HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 02/16/1994Draft Minutes to be approved by the Board at the March 16, 1994 meeting. TRANSPORTATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 16, 1994 5:40-7:30 P.M. FOR REFERENCE: Chair — Colin Gerety 229-2523 Vice Chair — David Lemesany 482-7854 Council Liaison — Gina Janett 221-2557 Staff Liaison — Rick Ensdorff 221-6608 Staff Support — Cindy Scott 221-6608 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Egeland, Sara Frazier, Colin Gerety, Dolores Highfield, Elizabeth Hudetz, Sharone Mekelburg, and Paul Valentine. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Alan Beatty and Dave Lemesany. COUNCIUSTAFF PRESENT: Rick Ensdorff, Rita Davis, Eric Bracke and Cindy Scott. The meeting was called to order at 5:40 p.m. AGENDA: A. ACTION ITEMS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Retreat B. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Rail Forum - Report 2. Regional Transportation Plan 3. Other Business ea A. ACTION ITEMS 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved, seconded, and unanimously approved that the minutes of the Janaury 19, 1994 Transportation Board meeting be accepted as presented. 2. RETREAT The Board agreed on a date for their retreat - March 5. Cindy will contact Suzanne Jarboe -Simpson, and will then let the Board Members know what the final plans are i.e. time, location, etc. B. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. RAIL FORUM -REPORT Ensdorff stated that Board Member Frazier, Eric Bracke, Mr. Peacock, and himself attended the forum. Board Member Frazier gave a brief report on the rail presentation and passed out some information that she obtained. Bracke and Ensdorff also reported information to the Board. All felt that the forum provided useful information and was well worth it. At the end of the report, there were a few questions which led to discussions on cost estimates, freight/passenger service, stations, role of the private sector, and land use. 2. REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN Ensdorff stated that Bracke and Davis are present tonight to give an overview of the Regional Transportation Plan. Bracke took the floor and explained that any comments heard will be taken to the focus groups and incorporated into the plan. Bracke referred to the packet of information that was mailed out to the Board and stressed the importance of going over that material. The Roadway group is currently bringing up the rear as far as progress is concerned. Bracke went over the process outline and stated that they nearing the end of the Vision Plan Process. There was an explanation of the trip calculation numbers and he explained that the North Front Range Council asked HNTB to show another category called "other". This will more accurately reflect the percentage of trips for bikes, pedestrians and those who work at home. Bracke went over the list of projects and answered various questions. He then went over the Auto Emphasis and Non -Auto Emphasis Vision statements as shown in the packet. Chair Gerety commented that the charts don't show where all the funds for transit are going and that the section needs more explanation, including a map and description of service. What are we getting for the money? Bracke stated that this information went to the North Front Range Council and the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and they voiced the same concern. HNTB is changing this to be more specific and the number will also come down. Board Members Hudetz and Valentine asked if there is any funding set aside for education. Bracke stated that $500,000 per year is specifically for marketing in the form of a Transportation Management Organization (TMO). The Board asked that this be made visible in the report. Board Member Valentine commented that on page 25, the 1st element has too much detail. He suggested leaving it out so that it can't be "picked on". Bracke explained that this is not the material that will be presented to Council, this is a working copy for the TAC who does need the detail. Board Member Hudetz stated that she doesn't feel there is enough internal emphasis on the elimination of Single Occupant Vehicles (SOV). Other comments were to limit the increase in capacity and change the level of service. Bracke summarized the discussion thus far by stating that he heard the following from the Board: - Include the local balance; - Non -auto emphasis is not enough; and - Provide better (more) descriptions on transit. Bracke then went over pages 28 and 29 on funding. A brief discussion followed regarding ways to tax the use of vehicles. Board Member Hudetz asked Bracke to provide her with information on the Transportation Management Organization. 3. OTHER BUSINESS Chair Gerety distributed a list of the Board Members with their respective areas or projects they are to track. He also distributed a draft check list for the review of projects - he would like to discuss this further with each board member via telephone or small meetings. Ensdorff stated that he has been asked by the City Council's Growth Management Subcommittee to bring forward some issues for the board's review and recommendation to City Council. This will be on the next Transportation Board agenda. There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. &J ��C U Cindy cott, Board Secretary