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Senior Advisory Board - Minutes - 02/26/1975
• M T N T. i T ''' S r00RDIUNT'N.G rIMMISSI" T POP S`?UO9 CITI'Z 03 February 26, 1975 A special meeting of the Commission was held in the City Council Chambers at 2:30 p.m., 'Tednesday, February 26, 1975. "?ambers Present, Members Absent: Also Present: C. F. Ho,nmon, Chairman Charles N. Shepirdson, Secretary R. Fred Chambers 7d Martin W. J. 'Wonders J. F. Conlon Frances Rigelow" Virginia Danford Anita Basham , Julie Mei.kel, dome Helps Alberta Cr y, 7ildrod Robbins, Fappy ?lour Club Mary Belle McKeown, Ruth Anderson, RSVP Peg County, °arks and Recreation Dept. Marg Nalsh, Care -A -Van Capt. 31rks, Mrs. 3trks, Sandy Leedy, Salvoti:,n Army Leslie Howie, Visiting Nurses Assn. Mary Nittman, ?!teals on Wheels Nancy Clay, C.O.G. John McGraw, Human Rosour es Dept. Nae of CDIoradoan Ann ldtnG - Mr. Shepardson explained that the pur- pose of the mcetrnq was to determine the interest in and need for space in the build!Q� by the various service agencies for senior citizens. I_ TTome Helps - Mrs. Basham stated they were vory interested in being included. They are presently laen ted in a c urch build- ing oh ich is availnble to them for they rest ;f this year. 75 to ROV of their clientele are senior citizens. Tn the past six mDnths they hive served 51 families Frith approximately 2300 hours of service partially subsidized by PUN and County revenue sharian funds. This service complements a similar ser- vice for welfare clients by the Co inty ''7"Ifare Department. 2. Ti. 3.T1.°. - "Ar^s. McKeown stated they wore very interested in 7", ng included. They ,are presently loratol in the Tri_nit�, r,ut'isran Church of Christ and badly in need of a more central location. Their clientele is 1001 senior citizens. Tn the past ,year then have Snrv, l 272 indiQUals in the county, 20" of 'wh)m live in FortCollins. They presently pay ,'j50 per month or utilities. Their space needs include an office large eno,gh for three staff persons, a small room for a few hours per week during income tax m')nths, Jannary through April for an inc . me to ; consultant rani during October thpaugh December for city tare r:,hate c 7gnitnnts, also place: for their Advisory Committee mentin,s two hours twice a month. City, County, Federal and UGP Pi nancnd. � '+`.*e".tA..3t/�Y.'.�k y�R"^�:y_^b�Fi�y,w �,_�.:.^,` �'r .+�l���SY P9f%,'i➢P,:.''i�F ' .. u'..� rvaaPi�RYrc' �r=YP�+�S�: 3, Visiti.nr; `Trzror:a Assn. - Leslie Howie says th.v serve entire c ;untr, present office in Loveland. Neel an office � n Fort Collins. 75r! of clientele are sonior ci.tiz,lns-Mr:dicare, Medicaid, Revenue Sharing, and U=F funding. Space needs - office for 2 staff names, 2 small consaaltatton rooms for clinic on spnci.nl hours snd days also small meeting room for 5-10, 3-4 h'aurs one day per we-;k. Have been promised space by the Comii!-3sinners in 71oodward Governor Building but mach prefer Coloradoan Building. Care -A -Van - Mr:a. Nalsh says they sol—e the entire c )un'ty but mainly { —Or t Collins. Clientele 1/3 senior citizens. Located in Skyvieva office building. R.ont "0225 per month. Revenue Sharing, Federal, TJGF financed.Service free except for don- ati.ons. Spac; needs- office space; for Director and Secretary- Rookkeeper. Dispatcher with radio facilities, Drivers room - little need for drop in visitor access. K Meals on Wheels - Mrs. Nittm.an sa,r:; their clientele: is 90% senior citizens. They serve 60 mr>,als per da}T, 20 of which are special diets, all prepared at Poizdre, Valley iiemorial TTospi tal . Chid-;. ':or deals on sliding scale subsidized by even-e Shari., U('1F, and hos„ital. Headd°,carters provided by the hospital is adejuate and not into:rested in moving. 'Tot interested r.r'r congregate feeding. PAeal delivery bete volunt ers. Space n .ads if they* .c,ov,d - would include one office for 3irector, small room for monthly board meet- ing and occas1)na1 tra7nin�; meetings for dr:i.vers. Also adequate }(itche-, and dini_n1, facilities :For congregate; feed- i n,=. . 6. Sslv,atiori Army S�rndra Leedy says trier have -their own senior citizens program at Senior Citizens Drop -In Center and the Reel Shield Room Fyn Linden but vac illd be 1 rl ere, ted in vo rking raitlr Poi; County on a combined activity program with Parks and Recreation Senior Citizens program. Fi.naneed by Revenue Shar- ing, iTGF, and private donations. 7. TTapny Hour Club - '4rs. Gras- says t'T s is u senior citizens u social_ clb o£ ahcut 75. They meet once a month for covered dish luncheon and games. Meet riow rat Salvati:)n Army but would like to movo. f3. Social Secur_it,v Club - "qrs. Gray satyrs trip this is also a senior ci_ti.zon social club of about 30. Their meet one even- ing ;a month for covered dish sir;per and 1;amns at Carpentet?s TTa 11 . 9. `orld ''Far I 'Teterans and A,u-illiary - Meet once a month, ro- resiments and tao separate meetings. Attendance 30 to 50 at each rieetin;. Now meet atVestminister Presbyterian Church. Pent 010 per meeting. �V)uld l.�iko to be inclyd±ad in Coloradoan ' u1ld1n1:;. 10. T,arirner r'Jeld C.O.G. - Nancv Clay, Director of alctivities .for he agin,r, 1 )dicrited her trite-ast in a soni)r citizens center at the huildiri an information and roferral center, and pro- vision for ,r c>ngreL;ato feeding; center w'iie'i "Join-d necessitate full kitchen ,end dining facili.tisns which mi;ht also be used for Meals on Ylheels food preparation. Mr. ahopards rn ropol•td dint Dr 'tcese, forrterr '?hector of the Lari- mer-'"grid At-;c 1e-r on 1 ;in;; 1-1r1d st:lf ;d th'it office for Aging hxd inlicited dU�a�] �t,i]i_Lp of Title li-I funds col, rah_Uyil.itat:ion of the buildliit; as a Citiaens Center rind of Ti.tle ViI funds for a fee din; pro;;ram. V <r. tr, 'la' - Fort Collins city Planner, voluntoe.red his assistance T—^— an preparir ng ro%l.uests For gralts for the above funds. Peg Counter - P" sand Pe croation Senior Citizens Proaram Director announoj? a joint meeting of this Commiss_n e;ith the Parks and Recreation Roard at tho now city shop at City Park at 7:30, Tues- day, March 4, 1975. Chair -an ?common .inno inced a spacial meeat:ing of the Gommi_ssion at the City Souncil arahears at 2:30 p.m., Monday, March 3, 1975. The mooting wan adjourned at 5:10 p.m. Charles N. Shepardson, Secretary C ORDTN4.TING C077TSST.ON FOR SOTOR CI7I77N8 March 3, 1075 A special -n-etinq or tho Commission eas held in John McGrawls office at 2:30 p.m., "rnd:a -, March 3, 197K. smbers Present: C.r,. ?T��mmon, Chairman Charles 'l. Str.apnrdsoa, 3ecretar.r R. Fred Chambers J. F. Conlon W. J. Wa nda rvs ?r._ances Qnlos✓ Virginia J inforl Ed Martin Also Pr-osont: John McGra4✓, NuaLan P os )urces Department The Coinission received the requests for space in the Coloradoan Rullding as presented at the special meet4a on February 26, 1975 The attached summar V space newds for service arencies for senior citizens wus agrood on. It was also n3reel that wo soCncst to the Parks and Recrnntton Board, the allocation of sufficient space for the ncti_viti_as de;l==nntad to be located pr"forabl,r in the Northeast corner of the first floor o" the Colonndonn Nild�i.ng. e are to maet a!th the Parks and Recreation Kona at t5o new shop bqi ld i ng at City "ar'c at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, march 4, 1975. the °neat; iny nos adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Chnrins 7. Shem—dson, Secretary 7 T N U T A S C00RD ITATINO c o"dgT,E iov P_H 347TOR C I PI 03 March 4, 1975 A spoci al mn.,tinnftho C ani sion was hold jointly with the Pi,ks and Rc nrostb an P,onpd at City Park Shop Duild7oh nt 7:30 p.m., Tues- day, Apirch 4, 1475• 1t7emh�srs Presrr;l;: r:4ernbors Absent: Also Pre:;ent: C, s. Fom,non, S`rr!,—vI 1 C1rarles t1. �hepardson, Secretrr;r R. Frad Uh-amb .rs J. F. Conlon ^d 1-irtin Prances 131-golow Virginia Ounford V1. J. ':°Ponders Parks and Recreni;ion J'�oard and Staff John McGrava, Hurnan R.esoturces MI.ko DiTullio, Asst. City ":1anager Robert Brunton, City 'Jmnarrer ('hairman Hnmmon .and ."r. S''iepardson prc)sentod the space needs for son or citizens service agencies and th(;ir vie ions on the ovorall usn of the bni J_din, . Then recognized the la cic af` space for all 9©sirs>,,i scttvitie's of the Parks and-Iocr(�ation 3oard and tho Comte mission. ro� ever, t i-V the arr a l m,)nt )f a central ground floor locatI)ri fnr all senior citizen activities, ,And the alter- native of dtspersin.:; some, of the con temp llrted -youth activities to other areas aro,ind tho r,ity such as seool b,rildin;;s and the tvao fire h1113 °sh1.ch are presentl;r planned f,>r replacement by new halls in other loc,iti-ons. The,r alsn called attention to the possibl; aval.Labiltty of Older Amorican Act funds for remodeling, ind furntsbirif, a Senior Citizens center. TL caas made cl^ar h the Parks and ?3(rcreat inn Boar 3 Ch,,Irman that theynot negotiating yri_th the ''ormntssier; as equal. claimants to space but rather that th;considering our request aloe;; Sri th thers the-r arfa roviewini; and that they would let us know their, decision before strh;uittinr; their report to the City Ccuncil. Tho City tools no exception to the Parks and I3ecrca*,ion hoard Chairmanrs intorprobration of the Council action on tliia question on February 18, 1975. The Comrn9.ss_ion tivas at '.:Oo n.m. rhnrles ?'. Shnpardson, Secretar-7 0 SUMMARY OF SPACE NEEDS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS 1. Home Helps - 1 office for Director. Secretarial space. Meeting space for 10-15 persons once a month. Meeting space for Board luncheon (15) twice a month. 2. R.S.V.P. - 1 office for 2 staff persons. Meeting space for Advisory Committee (15) twice a month. Meeting room for Income Tax Consultant and City Tax Rebate Consultant - few hours per week during January - April and October - December. 3. Visiting Nurses Assoc.- 1 office for 2 staff nurses. Meeting space for staff and advisors 3-4 hours once a week. 2 small clinic rooms a few hours a week. 4. Care -A -Van - 1 office for Director and Secretary -bookkeeper. 1 office for Dispatcher and radio facility. 1 office for drivers. These do not need to be readily accessible to drop -ins 5. Meals on Wheels - Not interested now. If a combined program of Meals on Wheels and congregate feeding is worked out, would need: 1 office for Director. 1 meeting room for Board (15) once a month. 1 meeting room (Occasionally). 6. Salvation Army - Nothing except as they might integratetheir pro- gram with City Parks and Recreatiods program for senior citizens. 7. Happy Hour Club - Meeting room for 75 cover -dish luncheons and games once a month. 8. Social Security Club - Meeting room for 30 for cover -dish supper and games once a month. 9. _World War I Veterans 6 Auxiliary - 2 meeting rooms for refreshments and meeting once a month. 10. General Needs A reception space. Meeting and activity rooms as planned by Parks 6 Recreation. Caterer's kitchen that can be used for coffee, snacks, and cover -dish needs.