HomeMy WebLinkAboutSenior Advisory Board - Minutes - 01/11/2006CITY OF FORT COLLINS
Meeting held January 11, 2006
Chairperson — Bud Herin - 970-482-5060
Staff Liaison — Barbara Schoenberger — 970-224-6026
City Council Liaison — Doug Hutchinson, Mayor — 970-221-6506
Marjorie McTaggart
Bud Herin
Kathy Schuster
Don Wells
Dennis Kaz
Marcia Richards
Peggy McGough
James Downey
Excused Absence:
Dianne Heath
Heather Heafer
Unexcused Absence:
Erik Kaufhold
Karen Schneider
Douglas Hutchinson, Mayor
Barbara Schoenberger
Karen Bryner
I. Call Meeting to Order:
Chair Bud Herin called the meeting to order at 1:34 p.m.
II. Introduction of New Members:
Chair, Bud Herin introduced the new members and welcomed them to the Board.
III. Attendance
A quorum was present.
IV. Public Participation
A. Eric Kaufhold an AmeriCo ps volunteer currently working with
RSVP/Handyman/VOA demonstrated a flashing porch light available to assist emergency
personnel in locating the appropriate house when summoned. Either an emergency
light switch or a pulsating light bulb is available for purchase. The cost for the light
bulbs is $5.00. Marjorie McTaggart who works with TRIAD distributed brochures
describing the Handyman Program who can install these lights for no fee.
B. Karen Schneider, Planning Specialist with Transportation Services explained that due
to an agreement between Dial -A -Ride (City of Fort Collins) and PVH, it is now possible
for a patient to receive transportation assistance from Dial -A -Ride to go to medical
appointments. The transportation service will be provided at no fee while the patient is
completing the Dial -A -Ride application process. Karen has checked with Mr. Unger with
PVH and has found that only four people have used this program since it went into effect.
This initial offering has indicated some problems exist and Karen indicated that they are
working to resolve them. There was some concern expressed that so few people had
taken advantage of the program. It is believed that few people know about the service.
Bud Herin asked if the doctors' offices had been informed and were informing their
patients. Don Wells indicated that Kevin Unger had said that a flier was placed in each
doctor's mailbox at the hospital. The Board will suggest to Mr. Unger that the
information be sent to the office manager for each medical office. Also, the discharge
staff at the hospital is aware of the service and they will be giving the information
directly to the patients. PVH will pick up the cost of this service while the application
process is being completed.
V. Approval of Minutes — September 14, 2005
Peggy McGough made a motion to accept the minutes as written, Don Wells seconded
the motion. Motion was carried.
VI. Correspondence
A. Bud Herin reported that Dean Miller had forwarded information from the Larimer County Office°I
Aging with a note indicating that he will need to be replaced as liaison to the LCOOA Council since Nf
is no longer on SAB. Marjorie McTaggart volunteered to be the liaison.
B. Christmas card received from Lakeview Commons.
VII. Old Business
A. Evaluation of outreach presentation — For new members, Marjorie McTaggart and
Bud Herin described the outreach program which was used at the last outreach
meeting. The program consisted of each member reviewing Board duties and what
they do as a member of the Board. By consensus it was agreed that the program went
very well and that the Board had more feed back from the guests than in the past.
The Board will plan to use a similar format at outreach meetings in the future.
B. Letter of appreciation to Ginny Sawyer - Marjorie McTaggart wrote a letter of
appreciation to Ginny Sawyer for facilitating the session to develop the 2006 work
C. Annual Report review — Marjorie McTaggart presented a draft of the 2005 Annual
Report to be submitted to City Council by the end of the month. Marjorie had
questions as to what exactly should be included in the report. It was decided that
each member should submit additions and comments in writing to the Executive
Board by the 251h of January. Jim Downey made a motion to allow the Executive
Board to complete the final report and submit the report as required before January
31. Motion carried. Bud Herin requested that Board members keep track of board
related activities throughout the year which will make the annual report much easier
to prepare at the end of the year. V'1 d
D. Report on meeting with Kevin Unger - Don Wells maet with Mr. Unger on behalf of
the SAB and, based on that meeting, believes that the program with Dial -A -Ride and
PVH is moving along very well. Don Wells volunteered to take Jeanette Namuth's
position as liaison to the Transportation Board. Barbara Schoenberger suggested that
Don also set up meetings periodically with Mr. Unger which Don agreed to do.
E. Human kights Education conference Report (Nov., 2005) - Marjorie McTaggart
reported that she was not at the conference. Additionally, the Human Rights Office
has been closed. However, she will attempt to contact Elliott Cisneros to find out
what was discussed.
VIII. New Business
A. Human Relations Award. - Peggy McGough made a motion to nominate Marjorie
McTaggart for the Human Relations Award. Don Wells seconded the motion. The
motion carried.
B. Work Plan, 2006 — The Board developed the 2006 Action Plan.
C. Liaison Reports
1. Foundation on Aging - Peggy McGough reported that Senior Law Day was a
wonderful success last year but the facility did not have enough room. The
Senior Center does not have enough break-out rooms so the FOA is working
with the First Presbyterian Church to set a date for 2006.
2. Peggy also attended a seminar on Reverse Mortgages for seniors.
3. Peggy reported that the light at Shields and Raintree is still not quite long
enough for older Americans.
4. Peggy attended the kick off celebration for 100`h anniversary at Laurel
5. Marjorie McTaggart reported that the December TRIAD meeting was a
social breakfast get-together, not an official meeting. In January, TRIAD
will participate in the PVH's Senior Safety University (four safety issues and
uniform fashion show) on January 28 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the PVH
cafeteria. Following a November discussion about requirements for DNR
(do not resuscitate) (Police/Fire authority personnel are trained to resuscitate
in every case unless there is official DNR evidence not to), TRIAD is
surveying county groups to see how paramedics and others are handling that
issue and to determine if everyone is on the same page. A living will or
bracelet is not sufficient for emergency responders.
6. Women's Commission - Marjorie McTaggart reported that the most recent
minutes are from October, 2005. Since the Human Rights Office is closed,
the City staff liaison is unknown. The Commission changed their name but
the City evidently has not. The listing continues to be the "Commission on
the Status of Women".
7. The next Writer's Coffee House at the Senior Center is scheduled for
Saturday, January 14, 2006 and will feature the Anthology published last
year by writers at the Fort Collins Senior Center.
8. "Life Goes On" will be filmed at Club Tien on February 11, 2006 beginning
at 8 p.m. All Board members are encouraged to attend and support the
program and the fund raising effort.
9. Jim Downey reported that AARP reports on State Legislative issues that
effect seniors.
IX. Other Business/Announcements
A. Bridging the Gap meeting will be held on January 18, 2006 at the Fort Collins Senior
X. Adjourn
Meeting was adjourned by proclamation of chair, Bud Herin.
Submitted by:
en ryner, Recordi ISecre ary
Re n ld Herin, Chair Marjorie M Taggart, Sec et