HomeMy WebLinkAboutSenior Advisory Board - Minutes - 07/11/1973MINUTES
July 11, 1973
The tegutar meeting os the Commi6s,ion was held .in the City Councie
ChambvL6 at 3:30 p.m., July 11, 1973.
Members paesent: W. B. Peterson, Chauunan
Jim D.ieteoss
C. H. H.inkhouae
F. N. Joadan
Nancy Stegner
Chattea N. Shepaadson, Secnetaty
Membucs absent: W. J. Boggy
Ed Maattn
Chavcman Peterson exptained that .the puapose os .the meeting way to
cons,iden ptoposats sox. a Home-Heaeth Service Ptognam.
At the previous meeting Mts. Evelyn GtoveA saom .the Lakimer County
We.esate Department had exptatned hen program so& weesaae c ienta and her. ptoposae
sot a plan son non-weesate dents.
Mxs. Fenn Dougtas, a soxmet sociae woakeA with ,the State Depattment os
Sociae Senv.ice, recounted hen. experiences with s.im. tat ptana .in othet cities son,
non-weesane ctients who coutd pay ate oa pant os the coat os such aesw.icu .
Mts. Ma&cee Wood, a wotkeA with human service occupationat ptogtams,
and Miss Betty Groom, soci.ae woakeA with the Poudre Vateey Memot-ia2 Hospitae,
explained the need sot such 4eAv.icez .in Font CotCins, the timited help now
avaitabte through the Hosp.itat, and the potentiae sunda avaitabte to start
such a seAv.tce .in Foat Cotetns.
It was agreed by ate present that such a service should be separate
stom the weesane seAv,ice, that .it shout-d be tangety sets-subtai,n.ing, but that
it woutd need some pubtic suppoxt to pay overhead and pant os the cast sot
ctienta abte to pay pant but not att os the coat.
It was tepotted that the La& men County Vo-Tech Center .is abte and
witting to ptovtde the twining sot workers .in such a program, and that 6und6
weAe avaitabte .is apptied sax. soon to sund a picot ptogtam sat s.ix months.
The Commizz ion agreed that such a program was an appaopx,iate one sot
the City to spomot and that .it was within the province os the Comm.i6s.ion to
deveeop and propose a ptan to the Councit sot consideration.
Mt. Cat. Goendahe, Ditectot os Comprehensive HeaPth Ptanning sat the
County, spoke .in savor os the ptan and agreed to work with. Mrs. Wood .in tev.iew.ing
hen. ptan.
-M M
Rev. Hinkhouse moved that aster. ouch nev<iew Mu. W4od'6 plan be Aepxo-
duced and di6tr<ibuted to the CommiAzion bon study and conaidehation at a especial
meeting to be called boA Juey 25, 1973, at 3:30 p.m. in the Counc.ie ChambeA6.
Motion passed.
Mx. DietCobb moved that MU. StegneA Aeptuent the Commission at a
meeting ob the DT2 Committee on the use ob Lineotn Juno) High School as a
community eente)c to be held at the Home FedeAat Fxiend6hip Room Thursday evening,
Juty 12th. Motion pawed.
Two members xepoxted that they had been advised by the Mayor that their.
tehma had expixed in ApAil, 7973. A Review ob the Bylaws indicated that the
bi cal yea& ob the Commission Aun6 bAom the date ob the annual meeting in
October. and that term6 ob obbieeu and members ob the Commizzion Aun bxom the
same date. At its meeting on SeptembeA 13, 1972, the Commission, at the Aequest
ob the Mayon, amended its Bylaw6 by changing the team ob Commission members bxom
thAee to bows years. Thi.6 amendment and a memorandum showing the ehAonotogy ob
terms ob members bAom the beginning wa6 submitted to the Council boA approval
at its next meeting. It would seem that, i.b the Council de6ite6 " to change
oak Bytaw6, we should be advised. This matteA was called to the attention ob
the City Manager..
The meeting adjouAned at 5:15 p.m.
Charles N. Shepand6on, SeeAetaAy
Pkease note --a special meeting is called boA Wednesday, July 25, 1973, at 3:30 p.m.
in the City Council. Chambex6.