting to discuss the draft IRP. Board members are
interested in doing this in early 1994 when the timing would be appropriate.
Dennis reviewed results of a DS Manager run done by John Bleem. Board Members
discussed these results and the methodology used. There was some concern that
programs should not be rejected simply because they don't pass the RIM test. It is
important to look at other benefits that the program may provide, i.e., better
environment, increased jobs, etc. Board Members were pleased with the amount of
progress that has been made since the NEOS report. They appreciated getting real
numbers and more useful information.
Next Dennis talked about milestones/timelines for DSM. He emphasized that this
timeline is simply a draft. It can be changed as priorities change, if activities take more
or less time than assumed, etc. He encouraged the Board to view the timeline as a
conceptual overview.
1) Commercial/Industrial Lighting:
A. New construction (code changes):
Board has already started work on this issue by initiating discussion with the
Building Review Board and Planning. Some analysis and research has been
done. Once new staff is hired, additional analysis and research will be done.
Once analysis is done, the next steps will be to develop a program concept, go
through a consensus process with the building community, and then program
implementation. If these steps proceed as assumed, and the program is viable,
then this program could be implemented in the first part of 1995.
Council Member Apt mentioned that on December 21 Council will be looking
at the new building code. He will mention the activities the Board anticipates
being involved in during the next 6-9 months and will stress the fact that the
code they are reviewing will be changing over the next few years.
B. Existing Construction:
Some analysis and research has been done on this issue, but the plan is to pick
up the pace after the first of the year. Once analysis is done, a program
concept will be developed, pilot testing will be implemented (allowing
approximately one year for field testing, including monitoring program
operation and making program adjustments prior to a decision on
implementation), and the program could then be implemented in the 1st part of
2) Commercial/Industrial Lost Opportunities:
A. Targeted New Construction Projects:
This program involves pursuing new projects on a case by case basis. Plan is
to pick and choose projects for additional analysis and research. If this
program looks viable in pilot testing, it could be implemented in the 4th quarter
of 1995.
There was some discussion on exploring ways to assure that Light and Power
is notified in the early stages of a project. Some suggestions were better
communication between Planning, Economic Development and possibly other
City departments.
B. Integrated Design for New Construction:
This program will focus on a long term view and will deal with systemic issues
to try to make the system work right. Plan is to continue with analysis and
research, develop a program concept, and work with the building community
to develop a program that makes sense for them. Scheduled implementation is
first quarter of 1997.
There was some concern that the implementation date of 1997 was too far
away. Dennis clarified that this program involves the building community,
architectural community, and engineering community, and how they go about
designing and developing facilities, not City departments. The goal here is to
implement a program that works whether the City is involved in early
design/development discussions or not. It is expected that this will be a lengthy
It was proposed that the Board and staff start thinking about ways to simplify the
processes discussed to save time. There was a suggestion that Facilities and
Purchasing be invited to a future meeting to discuss construction issues. Suggestions
which come from the meeting could possibly be pilot tested while work continues on
other DSM programs. There was also a suggestion to go through a public process
and get feedback from customers.
There was a question from the Board about the Senior Center project. Dennis
explained that there is a concern over the possible variations in lighting levels that
may occur with the daylighting that is being proposed. Facilities staff feels that a
lighting analysis needs to be done in order for them to make a responsible decision
on this issue. They have asked if the Utility would be willing to provide funding and
arrange to have the lighting analysis done. Board Member Fidrych mentioned that
this might be a type of project that can be funded through Western Area Power
Administration. After discussion, Board Members felt that funding the lighting
analysis was a good investment. The analysis may be a good way for the Utility to
obtain data that can be used in the future. Board Member Allum made a motion to
support the expenditure of up to $5,000 of 1994 Utility funds for the purpose of
obtaining a lighting analysis for the Senior Center. Board Member Welch seconded
the motion. After discussion on the Motion, the Motion passed 5-1.
3) C/I Funding Assistance:
Dennis mentioned that as part of the 1994 budget discussion, the Board discussed
using some of the 1994 funds for a commercial/industrial ZILCH program (a loan -
type program for commercial/industrial customers). Dennis asked for clarification
on whether or not this is the direction the Board is intending. Council Member Apt
mentioned that Council is looking at what types of things can be done in the short
term that have an impact. He mentioned that it makes sense to utilize programs we
already know work, and thought that a commercial/industrial ZILCH program is a
positive way to proceed. Don Botteron explained his concern of not being able to
guarantee the loan with commercial customers since the average life of a new
commercial account is less than one year. He mentioned that this is an example of
why the current residential ZILCH program is not directly transferrable. Although
staff is eager to move forward with the implementation of this type of DSM
program, some time needs to be spent thinking through some of the hurdles that
exist, developing priorities, new guidelines, procedures, safeguards, etc. Dennis
noted that he has developed an action plan for this program. He would like to share
this with the Board and also get some preliminary ideas from the Board on how this
program would be structured.
Board Member Allum mentioned that it is important that the Board and staff take the
time necessary to gain a thorough understanding of the DSM programs prior to
implementation as opposed to taking shortcuts and getting into trouble. He would like
to see things move expeditiously but carefully. Other Board Members echoed Board
Member Allum's comments. Board Member Welch pointed out that we shouldn't
overlook opportunities to use resources for things like obtaining the lighting analysis in
the interim.
Due to time, the Large Commercial Peak Clipping, Residential Electric Heat to Gas and
Commercial/Industrial loan programs will be addressed at next month's meeting. Board
Members were appreciative of staff for putting together the draft information, numbers,
etc., the Board reviewed. Board requested that Dennis provide a sense of priorities of
the DSM programs during next month's presentation. Board also requested a summary
of what the structure of the DSM programs might look like and an estimate of the dollars
associated with the programs. Dennis anticipates this happening through a brainstorming
session between staff and the Board at next month's meeting. Staff would like Board
input prior to conceptualizing programs.
Don briefly mentioned the memo which was received from Felix Lee. There was some
disappointment that most of the code changes have already been made and we may not
have much of an opportunity to provide feedback this time around. However, Council
Member Apt offered some encouragement that code review may no longer be limited to
a three year cycle. There is a possibility that the code can be readdressed next year.
Dennis provided Board Members with a monthly report and the position announcements
for the new Energy Services positions.
Update from Dennis on the lighting consultant for the Senior Center.
- DSM Planning Status
- Draft Year End Report
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Delynd R. Coldiron, Board Secretary