HomeMy WebLinkAboutSenior Advisory Board - Minutes - 05/02/19681"
The Ft, Collins Coordinating Commission for Sr, Citizens met on 1,lay 2 at 4PR in
the home of Mrs. J. Mattingly with Mrs. A.S. Ynight presiding. Barry Assausa Paul
5bhneidrdller and Clara Anderson were absent. Guests were Xro 5cott Hansen and klx*W
Rev. C, Hinkhouas raportod that the churches will be ready for a Coffee Hour from
9AM to Moon on Wed. Kay 22 and that trayaportation will be provided the oldsters if they
will call the church in their nel.ghbo3$tood. He hod made copies of the sr, Citizenst
Charter and suggested that these be mace available to the community,0 to clubs, 2sxs, J,
Locke w1nntoered to me copies went to the 'Rest Homes and Cori House' Mr. p. Ufford
will, get theca to this 13 Sr, Citizen Clubs and Pars, Mattingly will handles a Mailing to
clubs and organizations w4ch include Sr�o Citizens for notice during tesior Citizens
Pore. Anderson reported by phone that the AGME ThoAre gives4 the :V, Gitizen
a price of _W for all movie W:owings and ULU continue this during Sr. Citizen month.
Mrs. Locke reported on the jitney service offered U,r the Age Taxi which takox anyone
downtoya for 2V and back hove tromt dmiato m for 2V 6 times a day at apprcmimtely
one hog-ir i rums Mr. Skitt volunteered to have 4 routing and schedule or ib e jit»ey '
bus mimeographed and paid for by the AmeKw legion as a gift to the 40 Citizens from
his organization, More publicity must be given the Ladd jitney as Y':r, Griffith is los-
ing money on it at present, Mrs. Locke mentioned that aside from transportation the
need for benches dowatoan for the Cr. Citizens to rest in their w03cing and the nett
for decent "rest roams downtown wets of high priority,
Mrs• porker Preble reported on the poster project. A11 high schools Lave had a
notice on their respective boards, and judges for the art contest will be teachers and
a fir. Citizen - r1re. Pass Spitz was siggec>ted, The decision as tQ winners will, to taade
at the Amble home on May 15 at 4Mq and a photo of Mize winners with Mrs. lvebI4 ana
Mrs, Mattingly was arrangod for the da- follov.dug# Iir. Vfford a:sd ii:s Prable will
cooperate in getting all posters SuIwdtted in the c:ntest dispjeyt�d downtown and is
various public buil4nes. This contoot is to be mentioned in 411 publicity,for sr,
FIRY Ps 1968 conted. It
Citizens Week and tk«e prize money is to be to the credit of H019h YA17 Green*# the
deceased mother of Pre. Mattingly.
L"so r ,YUQ spoife of a paws to all Poudre .31 activities which sass is issued to
all retiring teachers. :;he ;;aid bur. ;,'rant st Poudre ;sigh ZVhWl felt that this pass
could wall be put in the bands -f other Spa, Citisene to get them involved in the *om.
munityp restricting it to people over 65 who really want to POWticipate,, Mr, ufferd
was to discuss this with his 13 clubs which operate an s Steering Comma for the Ceeaw
mission., and Mrs. i,Ucke =0 to invsatigste the pass in co4Au*tion with welfare + c.
Mrs. Knight mentioned Us posters in all packdts given the Commission bj Mr.ieut-
hauser of Wnver, Lhes thought these should be used ostensively all over town during
Sr, Citizens month. :bars, lAwJ a offered to trot more copies of tris particular posh
and aselast in getting it displayed in rest homas# banks* libraries.
Mrs. Mat A:161Y reported on the free shampoo and hair sets to be given away to
Sr. Citizens in Ft, Collins during their Meek. The Colo. 1Wr4rassenve and C
gists Assn* affiliate #6,# W a Irene XAMW Press* offered to give away 7 sets d,.ring
the Week to any ,Sr. Citizens Since, there are 13 club., Mrs..ivight, asid she thought
Penmrya s would provide the additional, 6 alsopoo4owtso UdS giving every ciub a winnor.
It was su Tested that the Steering Corn., of tb*, 23 Sr. Citisw Clubs most vith the
Cowission nit tins and he"1ts 33 drawings for the frog gt, ka frM the hairdressers,
These free hair -do's must be by appatutmot sad at the convenience of the shop.
It was suggested that the'CweodWon apply for United Arad money on which to
operate. There are foam 4M to 5000 people in the wr, Citiaeni category in this
County and this constitutes a slsable portion of the oomanityO
The next meeting of the Commission was sat for ".Jed, 94W 8 at 4 ih the Council
Chaemher., Mr.:ahneidmialler. had no raport vn the dovatown cofTets during Sr. Cit,
We6k but will bring his findings to the next meeting,
The Commis sion was adjourned at 5145PM
Pby'il s xattingly
of Senior Citizens
Each of our senior citizens, re—
gardless of race, color, or creed, is
entitled to:
1. The right to be useful.
2. The right to obtain employment,
based on merit.
3. The right to freedom from want
in old age.
4. The right to a fair share of the
community's recreational, educational,
and medical resources.
5. The right to obtain decent hous—
ing suited to needs of later years.
6. The right to the moral and
financial support of one's family so
far as is consistent with the best
interest of the family.
?. The right to live independently,
as one chooses.
8. The right to live and die with
9. The right of access to all knowl—
edge as available on how to improve
the later years of life.
The aging, by availing themselves
of educational opportunities, should
endeavor to assume the following
obligations to the best of their
I. The obligation of each citizen
to prepare himself to become and re—
solve to remain active, alert, capable,
self—supporting, and useful so long
as health and circumstances permit
and to plan for ultimate retirement.
2. The obligation to learn and ap—
ply sound principles of physical and
mental health.
3. The obligation to seek and de—
velop potential avenues of service in
the years after retirement.
4. The obligation to make avail—
able the benefits of his experience
and knowledge.
5• The obligation to endeavor to
make himself adaptable to the
changes added years will bring.
6. The obligation to attempt to
maintain such relationships with
family, neighbors, and friends as will
make him a respected and valued
counselor throughout his later years.
official report of the White
House Conference on Aging.