HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 11/17/1993Draft Minutes to be approved by the Board at the December 15, 1993 meeting.
NOVEMBER 17, 1993 5:35-7:10 P.M.
-- Colin Gerety
Vice Chair
— David Lemesany
Council Liaison
-- Gina Janett
Staff Liaison
-- Rick Ensdorff
Staff Support
-- Cindy Scott
Mark Egeland, Sara Frazier, Colin Gerety, Elizabeth Hudetz, Sharone Mekelburg and Paul
Dave Lemesany (Michael Poppenwimer and James Reidhead have resigned.)
Gina Janett, Rick Ensdorff and Cindy Scott.
AGENDA: 1) Approval of Minutes
2) Election of Officers
3) Administrative Issues/Board Vacancy - Update
4) 1994 Transportation Board Work Plan
5) Other Business
It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved that the minutes of the
October 20, 1993 Transportation Board meeting be accepted as presented.
Ensdorff stated that if the Board feels more comfortable in delaying this item until
the vacancies are filled, it is alright to do so.
Mekelburg suggested that since the new Board members will be unfamiliar with
the group anyway, that the same officers should be re-elected. She has spoken
with Vice Chair Lemesany, and knows that he doesn't have any problem with
leaving it the way it is now.
Board Member Egeland moved that Colin Gerety be elected Chair and Dave
Lemesany be elected Vice Chair. It was seconded by Mekelburg and the motion
carried by a unanimous vote.
Ensdorff stated that the issue of absences needs to be discussed as there are
some members with a significant amount of them. In the last packet, an excerpt
from the Boards and Commissions Manual was included. This is a guideline and
it is up to the Board to decide whether or not to exercise action. There was a
discussion about approved/unapproved absences. He asked that in light of the
fact that there have been two instances in which there was not a quorum, that
members call Cindy in advance if it's not possible to attend meetings. (Phone
numbers are at the top of the minutes for easy reference.)
Since a letter of resignation still has not been received from Poppenwimer, the
Board agreed to officially vote him out due to excessive unapproved absences.
Ensdorff stated that he will draft a letter to Poppenwimer stating the Board's
decision for Chair Gerety's signature.
Council Liaison Janett stated that two new board members will be appointed
December 7.
Ensdorff explained that because Council sets the staff's work plan, this should
coordinate in some way with the Board's work plan. He then passed out the key
issues that Council wants staff to do. He also passed out the Transportation
Department's Work Plan which shows a break down of how the individuals in
transportation planning divide their time.
Growth management is a major issue that Council wants staff to address. Ensdorff
brought a chart that depicts the process that staff has been working on. It
consists of phases (I - Current Projects; II - Resolve Issues; III - Implement Policies)
and a timeline (now to 1995).
A second chart was referred to which identifies the four major components to the
work stated above:
1. LUTRAQ (Land Use, Transportation, and Air Quality) team works on the
Congestion Management Plan, the Air. Quality Strategies and eventually
land use issues will be addressed.
2. Corridortfoothills open space - corridor plan for the space between
Loveland and Ft. Collins, what role does CR 32 play, etc.
3. Neighborhood group neighborhood compatibility as well as the
Prospect/Shields Neighborhood Plan.
4. Growth Management group - lead team that tries to integrate these
issues with other things that are happening to stay on track and make
The Transportation Department is working on the following ongoing projects:
Regional Transportation Plan, the Congestion Management Plan, and the US
287/CO 14 Corridor Plan (an outgrowth of the Northeast Area Transportation
In 1994, the department will be working on a bikeway program for the community
and on an update to the Master Street Plan. A couple of MPO related projects
that staff will be working on is the regional/local Transit Development Plan and
taking the initiative in defining a Rail Transit Feasibility Study.
Board Member Hudetz asked about the City's compliance with ADA, such as
making sidewalk ramps accessible. Ensdorff stated that Engineering is handling
the sidewalk portion of the ADA requirements. The City has been complying with
ADA policies before they were officially in effect. It doesn't show up in the hand
outs, but on a citywide basis, ADA policies are being implemented.
Chair Gerety stated that in light of the information just presented to the Board
about what staff is expected to do, the Board must now try to get a clear picture
of what it wants to do. He raised a few questions for the Board to think about
such as whether or not the Board wants to review development plans and is what
we're doing going to help formulate the bike plan. There are many things the
Board will have to figure out and decide on for the 1994 Work Plan.
Council Member Janett asked Ensdorff about the budget - Is there money for a
consulting/contractual position? Ensdorff stated that the department will be getting
money for a new planner, but money has also been approved for consulting help
to help staff get the bikeway planning done and to update the Master Street Plan.
Ensdorff stated that he would like to see the Transportation Board serve as a
steering committee (working with staff and the consultant to structure the process
and guide staff through it) for both of those plans. The Board's commitment to the
Regional Transportation Plan should be ending in March or April 1994. Board
Member Valentine stated that he sees the Board acting as a review and advisory
Board for projects that go before Council, not getting deeply involved in certain
projects such as the Ft. Collins High School project, etc. More involvement should
be given to the projects on staffs list.
There was a discussion about how the current funding structure is limited.
Ensdorff explained that the Street Oversizing Fund program was generated based
on trying to find a way to calculate how much money is needed to build roads.
Since we are now moving into an era of not just doing roads for commuter
transportation, but are looking at all modes, maybe we should be considering not
a street oversizing fee, but rather a transportation development fee that could be
used for all elements of transportation. Council Member Janett stated that at last
night's Council meeting, there was a discussion on street oversizing fees and that
both she and Winokur mentioned that it should be a transportation fee instead.
Council is now looking at development fees one at a time.
She stated that if the Transportation Board wants to make a recommendation on
the Street Oversizing Fee, she feels that the Council would probably welcome it.
_ Ensdorff stated that if the Board is interested in exploring a new approach to the
( Street Oversizing Fee and even though it's not on the Work Plan, he will try to find
the time to do the leg work that needs to be done.
Chair Gerety recapped the highlights of the meeting and feels that what the Board
should be doing at this point is to make list of what they want to address, what
does staff have to get done, what does the Board have to get done, what is
missing, where are the overlaps, how can things be re -arranged, etc. This needs
to be done so the Board can decide from there how they want to structure
themselves. He asked the Board if there are any other things that aren't covered
in the plan/project list that Ensdorff talked about tonight. Council Member Janett
suggested that the Board have a "schedule of products" - anticipate when the
project will start and when it's due. This is a good way to measure things.
Board Member Valentine asked if the Board should meet longer on its regularly
scheduled night rather than trying to add another meeting per month. After some
discussion, it was decided to wait until the next meeting when the new members
join the Board to further discuss meeting dates and times for 1994.
Council Member Janett asked if there are any particular interests that the Board
is looking for in a new person to help bring balance to the Board. Someone from
the development community and a pedestrian advocate were mentioned.
For the next meeting, staff will have taken the information that was provided tonight
(hand out) add transit and make it simpler, showing a monthly time frame through
1994, and when things will be complete - "here are the issues, here are the
products we expect to get out of it and this is when they will be done." Chair
Gerety suggested that each Board member do the same thing: what would you
like to see the Board working on and what products would you like to see out of
it? At the beginning of the next meeting, a list can be compiled and the Board can
work out details of the 1994 Work Plan from there.
Janett mentioned that the Air Quality Task Force has a public outreach
subcommittee - they would be a good source of information if the Board is
interested in having one of their own.
Board Member Valentine stated that he is looking once again at publishing bicycle
articles for the Triangle Review.
There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
" OKI Azr`
Cindy L cott, Board Secretary